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Professional Development for Strategic Managers Hunain Kashif

Assignment Front Sheet

Qualification Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Unit 2: Professional Development for Strategic Managers
Management and Leadership (QCF) Unit Code: F/602/2061

Student name Assessor name

Hunain Kashif

Date issued Completion date Submitted on

30/10/2019 28/10/2019

Assignment title Personal Development for Strategic Manager Report

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Student signature: Hunain Kashif. Date: 28/10/2019

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Professional Development for Strategic Managers Hunain Kashif


A case study of Unilever on ‘‘Professional Development for Strategic Managers’’

Submitted By:

Hunain Kashif.
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Professional Development for Strategic Managers Hunain Kashif

Table of Contents:

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: ......................................................................................................................................4

INTRODUCTION: ........................................................................................................................................................5
TASK 1.1 ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Task 1.2 .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Task 2.1: ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Task 2.2: ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Task 3.1: ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Task 3.2: ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Task 3.3: ............................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Conclusion: .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................ 16

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Executive Summary:

Highly motivated and competent human resources are key achievement factors for an association. Such tools were
accepted to promote the organizations competitive advantage. Therefore, in corporate sense, the creation of these
human resources attracts notable attention. Accordingly, the reason for building up this report is to feature the
necessary personal needs as well as the strategic manager’s professional skills to contribute to Unilever’s effective
tasks. To begin with this report, the writer must assess his personal and professional skills and perform an
assessment of these skills and of those that are required to accomplish the association’s vital objectives

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Unilever is British-Dutch, whose headquarter is situated in London, UK and Rotterdam, Netherlands. It is known
as a double organization however is worked as a solitary business under a similar Board of Directors. It is one of
the most seasoned global organizations which serves in around 190 nations worldwide and is likewise the seventh
most significant association in the Europe. It possesses in excess of 400 brands. Unilever is partitioned in to four
primary divisions which are: personal care items, home care items and in conclusion food and refreshments. Being
a strategic manager for such an association it is apparent that the writer has a political and vital task to carry out
to guarantee that the association is lead towards in different activities which guarantees that the authoritative aims
and targets are met gainfully which is conceivable when the manager has a reasonable comprehension of
associations mission, vision, and long term objectives. For this to happen the strategic manager should possess,
hold and use assortment of skills and if necessary should take an interest in the preparation and improvement
given by Unilever that will contribute towards hierarchical accomplishment as well as towards useful self-
advancement. It is fundamental being a senior manager for the writer to demonstrate high leadership abilities
affirm significant levels of job satisfaction of team members and effective activities. Job satisfaction is just
accomplished through elevated levels of motivations between staff members, consequently leadership skills
should be implied to accomplish wanted results.

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Professional Development for Strategic Managers Hunain Kashif

Task 1.1

Personal development planning is basically where an individual recognizes his/her aims and objectives just as the
need of required or present abilities and constructs powerful strategies to satisfy those objectives so as to
understand their potential, and further expand it to develop and grow. PDP is fundamental as it gives a structure
which aides in the acknowledgment of an individual's strengths as well as weaknesses, which can improve their
work execution and furthermore makes it simpler to accomplish hierarchical objectives.

Unilever utilizes self-improvement (PDP) as a vital instrument to serve the association on the best way to set its
short-and long term objectives. Unilever has experienced a procedure of fast change and PDP has been significant
in conveying that change all through the association and preparing staff to manage it. PDP is accentuated as a
significant part of the organization.

Being a Strategic Manager for one of the most perceived FMCG brands, Unilever, my post expects me to confront
various difficulties (decision making failures, heavy workload in time driven assignments, diversity), handle
irksome circumstances (upsetting errands), and requires an amazing range of abilities.

Assessing a portion of the individual abilities required as Strategic Manager, to accomplish vital objectives are as
per the following:

1. Stress Management: As a manager I'm relied upon to convey viable and proficient work results,
overseeing pressure assumes a noteworthy job, which helps remain centered and improves work
performance. In addition to the fact that it reduces the normal absenteeism rate however upgrades
generally efficiency. Different unseen occasions emerge in the association that makes upsetting
circumstances, overseeing them viably will help hold motivated and fulfilled representatives as it
promotes a solid hierarchical culture. As indicated by the 2017 report Unilever is reinforcing its portfolio
by means of natural items, for example, TREsemme magnificence full volume ranges, LUX luminique
and so on. (Euro screen 2017) this has caused pressure on pioneers as to accomplish technique of
concentrating on extravagant premium sections with obtaining of Hourglass. (Euro screen '17). A manager
should have the option to create successful procedures to right the wrongs and take great choices. All these
outcomes picked up from stress management adds to positive strides towards accomplishment of
Unilevers objectives, guaranteeing all norms met.
2. Problem Solving: Circumstances happen oftentimes where I face work dilemma, e.g.: To drop the
workforce conference for training advising or to go to meeting with senior management for direction on
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progress of the ongoing plan. Being able to take fast decisions and tackling issues in these circumstances
remains on track and limits any postponements.
3. Effective Communication: Anthony Robbins states that: ‘’the way we communicate with others and
with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our live’’. To have viable communication abilities for
me as a strategic manager, is a need. How successfully data (Unilever’s objectives) has been conveyed to
the group impacts a great deal on the outcomes as it wipes out mistaken assumptions and disarrays.
Empowering two way viable communication as a trough helps in critical thinking at the point when
feedbacks are gotten from workers on regular routine as addressing and active listening. A pioneer with
good communication abilities motivates representatives and connects with them to work successfully,
settle clashes which moreover manufactures great individual relations inside the group that advantages the
association colossally.
4. Time Management: Controlling various assignments in a particular timespan is my premier
obligation as a strategic manager. This expects abilities to not just priorities personal and professional
assignments, however further priorities professional tasks, as per the need, direness and nature of them in
Unilevers context and most recent procedure presented. This demonstration consequently accomplishes
Unilevers time based errands, and gives additional opportunity to concentrate on different issues of the
association and leaves some time to personal self as well. A manager should likewise be skilled to govern
laborers to achieve missions in planned time. It additionally assumes an imperative job in alleviating
pressure, stalling which boosts morale and gives feeling of accomplishment bringing about prohibitive

Task 1.2
Various jobs require various abilities truly, having different personal skills that differ from individual to individual
is normal. A few jobs require more than that. Professional skills are profession competencies and are not obtained
in our coursework or are comprehensive of our training. They are value added skills that are convincing in one's
profession. As a Strategic manager various methods to survey professional skills are as follows:

1. Leadership: The ability to impact representative's conduct yields course for accomplishing association
objectives for the manager. A participative pioneer invites proposals and executes if they have a likelihood
of advantage to the association with an equalization kept up where autocratic approach should be taken.
Great authority style will help receive Unilevers procedures and direct staff emphatically. Having these
abilities will invigorate representatives to work with dynamism as they would feel acknowledged and

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mindful. To accomplish proficient improvement leadership skills assumes gigantic job in affecting
representatives to progress in the direction of the ideal objective which is one of the most significant expert
expertise that leads towards hierarchical achievement.
2. Social: Dealing with a group with differing foundations in a global organization can present sudden
difficulties. To keep away from or defeat these issues its cardinal for a manager to have successful
relational abilities. This helps with building up coordination and ability among the laborers to complete
the work with no bothering or aggravation. A social and approachable manager is of much noteworthiness
to the association than a dictator in the books of representatives as far as accomplishing a powerful output
in all.
3. Multi-tasking: Executing a few tasks in a particular timeframe is an ability essential for managers
because of nature of the activity: heavy workload, likewise improves managers career as it will expand
visions and abilities to finish various tasks which should be completed successfully by organizing them.
4. Coaching: An upskilled group is a key factor in an association’s achievement. Managers have groups
which work towards objectives of Unilever. Coaching skills empowers representatives to utilize their
greatest potential and lifts their motivation and inspires their confidence which is essential to progress in
the direction of accomplishing targets. Coaching includes the following:
 Giving clear perspective on the plan to limit perplexities.
 Direction on how the tasks should be done to keep away from postponements and mix-ups.
 A democratic approach, where two way criticisms are energized.

All these consolidated managers can illuminate issues, improve the group's profitability as workers accomplish
feeling of being trusted and significant rather being oppressed with no cooperation. Training dispenses worry
between the laborers, and is sound over the long term for association’s exercises.

Task 2.1:

A skill audit inspects existing abilities and recognizing skills that are required later on for a specific activity or by
and large for profession and self-awareness. Being a Strategic manager to know about the weaknesses and
strengths one have is fundamental to convey clear image of one's capacity. So as to perceive my capacities as a
manager a SWOT examination has been completed. Following are the outcomes:

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 Time management and prioritization enables me to complete work inside the necessary time allotment as
opposed to deferring which empowers me to concentrate on residual errands without stress.
 Communication skills grants to assess representative issues successfully, clearing any errors that outcomes
in work fulfillment and maintenance, chopping down turnover costs. Introduction and communication
abilities bring about corporate achievement if the mission, vision and objectives have been imparted
capably, this likewise depicts a picture of an expert manager, along these lines acquiring admiration of
 Finally, instructing and tutoring likewise expands representative fulfillment and each one of those
advantages that a persuaded worker serves to the association.


 Poor decision making can bring about going the contrary path for accomplishing objectives and have
negative effect as a manager. Circumstances where snappy decisions should be made without these
abilities will bring about time utilizations and further include delays.
 Occasions where poor choices taken produce inadequate outcomes impacts my certainty which is anything
but a sound attribute for a manager as the pioneer should be sure enough to lead the group proficiently
towards association objectives and be sufficiently able to confront and gain from one's own errors.
 Poor designation can have obstructive results on inspiration levels of the group and lead to bring down
efficiency. It is vital for a manager to delegate work reasonably as per the posts and abilities of the
gathering individuals as low inspiration levels can be hugely exorbitant for the association.
 It's almost certain for clashes to emerge in a work environment with various foundations, constrained
conflict management skills prompts issues in supporting the groups, builds absenteeism rate and results in
association to confront high worker turnover because of occupation disappointment.


Being an expert strategic manager, working in an association that works globally in an aggressive domain it is
significant for me to adapt further and look for into the accessible choices to further blow up my skills and
characteristics through self-assessments or preparing and training from the senior administration. This won't just
amplify my profession improvement and upgrade information personally and additionally contribute towards
Unilevers achievement.
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Pioneer of a globalized association can confront critical outcomes and should be prepared and talented enough to
deal with them methodically. These dangers not simply incorporate unforeseen difficulties that emerge in the
work environment yet in addition substitutions that could end director's profession in the specific association,
reason being, and not appropriate use of supervisor's abilities or a person with better work execution in the

Task 2.2:
Learning styles can be viewed as ‘a set of cognitive, emotional, characteristic and physiological factors that serve
as relatively stable indicators of how a learner perceives, interacts with, and responds to the learning environment’
(Keefe 1979).

These learning styles contrast from individual to individual dependent on their characters, attributes, interests,
environment and so forth. There are different learning styles an individual can receive as indicated by their
preferences. To distinguish these learning styles for people there are distinctive learning models and speculations.
As required in this assignment to survey the favored learning style, I utilized the Honey and Mumford model to
assess my learning style. This model reports four preferences which are as per the following:

 Learn by doing.  Learn through theories for actions.
 Not BIASED.  Follow models, statistics, and
 Prefer brainstorming, group background stories.
 Learn by experience.
 Learn by putting concepts to practice.  Learn by watching.
 Dislike abstract concepts.  Observe and collect data.
 Like experimenting ideas into reality.  Like questionnaires, discussions

Source: Kolb’s Learning Style Model by Honey and Mumford (1986)

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These learning styles were presented by Honey and Mumford in 1986 energized by Kolb's learning style model.
They separated it by making a survey. Most people don't consider the way that what styles cause them to
comprehend or adapt better, hence to be a viable student and for a person's profession improvement in future it is
fundamental for them to think about their favored learning style. The poll was created by Honey and Mumford
which would recognize the people learning style out of the four classifications referenced previously. This survey
just distinguishes learning styles as well as aids better basic leadership. According to the model prerequisites to
distinguish my own favored learning style I understood the survey and recognized the learning style I lean toward
which is ACTIVIST. Aside from that I made my own self-evaluation poll and passed on to the group for a 360
degree approach. This has been acknowledged as a predominant methodology for managers in evaluation of
learning styles. A survey is passed on to the group members and the explained poll uncovers what the group
thinks about their managers favored learning style this furnishes with different sentiments as the group isn't one-
sided. Another explanation behind including the managers group depends on the way that the manner in which a
supervisor surveys his group's practices through difficulties and Personal Relations, comparatively the group
additionally has a decent comprehension of their collaborators and the manager. In light of the 360 degree
approach the outcomes that were gotten from the colleagues additionally sorted their manager of being an activist

Task 3.1:

As it was required in task 2, a professional skills review was created so as to distinguish the present and the
required range of abilities of the manager. The SWOT analysis distinguished different components that required
upgrade in invigorating self-awareness, for example, decision making, conflict managements, delegation abilities
and furthermore absence of certainty. Being a strategic manager it is basic to build a PDP against the weaknesses
distinguished, for the intensification of better career improvement openings and polished abilities. A PDP will
assist me with overcoming my weaknesses and result in expanded proficiency and viability through the
recognizable proof of how to upgrade my developing skills. Below built is the PDP for Unilevers strategic
manager on skills required, the targets and how to gauge achievement.

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Skills Required Objectives Quantification for Success

 Decision Making Skills.  Need to identify the causes why  Benchmark performance
decisions taken failed in the appraisal of previous years.
 Need to learn from past
experiences whether good or
 Need to take consultations and
coaching from the senior
managers and improve.
 Effective Delegation Skills.  Need to consult the team  Analysis of employee
members and identify the skills motivation levels through
possess. performance appraisals are
 Delegate work responsibilities outcomes of delegation of
based on the individuals skills. tasks/responsibilities.
 Expected responsibilities and
time frames according to posts
must be delegated.
 Self Confidence.  Need to be familiar with  Feedback can be recorded
personal skills and capability. through performance
 Must take initiatives. appraisals or self-assessment
and evaluation through
communication with the higher
 Handling Conflicts.  Need to recognize the reasons  Eliminate or diminish conflicts
why conflicts occur between between group members
 Need to identify the cause why
conflicts management failed

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 Need to recognize methods to

resolve conflicts in future and
create situations that avoids

Ref: Own Source.

Task 3.2:
A PDP evaluates the possibilities and mastery of individual abilities and to find a way to improvise shaky areas.
The Personal advancement plan in task 3.1 and SWOT examination has authorize the manager to investigate the
skills required or those that need to be accomplished for organizational advancement or for self-satisfaction
through acquiring individual work objectives eg to expand profit, effective group improvement and so forth. For
example, appointment of work as a developing skill will decrease burden on manager and he/she will have a better
spotlight on constrained assignments bringing about viable accomplishment of Unilevers objectives and will
improve workers motivation. Or on the other hand conflict management development will impact emphatically
on Unilevers activities as a contention shirking procedure will limit such circumstances expanding the manager’s
viability. As required underneath are the strategies that are appropriate for evaluating results of the self-awareness
plan against the individual work targets.

1. Survey and Monitor: Work execution can be assessed by evaluating the performance or results of
those with the proposed arrangement, this presents the strengths and weaknesses. As needs be, new plans
can be built up that can be accomplished beneficially. For eg: I need certainty because of disappointments
presented by poor decision making, so a conference session for myself should be set up with senior
executives to gain from their encounters. A report should be made that records working examples and
exercises from which it tends to be assessed or checked that what requirements need to be accomplished.
2. Assessment: The PDP as built in 3.1 is a table that rundowns out my developing skills. Another table
should be normally input to the development report for observing upgrades and keeping records at various
stages which can be utilized for benchmarking later on. For eg: I can aggregate tasks to individuals
similarly as indicated by every one of their skills or assigning it in wrong divisions as opposed to the skills,
the outcome that the sum total of what errands have been finished in an auspicious way without any
postponements or disturbances shows that delegation skills have been accomplished.
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3. Worker Portfolio: The best system to asses my self-development is my worker portfolio for assessing
my own plans in connection to work related techniques as it indicates that personal abilities have been
upgraded and skills that still need upgrades identified with working targets. It helps in boosting skills for
various vocations.

Task 3.3:
Steady learning is a procedure of consistent improvement. Skills improvement and nonstop learning have
productive outcomes or constructive results in accomplishing the organizational objectives and targets and
personal professional objectives also. It shows me how to refine my work proficiency and employee performance
so as to continue profitability and nature of the work. It has contributed towards accomplishing the normal
outcomes from learning too. For instance: being the manager Unilever it is prominent for me to build up my mind
to create great understanding for association’s advancement later on. This learning will empower further
advancement of my skills which will prompt the accomplishment of vital objectives of Unilever viably. For eg:
Focusing on the present target of Unilever which is to extend its portfolio by means of natural items, through
self–learning as a strategic manager I understood that the procedures that should have been executed for the
specific objectives were not compelling enough and the results from those systems could be improved further
with the assistance of another technique. This impacted me to make a superior and considerably more powerful
strategic plan that would add to the association gainfully. Meetings with the colleagues and conceptualizing
enabled the association to take a gander at the new methodologies presented from an alternate point of view. Such
self-learning procedures additionally helped me increment my insight and capacity, which came about in Unilever
increase a 10% expansion in the general sales and development of Unilevers natural items that is, objectives
accomplished. Self-learning adds to an expansion in perceiving issues and its problem solving. This is return adds
to great relations with the staff individuals, internal administration, partners and so forth and furthermore builds
managers esteem in the organisation.

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This report was developed to examine both the personal and professional development plans of the writer. The
writer is a strategic advisor to Unilever in evaluating the current situation and has to further improve his skills to
profit his/her association. Breaking down from this report, the writer shortfalls on few skills for e.g., delegation,
conflict management, etc. furthermore, it has been perceived that these abilities should be extemporized for
advancement of his career and association. The writer is classified as an activist learner, and with the assistance
of his/her self-awareness plan it has been uncovered to the writer the significance of improving his/her abilities.
Accordingly, designation improvement has come about into high inspiration levels among workers demonstrating
that expert advancement is significant in setting of individual and hierarchical improvement.

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