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Salazar Colleges of Science and Institute of Technology

Junior High School Department

Monthly Examination in English 7

Name:__________________ Grade&Section:__________Date:_________Score:__________


Direction: Encircle the pronoun that correctly completes each sentence.

1. When the team scored a touchdown, the crowd threw (its, their) hats in the air.
2. Neither Carmen nor her sisters have bought a gift for (her, their) brother.
3. Scuba divers are taught that (you, they) should check (your, their) equipment.
4. Patrick and Warren will present (his, their) routine before the other gymnasts do.
5. Not one hiker would set out without (his or her, their) compass.
6. Sal and Marcus shop for clothes here because (you, they) can find good bargains.
7. Either Debbie or Melinda will bring (her, their) ice skates.
8. Anyone who wants a job should bring (his or her, their) application to me.
9. Arctic explorers discover that (you, they) cannot expose skin to the icy air.
10. I told everyone in the boys’ choir that (you, he) had to bring a boxed lunch.
11. All of the mineral water has lost (its, their) sparkle.
12. Everyone must bring (his or her, their) own instrument to the music class.
13. Last spring one of the baby robins fell and broke (its, their) wings.
14. Nobody appreciates (his or her, their) own good health until illness strikes.
15. None of the books are in (its, their) proper position on the shelves.
16. Each of the boys enjoyed (his, their) trip to the Art Institute.
17. Both of the girls had to take medication for (her, their) allergies.
18. Each of the exhibits at the museum required (its, their) own special lighting.
19. One of the brochures has a photograph of Barcelona on (its, their) cover.
20. Few of the members on the girls’ team had arranged (her, their) own transportation.


Direction: Determine whether the sentence is a simple sentence or compound. Write SC for simple
sentence and CS for compound on the space provided before each number.

1. On Saturday we ate French toast.

2. I like playing basketball, and my brother likes playing tennis.
3. Once every year Grant writes his teacher a thank you note for her help.
4. We try to do our best in everything we do.
5. Most European countries now use the Euro, but the United Kingdom still uses the pound (£).
6. Anne liked her doll and book best.
7. I liked the cheese, yet ham tastes better.
8. Do you want to go swimming tomorrow, or would you prefer to play tennis?
9. She runs every day, so she is very fit.
10. Who ate the last donut on the counter?

Directions: Use FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to write one compound sentence using the two
simple sentences. Rewrite your answer on the blank.

1. Peter drove to visit his friend. They went out for dinner.
2. Mary thinks she should go to school. She wants to get qualifications for a new profession.
3. Alan invested a lot of money in the business. The business went bankrupt.
4. Doug didn't understand the homework assignment. He asked the teacher for help.
5. It is sunny. It is very cold.
6. Janet doesn't like sushi. She doesn't like any kind of fish.
7. Susan thinks she should stay home and relax. She also thinks she should go on vacation.
8. The students didn't prepare for the test. They didn't realize how important the test was.
9. Jack flew to London to visit his Uncle. He also wanted to visit the National Museum.
10. We went out on the town. We came home late.


Direction: Supply what is asked.

1. Give at least (5) characteristics of Lam-Ang.

2. What is the moral lesson of the story “Biag ni Lam-Ang”?

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