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The incidence of allergic diseases has recently increased in line with changes in the lifestyle of
modern society, pollution of both the environment and substances in food. One of the most
common allergic diseases in the community is asthma.
Asthma is one of several diseases that cannot be completely cured. Recovery from an asthma
attack does not guarantee that in the near future you will be free from the threat of subsequent
attacks. Especially if due to work and the environment and economic factors, sufferers must
always deal with allergen factors that are the cause of the attack. The cost of symptomatic
treatment at the time of attack may be overcome by the patient or his family, but prophylactic
treatment that takes longer, often a problem in itself.
Asthma is the top ten causes of morbidity and mortality in Indonesia, this is reflected in data
from household health survey (SKRT) data in various provinces in Indonesia. Household Health
Survey (SKRT) in 1986 showed asthma ranked 5th out of 10 causes of morbidity together with
chronic bronchitis and emphysema. In the 1992 Household Health Survey, asthma, chronic
bronchitis and emphysema were the 4th causes of death in Indonesia or 5.6%. In 1995, the
prevalence of asthma throughout Indonesia was 13/1000, compared with chronic bronchitis
11/1000 and pulmonary obstruction 2/1000. Study of junior high school age children in
Semarang using the International Study of Asthma and Allergies questionnaire in Childhood
(ISAAC), found a prevalence of asthma (asthma symptoms in the last 12 months / asthma) 6.2%
of which 64% had classic symptoms.

1.2 Problem Formulation

From the description above, the following problems can be formulated:
1. What is the definition of Bronchial Asthma?
2. What is the diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma?
3. Data analysis ?

1.3 Purpose
1. Explain the definition of Bronchial Asthma
2. Explain the diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma
3. Data analysis

2.1 Definitions
Asthma is a clinical condition characterized by recurrent but reversible bronchial
narrowing, and between episodes of narrowing of the bronchi there is a more normal state of
ventilation. This situation in people who are susceptible to asthma easily caused by various
stimuli, which indicates a hypere state of typical bronchial activity. Asthma is a disease that
occurs due to a temporary narrowing of the respiratory tract so it is difficult to breathe. Asthma
occurs when there is an increased sensitivity to stimuli from the environment as a trigger. Among
them are due to emotional disturbances, physical fatigue, changes in weather, temperature, dust,
smoke, stimulating smells, respiratory infections, food factors and allergic reactions.

2. 2 Data analysis

No Data Etiology Problem

1. Allergens, weather Ineffective airway

DO: changes, heavy
• Clients appear to have difficulty physical activity,
removing secretions due to shortness of stress.
breath (dyspnea). ↓
• Clients are seen using breathing aid Stimulate the release
muscles when breathing. of histamine,
• Abnormal client breath sounds, namely anaphylactic
wheezing. substances,
DS: bradykinin.
• Clients complain of difficulties issuing
secretions. Muscle spasm


tar secret

The airway is not

2. DO: Bronchial Asthma Gas exchange damage

• Dispnea during activities. ↓
• Caucasian skin looks red or cyanosis. Spastic contraction of
• The client looks confused and nervous. bronchheolus smooth
DS: ↓
• Clients complain of shortness of breath Difficult to breathe.
while doing activities. ↓
Shortness of breath /
dyspnea, rapid and
shallow breath.

O2 intake is


CO2 me ↑

Respiratory acidosis.

Gas exchange
DO: Bronchial Asthma
3. • BB clients 10-20% or more below the ↓
Nutritional changes:
ideal BB. Spastic contraction of
Less than body needs
• Triceps skin folds and LILA <60% bronchheolus smooth
measurement standards. muscle.
• Muscle tenderness. ↓
• Clients look less passionate. Difficult to breathe.
DS: ↓
• Clients complain of feeling weak, tired Shortness of breath /
and lethargic. dyspnea, rapid and
shallow breath.

The ability to eat


BB me ↓

Nutritional changes:

Less than body needs.

DO: Bronchial Asthma

4. activity intolerance
• Clients look pale and cyanotic.
• Clients experience dyspnea. Inspiration
• Respiratory frequency> 24x / minute contraction
• Pulse rate> 95x / minute. Spastic is adequate, ex
smooth muscle
DS: piration adekuat
• Clients complain that it is difficult to bronchheolus.
move because of shortness of breath. ↓↓
Difficult air
breath. double
Dispnea, Capacity
Residual and rapid
breathand shallow.
Volume residu me ↑

Hard activity. the
usertire muscles it's


Activity Intolerance

1. Gone ineffective airway b.d. bronchospasm, as evidenced by wheezing, dyspnoea, and use of
respiratory aids. (Doenges, 1999).
2. Damage to gas exchange b.d. disruption of oxygen supply (bronchial spasm), as evidenced by
dyspnea, confusion, and anxiety. (Doenges, 1999).
3. Changes in nutrition: Less than the body's needs b.d. dyspnea and anorexia, which is
evidenced by weight loss and inability to eat. (Doenges, 1999).
4. Intolerance activity b.d. imbalance between supply and oxygen demand. (Wong, 2003).
5. Lack of knowledge b.d. lack of information, as evidenced by questions about information.
(Doenges, 1999).
6. Anxiety b.d. difficulty breathing. (Carpenito, 2000).


Bronchial asthma is an intermittent obstructive airway disorder that is reversible,
characterized by a period of bronchospasm, increased tracheal and bronchial response to various
stimuli that cause narrowing of the airway. Based on the cause, bronchial asthma can be
classified into 3 types, namely: Extrinsic (allergic), Intrinsic (non allergic), combined asthma.
And there are several things that are factors that cause bronchial asthma attacks, namely:
predisposing factors (genetic), precipitation factors (allergens, weather changes, stress, work
environment, heavy physical exercise). Prevention of asthma attacks can be done by:
a. Avoid allergens, if necessary desensitization
b. Avoid fatigue
c. Avoid psychological stress
d. Prevent / treat ARI as early as possible
e. Sports swimming, asthma gymnastics
With the preparation of this paper, expect all readers to be able to review and understand
what has been written in this paper so that it can add to the reader's knowledge more or less.
Besides that, I also expect suggestions and criticisms from readers so that we can be better
oriented in our next pape


6 accessed June 21, 2012 accessed June 21, 2012 asma.htm. accessed June 21, 2012
Medicafarma. (2008, May 7). Asthma Bronkiale. Retrieved June 22, 2012 from
Muchid, et al. (2007, September). Pharmaceutical care for asthma.
Accessed June 22, 2012 from the Directorate of Community Pharmacy Development
And MOH RI Clinic: http: // / fields / yanmed / pharmacy /
Pharmaceutical / ASMA.pdf
Tanjung, D. (2003). Bronchial Asthma Nursing Care. Accessed June 22, 2012
from the USU digital library: accessed June 22, 2012 accessed June 22, 2012

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