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Name: Mamon, Gladys A.

Date: 11/26/19
Section Code: SOCOI 121A Time Schedule: TTH- 1:30- 3:00 pm

The Rice Tariffication Law: Farmers bracing the Impact

Functionalism Theory
This has a function. the law essentially allows for the liberation of rice imports. it will remove the placed quota on rice
imports, permitting traders to import a near-unlimited quantity of rice. This will help the farmers over in the Philippines
who is going to bankrupt because of the debt or a loan for the said rice. It says that we need to have a social solidarity
which means that we need to divide the people who need to work for the bourgeoisie so that the economics of the
Philippines can run.
Durkheim (1989) cited that the division of labor is about the causes, profile and the functions in the society. It changes
overtime that the society right now don’t do the farming or don’t want to be a farmer anymore and worse of that the are
the son/daughter of a farmer which means that they can’t follow the footsteps of their parents and they are choosing their
own pathway of leaving.
Conflict Theory
This issue has been in so many news right now hence they are fighting which is they need to ban the rice tariffication bill
or not cause the society now is in need of power they need to have prestige or a property so that they can be known as a
first class or a middle class. Even Cynthia Villar a senator in the Philippines wants to buy the land not the rice and she
says that we can sell the rice but in the lowest price.
Karl Marx (1987) argued that they need to acquire more knowledge of the underlying structures and mechanism at work
of phenomena. Marx says that they tend to have an answer that can brought into a realism which means that they need to
face the reality

Philippines is rich in economy but poor in the aspects of unity, even the highest rank wants to be higher and higher even
though they are already rich. They have already the power, prestige and the property but they want more. The society is
suffering from hunger especially the farmers out there.

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