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The reviewer suggests that one advantage of the book is that…

That doesn't require a reading order, since it doesn't have a start and end sequence. so you can read it
without any order .. and this is comfortable for people who do not have the habit of reading complete

2. The book concentrates on the fact that the twenty executives who are interviewed…

They are from different trades, from airline executives to software executives and they are mostly
successful. He also mentions that the interviewees share two types of qualities, those that are successful
and those that despite their success are not.

3. The reviewer cannot accept Stuart’s opinions because Stuart…

They are from different trades, from airline executives to software executives and they are mostly
successful. He also mentions that the interviewees share two types of qualities, those that are successful
and those that despite their success are not.

4. Reading the book made the reviewer think that...

Stuart seems to think that his book would be useful for people aiming for the top, and that it might even
make a few want to start their own company; but, in fact, what they could learn here is very limited.

5. Which parts of the book did the reviewer most enjoy reading?

The advice of the interviewees who became the chiefs describes their route to their current position.

6. The reviewer recommends the book for people who...

Been as light business reading for a doctor or teacher, though, this book would provide some good

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