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Present perfect

The Present Perfect Tense is formed using the following structure:

Affirmative: Subject + Have / Has + Past Participle
Negative: Subject + Haven't / Hasn't + Past Participle
Question: Have / Has + Subject + Past Participle

Affirmative I have played tennis She has played tennis

Negative I haven´t worked in Lima. She hasn´t worked in Lima.

Interrogative Have you gone to Cusco? Has he gone to Cusco?

I. Order:
1. written – e-mail – has – an – she ________________________________________
2. haven´t – the – we – won – championship _________________________________
3. eaten – he – sandwich – has – my ________________________________________?
4. forgotten – birthday – haven´t – my – They ________________________________
5. exam – my – have – for – I – studied _____________________________________
6. car – bought – you – a – have – new - ____________________________________?
II. Answer:
1. What have you eaten in the morning? _____________________________________
2. Where have you gone this week? ______________________________________
3. Where have you studied English? _________________________________________
4. What have you watched on TV? __________________________________________
5. What have you done at home this morning? _________________________________
III. Rewrite sentences in….

1. They have lived in London for 3 years.

Yes/No Question:_____________________________________________
WH -Question:_________________________________________________
2. They have watched an interesting program on TV.
Yes/No Question:_____________________________________________
WH -Question:_________________________________________________
3. She has cleaned her bedroom since 4 o’clock.
Yes/No Question:_____________________________________________
WH -Question:_________________________________________________
4. My parents have traveled to Europe three times.
Yes/No Question:_____________________________________________
WH -Question:_________________________________________________
Who is he? What will he have done?
What will have happened?

Mable Jones lives in Florida in the United

States. Her grandchildren live in London,
England. They have lived in London for 3
years. Mable has not seen her grandchildren
in over a year.
She has talked to her grandchildren on the
phone and through e-mails many times. She
has also seen pictures of her grandchildren.
They have grown so much since the last time
they visited America.
Mable knits scarves and blankets to send to
her grandchildren in London. So far, she has
knitted two large blankets for her
granddaughters. She has also knitted a scarf
for each grandchild.

IV. Answer the following questions. Use the Present Perfect tense.
1. How long have Mable's grandchildren lived in London, England?
2. How has Mable talked to her grandchildren while they've been gone?

3. What has Mable knitted for her grandchildren so far?


V. Listen to the audios in Present perfect and practice them in class.

Inglés II mg. Nancy León P.

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