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When you read an article, lots of things make you think, or at least they should. A

compelling argument makes for a great article and a new discovery will always grab

your attention. Sometimes,without understanding and logic, scientific things can sound

like magic, as if they were made up to make believe or act a certain way when in fact

science is important to understand.Going through articles for my signature assignment

made me wonder whether or not articles were over exaggerated, or possibly even

promoting a product.It isn't until I stumbled upon my article I chose for my signature

assignment that I realized the right articles,coming from the right source are actually

supported through research and studies.

The article I read, about air pollution and the wonderful benefits seen from

medicines such as aspirin taken from older people was a great example of change we

could make in humanity. This article really brought together the importance of modern

medicine and the great benefits it can have on a person, especially when talking about

a main issue we are constantly dealing with; poor air quality, pollution. This article also

could have brought about more support to the case of “what are we going to do about

air pollution?” yes, there are ways to help air pollution decrease, but what changes are

being made to fix them? This article was made due to the fact that air pollution is here to

stay, due to lack of change, and in giving people a bearable living when air pollution is

Taking a biology class, such as this one, has given me a greater understanding

of the importance of researched and studied sciences that bring about a greater change

to our world. This class, being a starting biology class, has brought about the basic, yet

important understandings of the human body,and its functions, as well as the great

impact science has made in the modern world with topics, for example, poor air quality.

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