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School MA Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan Date November 4 th , 2019

Grade Level Tenth Subject English

Teacher Mr. Zainal Abidin, S.Pd Class Size 15

Observer Mrs. Lailatul Isnaini


The students were too motivated in learning English. They have good intention to learn English, it shown when they
were so enthusiasm to respond every questions and expression from the teacher. All of students pay attention to their
teacher while he explained the material and also they were active to ask some questions whenever they found difficulty
in learning. They did all of tasks in the text book easily but when the teacher gave them task from other books they felt
difficult to complete it.


I was impressed by the nice students’ seat. They were in semi-circle. The desks were arranged in semi -circle with
space between each desk. This also allowed room for the learning centers that were set up around the room.


Needless to say, this teacher really well-prepared he knows how to attract to his students. He knew exactly what
motivated her students and used these strategies. He demonstrated a deep understanding and easy command of the
subject matter. In his responses to student questions he made connections among relevant theories, and he provided
illustrative examples but sometimes he mixed his instruction with L1 and L2 to make clear what he explained about.


The book used in this class is printed by Balitbang Kemendikbud. It tends to easy for the students as they could easily
did every tasks contained in this book but whenever they gave task from other textbook they felt difficult to complete


In my opinion, the students need other text book which more challenging than the book used so they will more improve their
ability in learning English.

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