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Social Media Survey

By Danah, Denise, Jasmin, Kielly, and Kach

1. Check the appropriate response:

Gender: ☐ Male ☐ Female Grade: ☐ 9 ☐ 10 ☐ 11 ☐ 12

2. Do you have a social media account? (Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc)

☐ Yes ☐ No

3. What social media accounts do you have? Check that apply.

☐ Instagram ☐ YouTube ☐ Snapchat ☐ Twitter ☐ Tik Tok
☐ Other, please specify: _________________
☐ I don’t have a social media account

4. How much time do you spend on your social media per day?
☐ less than 30 minutes
☐ 1-2 hours
☐ 2+ hours
☐ I don’t use social media

5. How many times a day do you check your social media?

☐ Not everyday
☐ once a day
☐ 2-5 times a day
☐ More than 5 times a day
☐ I don’t because I don’t have social media accounts

6. Do you still use social media when you are with your friends and family?
☐ Yes, I do
☐ No, I don’t
☐ Sometimes
☐ No, I don’t because I don’t use social media

7. To what extent do you think social media affects your social life?
☐ Positive impact
☐ No impact
☐ Negative impact
☐ Both positive and negative impact
☐ No impact because I don’t use social media

8. Why do you use social media? Check all that apply:
☐ Entertainment
☐ Education purposes
☐ Social connections
☐ Work

9. How satisfied are you about your way in spending your time on social media?
☐ Very Satisfied
☐ Satisfied
☐ Neutral
☐ Dissatisfied
☐ Very Dissatisfied

10. In your opinion, how social media can affect the student’s social life? (check all that
☐ Cyber bullying ☐ Disruption of time management ☐ Sedentary – laziness
☐ Distraction ☐ None ☐ All the above ☐ Other:

11. Do you believe that social media is beneficial for society today? Why?

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