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Salad and cold Yield: 100 Pax

Menu Price/Market List Total
Salad bar Lettuce iceberg 0.5 kg 55,000.00 27,500.00
Lettuce, Cucumber, tomato, Onion Curly letuce 0.3 kg 45,000.00 13,500.00
black olive, green olive Tomato 2 kg 9,500.00 19,000.00
Onion 0.3 kg 13,800.00 4,140.00
Dressing Carrot 0.2 kg 12,000.00 2,400.00
1000 Island, Vinaigrette Cucumber 2 kg 5,500.00 11,000.00
Creamy french dressing Green olive 0.1 Btl 48,000.00 4,800.00
Black olive 0.1 Btl 31,900.00 3,190.00
Cheese Paprika 0.2 kg 60,000.00 12,000.00
2 kind of cheese Chedar cheese 0.2 kg 76000 15,200.00
Emental cheese 0.2 kg 350000 70,000.00
Fruits Semangka 5 kg 5,350.00 26,750.00
4 kind of slice fruit Melon 3 kg 11,000.00 33,000.00
Nanas 3 kg 4,650.00 13,950.00
Juices and milk Pepaya 3 kg 10,000.00 30,000.00
2 kind of juice corn flake 0.1 kg 23,600.00 2,360.00
Chocolate coco crunch 0.1 kg 30,900.00 3,090.00
Cereal Rice crispy 0.1 kg 18,000.00 1,800.00
corn flake, chocolate, rice crispy Fresh milk 1 ltr 12,600.00 12,600.00
Beef Ham 0.2 kg 240,000.00 48,000.00
Total 354,280.00

Bread Station Estimate
Menu consume/pax
Soft roll Soft roll 30 gr 15 1,200.00
Strawberry berliner Strawberry berliner 30 gr 15 1,100.00
white toast white toast 45 gr 15 700.00
2 kinds sweet bread 2 kinds sweet bread 60 gr 30 1,000.00
chocolate muffin chocolate muffin 30 gr 15 800.00
Cheese donut Cheese donut 30 gr 15 650.00
Danish pastry Danish pastry 30 gr 20 1,200.00
croisssant Croissant 30 gr 20 1,200.00
Brown toast Brown toast 50 gr 15 700.00
pancake pancake 60 gr 15 700.00
waffle waffle 60 gr 15 700.00
Butter portion Butter portion Pcs 15 1,800.00
peanut jam peanut jam 10 gr 15 200.00
Sarikaya Jam Sarikaya Jam 10 gr 15 200.00
Home made jam/Pineapple Home made jam/Pineapple 10 gr 15 200.00
Home made jam/Melon Home made jam/Melon 10 gr 15 200.00
Home made jam/Manggo Home made jam/Manggo 10 gr 15 200.00
Yield: 100 Pax
Hot Breakfast Estimate
Menu consume/pax
Nasi Putih Nasi Putih 4 kg 12,000.00 48,000.00
Nasgor tomyam bakso ikan Nasgor tomyam bakso ikan 4 kg 15,000.00 60,000.00
Beehun Goreng Beehun Goreng 4 Pack 18,100.00 72,400.00
Orak arik Sayur telur Buncis 2 kg 15,000.00 30,000.00
Ayam goreng colo2 Ayam goreng colo2 5 kg 35,000.00 175,000.00
Opor tahu Kentang Opor tahu 30 Pcs 550.00 16,500.00
fuyunghai asam manis fuyunghai asam manis 40 Pcs 1,500.00 60,000.00
Beef Bacon Beef Bacon 2 Pack 81,950.00 163,900.00
Beef sausage Beef sausage 3 Pack 63,800.00 191,400.00
Potato wedges Potato wedges 3 Kg 14,000.00 42,000.00
Pasta cream sc Pasta cream sc 3 Pack 18,100.00 54,300.00
Total 913,500.00

Stall Yield: 100 Pax

Menu cost Total cost
Mie Bakso Mie Kuning 2 kg 4,400.00 8,800.00
Bakso sapi 2 Pack 85,000.00 170,000.00
Sawi hijau 3 Bunch 6,500.00 19,500.00
Total 198,300.00

Stall Yield: 100 Pax

Menu cost Total cost
Bubur ayam komplit Beras 3 kg 12000 36,000.00
Celery lokal 0.3 kg 35000 10,500.00
cakwe 5 pcs 3500 17,500.00
Tongcai 1 pack 7000 7,000.00
Bawang goreng 0.2 kg 190000 38,000.00
Telur 20 pcs 1500 30,000.00
Bawang daun 0.3 kg 38000 11,400.00
Ati ampela 10 kg 1400 14,000.00
Ayam 2 kg 35000 70,000.00
Kedele 0.4 kg 16000 6,400.00
Kacang tanah 0.4 kg 19000 7,600.00
Emping 0.3 kg 45000 13,500.00
Kentang 2 kg 15000 30,000.00
abon Sapi 0.3 kg -
Total 291,900.00
Stall Yield: 100 Pax
Menu cost Total cost
Omelette Telur 150 pcs 1500 225,000.00
Paprika 0.3 kg 52000 15,600.00
Onion 0.3 kg 13000 3,900.00
Tomato 2 kg 9500 19,000.00
Chedar cheese 0.3 kg 75000 22,500.00
bacon 0.4 kg 81000 32,400.00
Mushroon Champignon 4 can 14000 56,000.00
Total 374,400.00

Stall Yield: 100 Pax

Menu cost Total cost
Nasi kuning beras 1 kg 1500 1,500.00
Ikan 1 kg 75000 75,000.00
telur 20 pcs 1500 30,000.00
Ayam 1.5 kg 35000 52,500.00
Sambel (cabe) 0.5 kg 45000 22,500.00
Total 181,500.00

Kopi Maleo 0.5 kg 69,000.00 34,500.00

Teh Sariwangi 20 Bag 220.00 4,400.00
Total 38,900.00

Salad, Cold and Fruits 354,280.00

Bread Station 218,250.00
Hot Main course 913,500.00
Bakso (Stall) 198,300.00
Bubur Ayam (Stall) 291,900.00
Omelette (Stall) 374,400.00
Nasi Kuning (Stall) 181,500.00
Kopi tea 38,900.00
ToTaL/100 Pax 2,571,030.00
100 Pax



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