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VISION: An environment where locally acknowledged local CPAs and CMAs

are knowledgeable and capable enough to be globally competent.

MISSION: To become a Licensed Certified Public Accountant or a

Certified Management Accountant by the year 2020.

AIM 1:
Start familiarizing the subjects in the board exam during the
undergrad years.

OBJECTIVE 1.1: Read. Read. And Read

OBJECTIVE 1.2: Solve different problems from different books

continuously and as much as possible, refrain from just memorizing
things, be familiar so that eventhough time passes by, you will easily
recall it.

AIM 2:
As early as possible, Be knowledgeable about the corporate world know
how how to deal with it and how it works.

OBJECTIVE 1.1: Attend lectures, seminars and other similar things

related to corporate world, and learn from other people’s experiences.
OBJECTIVE 1.2: Always be aware of what is happening in the real world
and the real corporate world, as much as possible try to be an active
member of organizations that will enhance your social skills.

AIM 3:
Always see the positive side of everything.

OBJECTIVE 1.1: If things did not go the way you wanted it, always pray
and remember that God has his own plans, Let God be the center of
everything, because in such way, you will never go the wrong way.

OBJECTIVE 1.2: Let change start from you, be optimistic, and always
trust yourself and your abilities, as early as now, claim the CPA.


Nothing is impossible. A person who believes in himself and makes God
the center of his life will never go the wrong way. Always trust in
him and always see the positive side of everything.

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