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The Boxing Match.

It was the day I had been waiting for. Maybe the most important day of my life. The Olympic
Finals. The crowd was roaring, the weather outside was shabby. I had trained all season to
come here, in Michigan, it becomes and holds the gold medal for boxing 2 times in a row. I
had defeated the semis' and I was at the final. Time went quick. There was so much
pressure on me. There was the media, the sponsors and of course my family, coaches, and
friends. I had to make them proud and make the whole world proud of being the 1st woman
or man to win a gold medal back to back in boxing. Ding, Ding, Ding. The bell started to ring
and that meant that it was my time to shine. 6 rounds, each round of 3 minutes. 18 most
intense minutes of my life. As the round started my opponent looked tough, she threw the
punch soo fast I didn't even see it coming. Boom! I feel on the floor, and my hands touched
the ground. That meant she had K.O me already in the first 2 minutes. What a disgrace!! My
team came up to me, and they said " Don't worry, it all good" I slowly started to get up. The
referee held my hand and Hanna's hand. He holds them firmly, but I lose my confidence
because I know that Hanna has won the gold medal. 3. 2. 1. He raises my hand. Hanna
looks surprised and I am standing there with my hand raised in the air. I had won. I quietly
whispered to the referee, how have I won, but he didn't reply. It was a unanimous decision.
All the judges had decided that I had won, even though I was knocked in the first round,
which seemed confusing but I wasn't going to complain, and I went with the decision.

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