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• What is IP address ?
• Introduction of IPv4
• Limitations of IPv4
• Why is there a need of IPv6?
• Introduction of IPv6
• Why is IPv6 better than IPv4?

What is IP address?
• The IP address of the Internet Protocol is a numerical tag a
ssigned to each device connecting to a computer network u
sing the Internet Protocol for communication.
• IP address are also referred to as IP number and internet address

Introduction of IPv4
• The number of 32 bit is expressed in 4 decimal numbers where
each decimal number is 8 bit (octet) separated by a dot(.).
• The representation known as the decimal pointed representation.
• IP address implementation consists of 2 network id and host id

o Network id:-it is the number assigned to a network in the

o Host id:- it represents the id assigned to a host in the
Limitations of IPv4
• IPv4 has been in use since 1978 — No major updates /
• Exhaustion of IPv4 address space — Rapid development of
IP-enabled devices on the internet
• Integrated Security — Initially IPv4 specification did not
Identify any security mechanism IPsec was later added to IP
• Scalability-Service issue

Why is there a need of IPv6?

The primary function of IPv6 is to allow for more unique
TCP/IP address identifiers to be created, now that we've run out
of the 4.3 billion created with IPv4. This is one of the main
reasons why IPv6 is such an important innovation for the Internet
of Things (IoT)

Introduction to IPv6
• IPv6 will make use of 128 bit IP address

• An IPv6 address is represented as 8 groups of 4 hexadecimal

digits, each group representing 16 bits (2 octets). The groups are
separated by colons(:).

Why is IPv6 better than IPv4?

• Larger Address Space
• Better security for networks and applications
• Better connectivity
• Quality of service (QoS)
• Data Integrity is improved
• Better multicast routing

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