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Binaural Beats

How to make your own Binaural Beats

using Ableton Live
Binaural beat recordings are specially generated sounds, designed to alter our brainwaves and
consciousness. The basic idea behind binaural beats is that our brains operate at certain band-
widths, which are measured in frequencies. Our brainwaves change depending on how we are
feeling, and what we are doing. Using binaural beats we can emulate natural brainwave frequen-
cies and then slowly change them to another brainwave frequency. This is based off the theory of

When the perceived beat frequency corresponds to the delta, theta, alpha, beta, or gamma
range of brainwave frequencies, the brainwaves entrain to or move towards the beat frequen-
cy. For example, if a 315 Hz sine wave is played into the right ear and a 325 Hz one into the
left ear, the brain is entrained towards the beat frequency 10 Hz, in the alpha range. Since al-
pha range is associated with relaxation, this has a relaxing effect, or if in the beta range, more
alertness. An experiment with binaural sound stimulation using beat frequencies in the beta
range on some participants and the delta/theta range on other participants found better vigi-
lance performance and mood in those on the awake alert state of beta-range stimulation.

Binaural beat stimulation has been used fairly extensively in attempts to induce a variety of
states of consciousness, and there has been some work done in regards to the effects of these
stimuli on relaxation, focus, attention, and states of consciousness. Studies have shown that
with repeated training to distinguish close frequency sounds that a plastic reorganization of
the brain occurs for the trained frequencies and is capable of asymmetric hemispheric bal-
ancing. Wikipedia
When we are in a meditative state, then our brain operates at a theta frequency. If we are very
active, or a little stressed, then we operate at the beta frequency. Here is a list of the different
brainwave frequencies.


With binaural beats we can customize our own consciousness. We can create audio that changes
our state of mind. To do this all we need to do is have a signal that has two separate tracks. One
for Right and one for Left. You will then make one of the channels, or sides, a slightly different
frequency. The difference in those two frequencies will be that the brain entrains too.

So if you have a 90 hz sine wave on the right and a 95 hz sine wave on the left, then your brain
will entrain to the 5 hz difference.
You can also slowly fade between these frequencies. You can start a track at 10-15 hz binaural
beat (remember that is the subtracted difference between the two sine waves). Then after a min-
ute you can change one of the signals to change the binaural beat. Perhaps change it to a 5 hz
different to enter into a dream like state of Theta.

In general, it is good to start and end at an Alpha brain wave (unless you are doing this to help
you sleep. In which case end the track in Theta or Delta.). Then after a few minutes move down
into the brainwave state you want to experience. It takes 1-3 minutes for your brainwaves to be-
gin to synchronize with the binaural beats. Due to this I generally like to take a minute to move
down to the desired brainwave state and then stay there for at least 5 minutes. Then when the
track is over, raise it back to a waking state of Alpha or Beta.

Here is an example image. This track fades from Alpha to Theta and then back up.

PRO TIP: Having more musical elements at the beginning and end helps ease the listener in and
out of the brainwave experience.

What are Isochronic Tones:

At its simplest level, an isochronic tone is a tone that is being turned on and off rapidly. They
create sharp, distinctive pulses of sound.

Binaural Beats use the phenomenon of two different signals going to your left and right ear. Bin-
aural Beats only work with headphones because of this. Isochronic tones uses a pulsing in vol-
ume for the entrainment. Because of this you can listen to it over speakers for the same effect.
I do believe Binaural Beats are much more potent and useful, but for use with speakers Isochron-
ic tones are the way to go. Also adding an isochronic pulsing to a Binaural beat is very effective
and can lead to interesting results.

Making Isochronic Tones:

To make an isochronic tone all you need is a carrier frequency, the pitch or tone you are using,
and a rhythmic change in volume to create the desired brainwave frequency. So you could have
a sine wave playing at 90 hz. You will then add an LFO, a volume change, or something of the
nature to raise and lower the volume at, let’s say, 5 hz.


An easy way to make Isochronic tones with any sound

in Ableton Live is to use the Auto Pan. Just set phase to 0
and change the Rate to whatever brain wave you want to
Making Binaural Beats in Ableton Live:
Now that we have the basics of what binaural beats are, let’s look at creating our own track with
Ableton Live. There are two main ways we are going to look at this. The first is making Binaurals
and the second is Isochronic Tones.

At you can check out the Producing

Binaural Beats Live Pack. The live pack includes videos on cre-
ating binaural beats, example templates, premade instrument
racks, and more. Save time in reinventing the wheel and get
the pack to kick start your creations.

Synthesising Binaural Beats:

To make our Binaural Beat we need to have two frequencies. Once on the Left Channel and one
on the Right. To do this we just use an Instrument Rack in Ableton. Then make 2 chains. A right,
and a left chain. Make sure you then add a utility to the chain and pan it hard right and hard left.
Now we can drop an instrument into the different chains. The best instrument for this in Able-
ton I have found is the Operator. With Operator you can set the oscillator to Fixed. Once you
do that you can then just use the Freq knob to set the frequency of the synth. You can not do
this in any of the other synths in Ableton Live.

You can place an instance of operator on the Left and the Right Chain in your instrument rack.
Now set the frequency of each of those Operators. The subtracted difference will be the Binaural
Beat you will entrain too.

Binaural Beats with Audio Effects:

Synthesizing the sound is the best way to go about making binaural beats. If you have Live Stan-
dard, or do not have operator there is another way to make a binaural beat. Using the Audio
Effect Rack we can also separate any sound to a Left and Right.

Once we do that we can put a Frequency Shifter on one of the channels. You can then change the
frequency of just one side. This will then shift it by that amount of Hz, and will be the brainwave
frequency you desire.
The nice thing about this technique is you can use a simpler, a VST synth, or any sound. You can
then just add this effect and slightly change the frequency of the left or right channel. This opens
up a lot of creative potentials.

Creating Isochronic Tones:

Creating Isochronic tones in Ableton Live is very easy. To start you need a carrier wave. This
could be any sound or synthesizer. You could use Operator and set it to Fixed, and pick a fre-
quency. Or you can use any synth, such as massive, and add an Autopan effect to the track.

The key to this is using Autopan to create the volume changes and pulses. All you need to do is
make sure the Phase is set to 0 or 360 degrees. This will make the effect mono, and create an even
volume change on the left and right channel. Then you can use the Rate to set the brainwave
state you are working with. You can also use the Amount to make the effect more obvious, or

Arranging the Track:

Now that we know how to set up a Binaural Beat with a synth and an Isochronic Tone, we can
look into writing the track. We will want to layer elements to add depth as well as modulate the
brainwave frequency.
When I am first starting a Binaural Beat track I will figure out the root tone. A great resource
for that is this website listing important frequencies. I will
normally find a note that is similar or close to that tone. So for instance if I have a root frequency
of 108 I might use the A note as my root note for the track. A is 110, but I will probably center
my left and right of that frequency.

Here is a website that lists the frequency of notes in the Equal temperament Tuning. http://

I will then start building the drones and elements needed to make it seem interesting. Below is
an example of a Binaural Beat track I have. The first layer is the Binaural Beat with modulation in
the frequency and the other 5 tracks are added layers to make it more musical. Sometimes I only
have one drone track and the binaural.

As you can see in this image I modulated the frequency of the Binaural. To do this all I did is add
automation to the left side of my instrument rack. To do this, you can move the parameter you
want to change. It will then show up on the arrangement timeline. I will then add breakpoints
(click the red line and a dot appears) and move them around to get what I am looking for.

Once you polish the elements you need, you have your own Binaural Beats or Isochronic track to
use in meditation, memory retention, sleep, or you name it. The sky’s the limit.
Pro Tip: Sometimes it is hard to get the exact frequency you are looking for. Sometimes I will
arm the track with the binaural on it and hit the record button. I will then type in the next fre-
quency I want on the parameter. Ableton will then jump to that new frequency and make a new
breakpoint on the timeline. I will then stop recording and move that breakpoint around to get
what I am looking for.

This Manual is a walk through of creating Binaural Beats in Ableton Live. This manual comes
with the more extensive Producing Binaural Beats Live Pack available at
Check out the site to grab your copy of the Live Pack.

The Binaural Live Pack will come with a huge collection of tools. The Pack comes with pre-creat-
ed Instrument Racks to make it really easy to drag them in your set. They are optimized to make
it easy to modulate and set the instrument to exactly what you need for your Binaural Beat ses-

The Live pack will also come with 3 fully finished Binaural Tracks. Subaqueous has crafted 3
finished tracks for you to explore. You can see his process in making the tracks and play around
with the settings to start building your own tracks.

The Pack will also come with walk-through videos of making binaural and isochronic tracks.
Over an hour of content to get you up and running with Binaural Beats.

Check out everything you get with the Pack and more at

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