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Richard Watson Todd


for Evaluation


publication of a Council of Europe text on the topic (Oskarsson 1980). Since

then, more and more programmes around the world have attempted to integrate

self-assessment into the learning and evaluation1 process, with varying degrees of

success. The usefulness of self-assessment for learning purposes seems to be

widely accepted, as illustrated by the widespread use of learner diaries. Self-

assessment for evaluation purposes, however, is far less common, and many

teachers actively resist its implementation. This situation is due, in part, to the

ways in which self-assessment is frequently conducted. In this paper, I will argue

that learners can conduct reliable, global self-assessment, and I will suggest three

ways in which such data-driven self-assessment can be done.

1. I am using assessment as a broad term for all attempts to gain information concerning learners’ perfor-
mance and ability, regardless of the purpose. Evaluation, in contrast, is used for those attempts that pro-
duce quantitative data that are used to generate scores measuring the learners’ performance and ability.

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Purposes of self-assessment jectivity is the raison d’être of critical inci-

Several reasons for using self-assessment dents—and produce qualitative information
have been suggested including: that cannot be converted into scores for evalu-
• Self-assessment is a prerequisite for a self- ation purposes.
directed learner. If a goal of learning is for Self-assessment instruments that produce
learners to be self-sufficient and indepen- quantitative information that can be used
dent in language use, then training and for evaluation purposes fall into two cate-
experience in self-assessment are needed. gories: global self-assessments and self-
• Self-assessment can raise learners’ awareness marking instruments.
of language, effective ways of learning, and Global self-assessment
their own performance and needs. It is in the area of global self-assessment that
• Self-assessment increases motivation and Oskarsson’s (1980) work is most influential.
goal orientation in learning. Oskarsson suggested that global self-assess-
• Some aspects of language learning, such as ments could be conducted through rating
effort and learner beliefs, can only be scales and checklists. However, both of these, as
assessed through self-assessment. Oskarsson suggests, are very problematic. To
• Self-assessment can reduce the teacher’s illustrate this, here are example questions used
workload. to measure learners’ speaking ability:
The first four reasons clearly suggest that self- • Give yourself a rating for your speaking
assessment can be integrated into courses for skills on a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 means
learning purposes. I am completely fluent in English and 0
Less clear, however, is whether these rea- means I cannot speak English at all.
sons imply that self-assessment should be used • Can you ask someone to help you to
as part of the input in generating a learner’s arrange an appointment with a doctor?
score for a course. This depends on the objec- • Can you express sympathy using phrases
tives of the course. For final evaluations of like I am sorry to hear that?
learners’ performance on a course to be valid, At face value, these questions may seem
the evaluations should match the course objec- fairly straightforward. But if we were to apply
tives. If the objectives include increased moti- Oskarsson’s question format to teaching, we
vation, positive attitudes towards English, and would produce questions such as:
greater independence and awareness, for • Give yourself a rating for your classroom
example, then self-assessment should be seri- management skills as a teacher on a scale of
ously considered as a potential part of the 0 to 10, where 10 is a perfect classroom
overall evaluation for a course. Most teachers, manager and 0 is a complete incompetent.
however, strongly resist such a move, arguing • Can you explain the meaning of behave?
that self-assessment is subjective, unreliable, • Can you give clear instructions for a jigsaw
open to cheating, and more reflective of the reading activity?
learner’s self-image than actual performance As a teacher, your reaction to the first of
and ability. Such an attitude is at least partial- these is likely to be a complete lack of confi-
ly due to the nature and characteristics of dence in your answer. Maybe, like me, you
existing self-assessment instruments. just plumped for a number in the middle of
the range. For all of the items, you also proba-
Self-assessment instruments bly feel that your answer depends on the
Some self-assessment instruments, while teaching situation. I’d have no problem
powerful when used for learning purposes, are explaining behave to my postgraduate stu-
inappropriate for evaluation purposes. These dents, but I wouldn’t even attempt an expla-
include learner diaries; the task-based self- nation with a class of undisciplined kids on a
assessment instruments of Tudor (1996) by Monday evening. In fact, it may even seem
which learners are encouraged to analyse vari- unfair to ask items like these.
ous aspects of their learning, such as their dif- Yet these are exactly the sort of items learn-
ficulties in completing a task; and the critical ers are faced with in Oskarsson’s questions
incidents in learning of Singh (1998). These promoting self-assessment of speaking and in
instruments are very subjective—indeed, sub- other instruments for global self-assessment.

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This type of self-assessment instrument lacks Data-driven global assessments

specificity and is divorced from reality. Instead The use of objective tasks and detailed scor-
of rating any real-world language perfor- ing criteria for self-marking, as described
mance, learners are asked to rate their own above, are restricted to self-assessment of par-
beliefs and perceptions with little or no evi- ticular tasks. Such self-assessment may be
dence on which to base their assessments. included in the overall score for a course. How-
Such self-assessment, although valuable for ever, it can provide only a snapshot of a learn-
learning, is grist for the mill for teachers who er’s performance. To obtain a measurement of
argue that self-assessment is too subjective to a learner’s development throughout a course,
be used for evaluation purposes. self-assessment at a more global level is needed.
Self-marking instruments The usual approaches to global self-assess-
Self-marking involves learners in giving ment, such as those of Oskarsson, are, as we
themselves a score for a piece of work. Where have seen, fraught with problems. Divorced
the task is objective, such as a multiple-choice from any real-world performance, they end up
exercise, an answer key can be provided, and as very subjective and unreliable guesses that
learners can mark their own work easily. This are unsuitable as components of a final score.
reduces the teacher’s marking load and pro- What is needed is some way to directly relate
vides a reliable score (with a little cross-check- a learner’s performance to his or her global
ing to discourage cheating) that can be used self-assessment to make that self-assessment
for evaluation purposes. The learning benefits more reliable and more reflective of actual per-
of this approach are, however, negligible. formance and ability.
For more open-ended tasks, where there A key question in designing global self-
may be a very large number of possible assessments, therefore, is how they can be
answers, self-marking is more problematic. directly related to learners’ experiences. At the
One example of how self-marking may be task level, the process of completing the task
conducted is given by Gardner and Miller and the finished product provide a clear focus
(1999). In their example, the task is to skim a for and input into self-assessment. For global
newspaper and then listen to the news on the self-assessments at, say, the level of course,
radio. Learners then give themselves two what things could be used as data driving the
marks: one for their understanding of the self-assessment?
main ideas of the news, and one for their Portfolios
understanding of details. This self-assessment The most obvious and widely-used learning
task serves a useful learning purpose by high- instrument that could be used as input for self-
lighting areas in which learners need to do fur- assessment is the portfolio. A portfolio is “a pur-
ther work, but the marks from the self-assess- poseful collection of students’ work that
ment are hardly reliable enough to persuade demonstrates to students and others their
most teachers to include them as part of the efforts, progress, and achievements in given
final score for a course. areas” (Genesee and Upshur 1996:99). Since
To increase reliability, self-assessment on the portfolio is evidence to learners of their own
open-ended tasks needs to be clearly guided by efforts, progress, and achievements, it is suitable
detailed scoring criteria. The easiest way to for self-assessment. To use a portfolio as self-
generate such criteria is to break down the task assessment for evaluation purposes, questions
into smaller components. For example, for a to guide the self-assessment must be provided.
letter-writing task, the finished product could Sample questions could include the following:
be self-marked for how well it follows the stan- • To what extent did you achieve your goals
dard letter-writing conventions, such as intro- in learning during this course?
ducing the purpose of the letter in the first • To what extent did you improve your read-
paragraph, assigning each topic to a separate ing? List some of the problems you faced
paragraph, and so on. The close guidance of while reading and how you solved those
scoring criteria such as these is likely to problems.
increase the reliability of the learner’s self- • To what extent has your knowledge of
assessment, making it more palatable for vocabulary improved? List the new words
inclusion in the final score for a course. you have learnt from your portfolio.

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• To what extent has your confidence in and makes attaining specific goals an integral
using English improved? part of the learning process. The choice of
By referring to their portfolios in answering goals in learner contracts can be left to the
these questions, learners have concrete evi- learner or can be controlled by the teacher to
dence of their performance and are not forced match the objectives of the course. In the lat-
to rely on their intuition and possible bias ter case, self-assessment in learner contracts
about their performance or ability. can be used as a valid part of the overall evalu-
Pre- and post-course writing ation of learners in the course.
A second way of conducting data-driven,
rather than intuition-driven, global self-assess- Conclusion
ments is to use the time-honoured research At present, self-assessment is a valuable tool
technique of pre- and post-tests. Learners can in the teacher’s repertoire of techniques that
be asked to write two essays about their atti- enhance learning. If its uses are to be extended
tudes towards learning English, one at the start to include evaluation, self-assessment needs to
and another at the end of the course. Com-
be set up in such a way as to overcome the
paring the two, learners are able to see the
resistance of teachers. In this article, I have
extent of their development through the
suggested that this can be done by basing self-
course. With guiding questions, learners’ per-
ceptions of their own development based on assessment on concrete evidence of the learn-
the pre- and post-course writing can provide er’s performance and by giving guidelines on
self-assessment that can be used for evaluation how to conduct the self-assessment. In these
purposes. The two pieces of writing can also ways, self-assessment can become more reli-
be self-marked for certain language points. able and fulfil an important role in providing
Whereas self-marking instruments applied to a learner input into evaluation for a course.
given task provide a snapshot of the learner’s
performance at a given moment in a course, a References
comparison of self-marking on pre- and post- Dickinson, L. 1987. Self-instruction in language learn-
course writing can give a clear indication of ing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
the learner’s development and improvement Gardner, D. and L. Miller. 1999. Establishing self-
access: From theory to practice. Cambridge: Cam-
throughout the course.
bridge University Press.
Learner contracts Genesee, F. and J. A. Upshur. 1996. Classroom-
A third potential instrument for global self- based evaluation in second language education.
assessment is the learner contract (e.g., Dick- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
inson 1987). At the start of a course, learners Oskarsson, M. 1980. Approaches to self-assessment in
foreign language learning. Oxford: Pergamon, for
identify two or three goals they want to
the Council of Europe.
achieve in the course, tasks and materials that Singh, K. 1998. Using critical incidents in self-assess-
can be used to reach these goals, and ways of ment. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Thai
measuring the extent to which the goals have TESOL English for Specific Purposes Special
been reached. For example, a learner may Interest Group Conference ESP at the Cutting
decide to increase his or her speed in reading. Edge: New Challenges, New Solutions, Bangkok.
The learner can then identify some texts with Tudor, I. 1996 Learner-centredness as language educa-
comprehension questions to be used as prac- tion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. z
tice and set a target level of achievement, such
as an increase in reading speed of 50 words per
minute while retaining a minimum of 70% RICHARD WATSON TODD is an associate
for comprehension questions answered cor- professor in applied linguistics at King
rectly. A learner contract, then, provides an Mongkut’s University of Technology
organised series of tasks throughout a course Thonburi in Bangkok, Thailand.

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