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The trade union has been a heated debate in the field of human resources and organizational

cultures but no one has yet decided that the trade unions are either in the benefit of both
organization and its labor or thus only it favors the labors.

There are mainly three arguments which I think will favor the labor unions in the organization:
Mostly we have seen that organization seeks to get the services of the labor at the cheapest price
possible so a single employee cannot negotiate his/her wages because he has less power than the
organization whereas the trade union collectively negotiate the fair wages for the labors of the
organization as all the labors collectively have more power. Also many organization do not give
its labor the job security which means they usually unjustly hire and fire on their own wish whereas
trade union through their collective efforts gives the job security to the labor and make sure that
they do not get fired. The organization do not worry much about the equality so according to the
Harvard study in 1970’s due to reduction in the trade unions the inequality among men increased
by 33% whereas in women it increased by 40%, which means that the trade unions also encourage
the equality among the genders.

As earlier discussed that in this era where every organization is self-centric because their main
objective is to maximize their profit by exploiting the labor so in this era to provide equal rights to
everyone have become a keen concern so trade unions can play a major role in resolving that
concern and eliminate the problem of inequality so in my point of view the trade unions should be

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