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Cheese process.

To begin, Cheese is a solid food made from curdled milk, dairy production arises
due to the domestication of goats, sheep and cows, which made the ancient
inhabitants discover the process of their production, creating their own food, based
on the experimentation of new homemade processes. The demand for these foods
was increasing due to the evolution of man and the population increase. There are
currently different processes to obtain cheese.

Some people who produce cheese add vinegar or lemon juice to curdle the milk, but
bacteria are used in the industry. Lactic bacteria are used to destabilize casein
micelles in gel form. This method is used for fresh cheeses.
By the addition of rennet. Rennet is an enzyme extracted from the rennet of non-
weaned calves. A partial process called casein hydrolysis occurs that causes
destabilization of micelles and gel formation at the pH of fresh milk. (Medina, 1990)
it can be emphasized that this process is where biotechnology is involved in cheese

On the other hand, at present the cheese process begins due to the formation of the
curd due to the reaction of lactic acid bacteria in some cases Streptococcus lactis
and Streptococcus cremoris or depending on the cheese and its type of preparation
Streptococcus lactis and Streptococcus cremoris, which cause milk proteins to
precipitate due to the effect of pH when lactic acid appears. After curdling in the milk
a solid begins to appear that is curdled (cheese), which separates from the liquid

Finally: Maturation, in which the solid part is transformed by specific bacteria and
fungi, which hydrolyse fats and proteins, giving the cured cheeses. This stage is
responsible for the texture, smell and taste of each cheese. Depending on the type
of microbes that act, the variety of microbes used is very wide, one type of cheese
or another is obtained.

In conclusion Biotechnology is involved in many food processes and it is good to

know the chemical components that are within the production of cheese since it
offers us a great advantage, to have a good diet because it gives us protein and

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