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Drama play

5 years ago, six of my friends and I were writing and acting many comedy plays but in

Arabic “DARIJA”. It was a good experience but after that, we were divorce and any one

go to carry on his studies a way from others , So I never trought that one day I will

repeat this experience . This recent experience was great and extraordinary; firstly

because it was in English that is new for me, and I played with new person . That event

impact positively in my personality ,first able we learned how to work in a team ,how to

communicate with other and how to persuade them to choose the play that you like ,

secondly ,we are acquired some skills as how to reincarnation the personality that you

will do \ act ; means to be able to do like it ( strict,crazy,angry or happy …), and how to

attract on the audience to following you by using your body (action) and your voice ; it

must be musical to avoid monotony .

Last session of Drama in ESTE was very special because it was great opportunity to show

others our skills in other field, also exploring talents of our classmate, trusty it was

exceptional day. Yes of course this experience make change on my personality, in one

hand it let me integrate with my class more, in other hands it let our to stand front of

public (audience) and talk with freedom without stress or nervous and live with your

new personality that you act.

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