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Laurice L.

Tumanda H11-03


The picture on the left is the digital tattoo I have

created. It is of three sunflowers connected by the
ends of their stems, each one at a different stage of
their growth (a seedling just grown, a young
sunflower about to bloom, and an adult sunflower
fully bloomed). I chose a sunflower as my tattoo not
only because it is very pretty, but also because it
represents me, as a person online and offline.

I am the sunflower. I started out as a seed, and with

the proper “nourishment” given to me (loving
parents, good friends, quality education & etc.), I
am growing to be a flower that blooms to give joy
and happiness to others. A seed grows to be a
seedling, and then a flower, after weeks of care. Like
the flower, I grow to become a better person, as
well as mature physically, emotionally, mentally,
and spiritually – with the correct environment.

Furthermore, sunflowers grow facing the sun. As I

grow, I try my best to lean towards only good and
healthy things. I surround myself with good friends
and good people, as well as interest myself in things that only benefit my well-being and others’. (I
interest myself in music and the arts, for that matter.) Similarly, I be a good influence, too, to my
friends and to those who can see my social media accounts. I only share funny/positive content that
would bring a smile to people’s faces and/or spread new information that would help widen their
range of knowledge.

Likewise, sunflowers, when given to others, is said to be a symbol of positivity and strength, and of
good luck and happiness. All of these things, I try to be to the people around me.

Definitely, I am a flower that does not wilt. I am strong and stand my ground. As how one of my
favorite artists, Nami Lune, had said in one of her captions, “No matter how many storms batter my
petals, my roots will soak and I will continue to bloom.”

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