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Construct a brief summary of the movie PK

-P. K. is a comedy of ideas about a stranger in the city, who asks questions that
no one has asked before. They are innocent, child-like questions, but they bring
about catastrophic answers. People who are set in their ways for generations,
are forced to reappraise their world when they see it from PK's innocent eyes. In
the process PK makes loyal friends and powerful foes. Mends broken lives and
angers the establishment. P. K.'s childlike curiosity transforms into a spiritual
odyssey for him and millions of others. The film is an ambitious and uniquely
original exploration of complex philosophies. It is also a simple and humane tale
of love, laughter and letting-go. Finally, it is a moving saga about a friendship
between strangers from worlds apart.

2. Make a character sketch of any of the characters eg. PK, Jaggu etc.

-PK- a stereotypical character, who chews pan ending up with a colored mouth,
wears colorful clothes, gas a peculiar body languages with eyes wide open, and
gets understanding of social code.

3. Cite the difference belief systems and give a description

- Hinduism- it attacks Hinduism more directly than other religions because the
story is based in India ,80% of which is hindu

- Indian- being home to multiple religions and a diverse cultural fabric, supports
many layers of understanding about faith .

4. Reflection paper

-The film, PK, is a hilarious but a timely appeal to reason, logic and the
commonsense of a multi-faith audience to see through the vague ambiguities,
tricks and PR employed by the priestly class to keep its flock together and feed
its coffers, all in the name of a wrong brand of god. It would be downright puerile
to even suggest that the film is against a particular faith, though the idea is
projected through the example of the majority faith so as to reach the most
minds. This is a must-see movie if we are to sustain democracy in a pluralistic
society. I think the community of ‘babas’ and ‘deras’ that are exposed in the film
will be the hardest hit and, not unsurprisingly, will use every weapon in their
armoury to block this unprecedented exposure of their existence.
René Descartes
Born on March 31 1596
Died on February 11 1650

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