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How to Make Pastillas

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Pastillas, or pastillas de leche, are a sweet and sugary dessert that is well known and loved by many
people in the Philippines. You can make this dessert without cooking at all, or you can do a bit of
cooking to make this delicious treat. If you want to know how to make pastillas, just see Step 1 below to
get started.


2 cups of powdered milk

1 can (14 oz.) of condensed milk

1/2 cup of sugar

1 tablespoon of margarine


Method 1

Making No-Cook Pastillas

<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 1"
v4-728px-Make-Pastillas-Step-1-Version-2.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill"

Pour the powdered and the condensed milk in a bowl. Just pour 2 cups of powdered milk and 1 can (14
oz.) of condensed milk into a bowl. This recipe should make about 80 candies.
<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 2"
v4-728px-Make-Pastillas-Step-2-Version-2.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill">

Mix the powdered and condensed milk together. The mixture may be a little thick and hard to mix
together, so have patience and a thick and sturdy spoon.
<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 3"
v4-728px-Make-Pastillas-Step-3-Version-2.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill">

Add the margarine to the mixture. Add 1 tablespoon of margarine to the mixture; alternately, you can
use real butter. This will help add an extra creamy flavor to the treat. Mix it in with the other
<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 4"
v4-728px-Make-Pastillas-Step-4-Version-2.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill">

Shape your candy into circles or cylinders. Choose the shape you'd like for your pastillas; they can be
circular, or they can be more cylindrical, like Tootsie Rolls. Just use your hands to give them their desired
shape; you can wear gloves if you want to. Place the shaped candies on a plate.
<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 5"
v4-728px-Make-Pastillas-Step-5-Version-2.jpg" width="728" height="502" class="whcdn content-fill">

Pour the sugar on a plate. Pour half a cup of sugar on a plate.

<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 6"
v4-728px-Make-Pastillas-Step-6-Version-2.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill">

Roll the pastillas into the sugar. Make sure that all part are covered.
<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 7"
v4-728px-Make-Pastillas-Step-7-Version-2.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill">

Wrap the pastillas in cellophane. You can cut the cellophane in advance to get the desired shape. Then
place the pastillas in the cellophane and wrap the ends of it.
<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 8"
v4-728px-Make-Pastillas-Step-8-Version-2.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill">

Serve. Put the candies on a party plate and enjoy. You can have them for dessert or serve them as a
snack whenever you like.

Method 2

Cooking Pastillas
<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 9"
Make-Pastillas-Step-9.jpg" width="728" height="477" class="whcdn content-fill">

Combine the condensed milk, powdered milk, and sugar in a saucepan. Make sure to stir the ingredients
thoroughly as you heat them until they turn to a paste.
<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 10"
Make-Pastillas-Step-10.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill">

Bring the mixture to a boil.

<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 11"
Make-Pastillas-Step-11.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill">

Add the butter. Continue to mix the ingredients thoroughly.

<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 12"
Make-Pastillas-Step-12.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill">

Remove from heat. Take the pan off the stove and move the mixture you've cooked into a bowl. Let it
cool for at least 5-10 minutes, until the mixture is cool enough to be touched but still a bit warm.
<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 13"
Make-Pastillas-Step-13.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill">

Shape the mixture. Use your hands or a knife to shape the mixture into bite-sized candies. You can make
a circular shape, a cylinder, a cube, or whatever shape you want. You should make about 80 pieces.
<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 14"
Make-Pastillas-Step-14.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill">

Roll the candy lightly in sugar. Use your hands to make sure each piece is lightly but evenly covered in
<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 15"
Make-Pastillas-Step-15.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill">

Wrap the candy in cellophane. Place each piece of candy in the center of a cellophane square and roll it
into a cylinder or whatever shape you like, and tuck the ends of the cellophane into the roll.
<img alt="Image titled Make Pastillas Step 16"
Make-Pastillas-Step-16.jpg" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn content-fill">

Serve. Enjoy this tasty candy during any time of day.

Community Q&A


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Is adding margarine optional?

Community Answer

Yes, this is entirely optional.



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How long do pastillas last?

Community Answer

They usually last 2-3 days, based on my experience. Store them in an air tight container.



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Does it really need 2 cups of powdered milk?

Community Answer

Not necessarily, but the ratio is 2:1, meaning 2 cups of powdered milk to1 cup of condensed milk. You
may use any kind of measurement, like tablespoon, glass or even your own palm, just apply the ratio



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How do I make pastillas?

Community Answer

You should read the article above to answer this question.


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How can I make flavored pastillas?

Community Answer

Add the powder of the desired flavor, or melt it for flavors such as cheese, then add it to the mixture
before coating with sugar.



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How do I put margarine in pastillas?

Community Answer

For non-cook pastillas, combine the condensed milk and powdered milk, then add melted margarine.
For cooked pastillas, heat the margarine first in the pan; once it's melted, add the condensed milk.
Gradually add the powdered milk.



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What substitute for cellophane can be easily used when making pastillas?

Community Answer

You can use wax paper or parchment paper. You can also be creative and put them in really small
cupcake liners or the ones used for making coconut macaroons.



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Are the cooked pastillas soft or not?

Community Answer

Cooked pastillas usually comes out soft when you cook it on low heat. However, if you want it a little
crunchy, cook it on medium heat and let the condensed milk evaporate some of its liquid.



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Can I substitute margarine for butter?

Community Answer

You can certainly use margarine instead of butter. Butter costs more but will give you better flavor.



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Is cooked or uncooked better?

Community Answer

It is completely up to you and what your personal preference is.



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What kind of powder is best to use I'm making Pastillas?

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What powdered milk do I use in pastillas?

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Do I have to put pastillas in a fridge?

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Is there a difference in taste between non-cooked pastillas vs cooked pastillas?

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What is the size of 1 pastillas for this recipe?

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For the pastillas that needs to be cooked, you can boil a can of evaporated milk first before adding the
powdered and condensed milk. This will make you pastillas more creamy and white in colour.

Things You'll Need



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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by
multiple authors. To create this article, 29 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over

Categories: Philippine Dishes

In other languages:

Español: preparar pastillas, Português: Fazer Pastillas, Русский: приготовить пастильи (молочные
шарики), Français: faire des pastillas, Deutsch: Pastillas selber machen, Italiano: Fare le Pastillas, 中文
: 制作牛奶软糖, Bahasa Indonesia: Membuat Pastilla, Nederlands: Pastillas maken, ‫العربية‬: ‫حلوى عمل‬
‫الباستيال‬, Tiếng Việt: Làm kẹo pastillas, ไทย: ทำ Pastillas, 한국어: 파스틸라스만드는방법



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94% of people told us that this article helped them.

Co-authors: 29

Updated: March 29, 2019

Views: 724,166

Laurene Gale Roa

Sep 10, 2017

"I'm a super fan of milk, so I bought a dessert that has Pastillas as the main ingredient. It was so good
that I suddenly wanted to know how to make this milky treat so I can enjoy eating it as much as I want
any time of the day. This article, being detailed and all, helped me a lot! "..." more

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Sinichi Chan

Aug 17, 2017

"It's very helpful. I'm the leader in my group and I really don't know how to cook pastillas (even my
mom), but with this, we had the highest grades! Thank you."..." more

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M. Xavier

Dec 4, 2016

"This was very helpful! I've taught this to my HS kids during our mentoring period! :D"


Patrice Fedillaga
Sep 11, 2016

"This was very helpful. I shared it with my family and friends, who loved them!"

Iambicmango 359

Jun 24, 2018

"It was homework, so yeah, it helped. Also, I love this sweet little treat!"

Rated this article:


Jul 1, 2016

"All your tips can help me so much for my planning business, thank you."


Charina Gudmalin

Oct 17, 2016

"It's helped because I know now how to make pastillas in a simple way."


Christiya Avalon

Oct 9, 2016

"I love how specific the procedures, ingredients and the pictures are."


Oct 25, 2016

"The pictures and simpleness of how to do it helped."


Jim B.

Jan 23, 2017

"Easy to follow instructions and tasty food. :)"


Michael Fanilag

Apr 15, 2017

"Tried the no-cook recipe, and it tastes good."

Rated this article:


Aug 20, 2016

"It helped me with how to cook in the 2nd way."


Nina Jamon

Aug 11, 2017

"It helped us know how to make pastillas."

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Benjamin B.

Jan 31, 2017

"This pastillas are really good, thanks."


Joylex Tamagos

Jul 11, 2016

"Thanks to you. I loved it."

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