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0 " 2 8 “ 6 ‘rections ww sing for rotons» urderstanng te ecins you are given ‘hanging money 1 hanging mney + understanding and epresig high aunbors «expressing distance, weight, eight, te. setting around 1 baying ces for journeys king about using various made of transport = sing more time expressions hacking in 188 geting rooms ina hte « asking about sevens saying what you usualy do ‘bargain hating 17 cing shopping fr elotes taking about ls, colours, nd wat things are made of ‘bartering wit a stat seer eating out 180 understanding a Malay mena + ordering {ood in estaurants and rom see vendors at the supemarkat 208 shopping fr fod at a shop or supermarket * understanding a Maly ree hobbies and iozure 28 {aking abou tks, dishes and ovurtes ln etal saying what your hobbies are and what spots you do saying how long something as been happening atthe doctors 233 taking about your body «saying how you fa “taking abut various common aliments + dating witha vist othe doctor taking othe tephone ‘ny tthe exercises 250 Nstening transept 20 aay English qlssa Engish-Malay glossary 206 Acknowledgements ‘We ate grateful ro the staff at Teach Yourself books for their diligence and patience. In particular I would like to thank: ‘Tam Lye Suan, for her expertise and input, and without whom this work would not have been possible. Eva Nyimas, for her assistance and encouragement throughout. Ginny Catm, for her assistance and immeasurable patience daring this project. Christopher Byrnes Taking it further Materials and opportunities for studying Malay ae rather searce in comparison to other world languages, but there are a few inermediate to advanced materials out there, if you know where to look for them, Here are afew suggestion to get you started: + Times Editions of Singapore (Times Centre, 1 New Industrial Road, Singapore 536196, Tel (65) 6213 9288, huplwww-timesone.comsgite, E-mail: carries a selection of good Malay and Indonesian textbooks fat beginner and more advanced level. The only major drawback is that none of the books has any audio ‘component. EPB Publishers also of Singapore (EPB Publishers Pte Ltd, 162, Bukit Merah Cental #04-3545, Singapore 150162), ‘publish several courses by Malcolm W'Mintz for students of Malay and Indonesian, beginner to advanced level. They onain audio components where apoliable: Yu may find Listening Comprehension: Selections from Malaysian and Indonesian History and later Advanced Writings for Students of Malay and Indonesian useful a8 learning materials after ‘Teach Yourself Malay. An excellent dual-text book that focuses on reading ‘comprehension and vocabulary development, and that would be a useful follow-on, is Learning Babasa Malaysia through its History and Culture 2002, Golden Books Centre Sdn. Bhd., WISMA ILBS, No 10 Jalan 8/5G. Perdana Business Centre, Bandar Damansara Perdana, 47820 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel; 03-77273890,, E-mail + Kamu Duibase Onford ir: Inggri Melon, Meloy by Joyce M. Hawkins (Penerbit Fajr Bak Sd.Bhd. (00897457) 4 flan Pemaju UI/S, Seen Ul, Hicom ‘Glenmarc Industrial Park, 401.50 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ean alhogh not ea, the mow ble onary Internet Resources Online newspapers ‘ hhtpsiwwwwharakahdaily.ned Wb radio on a vara of topos, mostly aimed at Younger listeners Ips dapradi.oe! pares com tnt hpuonmsbcy! hpafrdio mm y? pany! panecamecdangt Internet contacts Ie can really elp to establish cootacts with Malay speakers as toon at poral, bah to precio your Maly and vo seek out ‘trwers fo guctons you tay have aboot te language The following webnies are fice to jon, and exist exprely to ps langue srr in contac wth tate speaker of other Lengo for mural language practic, Ifyou are new tothe Interne please noe tat whet exec cena level of Caution when folting. clecusion fora or fsenthi. sis ‘Speci in the ary stages Is best oo witold personal ‘Eda (expec those you need to sigh up forthe serve) wal you are very ste the eran you ae talking 0 genie spon ply earlanguagecomd trspulrranylanguageenchaige cond Irpurrangage bay cominan asp Alle above web adresses are correct at the time of writing. ‘Neither the ator or the publishers are respon forth If you know of, or come across any other useful Malay resources on your linguistic travels, or if you just wish to send ‘me any comments, I would be delighted to ear fom you. E- Welcome to this brand new edition of Teach Yourself Malay. This fesh approach to learning the language t based on the dae lg Malay poke in Kola Lampe ingapore and Brunei Darla, Malay i ls spoken i parts of Thaland, the Cocos lands and in other areas of Indonesia that ate close to Malaysia, namely the Riss ‘Archipelago and pars of Sumatera and Kalimantan, In fat, ‘Malay and Indonesian are both forms ofthe same language, Bahasa Melayu, which means that, once you've learned Malay, you get Indonelan almos for fe, allowing for difeences Pronunciation, idiom anda sigifican numberof borrowings Io Indonesian from Dutch ewing to 350 yeas Of contact through tade and Durch colonization, We developed thie course with theee considerations in mind. ‘Our main goal was to produce a course that would give you, the reader, an introeton to real everyday Malay, as tis sed in the Malay-opeaking word. We begen with the pemie that you want to learn to speak and understand the language a8 {really used, rather than present the textbook-only sje of lngage tat you might nd eewhee. Sond, we have ‘endeavoured to make the language as easy to lesen as por by focusing on the vocabulary and srvture that you wil really need. Specific terminology has been included only where absolutely necessary 30 that you can become functional inthe language inthe shorts time possible, without the burdens of learning unnecessary features ofthe language. Malay is rare sctomget lengoages a tat i'w lot low cocapliewted Gan ‘thers you might have leamed, so we have bt upon this advantage. Thirdly, we have chosen to concentrate on language that is fnctional and, above al uel To achieve the goal of Presenting authentic situational language we have bul the uolonpowui onanponit 19 course around a series of dialogues that reflect the way in which Malay speakers use language naturally By the end of the course you will be able to function with ‘confidence in Malay on a variety of topics and situations, and, ‘most of al, you will understand and be understood. [Although the scope of a course such a tis is necessarily limited, it does provide a good grounding in the language that you can tse as a ase for more advanced study. Later inthis Introduction Several suggestions are given to help you locate resources for further seady The structure of the course Each Unit (apart from Unit 1) contains two dialogues based around situations in which you will most probably find yourself in the Malay-speaking world. The first dalogue in each unit deals with the language you will equire for handling certain ‘situations such as booking 2 hotel room, or talking about your family. The dialogues in Part One are centred around Stan Davies, a businessman feom che USA with a Singaporean Chinese wife and a son and daughter who arrive later, The dialogues in Part Two reinforce the theme of the unit consolidating what you already know and extending the Knowledge and skills gained in Part One, ofen taking similar situations and adding the sors of complications you are more Tikely to have to handle in everyday interactions. In Part Twa we ‘meet Tom Black, a student from Shefild in England who has flown to Malaysia to meet his e-pal Serena fr the first time. ‘The two sets of characters carey outa further function in che course: the language in Pat One tends tobe rather formal: the Sorta language you wll be using if you are on busines o if you ‘want to cary outtake such 3s ooking hoe ooms and asking for tourist information. The interactions berween the characters in Part Two have been orchestrated so that we ean intodace you to the more informal, chatty language you az kel twat tise amongst friends eis important to know and be able to use both varienes of Malay. ach uni i split into ewo parts and begins with » Dialogue fellowed by Words and phrates anda natural Translation ofthe dialogue. Note that the translations are not necessarily word for ‘word and are intended only a a guide i case you ind dficlry Jnunderstanding the cialogue from the accompanying vocabulary [Brackets have een usd in thetanslaton t indicate words that have been omitted in the Malay that are needed in English, Following the translation, there is 2 section of language notes called How the language works. This section introduces you £0 various imporeant features of language seucture and usage. For ‘many of these sections, a shore and simple exercise Check you can form exercise is included to practise the specific point chat section of the language notes refers to. Part One ends with an exercise section called Understanding. Malay. This section focases on the receptive skills of reading and listening, and includes exercises that ask you to put tothe test what you have learnt in Part One art Two follows the same format as Part One ~ Dialogue, Words ‘nd phrases, Translation, How the language works. Fioweves the ina exec eon Using Maley coer onthe cal luction skill, that is, writing and speaking, and features ‘mainly communicative exercises that are designed to develop Your funetional ability in the topic atea of each unit. This section require you o look at both Part One and Part Two of the unit complete the exercises, The final exercise inthis sction, Over to you, simulates a situational conversation that you will be able 9 fake part in if you have the recording or another speaker to practise with. In this exercise, you. should complete the part Indicated in English and then check your answer inthe Key before ‘using the pes for fluency practice. There may be more than one \way of conveying the information in each of the utterances, but we have chosen just one version that either uses language Structures and vocabulary you have encountered in the unit, or Indicates in fll a new form to be used How to use the course ‘Star with the Pronunciation guide and work through it until you are sure that you are familiar with it. Some letters represent diferent values in Malay from what you might expect in English, 50 you need to be sure that you are not embarking on the course with bad habits that may go unchecked and that will be very Aiffcul to eradicate late If, howeves, ou have the recording, you can move onto the language units after only a brief run through the Pronunciation guide as you will be hearing correct pronunciation ofthe dialogues from the outset, 1 As not all people lke to lear in the same way, we can ‘suggest wo equally effective methods of approaching apart of a study unit + Lisen 10 (or read) the Dialogue ft without omcering erent es eee at you are being exposed 10 the language taught in a parca un, s0 you shoud concentrate onthe sounds of the words and intonation rather than meaning, this exiy sage Alternatively if you are the type of person who prefers to iow what the dialogue means a you lien tf you could 0 stright to the Words and phrases sections before you ‘ren Took atthe dialogue and lear the words ad pass first, Thea you can se how the words and phrases tino the dialogue to create interaction and meaning. 2 Listen to the Dialogue again several dimes so that you understand wha is going on. You shouldbe starting to get a fa fr the language th hi repented ening, You eat vec listening! 3 Macon th How te aug works sn and aly he guage notes ane by one If here a Check you can cercie, complete it and check your understanding by feferring vo the Key before moving on 46 Tris a good ide 0 listen to the dialogue again several times gan, now that you know how the language points covered in How the language works relat to the meaning inthe text It commend ht you se he coding tere the Dialogue at ths stage, in order to bull speaking sis. ‘When yorave fisted the uty you sl gp ovr gs and practise speaking the pats in the Dialogues as much at posable Fr bs rete make sure you have fully understood End maserd all che points in the language sions and tat ou ean speak all the parts ofthe Dialogues as fant asthe ative speaiers on the recording, if ot fase! Throughout each unit, we have added more vocabulary for you to acquire in the various exerts and activities. In ado Some nis we have alo varied the range of language expression ‘n'a certain topic to help you broaden you language aby. For cxampl, inthe Over t you exercise, you ae expected to use ‘that you have learn he unt to constructs conversation that Ihe be onthe same theme 3s the nit topic, but might require you toadapt the language to diferent cone On occasion we fave introduced a new way of saying a phrase that you already know. You can get lot ftom thu exercise if you ate using the aubo component of the course because it features extensive uid fvency dlls designed to help develop orl sil. “The ise six units give you the base sentence patterns and ay che foundation for the language so it i recommended that you raster these fully before moving on in the course. If you can, ‘work through these units again to reinforce your learning Learning tips Do's + Give yourself time for what you have studied to become pat of your repertoire, A language nota series of fact it 4 Stiland a hab that nets fo bela, Practe mas it @ tabi + Phy your language recordings s much as posible This could tt liege te sterneiiobe erp on ketieg 0 work and even st iow volume wile you deep! Bo not make {hema of thinking tat passe listening lone wll do the frock for yo. I wil oe wl, orev, crete an Snvironment which il slow your ind to become uly fttued to your new target langage, inthe same way 2 would ifyou were ving ta the Susy + When you listen to the Dialogues afer you understand the seaning listen again several times with your eyes closed and try to iagine the acon’ that might accompany the conversation a you lien, + Learn the Dialogues by heart t the extent that you know txacty whats Coming next, and so tht you ean cepond i Flac: cher speak wher you play the Dinopes + Master one anin ts entity before moving om, and stil keep revising 0 Keep the language fresh nyo mind Fo each nw unt you proses ont, fs «good hea fo go back two or thre uns and eve them fly too + Tfsomerhng der noe make immediate sate come bck it 4 day later Remember hat hen you tc earings Language, Youamscpoone your mil toss tay torus tocoecese Eh deer take be tne or your ran begin 00 ‘cept thi but you cn be sure that wl iyo porscere. «Stay or practi the language every day. Ifyou cannot nd tine oe aig of te age sper ne playing the recordings gong over language that you have Slready studied. a * Go over what you have leart during the day jast before aoe + Gee as interested in the country and culture of Malaysian- speaking peoples as you possibly can, Find as many reasons as possible why learning Malay is important and enjoyable to you! Don'ts een ee aie seer iaaereee aera so pee te Sees ane Sinise Secieemar ee Ceaitors ‘not have that information at your fingertips straight away. You ie ee eo eee through the langues, Se nine ee See eee ie eae ice ae Leet So eee rp bes eee see eae ene Beeeeee eee izngage i the uni without Speaking, and go over the ui Seas aa crera nena Sees eae a opiate ieee eae eee caer {eam jn which you have to produce factual information aero Know tara mate: of days ow othe font sat ace eeee = Sea aera ne ‘We hope that you will enjoy working through this course and enjoying the interaction ‘with Indonesians that learning this ‘wonderful language will give you. Selamat belajar Learning Malay as an English speaker Mow lieonti. beg npn rs Fax iy Speci eed ans tlog tothe tae ov, tos Romar’ fay which meas that yom lam one, the hrs fr ease than wold hee een to aretha scare bese you hve flcady'pur the tne and sor in to undead the fev and ‘foeer" conepey, and a lor of the vootary'» our cndettnd tena Goth langage devcloped fom Lat Te Eien eee atic conse nos paitcnas Regi eet eciae they are so unlike English. If you know the nature of the lngonat Jou ae peg to ken oom all icp Lee g Career 0 pat too pa) apie to pecs ne GO Procallly che you HMI ithe following sca we ors ogo lok tthe aes chat might cause ity for English {pes min Mays hr yen aston actor spare Sipe dake mmsbap ati Seal te pet ney ue cepacia ee engi art actin ear anaare eree Endl Maly is ogea, comer al egat Narelly i ou wer to progres bivannod ley then vil hed at Cease aaciiccs mreoee 1 natry of he bast langage yo have an advantage in that tuoch ofthe mechan of the anguge wil seem simpli Possible pitfalls “This may sound obvious, bue in learning new language you have to learnt think differently: Languages, especially unrelated ‘ones, express concepts in very different ways. You can rarely just translate exactly what you would say in Englsh and hope chat it ‘comes out as authentic Malay, and vice versa. Malay has its ‘conventions, a does English. For example, Malay has variety of ways of saying. You depending on the level of politeness required ina given situation. In English, when we want to refer to You we jut think, and say, ‘You, but for the native speaker of Malay who wants to express You the choice will need to be made from a sange of options, and, what is more, She will make that choice in a split second ‘When you learn to think differently, you will be able to do that “The bes statoy is frst to be actively onthe look-out for the differences Then, learn what they ae a you go along and start te apply them deiberataly as you use the language. The eoeect ‘hei wil probably ely on a lowes conscious proces at fist intwith exposure and practice, the convention wil soon become zm attomati respons Pronunciation: follow te puide the book carefully and do pay Special attention tothe ng sound, which ean be awkward for Delsh speakers expecially when oars tthe srt on he ‘middle ofa word. Apart from tat, if you can rll your Fs there iver lie you wil need to’ practise extensively where pronunciation concerned “The other area that might slow you down is tha of learning Yocabularys Many European languages share cognate with English, hati, words that share sila ocgins with English ‘words, You cam immediately se the common ground in Swedish Ins and English house. Someines the Ink not immediately ‘parent, but itis there you look atthe word from a different spective, For example in French sbeep is mouton. Although {his bear no relation tothe Anglo‘Saxon word shee, itis the form that gave ws mutton, Similsey from German Hind ~ dog, wwe gt hound in English so 0 08 Fer languages exit without nflucnce fom othe ones, Malay i fo exception! Over the centuries trade to he Malay Peninsula ‘rong loan words fom Sank, Pensen, Portapucse, Hing, ‘Hokkien (a form of Chinese) and, of course, Arabic, While many ‘Gente words in Engith are borrowed fom Greek, and Slthough many of thee have now become adopted ito Maly, the one tha ate no from Grek introduced by Europeans) tend to be ‘borrowed rom Arabi, the language of Iam, and therefore aso of important religious sgniieance, as Malaysia is ‘cally 4 Mastin state, Of cour if you happen to know any Sr thee languages you have an smmediae advantage in that Some more ofthe Malay vocabulary wil already seem familiar to you ‘sa, Maly fen x fo able copa co most ish speking student although there are many bocrovrings Ersoy owns ove 200 year of Bree Malaya a spite of she ferences in apling, words like fxye, asia, ihem and tlevisyen probably need no further arbeation, once you understand te highly regular Malay spelng eles. But what Aout the thousands of words you necd to lear that do not ‘estmble English ones? Ifyou havea so-called ‘good? memory, You might find i easy to lean and recall words, buf you do not have "good? memory, or rather a trained memory, ext assred that your memory for languages wll improve with practice ‘Altematively, you could employ a memory tick known a ‘mnemonics to cate what Tall ae cognate, thats, words for which you invent link, however obscure, with English ~ or any Other language youalteady knows, fr tha mater. Heres how ie Works take the Malay word or phrase and see which elements Femind you of something ee you can use a a “hook” to lnk it to something you aleady know. These hooks canbe dsc or they can be as obscure as you Tike. "The secret here es in wh yom did 0 create the mnemonic; in what the images and links you create mean t you Let’ look at an example. Take the word sunt in Malay, which ‘means fo inet. Ifyou break that word dovin you. have two English words you low already, sin and fick. Now you have ‘vo words you ezognize, but what on earth do they have to do ‘sith injections? This is where ceativity comes iy and the more Sreative you are, the beter this technique wil work. Add imagination, colour excitement, snl feelings and action, and Youhaveall he ingredients wo create a memory imagine a yellow Gartoon sun round and grining ina blue sk. Al fa sudden, our of nowhere, huge tek appens and plunges into the stn, “Injesing i. Hear the sun yelp and observe the pained look on Wis face. What Kind of nose dae the ck make a fs through the ar ete, This isthe mos elegant use of mnemonics because not only ean you find almost exact equivalent sounds for the English, you can also work them into a imaginary scenario chat you can make highly memorable by se of action, movement and [moscment. This example is very direc, because the sounds you sre laying with already have meanings Engi hat you ean Here, we erated a mnenonic that dda just contain the sounds ofthe word tobe memorized, we also ereated a mental ski that had the meaning ofthe word embedded in too. Another example we could take is mandi, which means to bathe Thee age no immediate connestions, but you imagine ‘Mandy bathing, you have an immediate lik, righ to the word, and not just tothe word but also the meaning Ifyou know a Mandy, this ‘onenpenu Moment fr word ke vt ar fied to ws on a sive placer For many word hough, you wil Have 0 Be far more Iapinatve ovis toceate atsblennementzand yer een aiparel Grable san up wal ban ppectinasa ao Engin snde “ake bongs, fo example ening a package. Allowing fr Sifeenes in pronenction you coul ake bangs bun ating tole brad and unto mean con, Now You fave the sans of he word teckes Sowa ion eseing may bow Sree geek peer ee es a uae ter so Sisfosso tach ces bas en ty pel cua ge ‘clonal bon, meapel op cea Cait pres Can oo io How big at Riou bg larger han if beer ‘Watch her she arogis to fsbo package hgh he Itow font dooe Wash het foc, it saning and hesing ta bors open sending you sad er Bing tothe ground ‘Rnd what obglé te parcel Rested wih but hundreds Yes indice of bast Ad Hey aren ost ordinary desc ae tcchy,ewost and nies Con you snel the bu? Fee ie acho ep yous ota nad sme tg ot on Fo haben Ca ou ein seco reese gee oom ths mone on your Coun hts ie bras ‘tho bron a huge pecag or ous tute wich bu "kaow this might em clos, beats, of cous ‘note way 10 learn vocabulary i ia the fashcard tod. py the verb dpa one is oars today tana of thom mah on whee you thn oy ot eEainine eo Sues Pathe foreg word or phrase om ones the Eis mlanon on te ck and eat eee rough tem cheer yore ane eythane ere ere oe Maat vei os ten tone sre wel eased oprodce the Maly sng thc Ketan Ba yt As cron os coke ued le pou bop Cyl aise Sree Your cards s0 that you can rece through ses of words and Biles be oon Fouagnere siseraeeonsione tase learning visit hetpd/ f You willbe happy to know that Malay pronunciation is very regular With one orto exceptions Wht you see RAE OUSI. ‘The guide we give here will help you to pronounce Malay in an acceptable way. It must be stressed, however, that alla writen explanation of these sounds” cam. provide is an Ipproximation of the real sounds, There ie simply no ‘tbat for hearing foreign sounds produced by" mati Speakers 20 if you do not have acess to a native Malay ‘pesken then you would bene geal from hearing the reat Malay sounds on the recording teat accompanies ths book. Siete Mal vesting is much more sepalet than English spelling. With very few exceptions, separate lees or certain Combinations alvays have the same pronunciation. As far a8 pensble, we have deliberately chosen eel, high frequency Word illustrate the pronunciation of the sound within the word fortis promineston gue Vowel sounds {All yowel sounds are shor: ‘is pronounced lle ain far lagu sone taman gordon unless it occurs atthe end ofa word when itis greatly reduced tothe sound of asin agai tiga three ama name «has two distinct sounds, one is pronounced like the a sound in again. Ths iby fan, the most common e sound in Malay. © empat— four immediately epin6 uolneimunuoid=; ‘The other sound is pronounced like the e in egg. In texts produced for native speakers thi eis not distinguished from the ‘ther e sound. This can make it difficult for a beginner to know where these e sounds ae. Ie is surprising that most text books and dictionaries, even those intended for foreign learners of the language, do not point this out, especially as it occurs in some very common words! & meréka ~ they énak = delicious ‘Throughout this course an acute accent has been used 0 indicate this second sound. Note, however, that its only used as a guide for lamers of Malay as a foreign language so you Should never use it in your own writing, Note further that this ‘accent does not mark stress in'a word, as it does in some languages. i lima five like the én Capri © tolong please Hike o in bor but with lps ‘more rounded uw sam one like the 00 sound in cool but shor aa saat moment pronounced as two separate a founds rather lke the two a Sounds inthe phrase sa) at With the f missing! If you are Britis, imagine how a Cockney mighe say this. like ein tie Hike the ow in house ai sampai until ‘au haus thirsty Bconsonant sounds The following consonants are pronounced asin English B bas bus dia two {oxo photo fe ee dey sin diligent eras "bard Japan, eight sembllan nine Sepuluh ten Sayur vegetables tempat® place always as a hard g asin gor + veeears vegetarian w wana colour ya ye Fea zebra When tok occur at the end ofthe word they ate pronounced selighty as to seem not pronounced at all barat west tidak mo ‘These consonants are pronounced differently from English: © cari Look for like h in hop | hy sekolah schoo! at the end of a word it is Pronounced as a puff of air atthe end of word sot can be pronounced rolled as in Spanh or softs in English lke te ob in he Scotsh word loch ‘ome Tike the mg in Jong but not Pronounced afr atthe Gl sound. ie can occur st the Eeginning of words andi si ‘ered to be pronounced as indicated above like the me sound in the word ajuk seven tidak no F tidur to sleep Hkh Khusus special ng orang person Dangun to wake up ny banyak a lot of gg menggosok to brush like the mg in long but this ime a the fll sound sy inyarat_ sign ike the shin sir snkat company DsStress Although stress may differ depending on where you are in Malaysia, as an English speaker you will probably find it more natural to follow the pattern of ‘tresing words on the penultimate syllable. sekolah school smemberskan to clean Later on in Unit 3 you will ave the option of listening toa Malay speaker recite the whole alphabet. You may well be surprised 0 hear thatthe letters are pronounced just as they are in English! Exercise 1 Although you will mec all these words in the study unis of the ‘course, any words that you can learn now will give you a head start! Look at the clues and fil in the crossword, saying each ‘word out loud as you write i in. “LO u 3 e10deb6 0} 9wo0o Across Down 2 four 1 school 4 delicious 3 place 5 they 6 six ease 7 new 8 fantastic 11 name 10 food 13 no 12 one 15 hop tn this unit you wil learn 14 like 18 special how to 16 wo + greet people 17 three + Introduce yourself and others + say whore you come from PART ONE Dialogue Selamat tenga har Nama saya Stan Davies ‘Saya berasal dan Amora, ‘Selamat tenga har Nama saya Sue-Ann, Saya berasal dar Singapura Heo! Saya Tom. ‘Saya dri Englan. Heto! Saya Serena ‘Saya dar Malaysia, How the language works 1 1 Hilo isa mokipurpose gesting just like Hello in Engl, In Addition, Malay hes four greetings forthe speci time of day: Selamat pag inthe morning, Selamat tenga har which ‘would corespond to good day noe style English Selamat Detang whichis used beeen 2 and 6 pam. and selamat Ihalam which i used throughout the evening and night. So ‘we could say that the Malay greetings roughly correspond to the English athe fllowing way selamat pagi ‘good morning ‘Selamat tengah hari (rood afternoon selamat petang {ood evening Selamat malam ‘ood evening, good night 2 You do not need to use words for am, are is in Malay. So saya can mean both J and I am. Compare the following sentences in English and Malay: Lam Tor. Saya Tom. Lam from England. Saya dari England. Exercise 1 See if you can make these sentences. The names ofthe countries ‘can be left as they are. a Tam John. Tam from England Lam Kylie. 'am from Australia. ¢ Tam Fatimah, Iam from Malaysia 3 To give your name or introduce yourself in Malay you can use ‘nama saya ¢ your name or you can jus se saya... am. Saya is far more natural and consequently, more frequently used, specially in the spoken Language, than nama saya. We do the ‘same in English. Consider how mich more likely ou ae to say Tam Job, for example, rather than My name is Jobn. 10 ences oman & Understanding Malay Diexercise 2 Fics famillarze yourself withthe new vocabulary If you are not using the recording turn to the transcript at the back of the book and treat this as a reading exereise, You will hear these people introduce themselves in the order indicated by ‘the number next to the picture. Listen to what each person says land link the person's name, the country he/she is from and, finally, continue the line as far asthe other piece of information about that person, (4a \Gsy Exercise 3 ‘True or flee? ‘When you have completed the listening exercise above try the following tuelalse test. 12 Sarah Leong is «student from Singapore. 'b Huzaini is a tourist from Sumatera. ¢ Farah is a dancer from Malaysia, 4 Safia isa tourist from Brunei Darrusalam. PART TWO GDialogue Mr Davies, a businessman from the USA, has arrived at Singapore Airport. He has come to Singapore for several months on business. His Singaporean wife, Sue-Ann, and the rest of his family willbe joining him later. Two men from the Maju Jaya company have come to meet him. Encik Zamani Malt Adakah saudara in Enc Davies? | Enolk Davies Ya, saya. Encik Zamani Selamat datang ke Singapura. Kami dari ‘Syarkat Maju Jaya. Saye, Zamani dan perkenalkan Inv Enc Baharom. (Mey shake hands) Encik Baharom Gombira dapat bertemu dengan Encik Davies, Encl Davies. Saya uga, beat TQ eosons os oucoen HO ecco or oucson & Mr Zamani Excuse mel Ae you Mr Davies? Mr Davies Yeo, lam Mr Zamani Welcome to Singapore. We are rom the Mj Jaya ‘company, Pleased to meot yout Zamani an ths is Mr Bahram, Mr Baharom Pioased to most you. MrDavies Pleased to moet you, to. How the language works 2 1 In this unit you have come across words lke saya I and sandara you. Words such as these that can be used instead of Fepeating a persons name are known 9s personal pronou Here are the formal personal pronouns in Malay saya Sandara you faudanl_ jou mad yo Gia bathe tami woe kia we mereka they They are called formal personal pronouns because you should swe thm in a situation where you ate not familiar with the Speaker ‘or where, you would” be expected to maintain @ ‘especial tone to whomever you ae addressing. ‘As you will have noticed there is more than one word for you and we in Malay. Saudara can only be used when addressing male and sts counterpare saudari can only be used when Audresing a female. Anda, onthe other hand can be used #0 Address both male and female speakers. In adon, in Malay, a person's name, with or without the l,j often used in place of 2 personal pronoun out of deference Inthe dialog for this section you will notice that Mr Zaman uses Mr Davies’ name “and ttle when addressing him directly: Gembira dapat bertemu ‘dengan Encik Davies. This may seem awkward at first to an English speaker, as we only use names in this way to refer to third party and never to address someone directly, but i is a very common feature of Malay and one that would be very Advantageous to you to be sensitive to, especially in highly formal situations where i s more o less expected. ‘The words for we, on the other hand, have specific meanings and usage depending on the situation. Kita is used when you are including the person or people you are speaking to in what you say. Kami is used when You mean us but not you. For inseance, imagine you ate a pasty with Your spouse. When it comet time for you and your spouse to go you announce your departure by saying We mace be leaving now. You would we kami in Malay. Ifyou used kta it would mean chat you expect all the others o go with you! Obviously it would not be taken literally. Ii ust an illustration, bur itis worth bearing in mind the distinction when you are speaking Malay as you may ‘unintentionally find yourself altering the meaning of what you want to say otherwise, TQ crosesus oy wooen ‘iodebins of ewoojam FQ 2 ‘To introduce yourself to someone in Malay simply use: nama, saya + your name ‘To introduce someone else use the phrase Perkenalkan, ii + Perkenalkan, ini Peter Robinson. This i Peter Robinson, Note the set phrases: Gembira dapat bertemu dengan anda. Pleased to meet you (Remember that you could use the other person's name instead ‘of anda or saudara/saudasi as appropriate, Refer to point 1.) Gembira dapat bertemu dengan anda jugs. Pleased to ‘meet you too. in response to the first utterance, you could use Saya juga begitu or Begita juga dengan saya as alternatives to vaty your Maly. 3 In Part one you saw that you do not need to use words for ‘amiarefs in Malay. You may have also noticed that you do not need to use a word for a (an) or the ether. You just say I from ABC Exports or I businessman, etc. Compare the following English and Malay sentences: Lam a businessman, Saya usahawan. This is a book Ini buku. Ina sentence such as That is timber. where there would be no a in English anyway, the patten isthe same ‘That is timber Iu kayu balak, kayu bal Exercise 4 Pat these sentences into Malay 4 This is a dictiona 1 He isa businessman, © That is coffe. This isa f She isa teacher, £ This is water 4 Tn any language there are two types of question ~ one that requires an explanation (initect) and one that simply requires the answer yes or no (direct). One way to form a yes/no question in Malay is by using adakah. In English we change the word ‘order, for example to turn the statement This is a book into a ‘question we say Is this a book? To form the question in Malay ‘Smply take the statement and add adakah to the beginning: Ini buku, ‘This is a book. Adal ini bok? Is this a book? Similarly: ‘Anda usahawan. You are a businessman. ‘Adakab anda usahawan? Are you a businessman? Jeu nas That is rice ‘Adakah ica nasi? Is that eet [Note that inthe dialogue, the phrase Adakah saudara ini? is a very polite idiomatic expression for Are you ..? and is best kept asa set expression. [Notice that the punctuation rules ~ capital lemer at the beginning ofthe sentence and question mark atthe end ~ apply in Malay too. Also, as in English, you should use a rising intonation atthe end ofthe question. Exercise 5 See if you can form adakab-type questions using the statements in Malay you made in Exercise 4. For example: 1 (This sa ditionary) Ini kamus. Adakah ini kamus? Using Malay Exercise 6 Look atthe following dstogu between two people. Can you tsromble two that mas sense? Then tate “a, boi ‘eye gombia dapat bekanaan dengan aap. ‘Solr eng ke Enard Norma sya Rober Davie LO cedetuns or stooiom 13 HO secsous 01 aucoym 2 Maat... Adakah saudara in Enck Salih dar Malaysia? ‘Ya eaya, Selamat berkenalan, ‘Adakah anda dar syarkat pemiagaan Singapore Seas Impons? ‘Selamat berkenalan, Pleased fo moet you. ‘yarkat perniagaan racing company Detul comect Ye, betul Yes, thats corect. Diexercise 7 Over to yout Imagine that you (A) ae from a company called ABC Exports As the only Malay speaker at your firm you have been sent to the aisport to meet 2 Malaysian lady (B) called Mrs Fauzish {Puan Fauziah) You se a lady waiting who might just be Mrs Fauziah. Waite out the dialogue replacing the English in brackets with suitable Malay phrases you have learnt in ths ‘When you check your answes in the Key tothe exercises note that there could be several diferent ways of expressing the English in Malay, so if your answers are diffrent docs not necessarily mean that they are wrong. We have just chosen one skemative as an example. Excuse me. Are you Mrs Falah? ‘abot >p> Gembira dapat bertemu dengan anda, ‘Me too. sjeAue In this unit you wil learn how to + se less formal yes/no ‘questions + show possession 26) PART ONE D Dialogue Having met atthe airport, Stan, Baharom and Zamani continue their conversation, Baharom Koréta kami sudah menunggu cia. ‘Zamani_Apakah ini bagasl anda? Bhar saya bantu Baharom Anda bercakap Bshasa Melayy dengan balk seal Stan Terima Kasih. Saya cuba totapi saya hanya tahu bbeberapa palah perkataan sahaa. ;Baharom Tidak mengapa. Sedil-eeckt nant lama-lama menjad bukit. evita car sudan skeacy rmenunggu wits 0 wait ‘tur outsice bogasi ugae9e ‘iar (6 alow bantu hep, hop bar saya bantu fem hap ereakap spook speak Bahasa Malaysia Malay dangusge) ‘alk wl good sekal ory dengan boiksekall_ Yer wal tevima kath thank you aba ty toy tetapi but hanya onyy beberapa a fow ppatah broken perkataan words sahaja_just/oniy tidak mengapa that’s al ightino problem Malay proverb: Sedikt-sedikt nant lama-lama ja bukit Tako I ene step ata tie. ‘Translation Baharom Our cars seady wating outside ‘Zamani_s this your luggage? Let mo hep you. ‘Baharom You speak Malay very wel ‘Stan Thank you. | ry but nly speak a to. ‘Baharom That's al ght Tako it one stp at atime. How the language works 1 1 To expres thanks in Malay we the phrase esima ash, Adding Banya which means many or mach ives you trima asi Banya than you very much To respond with don’ mention i, use trima Kasih kembal (chen tectened jst bal or st-suma 2 Kereta kami our car, bagasi anda your luggoge. The same fronds shat are wed forthe personal pronoune a als wed ‘how ownership or possesion, Take cael ‘ne of the positon, When they dre used to show pomesion hey se flac afer the noun tay tefer o-It i important robe sware thay as these words ae the same, meaning depends excisively tm rkions Wen they are placed before hc oun they refer ty they havea ferent rennin as discussed in Unt Study the following paslaade | jeer imc Eaters Sop eel bak dia his Book or her book Exercise 1 How would you say the following: a her photo b their present © my watch 4 ou picture? foto photo hadiah presont Jam tangan watch gambar picture The kita/kami distinction applies here too. Baharom uses kereta kami in the dialogue because in Malay he is obliged to convey the idea thatthe car that is waiting i from the company Zamani land he work for and came in, and not the one Stan works fo. 3. Biar means let or allow. It is used to form expressions like bar saya bantu, let me help, of, more commonly with kita in ‘making an invitation biar kita per, lr’s go! (ie. le us go.) 20 Exercise 2 Can you make the following sentences? a Lets speak Malayt B Lets go to fpoht € Lets Wai ote! 4 Verbs are often described asthe action words of a language, Such as rim speak take and try ahough they de. not ‘necessarily have indicate action tbe verbs Be and ave ae deo verbs, In English, verbs change their form to indicate tense (ie wheter they refer tothe preset, pastor fate) and somtimes 1 inate he. penn who i perorming the acon, Fo ‘example, we say speak and they speak but be speaks and se Spee in Maly the sare fom ofthe ver sed no mater ‘which tense oF person it being expresed. So, bercakap may Incan speak speaks, spoke speaking 0 speak et ‘Note that inthe vocablary sections inthe text and atthe back af the Book the fo form och ae fo ran) i ued to india a vet, Understanding Malay Exercise & True o false? Read hes statements in Malay based upon the dialogue in Part (One, and say whether each i tr or fabe 1 Kereta Sean menonggu di lua 2 Zamani membanta San 3 Rega tan dae 4 Stan bereakap Bahasa Melayu dengan bak skal Bere bestest ae rs = et ee ee cee eaten oa eee. = ae PART TWO D Dialogue Tom Black, a student from the UK, arvives at Kuala Lumpur International Aigport to meet his long-standing e-pal Serena for the first time, He passes through customs and baggage reclaim ivithout a hitch but there is no siga of Serenat Looking like a Jose tourist, Tom is approached by several private taxi drivers ‘offering their services. Pemandutoksi 1 Tok, Enck? Tom Tidak, toma kash Pemandu teks 2 Enck nak nak teks? Tom “Tidak, terima kash Pemandu teksi 3 Enok, mahu ke mana? Tom ‘Saya todang monunggu seseorang Pemandu toksi 4 Saya boléh menghantar Encik ke hotel. Encik hondak perl ke otal mana? (Present, a young lady approaches Tom and starts speaking.) ‘Serena Maat. Adgkah saudare bamama Tort? Maat, fa toréwat. Saya tersangkut dalam evesakan lint. Tom Ya, Anda Serena? Serena Betul. Gombirabertemu dengan saucara. Tom Saya Joga beg ‘Serena ‘Adakah semua ini bagas! anda? Blar saya bantu tekst pemandu teks! tidak, teria kasih ‘nak (short for Rendak ‘Tax driver 1 Tax, Sk? Tom No thank you. ‘Tax driver 2 Does Sir need a tax? Tom No thank you. ‘Tax driver 3 Where do you want fo go), 7 Tom lam waiting for someone. Te erver 4 Can tke you te a ot (SH Where do you wat o ow! ‘Serena Excuse me, are you Tom? I'm sony I'm lat, | was ‘suckin trate. Tom Yes. Are you Serena? Serena That's coroct. Pleased to moet you. Tom Me to. Serena _ Is this all your baggage? Let me help. How the language works 2 1 Inthe dialogue, encks ued o mean yon. Encik pet tei? ‘Used inthis way, ence can be bkened tothe older sty, hyper pokes Engh, Bos Se pga tae though ks nage el Eommon pace in Malay speaking countric. Any tile oF name an be uted to mean you Therefore, if you say, or example Apakalh Siti dari Kuala Lumpur? this could mean Is Siti from Kuala Lumpur? bu if you were addressing Siti direct, the meaning would be Are you from Kuala Lumpur (St)? 2 In Unit 1 we saw that maaf can mean excuse me. Itcan also ‘be used to apologize for something in the following way: Maaf, saya terlewat. Pm sorry I'm late. 3 In Unit 1 you were introduced 10 adakah as a means of forming a yesfao question. AS in the dialogue above, you ean ie the sme ype of question by using pala The meaning IS the same and’ is subject only to the speaker's personal preference: Adah da ang mennegy coin? 1 se wating for someone? Apakcah dia sedang menunggu sescorang? Exercise § Use apakah to ask the following questions: 1 Isthisall your (use anda) luggage? by Are they waiting outside? € Ise stuck in trathc? 44 Ace we (use kami) late? 4 Did you notice that not all the questions in the dialogue are formed with adakah or apakah? In informal style, these may be omitted when forming a question, especially in the informal Spoken Language. Another way to form a yes/no question is ‘Simply to take the statement and add arising intonation at the nds that alone forms the question. BB Look at the following examples and, ideally, follow along ‘with the recording if you have i a8 this type of question relies ‘Solely on the rising intonation you use. Ta menarik. es interesting. Ita menarik? Ist interesting? Dia penat, She's tied. ia penat? Is she tired? Ini kucing anda, ‘This is your eat Ini kucing anda? Is this your cat? ‘cantik beaut penet ted menarik intersting Kucing oat Using Malay Exercise 6 ‘A Choose the correct response from the choice of three foreach ‘question or statement. 1 Maaf, apakah anda pemandu teksi? a Terima kasih 1 Ye berul, Encik mabu ke mana? Tidak mengapa 2 iar saya bantu 42 Terima kasi, bagasi saya di luar. » Saya sedang menonton tlevsye. ¢¢ Saya bereakap Bahasa Melayu dengan baik. 3 Encik mahu ke mana? 44 Mahu ke Hote Istana, } Selamat berkenalan ¢ Tidak, terima Kasih 4 Apakah anda sedang menunggu seseorang? ‘Ya, saya sedang menunggu pemandu teks. bb Tidaly dia pelancong. ¢ Gembica dapat bertemu dengan anda juga. Diexercise 7 Over 10 you! While you are working at your desk your Malaysian friend Mustafa (A) comes up to you to ask for help with something. Use the English in the prompts to answer Mustafa’s questions i Malay. You are (B) Boleh anda membantu saya? 1m soy. im busy now. ‘Anda sedang beljar Bahasa Melayu? Yes. Boleh saya Kemball nant? ok. >orore> Selamat Bolsa! ‘When you have finished writing in the answers, check that you know what Mustafa is asking you, then use the recording t0 practise the dialogue. In this unit you wil learn i 8 + gve information about Yyourstf and ask about other people + Oxpress nationalities and languages + ask baste questions JJesanoAd ynoge S4OW OW |]9} C0 PART ONE D Dialogue On the time by Stan Zaman ‘tan’ Zamani Stan zaman Stan Zamani way to the hotel, Stan, Zamani and Baharom pass the betting to know each other a little more. ‘Apa khabar Encik Zamani? {Khabar bak dan anda pula bagalana Encik Davis? ‘Saya juga bak, torima kash. Begaimanakah dengan penefbangan anda? Sangat sola, walaupun agak meetin. ‘Anda mémang fsih Bort dalam Bahasa Mela. ‘Ferma Kasih, Saya belaar darpada ‘ster saya. Dia evesel dati Singapura. Apakah Encik sudoh berkaluarga? Belim, Saya mash bung, Baharom Saya sudeh berkeluame. Stan’ ‘Maat. Boléhkan anda bereskap dengan lbh pershan? Baharom BaiKah. Maatkan saya. ‘bageimanakah dengan How is .? How was .? enerbangan fight ‘sangat very ‘selésa comfortable walaupun though ‘apak rather somewhat smeletinkan fing ‘mémang reall facin Muont brtutur to speak alam in bolajar fo feamito study daripada from Teter! wile sudan atoady berkeluargamaried belam not yot ‘asin tt) "eamok €0 yeemar nage aio £0 ‘Stan How are you, Me Zaman? Zamani Fine, and you, Mr Davies? ‘Stan Fm fine too, thank you Zamani How was your fight? ‘stan Very comtortabe, although somewhat thing. Zemani You relly ar fuentin Malay. ‘Stan ‘Thank you. | leat (fom my wife. She Is fom ‘Singapore. Ae you marred? Zamani_—_Notyet. am stl single Baharom lam maried. ‘stan Sorry, could you speak more slow? Baharom OK. lam sory. How the language works 1 1 How are you? in Malay is Apa Khabar? The standard response is: Khabar bail, terima kash, am fine, thank you. {Khabar on itr own means news) You could we Baik scl, Very good, very wll, for shor ‘Other common answers are sha, I'm healthy or alhadulila, ba, Im wel thanks be to Allah, "The last response is party ‘able and widely used by Muslims. Not, though, th you ‘Should only te this expression if you, to, are Maslin. 2 Countries, nationalities and languages. New Zealand, Australia, Ireland Scotland, Wales and England Ne chesamespeling 2 in English and do noc conform tothe Hein ee samc fules you have leant in this book, s0 the Mat Bion is the same as you would expect in English, {i) To talk about natonaliy simply take orang which means (ioc snd add the name ofthe country ff orang America an American (person) Saya rang Irland Tam iss aan reson) i) Talking about languages is just as simple. Take bahasa Tees language and add the name of the country that TONS ponds tote language you want to expres ‘hase al Tulan (anges) BEB beccakap bahasa Perancis. She cam speak French. Note, however, that when talking about the English language, Nae erreur form can be wed. So English is always bahass Inge. When Malays talk about their own language they often jas se Mee bans, taking ita ead from the station tha it ‘Cate Malay they are refering to. You may also ear the Nels language refered to as Dabasa Malaysia. Exercise 1 How would you say aa Spaniard fan American Chinese ga New Zealander © a Scot Bh Malay 4 an indonesian ia Singaporean © Dutch i Japanese? 2 Now that you can refer to any language you want you need 2 Reta Rawal about speaking such and such a language. tn Unit 2 you met bereakap language: ‘Anda bercakap bahasa Melay dengan bai seal Mou sek Maly ery wel In this uni we introduce you to fo more ways namely beeatar ‘Bn Sid Besbual dalam With oth of these verbs you ned £9 dna eves you do no ed with bala, Betsakap {PS otably the most common of hese verb, but you need to at tee eRiclrund the others in ease someone uses them while ‘et y0u, 38 your ability to speak Malay will no doubt 8 ‘yeamonk ogee sat set you apart from the usual tourists, and you will be commended on your efforts, if not the quality of your Malay. Mereka bertutur dalam bahasa Cina dengan ‘They speak Chinese fluently. ‘Boléhkah Devinder berbual dalam bahasa Melayu? Can Devinder speak Malay? 3 Some question words So far we have seen two ways to make yesino questions in Malay. The other type of questions are those that require an answer and begin in English with question words suchas chat? who? how? and when? In Malay these ace i Apa or Apakah? What? ‘Apa itu? Whats thas? ii Siapa or sipakah? Whot Siapa ini? Who is thie Siapakah orang itu? Who is that person? ii Bila or Bilakah? Whene Bila penerbangan ke London? Whe isthe flight to London? Bilakah mesywarat? When isthe meeting? iv Bagaimana or bagaimanakah? What kind off Whar’. liket/How'st! How arciHow wast! How were, ee Bagaimanakah flem ieu? How was thet flr? Bagaimana isteri anda? How's your mother? Ja the dlslogse, Zamani asked Bagaimanakah dengan Bagaimana(kah) dengan isa more colloquial usage which can be teed to ask how something sor was All the avon word can osu wth aaah t them without altering the meaning Ab we shall soc at om “ka ‘fen features in question formation In Mal 4 In English, nouns can be decribed by an adjective, for ‘examples big car bap ocasom,r they cae decibel by voter noun whereby theft non gies mere infomation Met ccond for instances life, bookshop and Jie. Bagh he decbing word ocars belo the i lay, nons canbe modified by aetves or by nouns and treks whih ae cay out th le of Sxrbng the now When any of these reed eo dees noun hy re placed Mr foun they refer Stay the following The describing words rein bod tals: + with adjeccives eréta bane nem cx sambar menarik ‘an interesting picture * with nouns stéven bas bus station ‘rang Wales 18 Welsh person + with verbs £ pciges mits airport ox, originally airfiel bike mands bathroom (erage rong an fn manne 1 deike though the exate meanings are not eral tanttble ite Eas, they doit the concee that he (seabird ots afer the noun rele to. apangan nan ay xed) +n more tan on eng wr ming ronnie oan mp ow om) and panel names ors Shanti aed er the ee othe Engh tckola babas Ingen Engl language cool paper oman sar mind sport aman snoge ero £0 Exercise 2 How would you say: heavy luggage sports clothes ‘¢ bedroom (say: room (of seep) 4d My Malay language teacher friend ‘© My friend's Malay language teacher? brat heavy ‘sukan sport ppakaian clothes tidur to sloop Biwhen you ace learning a language you may need to ask for ication or repetition. You wil find the following phrases very useful so you should learn them by heart: Maaf, saya tidak faham. I'm sorry, I don't understand. Bolchkah anda ulangi Gould you repeat that please? ‘ekal lagi? Boléhkah anda tolong Could yow soit it down tuliskan? please? ‘Boléhkah anda tolong akan? Could you spell t please? Bolghkah anda bercakap Could you speak more slorly dengan lebih perlahan? please? Boléhkah anda bereakap Could you speak more loudly ‘dengan lebih kat? please? You will notice that most of the expressions above use Bolehkak ...2, which corresponds to the English could you 7 The -kah is actualy optional and used colloqually in all the above, bur Malays tend to use it wherever questions are being asked in the written form. Boleh means ean, as in to have the ably tas wel as meaning fo be permite to, More on boleh Understanding Malay Exercise 3 say whether the following statements based onthe Alalogoe ae true or fale 4 Penesbangan Encik Davies sngat melekan. i ter Bock Davis berasal da Singapura € Encik Davies belajarbabasa Malaya daripada isteriny, 4 Encik Zamani slum bereluarga Isterinya his wile Diexeroise 4 Fist familiarize yourself with the vocabulary then listen to Rani interviewing a young lady and circle the tortect answer to each question: 4 What nationality isch interviewee? British — Indonesian - Chinese ~ Malaysian How well can she speak Malay (according to the interviewer)? like a native - faery ~ only alittle «© What other language can she speak? (Chinese ~ Welsh - English ~ Japanese 44 What problem does she have wih the interviewer's Malay? ts too fast Is too unclear ~Ie's heavily accented PART TWO Dialogue Tom is saying at Serena's house on an estate in the suburbs of Kuala Lumput,Serena’s neighbour is an elderly gentleman who nds co be a bit nosey! Tom and Serena are just leaving the ouse when they are caught by the inquisitive Encik Hanif who ‘s sitting on his verandah Encik Hanif Sauda hendak ke mana? Sigpakah lla tu? ‘Serena Saya mahu peri bela jalan. Dia teman saya dat ‘Shee Encik Hanif Sheffield? Oi mana tu? D|Amerka’? Serena Tidak, dl England. ogee! Suet . ‘Me Hanif Just cll me Pak ck Hari.) hope you enjoy your stay here. Tom Thank you. See you again How the language works 2 1 Negation. Malay makes sentences or phrases negative ting tidak or akan depending onthe stuton Tei eponask tha you unetand th dstinon been the tage hse + To make a vet negative in English, we ute don or does’ before he ver. For example, we woul say He doco speak Engl 0 They don't et bee. 1m Malay, nse tidak directly before aver to make it negative. he drinks Ihe doesn’ drink Thnow Tdon't know ‘+ In Malay, adjectives are also made negative by using tidak; dia sihat be i bealthy dia fidak sibat Ihe isn't healthy ‘mereka mabuk they are drunk mereka tidak mabulk they aren't drunk ‘When what you want to make negative isa noun a thing) or 4 pronoun, bukan most beso. Aan tinct dey iefore ch noun (or pronoun) if refers co. Say orang Malaysian. Tamra Malesion Saya bora Milaysia Ta not Maio Ini kucing. This is a cat. a In uo kang. Tare ese Dia pesiden! Baan dia, Ishetheproaen sw hin ‘ate Woy atk nk sinat featy presen pent Exercise § Complete the sentences with ether tidak or bukan, Dia___sopan. b Mereka uta. © Kami tinggal di Johor Bahru. 4 eu__ era saya. Dia gembira, (ee Finally, both tidak and bukan mean mo as a one-word reponse toa yeslno question. You need to recognize what the focus word Iein the question. Is ita noun, verb or adjecte? Apakahkawan anda pena? Is your frond a dance? No Bukar. ‘dia péndek? Tidak, Is she short? No. OEE Se Berea Stake Doe abe work in Saba? No. Tidak. Exercise 6 Answer no to these questions: 1 Adakah itu pense anda? bb Adakah pensel anda patah? © Apakah ibu anda peramah? 4 Apakah mecéka tah? 2 In the dialogue did you notice that Encik Hanif asked Serena Saudari hendake ke mana? without including a pronoun? This is perfectly acceprable and widely used in conversational. styl. Native Malay speakers like to express themselves inthe simplest and most economical way possible which leads to them omitting Cerain words from the sentence when the context is fully tinderstood. In this cate, it is obvious that Encik Hanif is addressing Sezena and no-one else. It would be unthinkable to miss words out ike this in correct English even when the context is fully understood, ‘The omission in the sentence above is ‘optional Tes just as correct to say Saudari hendak pergi ke mana? [As you work through this book, and, especially if you have the “opportunity to converse with Malay speakers, you will begin ro fgets natural feel for which words can be dropped when the ‘context is understood, 3 To ask where, where to? and where from? Malay uses: Where do you live? "yesnok rege woul rp £0 & “yeemnon £0 Kemana 2 where 10. Ke mana anda pergi? Where are you going (to)? dari mana ..? where from 2 Dari mana anda berasal? Where do you come from? ‘These three questions are made up of a preposition (a word that indicates location) and mana. Its very important t0 note that, although these questions are made up of two components, these ‘components cannot be separated as in the corresponding English sentences. For instance, in the last example above, notice how where can occur atthe beginning ofthe phrase with the from at the end. This is not possible in Malay. In fact You will find these questions easier to understand and use if you think of how they would appear in older style English: To where are you going? From sohere do you come? as this is what you are effectively saying in Malay. As with most other question ‘words, the above often occur with -kah giving us di manakah, ke manakah and dari manakah, Exercise 7 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate question according to the meaning: a dia masuk? b dia belajae? € mereka membawa hagas tu? 4 kami datang? rmasuk fo entor membawa bringiake 4 Used on its own, berapa? means howw many? Berapa kereta? How many carsé Berapa kucing? How many cats? However, berapa is often combined with other words to create Sede tee sce ect ” Om * Dewan tw nr on Ths qt mace of pete ch me toe yoo wun ek Lowen ro gales ‘aes pap eed Sir al may tn How namy tines have you ome 1 Singapore? Many useful questions canbe formed with brapa I is worth ‘ei mind yo yo igh et er resis Using berpe wil be presen inthe appropriate ings. The answer to.t question with berapa wil, more offen ian ot haves number in the anwee Exercige 8 Complete these questions with berapa lama or berapa kali as appropriate -nerbangan dari London ke Singapura? nda makan nasi goréng? ica menunggu? cia tinggal di Malaysia? ‘ia telefon? 5 In Pare One of this unit you were introduced to the question ‘word siapa (oF siapakah). When you ask for someone's name in English, you use what for example What's your name?. Malay, ‘onthe other hand, uses siapa! Siapakab nama anda? Sigpa nama orang itu? But, if you are enquiring about the name of something other What's your name? Whats the name ofthat person? than a living being, you must use apa ‘Apa nama kampung ini? Wha's tis village called? 6 Pema and dak pera relate ro the pst in spc was From the English speaker’ point of view, ic is easier to grasp how to use tidak pernah first. Tidak pernah simply translates never asin such sentences as: T have never been to Pulau Redang ‘Redang Island. ‘Kami tidak pernah meliat dia. We have never seen her emah expresses ever asin the English Have you ever been to Redang Ishind? Howeves, whereas English only uses ever in the {question form, Malay uses it in the posttve statement too. In a anoge su ou 18 & 3e a2 re 3 5| £0 this sense it expresses something you have done in the distant past, and can often be translated as once in English, Saya pernah pergi ke Bai. I once went to Bal Dia pernab belajar memasak. She once learnt to cook. ‘Apa saudara perah ke Have you ever (been) t0 Kelantan? Kelantan (Note that in the last example pergi can be omitted as itis "understood from the context which ke to creates, erg soften dropped, for example inthe dialogue, Encik Hanif asks Sandari hhendak ke mana?. The ful form would be Saudi hendak pergi Kemana?) ‘memasak 10 cook Exercise 9 How would you say the following? 1 Thave never seen that film (movie) 'b Have you ever been to Melaka? {© We (use kami) once ate durian, 4 He once lived in America ‘durian duran (e00 Unit 14) 7 Sdamat, a word connected with the idea of prospeiy wellare, happiness and salvation is osc n many» Maloy Brectig, In ion ro several st gesting some of whith you Wl nd below, you can combine slamst with any veto to oavey an ies of wellwshing in that parla acon, ee Hee are some common ones you may inl wel Selamat bear oy you suds Selamat maken! Eno onieat Samat beet Eemoy your wort Scanthemglat ‘Hwee ped pt Selamat hard Hopp Bohdeyt Sclamat malt Good night Selamat Ha Raya! Happy Bd Scat Menyanbut Merl) Chramas iar Kise! Selma ia! Goodyet Selamat gal Goodbyes Selamat Tain Baru! Happy New Year! ‘There are two words for goodbye in Malay. Ifyou are the one who is leaving, you say Selamat tinggal to whoever you are Taking leave of and if you are the one staying you wish the petson leaving a happy journey with Selamat jalan anoge outcry 8 £0 Exercise 10 See if you can make these sentences in Malay: 4 They didn’ arive yesterday. bb This iene the flight to Koca Kinabalu © I don’t speak Arabic. {1 My wife sn Singaporean. © That isnt an orangrutan, (English uses the same word as the Malay.) Eman isnot stubborn. ‘pahasa Arab Arabic eras kepala stubbom Exercise 11 Look at the following sentences. Use the rules above to determine whether the sentence uses bukan or tidak in the right way. IF there isa mistake, correct it. Check your answer inthe Key to the exercises. Dia tidak orang Brazil Dia bukan pemain bola sépak Kami tidak bahagia Saya bukan bodob. Kelmarin meré bukan datang, Exercise 12 Look at the answers. What were the questions? sia. Penerbangan sangat meletihkan, ‘Tidak, saya masih bujang. Nama saya Angela Ya, saya pernah ke Miami Mereka mahu tinggal di Miri cuma dua minggu. Bukan, saya bukan orang Thai Deexercise 13 overto yout Imagine you are an Australian called Stuart from Canberra (A). ‘One day you are out and about in your home town and you notice foreign tourist having difficulty making. herself ‘understood (B). You notice that her guidebook is in Malay so you take the opportunity to practise the bahasa Melayu you Jearnt at school (di sekolah. 1A Aw you Malaysian? How are you? B Ya, khabar balk, tama kash. [A Excuse mo? What's your name? BB Nama saya Norshoola. Panga saja Shoot A Mynamo’s Stuart. Just call mo Stu 1B Maat, banasaInggers saya tak lancar [A Don't won| once leant Bahasa Melayy at school Bogus kalau bogiu [A Whore are you staying? 2 Saya tinggal Hote ito, ‘A How is Australia? B Bagus skal '8 How lang wil you stay in Canberra? 8 Cuma? minggu. 1A Have a nice rola. Trims Kasih. Seringga bequmpa lag. agus sokall_ great sehingga berjumpa lagi 500 you 2 ro rege eve! St et 3 v0 JOouds }e pue 40M je PART ONE D Dialogue During his shore stay in Malaysia, Stan, needs a competent fetsonalassstan ro help him. One of the shore-listed applicants for the job is Shanaz Salleh, whom Stan i interviewing. Shana ‘tan Selamat pagi, Tuan! mat pagi, sila duduk! Saya _perlu. seorang uusaha untuk membanty. saya. Bolshkan sauder Certakan sedikt tentang latar belakang pendiican sada? ‘Saya monerima pendidikan saya di Kolo) Kesetiausahawan Antarabangea dl Kuala Lump Blakah coudar tamat pengajan? Lima tahun yang ta ‘Apa kemahiran sauder? ‘Saya boleh bortutur dalam tiga bohasa, lat Bahasa inggers, Perancis dan Jepun dengan baik. Saya juga boleh menaip dongan pantas. Boléhkah sauder mengguna komputer? “ent bold, Tuan, Saya juga bolsh mengguria mein foks dan ons [Boléhkah saudari menguruskan segalasurat-monyurat? Boléh, saya memang mahir dalam bidsng ‘Saudar mash bekela cl syria yang lan? Ya, saya mash bekera ot Syarat Ofental Exports sebagalseorang setiausana. ‘Berapa gal yang saudi harapkan? ‘Dua bu frgit sebuan, ka bold Bila saucer bolas mula bakes? Pada bulan hadapan. ‘Sauder bol bekera sepenuh masa? ‘Maaf Tuan, bekerja samblan sah, iat tiga hart dalam seminggs. woe pus om eG +0 Stan Balkian” kalau begity. Saya akan pertimbangkan ppermohonan saudar dan ber avapan dengan secepat ‘n this uit you wal learn rmungkin, brow to + talk about your ob and ask ‘bout what other people do + express your capabities, * tak about education and rower me one & | & tiga hart Dalklah kalau beg ‘akan pertimbangkan permohonan ori Jawapan Translation ‘Shanaz. Stan Shana, ‘stan ‘Shanaz ‘Stan ‘Shanaz ‘stan ‘Shanaz ‘tan ‘Shanaz ‘Stan ‘Shanaz Stan ‘Shanaz Stan Shanaz ‘Good morning, Sit ‘Good morning, please take a seat. | need a secretary to ‘tle about your educational [received my education at tho Intemational Secretarial ‘Colege in Kuala Lumpur When oi you gracuate? Five yoars ago, What are your skits? can speak thre languages wel, namely English, French {and Japanese, lam also able to type fast (Can you use a computor? (F course I can, Sk I can aso use a fax machine and ema ‘Can you hand all the corespondence? (Yee) an, Iam particu eid in tat fl ‘Are you stil working for another company? Yes, Si" sill working for Oriental Expres asa secretary. What solary do you expect? “wo thousand per month, If possible, When can you start work? Next month. 10 rom nrmnone & i i i fe Stan Can you work ful time? Shanaz_ I somy Si, Out) I'm only abl to work partie, that i, {tree days a weak. Stan That's fine. consider your application and gve (you) an answer as soon as posse. How the language works 1 1 Sia in uefl and pote word to use when urging someone {odo someting Tf one of he waye to uf please {do {omething in Malay. The form slakan elo exit which takes {hCSommand tan even more pl ee fs combine fh Please sit down! Please stand wo! Plas wath! Siakan ka aya Please follow met Exercise 1 Try forming sila or silakan phrases with the following word and then translate into English ‘4 menyanyi » bercakap bahasa Melayu mena fe masule 2 Boléh. In English the verb ca has two slightly diferent ‘meanings. It is used to express both ability, asin I cam play the violin and permission, asin Car I leave early today? Just as in English, Malay needs just one word to express both meanings ~ Saya boléh hitung. eam count, Mercka boléb mengaiae ‘They car teach Spanish bbahasa Sepanyo.. Dia boléh bechubung He cam communicate well. sane Soe a pod. can sll this product Mampa i a good word t0 use when talking about your «pabilties. Native speakers will be impressed co hear you using thst 3, Remember also that, a8 an exteasion to the second meaning ‘that we came across inthe last unit, boleh can both be used to form phrases that make a request which cortesponds to Could ‘ott? in English, as in Could you help me? Asin the dialogue, ie'more often than not occurs with the -kah in Malay, for cxample, Boléhkah saudari mengguna komputer? 44 You have already come across a way of indicating, how an action is performed. Such a word is known as an adverb tells you more about the action expressed in the verb. Adverbs are Usually formed by adding -ly to an adjective in English, for ‘example: quick quickly. Look at these examples: Saya bercakap bahasa Inggers I speak English ell dengan baik. Dia mampa menaip He can type quickly. dengan cepat. You will se that in Malay adverbs are formed by dengan plus adjective. Adding any adjective to dengan has the same effect in Malay as adding -y to a noun in English, ‘automatik automatic dengan automatik automaticly Exercise 2 How would you say the following? a Please drive carefully! 1b Please write accurately! «Please read slowly! 0 caneevene & 5 Job talk 10 romwnennw 8 ‘Apa pekerjaan anda? What's your jobif What do you do? ‘When stating what job someone does, the word seorang is often inserted just before the job ile: Dia seorang wartawan. She's a journalist. Used in this way seorang corresponds to 4 or av in English. Alhough itis ely optional, native speakers oem pele ro Understanding Malay Exercise 3 Using the dialogue from part one say whether the following statements are true or fase, 42 Shanaz menerima pendidikan di Kuala Lampur. ' Rita hanya mampa mengguna komputer dan e-mél. ¢ Dia tidak boleh menguruskan surat-menyurat. 4 Dia mampu menaip dengan cepat. € Dia tidak bolzh mala kerja minggu depan. ‘minggu depan next week Exercise 4 Imagine you work for an inteational Employment agency. A company has asked you to finda sales ere ts is 30-55 years of ees ebay iploens has Malay speaker prefered but fluent English i a mst There ‘re four people on your books who may be suitable. Read the information about cach person and choose which one. best ful the requirements the company i loeking foe 50 tan Warganegara: Maliysin/Australie Pendidikan: Krlulson Unierat (Sarin) Pengalaman kerja: Pomasiran 4 tahun Kemahiran: Komputer Bahase igyrs Nama: David Toy Umar: 40¢ahor Pondidibans Saji (nessa) Pengalaman Kerja: Jwala don pemasarn selma 10 tahun Kemahisan: Aonpater Baas gers Ga) Nama: Mary Goch Umi: 36 talon Warga negara: Mygeris Pondidilean: Djploma (Akadond) Pengalaman Kerja: Ponsa 7tohur Kemahiran: Kompuder hahaa ingens, balsa Perancis ‘mur: 37alnon Warga negara: Bre Danan Pendidikan: inal (Unverst Brune Darussalam) Pengalaman Kerja: Poms 6 hun Kemahiran: Komputer ahaa inggeri dan bahase Mandarin Sy) g 1) rarnewnonn 8 PART TWO DDialogue Serena is taking Tom around her university, where she studies computer science. Serena Tom ini kampus saya. Kami ada ds kampus A dan 8. ‘ta sekarang berada dt kampus A. Yom —_Dimana kampus 8, pul? Kamps 8 alan Nur, agokjuh das a-ak jam. Saya boi bea kam ke sana, ja ab Hart Kam Kethetan eth Mamang saya mahu. Saya boleh por ha i. oma, kta ke sane skarang. (iiampus 8) ‘om. Dimanakelas kamu? Serena Ditingkat dua. ht saya, iy ‘Darpada kandi surat Khabar. Saya dah hantar but-butr perbal saya kepada satu syarkat swasta. Saya mahu ‘Sepatkan Kora samblan Harap-harap kamu boraya ampus ‘ode sokarang ‘berade la ak jauh Jauh dar sin aka ‘awa, ‘mah ‘ka Jka maha art int keetnatan \Jomiah (opuis sang) elas tingkat that saya pengaturcara komputer nal ke ate ‘ak waste syarikat swasta pokerjaan ‘ilon ‘surat Khabar dah antar 10 aru reaene ‘Transtation ‘Serena Tom. this s my campus. We have two campuses, Aand B. Now we are at campus A Tom Where is campus B again? ‘Serena Campus B son Jalan Nur, rather arom hee, about one hour I can take you there if you want. Teday you look £0 tired, ‘Tor | realy do want (to go). can go there today. Serena to one pvate compar. I want to get part-time work. wish you ek. How the language works 2 1 Tenses. n English, when you talk about what you are doing novi what you did yesterday and what you wil do tomorrow, you eoavey the meaning though «change inthe form of the Yerb you ue, for example: Tart eating, Yate, I will eat. The form ofthe verb is usually enough to indicate ens, ie. when the action takes plac If You hear wont then you know immediatly that the speaker is referring to the pat in fc, English hat a very compiex system of tenses. If you have bad memories of learning a foreign language before and strogling svn the complications of lesning the tenses then you wil be anny to ber that you are about to make 2 quantum leap i your say of Malay [As Malay verbs do not indicate person, they do not indicate tense either This means tha, for instance, peg’ can translate a 0, went, bas been, ce. depenng on the context in which Seu This does or poses translation problem for English speakers at your Knowledge of English wil automatically Ripert a lace te anon in the covet tne fe Malay has eo ways of indicating tense the fst by wi Sne expression whch willie yous ime fame anda tense for theverh Some basic unis of time are: hari day sminggu ‘week bla month tahun year ‘Adding cither depan, hadapan ot akan datang to any of these, fora day of the week or month puts the rime unit into the future and automatically eveates a future tense for anything you put with it and translates as next. tahun depan sminggu akan datang Similarly, adding yang lala (or just lau in speech) to any ofthe time units mentioned above creates a past tense and translates atlas ot 1 a0. next year next week Dulan lala last month Nore also: hari ini today besok or &:ok tomorrow semalam yesterday Keelmarin the day before yesterday (two days ago) dua hari yang lala the day before yesterday (two days ago) doa hari yang akan datang.— the day after tomorrow ‘When you are talking about events chat happened in the very near pastor future, usually the same day or in the same 24-hour period, you need to be aware of the usage of particular time ‘expressions. These only occur with pagi, morning, tengah hari, late morning to early afternoon, petang, late afernoon and smalam, evening. With one or two exceptions tad is used to refer tothe past in this extremely limited time frame, and nant is used t0 refer to the future, ‘Thus petang tadi yesterday evening agi tadi this morning ‘alam nant tonigh tenga hat ni this ofernoon PO _ vor roe mone & ‘pou e pus wom ‘You need to note the form bésokpagi (or sok pag) (rather than agi nani for tomorrow morning as thsi the only exception, Note, finally that if you are talking about something tae will Sear lat on inthe sine tne fame you ae coef riencig, for instance, iti evening and you Want to fa shout something that wil happen on Ut stme eosin, the preferred form is malam ini. Not also pal ini ete Exercise 5 How would you say: 4 last year next month « the year before last last week € this afternoon? ‘The second way to indicate tense is by use of a tense marker ‘These are generally adverbs that, by the very nature of their ‘meaning carry with them the idea of tense when used with a verb. For example, you have already met sedang which means now. When you combine sedang with a verb, it forms the equivalent ofa continuous tense which is exprested by £0 be. ing in English, Saya mengajar biologi. I tach biology. Saya sedang mengajar biologi. Lam teaching biology. ‘You have also come across sudah (shortened to dah in speech) which you know means already, but when used as 2 tense ‘marker indicates past tense ‘Mercka sudah datang, They have arrved/They aed. AA tense marker with a similar meaning is telah, In spoken ‘Malay, however, you will almost always use sudah because telah is considered highly formal. In writing, telah and sudah can be used interchangeably, Saya telab tamat univers, I have graduated frm versity Note that if you have a time expression, you do not need a tense rmarker as the time period is already expressed: Saya tamat universti dua I graduated from university tahun yang la, foo years ago. ‘Malay likes to be as economical with words as possible! Exercise 6 How would you say the following: a he wrote 1 they are ping € Tam speaking 4d she read © are you studying? (Use kama) ‘Subjects at school Using Malay Exercise 7 Match the pictures with the professions. fooyoe ye pue yom se row ie ue von B 0 ™ a Dia seorang doktor gigi. ¢ Faizal seorang nelayan, } Dia seorane petani. 4 Vikrama seorang pelukis. Exercise 8 Read the sentences and fil in the blanks with appropriate words from the list that follows. 2 dan __bekeria di hospital. 5 mmengaros anak dan sua rumah, © Horeline mempanyai —terkenal 4 Kan pera scotang nik meancang rama bara «Share surat kabar ta memerikan serang sor mah tan doktor = iorarawat hte kang masak Diexercise 9 Over to you! A Malaysian (A) who runs a language school is looking for someone to help. her teach English at her school. You (B) are being interviewed about the position. ‘A Apa pekeraan anda sokarang? B fam a guage teacher ‘A Apskah pengalaman anda? B Ihave alot of experience teaching English and! am fuentin treo languages. {A Di mana anda blolar mengaiar? 1 At the International Language Insite ‘A Berapa gal yang anda harapkan? 1B Two thousand dolar, possbe. ‘A Bila anda boi mula bekera? B Noxt month. [A Harap-harap anda akan belay. i PO wawerepwewone G0 Ajiuiey ay} yoow ln this unit you wi earn how to: * talk about members of your family + express whore things are in your house + Say the numbers 1 to 10 PART ONE D Dialogue Stan and Wong take the opportunity o get to know eachother dite move daring a cofee beak the company canteen Stan _Enck Wong sah bertluarga, ban? Wong ‘Yast os dart Bandar Ser Sepevan, Grins Kam aca 2orang ant Yang orama lo dana sokalah Tend Yang Koda kerb prempan, Marea sung Come dan ska ena. Stan Berapakah umur meréka’? |Wong Sopuiuh tahun dan tujuh tahun, Encik Stan pula ada berapa ‘orang anek? ‘Stan Saya ada dua anak. Yang sulong perempuan, dan yang bongs ila Wong Borapakah umur moréka? ‘Stan’ Lapan tahun dan enam tahun, Anak leak saya mania sek Wong. ster Encik Stan bakeria? ‘Stan’ Tidak. Oulu da sotausaha, tpl sekarang sur rumah tanga. Menjaga anak-anak dan suami Dia iter yang bak. Iter Encik Wong pula? Wong Dia seorang guru bahasaInggers Tapl Kamada perbantu rumah untuk menjaga anek-anak, ‘Stan Bagus kalau beg str dan anak-anak saya akan datang ‘minggu depan dar Singapura. MerékaIngn bertomu datuk, nnd dan sepupu-sepupunya, Wong Apaksh datukrya mash bekara? Stan’ Dia guru besar at institu! Pengajan Tingl dah, tpl Kn ‘sudan bersara. ster saya Gaipada keluarga besar.Adk- beradiknya tori daripada dua orang lelaki dan dua 'erempuan. Mera semua such berkahwin Wong. Jangan lupa perkenakan meraka, kalau meréka datang ke Bandar Seri Begawan. Saya akan jemput meréka untuk smakan maim, Stan Sudah tontu, tara kash ‘Aujon vou B sepupu-sepupunya ‘guru besar Institus! Pengalian Tinggt sahuiu ‘kink bersara ai ecik-beradik tora daripada borkahin Jangan tupa 0 that's good foment grandtatnor ‘grandmother their cousins Principat Intute of Higher Eaveation befor, formerly ‘those days, nowadays to rete, (er) retired ‘younger sister or brother brothers and sisters to consist of mares ont to forget G7] 8 9 877 Gee ii Mr Wong, you'e already manfid, arn't you? ‘Yes, ny wii fem Bandar Sor Begawan, Brunel We have ‘tree children. The rst one fs boy and stil at primary ‘school. The second ones ae twin gis. They are rely cute ‘and tke to joke around. How old are they? ‘en years and seven. How many children do you have? {have two chidren. The fist bor Is agit and the youngest Isa boy. How old are they? Bight and six. The boy ls very spot. Does your wife work? No. Sho used to be @ sscretay but now she's just a housewite, She looks ater her chien and husband. Shes 18 good wife. Does your vite work? ‘Sho fs an English teacher. But we have a houserald to look ater the etre, “That's good. My wife and children wil anve next week rom Singapore. They want to see thir grancather, grandmother and cousins. Does their granatather sit work? He used tobe a senor lecture t Higher Education Istute, but these days hes ord. My wifes ftom a big tami. She has two brothers and two sisters. They are al already mari. Don't ferget to introduce them (to me) if they come to ‘Bandar Ser Begawan. | wil invite them for cinee. ‘Sura! Thankyou. How the language works 1 1 In spoken English we add phrase like. dont you, n't Shot to the end of ssements to form what az known at Gton tag. In English the sag changes depending on the Sn content of the statement it refers to, for instance, she speaks Mata, doesnt she? They were a the ezport, were thet Jn Malay you only need to se oe tag, bukan2, which soften shortened just to kan? in more cual speech “Mercka sua berangkat They've already left for ke Sabah, Bukans. Sabah, have they? ‘Ania mab membei You wun 0 buy cr, Kereta bua don’t yon Iris very important, howees to nots that you must always ute Iuka (or kan when you are adng» question tag to a negative statement, even when you have ted dak in the satement already according tothe rls given n Unit 3. Tidak can never bewsed as a question ag. Mere tidak datang, ban? hey dt come, did they? Din da marah, Ram? She on’ angry, het Exercise 4 Turn these statements into questions using auction taps, then tants them nosing the simply ofthe Malay querton tgs compared to the English once a Dia sedang tid. Iewsalah. © Mereka bukan askat ark mice sirona (ohysicaly) enat ted ue C83 Numbers. Numbers 0 to 10 form the basis for all the numbers that come after so learning chem thoroughly now will really pay off later. feel wo tree four ‘Wma five sk ight rine ten tha [Note also the so-called ordinal numbers: 2 Sangat and sekaliare both used to translate very. However, tach is used in a different position in relation to the word you want to refer to. When you use sangat you need to place it before the word it refers to but when you use sckali you need to place it after the word. You can use these with adjectives ot adverbs. Study the following examples: sangat kacak ery handsome Keacak sekali ery handsome dengan cepat sekali ery fast Exercise 2 Give the Malay forthe following. Give both forms ‘where possible: avery dark. 4 extremely strong bb very wide © extremely tired very good pertama fist ‘Kedua second ketiga thie Ate pertama, adding e- to any number will form the ordinal. 4 In this ant we have come across the word yang which has Several important ses in Malay, some of which wil Be tcamined ere and some in ater units, + Yang corresponds tthe one which is), the ome who Gi the terbodoh the most stupid 3. To say what something is made of, dibuat daripada is wsed in Malay. ‘Cincin ini dibuat daripada This ring is made of silver. pérak. ihn mat dcpada This ce made from tepung beras. rice flour ‘Jaket saya dibuatdaripada My jacet i leather. Telit pérak siver| tepung beras ce flour elt lathor Exercise 4 Can you form the following sentences in Malay? fa That statue is made of marble. 1b This vase is made of clay. © This bal is made of rubber. 175) i j ‘tue ly bal ribber [Exercise § Sclect words from the clothes vocabulary section flow to help you translate the following ito Malay. fs to wear a tie ‘¢ to wear black trousers by to wear gloves f towear a skirt {1 to wear a raincoat 4 The last personal pronoun we shall be looking at in this course is aku, an informal word for I which Sylvia and Calvin tase inthe dialogue. Itis highly informal and should only be used between family members or with those with whom you ace on very familar terms (.e. good friends) and with whom you share ‘sal social standing, Te would be highly inappropriate to use this when talking to a stranger. In fact, ie might be taken a8 8 sign of arrogance or lack of respect for someone if you use it inappropriately. You may hear # used, so you need to know ‘what it means, but the best advice for a Yoreigner is: ifn doubt, tse sayal Tecan also be used asa possessive pronoun whereby itis added to the noun in question as a suffix, ike -mu in Unie 5. Before it is added to the noun, the a drops, leaving you with -ku which ‘means my. rumah my bouse Keretalse my ear 5 There are two ways t0 express f0 wear in Malay. One ws employs the ver pak (or ess eallouialy mona) whi Gadis iu memakai pakaian That girls wearing a ‘radisional. traditional dress. Saya biasa pakai sarung I'm sed to wearing a ‘dirumah. Sarong at home. “The second way uses the ber- prefix to create a verb from the item of clothing being worn. In just the same way as the noun ‘becomes the base for the transport words in Unit 10 (Part Two), the item of clothing becomes the base in this instance: baja dress berbai to wear a dress kebaya hebaya® Derkebaya sutera 10 wear a silk Rebaya “A kebaya isa long;sleeved Malay traditional outfit for women that is fastened on the front by a set of brooches known as kkerongsang end matched with a batik or matching cloth (skit). (ong) short ene i nm 6 Colours PUP Colours an be made light or dark by adding muda and tua fijou muda fight green da ight be a = mérah tua dark red pérang tia dirk brown 7 a express ost (someone o something) Malay wes eal Kemeja ity swan sckal’ That shir really sis ‘untuk adikmu. brother. Ks al [Note thatthe Malay version requites untuk for. Such words are known”. prepositions. Akhough prepostions ace basicaly lation word an around t= they often ost a an integral pat of certain set phrases In some cess preposition tay be required in one language but notin theater to express 2 similar concept a with sesual untuk above, and sometimes the preposition ‘diferent in each language. For example, in English we sy we spend moncy om something, but the Malay eguivalen uses untuk menghabiskan wang unk Kamu betuk-betul Did you really spend all ‘menghabiskan semua yottr money on clothes? ‘wangmu tnt pakaian? ‘etu-betul realy ‘monghabiskan (habie a) fo spend (money or tine) “The prefix ter- used with verbs can sometimes create a form that is similar oa pase participle in English. The past participle i the form that you can place after to be to indicate that something, thas happened, for example I ayn loet. Tae emphasis in sing the ter- verbs in Malay is on che state of completeness of an action. “Treat them like adjectives terkenal famous tersedia ‘available tertark Interested Some ter: prefixed verbs can also imply an accidental occurrence (ors misfortune. 5 forced to), obliged (to) Understanding Malay Exeroise6 Read or listen tothe dialogue again and answer the following trefalse questions. f: Sue-Ann ingin membelikanseluae batik untuk suainya. i Shan mene han pling bee, wara ka * Sia membel bjs warna mérah yang {1 vk al harganya bib mahal daripadabarga batik cap. { Calia mem star bat yang slsa dan unk { Paayan' member diskaun 19 perats untuk semua bela. ‘membeikan (bell) 1 uy Soman) forsee) ‘mencar (eat v) 10 100k for mer} 0 re member for v elian ell) purchases, ems purchased Exercise 7 Label the pictures using the clothes vocabulary in Fercise 5. PART TWO DB Dialogue Serena has taken Tom toa traditional market so he can look for presents Tom Jorja Tom Jurjus ‘Serena Tom Jura to take back to England, ‘Saya nak cari hadlah untuk teman dan Keluarga saya, Fantal cher ni cant sokal, Dbust daipada apa? Ini darpada pérak ‘Berapa harganya?™ ‘Ma 00, ‘amu Boléhtawar. ni bukan harga tetap ‘Bol kurangkan harganya’? FIMEO.007 Tica bol, Encik, Saya rg -RM70.00sajaah Kalau bol, Balkch. Rugl sect tak apa aslkan Enck datang lagi bila-bila masa, Manu bell berapa utes? ‘Saya nak bel iga us, ‘om, kenapa tak bel yang in saa? ta lebih erat. “Tak apalah, Cura untuk hada. ‘Yang ft Isbin mahal kerana la pérak asl! dan buatan tangan. ‘Apa? Ih kan sarang, Kamu bolsh paka rumah sebagai gan soli bias i ‘Saya nak bl at, ‘Saya juga ada kpas batk. Bol digunakan untuk hasan dining. Ya, tpl salary besar soll dan borat. Lain kali saa, ‘era kash, tiga utae (hee tree (of them) ee ee tak apalah I dossnt mater Dbuatan tangan hand mode ain sarung sarong pakal fo wear, fo use ‘sebaga ganti instead of ‘blase usual pas fon ‘dlgunakan (use v) to be used flason deceration inding wa! brat hoayy lain Kali ancthor time tas has a special mearing that wil be discussed in Unt 14 Translation Tor ant tok for some reser y ends ad ay ‘hs ncooe very boat, Wats Krad OF seter Ser Tom, How mich? Sater Roo. Serena tou can bargain The pce it ed. Tame Gan youtowerto poe? PHGD.07 Sater feat Mima sts. Serna Jost V7.0 you can. Sater’ Ofc ake a smal ss slong os you come aga Stn How ary ou we? tom twats, Serena Tom, wd you by thse? Tis oes more sting om” HeOk (Thyra) st for poser Beier Theos ae more epee Beosse they are rade fom tel sive ard thay are had made om Wate tis? Eelona Tue song. You can woar I at home instead of ouors etal ee Tom ware ty oe Teter |eohve etka, You canis tan a wal decoration Sm" ecPow re too ti and ay. Arter tne, mayb San commana a How the language works 2 4. Comparison of equal, Maley bas two ways of yi Something aca someting es, fr example Se i a Hoh as her brother. i + Add vet the adjective that describes the quay you ar comparing: kaya rich serkaya + schaya as rich as Dinchaya abangnys. She ita rich as ber broher mahal expensive sein“ sil is expense as, Kalang ini semahal ‘This necklace i as expensive ‘lang ita. (that bracelet. Exercise 8 Form these comparisons in Malay. a as cheap as i sheavy a8 © ashy + Use the construction sama + adjective dengan: kaya rich sama kaya dengan ch as Dela Ky dg!” Ne ep Prien abangnya. mahal expensive sama mahal dengan sr expensive a Kalungini soma mahal This necklce i as expensive ‘dengan gelang itu. sapeenacunste (Gama dengan on its own means the same at, So you can say, for ‘example: Rumah dia sama dengan rumah kita, His house i the ‘some a our house.) Exercise 9 Check you can form the following. using the ‘construction sama + adjective dengan: das poor as fas bald as F as stylish as Sama dengan in Malay means the same asin English. As you tnw dengan means with so Malay speakers chink oft asthe tn th The word dengan eat see ery common plone where we ase other prepositions, or no preposition, Giiseu Ae wort earning the follwing list now, noting he Ulierence berween the wo languages. sama dengan the same as bem denn diferent 0 penuh dengan fal of Fein dengan fo get married dengan tllon by Phone dengan Keren 6 car dengan bas by bus feral dengan to chat 0 erekap dengan to talk to Sertanys dengan fo ask Kemal dengan brow ereman dengan toe frends with Examples: Sega een menghbcgs Te ging to contac her ‘ia dengan telefon. 77 phone. pil itu penuh dengan ‘That room is full of smoke, asap r0kok. Mestipnharganya sama, Although he pric i the Mite bogie burbeen same, the quay ofthis bag ‘dengan be it lifer 0 tho eg ‘menghubung! (hubung v) ili 12 Me- prefix with -kan suffix. Some base words carry the prefix mer coupled with the suffix -kan. In many cases Combination is simply needed 10 create a verb from a non base ‘with no particular distinct meaning. For example: rmerencanakan. to make plans (from rencana, plans) ‘menggambarkan to portray (om gambar, Picture) ‘When me- kan is applied to certain adjectives, the result is @ qerb in Malay that corresponds to an “ng aes in English, or example: ‘meletibkan tiring (formed from the adjective base Jeti meaning tired) ‘As me- -kan often creates a verb that indicates that something hhas been caused to be in a certain state the thinking is ~ it ‘makes me (or someone else) tired, so itis ring. Exercise 10 Can you work out what the following me- -kan yesh ae in English, by looking at the base adjectives on the mah embarrased smemalukan, 1 senang pleased ‘meayenangkan € puas satisfied smemuaskan 4 cemas worried smencemaskan f bosan bored ‘membosankan F takut frightened menakutkan ‘When mean applied 0a verb base, «new verb is created tharcan have on of to base meanings according To conten: «The fistin asype of ver that we donot have in Engl, This ‘type of verb stresses that the action is ‘forma for the bene of someone or something bey Which why i Known aa bencacive rb Youtan eam ample such 2a inthe dogs Part One =menbalian colloquy icltan~ remember that she me- prefs often droped ‘alge fo by something or mene, Saya memberikan da bung. gee er ler As bencacve verbs automaticaly cary the meaning of doing someting or someone, anf, or, not requed However eto nce oe Wk wt hse werk, nd many Malay speakers do! Seya maha menbelkan I vant fo Sconuausck teams, ora 4 me kan creates anew verb fron certain verb bases that hangs the foc of the acon ftom someting that You yoursel ino a relted er. on wil nce at thee base {eis are specfealy thw whch hye no tse of the {ton Theorem an tse a fsted verb at allows out dothat aon io wmnehng or weno tes something In English, too, we have verbs that perform both fantons. Moa‘ ay femal eyo ean se the ue 3 ct ey i rece fi acon anda rue ‘he book to the ibrar. although dhe form of such vets is ‘often the same in English, Malay needs to create a further sesh around the original verb asa base with me--Kan. Take ehe above example with kembali,retvrn, You can sy: saya kerb I returned. . “To make the other form, me- and -kan are added ro the base Moedkembali creating mengembalikan (sound change rules Wr be covered later in she couse. The new verb means £0 Teswrm (someting) a Saya mengembalikan buka I returned the book to iu ke perpustakaan umm. public library Dia sudah mengeluarkan She's already put the ‘imps rubbish (rash) out (enegeluarkan, to put something out, comes from the verb Klar, fo g0 out) ‘perpustakaan brary ‘sampah rubbish, trash ‘umum public Using Malay Exercise 11. Answer these questions using the corresponding pictures asa guide 4 Yang mana lebih ings, zirafah atau kuda? 'b Yang mana lebib lju, kapal terbang atau kereta api? «© Siapa yang lebih muda, ‘Ben atau Haris? Ws, “SS. f 4 Yang mana lebih luas, Polaw Sumatera atat Pulau Kalimantan? Sima Pus aimantan # © Negara yang mana lebih ppanas, Malaysia atau Saudi Arabia? Sau Ai 5° Mays 2° irafah giao apa terbang plane las large, brosa Exercise 12 This exercise takes the form of a short general knowledge quiz to test your geography as wel as your Malay! ‘See if you can answer the questions. m ™ Negara mana yang paling las di dunia? fh Benita mana yang paling besar di dunia? ; 6 Noyara mana yang paling pads pendudkya di dons {4 Sungai mana yang paling panjang di dunia? fe Ganung mana yang paling ting di Sabah? Exercise 13 Choose suitable phrases to complete the Malay sentences so that they mean the same asthe English ones. fa Pantai Port Dickson di Negeri Sembilan pelancong sedi hari. ‘The Port Dickson beach is full of tourists every day. b Minggu depan Rance akan usahawan moda di Hotel Hilkon. Next week Ranee will get maried to a young businessman at the Hilton Hotel. «Saya meth dia sedang —__osaya di peiabat. Tse ber alin ober bs ive fie 4 Gaya jlaanya ion ‘The way she walks ts the same as her mother. «¢ Kerana jalannya berbat, kari harus per Because ofthe stone road we have to go ep: (Dia saya rmenyediakan nasi lemak. ‘She asked me how to make nasi lemak. fg Apakah kamu iran tetanga bara ieu? Dao you know that new neighbour? fh Soya nasi goreng untuk sarapan pag. ants to fried rice for breakfast. i. Dia suka muzik Klasik semenjak —__ Syarifa, She likes classical music since she bas become friends with Sharif her i i zh Diexercise 15 Over to yout ‘You (A) are shopping for a present for your elder brother. You approach the sales asistant (B) for help. {8 want to buy something for my elder brother. ' Disin ada top, ta ir dan kemeja ‘A What’ this tie made of? 8 Davipada bate sutra. 18 How much i? Exercise 14 Look athe pictures. Complete the etenes th 8 somone ‘efero cach one and answer all the question in each section A lst pce ta? ron pene md i ou B Ya, Tetapi ada diskaun 10 %. Ss 1 Ox i a own ave ilo ess 4 Saya maha meme go Dibuae daripada apa mat come » Saya mahu membeli ee sip @. — cane ean = no Buljes C L 4 this unt you will earn how to + Understand a monu in Malay * order food in restaurants and ‘tom strat vendors PART ONE D Dialogue Stan and his family are having dinner at a restaurant in Pateajaya, Pelayan ‘Stan’ Pelayan Puan Sue-Ann, Stan Ptayan Puan Sue-Ann, Pelayan Pelayan Pelayan alvin Puan Sue-Ann Pelayan Puan Sue-Ann we ‘Selamat potan, méja untuk berapa orang, Encik? Untuk empat orang. ‘Siakan. Is menu makanan. Mahu pesan aps? Saya mahu psan mi gorng, rojak buah, sayur ccampur,satékambing,ayam perch, “olong langan bubuh 08 kacang. Say leg bla smakan kacang, Balkiah, Rojak buahnya untuk berapa orang? Satu orang saa. H..beap banyak nk sats arp untuk cakan cus orang, Ada lal yang ‘mahu dipesan? ‘Apakah hidangan istimewa di sini? Boléh anda ccadangkari? Ye.-jkan bakar dengan sos pela. Pedaskan? Kami bolbh sedkan yang tidak pods. Mahu san minuman apa? ‘Saya mhu ar kelp mud sek ‘Apakah ada ais batu campur? Maaf tak ad, tap ami ada as kacang Saya nak cuba. Untuk saya, sagelas air sua, dan aislrim sobagal encuci mut Berapa lama makanan itu akan slap? a-ha 15-20 min. Ballah Terma kan, Maat agak terlambat, Kam sangat sibuk setiap mmalam minggu- Mi gsenonva sxdap sta, tap satya anne rental Boloh tamban lagi soglas air. Saya betui-betu haus, Bosh berkan bitya? In ily pesan ‘mahu peasan apa? mi goreng rojak buah ‘sayur campur ‘até kambing ambing ayam yam pereik, abut sos kacang kacang ‘alergi cukup fo be taken to(ive mombetl* mene ~ ber -+ dsb Sage eee Saye die wang, ime gros owe. (Some base verb ae subject cs sound chi when me seta 10 The reise oth ona bse veh) inter hat oot gn with me pees can ao mado pave sch as minum Sl akan seo iy oh the di- prefix to them, asc neon drink minum t0 be dane makan to eat dimakan fo be coon Kek akan dimakan, The cake wil be eaten. Exercise § Writ the passive form ofthese verb i memerksa © meilis 4 engin menghantar meajemput ‘memeriksa (perksa v) fo examine Fits ais es Ss NE aaa ara eee Be cpre trees tie ee re Seger repeat pe oion pene o ky aes Ser pes deere eee ee oe Fe, ea oe at oS ‘the passive verb. Note further that by him or by her can both be rere maracas aaa 5 Beet OM ) hid See ‘alan et adits ‘Anda akan dijemput irport by Sarah. Sarah di lapangan tecbang. ate cater aie ae Paar ly Seay 2 nt a dc 5 Sonia et Using Malay Exercise 7 Look a each ofthese pictures and wit a stable Closer unr cach: Use thes oum Exercise 8 Use the piccures to create a sentence and a question asin the example. Ask how much a kilo of each product costs, ‘except for d where you should ask how much a bottle costs. Example: Saya mahi bel ii. Berapa harga sekilonya? Diexercise 8 Over to you! “Take the part of A who is shopping for mest. [A 1 would ke to buy (Some) beet. B Berapa kl, Puan? [A Two kos. How much is that? B RMI6.00. [A Pease cut fi) nto pieces. BB Baik Ini dagnanya. ‘A Thank you. [_ mean warren ‘Gh eunsia pue seiqqoy In this unit you wil learn how to + talk about kes, likes anc favourites in tail + say what your hobbies are and what sports you do + say how long something has ‘been happening PART ONE BDialogue ‘Sue-Ann is catching up with an old friend she has not seen since she moved to the US. Puan Réma Puan Sue-Ann Puan Réma Puan Sue-Ann Puan Réma Puan Sue-Ann Puan Réma Puan Sue-Ann Puan Réma Puen Sue-Ann Puan Réma Puan Sue-Ann Puan Réma Puan Sue-Ann Puan Réma ‘Apa yang kamu lakukan pada masa lapang di tala Lumpur? ‘Saya blasanya masak, baca nove, dan tontn lem televisyen. ‘Apakah flam yang kamu paling suka? Fem kegemeran saya adsl drama, komedi dan ‘serch. Kamu pun suka menonton tlovsyen? Ya. Kalu tiada ada raneangan televisyen yang Dbagus, kami akan monyéwa video. Saya suka sekall drama dan fem yang penuh aksl tetapi ‘ar saya pul suka boa sépak dan tem seam, ‘Saya tidak begity suka menonton fem seam. Solan in, apa ag! atv arian kamu? ‘Saya hantar anak perempusn saya ke Kelas ballt ‘dua kal seminggu, setiap petang Selasa dan Juma Dia Ingin menjacperain plano dan juga Pen bal. Oh, Sika sibuk skal. Ya. Apa hobi kama? Duly semase belum kahwin, saya suka sokal ‘menyelam, mensnorkel dan mengembara beralan akl. Tetapl sekarang semuanya sudah saya tinggalkan. Hanya senaman aérobik dua kal seminggu. Saya kurang suka menyslam dan saya benc! Dorknémah. Tap Kadang-kadang saya suka ‘a6robik. ‘Apa hobi sua kamu? Dia ‘suka_Komputer dan fotograf. Hampir sepanjang masanya dhabiskan bermain komputer. ia juga pandal Berman tons. Sama dengan suami saya. Dia paling suka komputer dan menonton bola sépak envoin coon] ‘masa lapang reo dime lapang_ iosure novel nove! fenton to natch fem ttviyen TV ns ‘lem fm paling suka fhe the most ‘rama came komedi comedy Sejrah faery pun abo tiade Pot (an alteratve to Mak) rancangan Scbame, sche rmenyéva (twas) torent ‘ideo vio ‘lem yang penuh ak Scvon firs bola sepak soccer fem serem rer movies seram_ homer ‘selain nt aoart fom he aktvis acuity havon iy pemain (main) payer emain piano piano player obi hob semasa masa n) a th tine when, curent rmenyelam (slam v) ce rmensnorkelenorkeln) fo sek, snorting rmengembara (embara v) 10 goin search of adventure smengembara bejalan kaki 16 go aking ‘inggsan fingglv) fave, to omit neglect ‘menyelam (slam v) f go ding ‘saya kurang suka / dont realy ike Dbenei to hate Derkhémah (khomah \) camping fotografi photography hhampir sepanjang masanya almost al (ore) he time hampir almost ‘sepaniang throughout nabiskan (bls v) fo-be spent bbermain komputer 10 ply on the computer pandal to be good at ‘Translation Fema What do ou do in you free time in Kuala Lumpur? ‘Sue-Ann | usualy cook, read novels and wach fs. Floma What fis do you ike the most? ‘Sue-Ann My favour fms ar drama, comedy and history. Do you ka watching TV fms, 00? ‘Rema Yes, if what's on TV Is not good, we ke torent a video. | Ike drama ard action movies the most but my husband kee soccer and hoor movies. ‘Sue-Ann | don't really Ike hoor movies. FRlema Apart from that what else do you do during the day? ‘Sue-Ann | take my daughtor to ballet class twice a week, every ‘Tuesday and Friday aftemoon. She wants fo bea pianist and aio a balet dance Roma Before | was maid loved diving, snorketing and hiking ‘But have given al that up now. I only do aerobics twice ‘woske Suo-Ann | don't really tke diving and | hate camping. But ‘somtimes |e asrobies oma What's your husbands hobby? ‘Suo-Ann He loves computers and photography. Almost ll his time 's spent on playing (on the) computec He is good at playing tennis too. oma The same as my husband. He loves computers and watching the football. How the language works 1 1 From previous units, you already know that to tlk about what you like you can an ska, and to alk about what you do Tot ike dak taka: Saya ka endadgunang, ke einbing towriaine. Another grod word for be u pamie, which lat ologsal and tends to sound more format than sks bt wil give the listener’ good. impression of your Malay. It pore otha omar aot be edo eet people ‘Saya gemar main kad. I like playing cards. ‘To say that you love doing something in Malay, you can use the ‘expressions suka sekali, sangat suka or paling suka. However do note that paling suka cannot be usd together with sekal ain pling suka seal av would mean levee This isa very common ero amongst foreign learacs of Malay Saya suka sckali komedi. I love comedy. Saya sangat suka hermain 1 ove plying badminton. Saya paling suka makanan I Jove spicy/bot) food, ara paling spies hot) f There are some points to remember when you use paling ~ and ssl “in your sentence. The word paling ana pt log am adjective, a in paling ing or paling Besar The word sca fn the other hand, is placed after the adjective, for cxample berat sekali, sedap sekali, 7 Justa case you ned i (you never know) if you wat to sy 0 Somebody I love you, you ean ise use saya cna Kamu,” To express what you donot ike, you can simply use tidak suka, Saya tidak sua tcam, I don lke oysters. Jn Engh, we tendo use the word hate ina fiy casa wa when we fal about our lies and dislites U0 hate Washing vp ft) In Malay bates rendered by beet Saya bencimemasak. I hate cookin Saya beni skal berenang. I bate soinnming 80 much, Howeves it x generally moch beter to express oneself in less extceme way in Malay when talking about nega thing Therefore, you (and the Malay speakers you speak to) mite find the phrase tidak hope ska afar more acorn altemativel I comresponds to do ot realy like in Engh Saya tidak bepita suka I don’t really lke chicken sup ayam, soup. Saya tidak begitu suka don ? really lke cooki aya tak ally like cooking. A sla and very common expression wes kang. Saya farang sua pitang I don rely ke ed tg. Sona Gena acs a a root t gine us epemaran which means favourite: bet Wed an lows what tes eee adjectives. oe fm hegemaan sara ny favourite fn ala mac kegemarsn sya fate ee stnomnt bhidangan kegemaran saya my favourite dish Kegemaran or kesukaan can be used to talk about a liking or bie and acres tht you like doing. As with ema, cannot be used to talk about people or animals. Instead esayangan is used. Membaca adalah satu Reading is one of my bie. Kegematan saya. hobbies. Berkebun adalah kegemaran Gardening is my bobby. saya. Iu wamna kesukaan saya. That's my favourite colour. ia pemain bola sépake He's my favourite football, kesayangan saya. Player. Ini Kucingkesayangan saya, This my favorite cat Yer another word for favorit favnt which is of fig ‘origin and popular amongst young people. The usage of favor Stor cesteed so ircan be tsed wth anything 8 English Sem favorit saya my favourite film pean spa bola favo saya my favourite football player Exercise 1 Use the correct form of kegemaran or kerukaan/ esayangan with the flowing words. Use each one at least a sukan # binang 4 Some ¢ binatang Wintang star “rama tthe these) binstang anal Another well word deve from gemar is pengerar which xpeses yal fon oft Malay. Asin Engi does 90st rob to sports, but can be wed with anything Saya pagar musi ja Tm a el fon ofa ma ‘Ayah say penggemar baseball My dad’ eal baseball fan. xerlae 2 Transl the following sentences into Malay. 4 My grind is a el fan of Leonardo di Caprio, i The ae eal fan of Chines food. 2 Jen ter aaa soup oper fa 4 Metre el sose fam are you carmen & (oa8 | ‘drama ipur lara soap opera Understanding Malay Exercise 3 Read or listen to the dialogue again and say whether these statements are true ot false, ‘4 Pada masa lapang Sue-Ann biasanya suka menonton filem bb Sue-Ann menghantar Silvia ke kelas ballet 2 kali seminggu. « Semenjak berkahwin Rika mash suka pergi menyelam, 4 Suami‘Sue-Ann menghabiskan scluruy masanya. dengan bermain komputer «¢ Suami Réma hobinya fotografi Saami Sue-Ann tidak pandai bermain tenis, ‘semenjak since seluruh the whole of Exercise 4 Without referring back to the dialogue, se if you can complete the sentences ‘with the correct information’ by Selecting a,b ore in each case 1 Di Kuala Lumpus, Paan Sue-Ann biasanya ‘a memasak, baca surat khabar dan menonton filem, 'b memasak, membaca novel dan menonton film. «© memasak, membaca novel dan menonton drama sentimental 2. Puan Réma dan Puan Sue-Ann gemar menonton filem a drama, 1 penuh aksi. © Rome 3 Puan Sue-Ann harus menghantar puterinya ke kelas ballét pada. 4 hari Jumaar dan Selasa. by hari Selasa dan Rabo. hati Kamis dan Selas, 44 Suami Sue-Ann dan Réma penggemar bb bola sépak. © komputer “Tom and Serena are talking about what they doin eee fee sero, Apa kamu bust pada masa pang? Sayaka pool befalarn dan mera lah dong fowar-tawan, Katangiadang_eaya beonang. San tent Saya ea membaca bi, mamas dan menderger me Oh saya siamese Tach yang bara anos Imske Mea amber aya somarget en pa tk apa yng a pig suka? Soy suka sr citar skal us Mask Sap ao, can an soni dang ‘lrg mask radon! arg Spabune dengan aan. Sepertmucnda. ong! hob tara? ij ska megan dan mena Kaou mau, ta bol pe lana oo ap ak both monary. Say pra Saye ak pray try, ston ap yang ae png ska? Saja suka bo tamper an ping png Kara? Karas, Sarasa Eiand, sya Por Daaty step ming (ta Berpa ame am sah lar arts? ‘Seay Shur Saya tora onan art se aya Keenan i ann yng a Tamla dames Makan ap yng png ‘anus Nestkan Ina, trea kar. Saye Wak para Jol itn at stan rh. Sle pa on a maaan tp saya ska msn, Pap ap rye p yop’ fF ae buat todo betjalajalan fo 90 fora olsurly wa, (het) to hang areund rmendengar muzik toreten tomusie tiada hari yang berlalathare's no day witout muse tanpa muzik ‘Wada rot, fo not exist berlalt topace ssemangat motivation inspirasi inspiration ‘enutama ‘ask dangdut ‘digabung (gabung n) tarian ta v) ‘menyany (nyanyv) ‘menar (trv) ppemalu (mali a) ercaya ola tampar ing pong karat bertatih Gath v) tertarik (tak v} dengan 10 be Interested in ‘elak since ‘adi just now kata tosay Jelak fod up, bored tobe combined velleybalt ‘Translation ‘Tom Sorena, what do you do in your spare tine? ‘Serena | tke hanging around wits my fends and. shopping Sometimes go swimming. And you? ike reading books, cooking and listening to music. ‘Oh yes, | tke music too. The’ not a cay that passes. without music. Music gives me motvation and inepration, What kind of music do you ke the most? ‘ike all music, especialy classical music ‘ke jazz, pop and dangout. Tom ‘Serena Tom Serena Tom What's dengaut? Dangdut ts traditional music which Ie combined with dancing, ts tke indian music ‘Tom What other hobbies do you have? Serena | lke singing and dancing. I you want, we can go to karaoke tomorow ‘Tom Butt can't sing Im shy parson, Serena | don't balove (it, ‘Tom By the way, what sports do you like the most? Serena tke volybal ang table-tonnis. You? Tom. Karate. n Eagan | goto practise very wook iw. How long have you been studying Karate? ‘Tom Forti years. I've boon intrested In Karate since I went todapan fve yoars ago. shut now (4) said (Yu) tke cooking. What food do you ike the most? ‘Tom Indan food. especially cury. | never get fed up of eating ccury every day Ton’ ke cooking, but | ke eating ‘Serena How the language works 2 1 When we talk bout sport in Engl, we wea variety of {esd to expres em. We say, for example pla te but 1 fo cL, Ip Maly ou wil be glad to ess one verb ~ ai ~ Siced foal tain eis to play tris main st toga sng Mains also wsed to talk about playing musical instruments main trombone to play the trombone tran pao 0 ply the pana 2. Berapa lama kamu (sudah)..?, How long have you been..? To say how long you have been doing something selama translates for in the Malay version: ‘nore paw orgou NY comwina cow A Dia berminat main She's been interested in table ping pong selama dua tahun. tennis for wo years. Saya sudah main piano I've already been playing the ‘lama enam tahun. piano for sie years. ‘You could also say that you have been doing something since. In this ease sejakis used: Saya berminat dalam ‘wayang kali seak melihat have been interested in shadow puppets since I saw petunfken diKelantan,_& performance in Kelarion. ‘Alik Marie mencati Marit brother bes boon Pekerjaan sje di looking fora fob since he Pulang dart Amerike. came back from America Mereka belajar silat They've been studying eat sejak eal lg ‘nce they were children. ial ic they wore sl) Derminat eres ‘wayang kuilt_Joather shadow puppets lata Malay martial at Exercise 5 Can you form these sentences? 4 Thave been studying silat for three weeks. 'b He has been interested in karate since he went to Japan. ‘The prefix pe- indicates nouns that refer to 2 person who perfotms an action. Thus, pe- nouns are often connected with jobs and sports. Many, but not all, ate derived directly from ber- And me- prefixed verbs, with the pe- replacing the ber- or the ppenari dancer (from menasi, to dance) [perenang_ swimmer (from berenang, f sim) emain player (érom main, t0 play) Exercise 6 See if you can work out the meanings of these peeformer nouns using some of the verbs you have met already Inthe course. Remember to think of them in ther prefixed form. a penulis & pembante € pembeli 4 penjual © penjaga £ pengajar griene pela Using Malay Exercise 7 Match the words to the pictures by writing in the letter of each picture. Choose, and indicate with the symbols shown in brackets, two activities that you love doing (¢¢), two Activities that you Tike doing (/) and two that you do not like ‘doing (X). Make six sentences based on this informacion 1. bersenam 2 7 berkebun 3 main bola keranjang 42 main ski 5 2 berjemur 6 Ss menonton 7 vimendengar muzik 8 2 memasak 9 mena 10 bersiarsiar 11S melukis 122 menyanyi 13: membaca 14 berenang 15 “fotografi 16 1 makan di restoran 17 menonton di panggung wayang Dexercise 8 Over to you! You (B) are having 2 conversation with your Malay fiend (A) about your likes, dislikes and hobbies ‘A Apa hobi kar? B ike reading and traveling most. ‘A Buse apa yang paling kamu suka? B Psychology, culture and history books. ‘A Kamu suka baca novel? 1 Not realy, but ko the novels ofthe author Agatha Chie fot. ‘A Kanu kata tad kar suka peri bersar-siar. Negara mana yang kamu sering lanjngi? 8 Countries in Asia. especialy Malaysia, Singapura, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Japan, China and so on. ‘8 Sukan apa yang kamu gemar? BB Hmm, I dort realy ike (hem) (se gomar, ‘A Bagaimana dengan berenang? B I don't ike 0) ator ST) Sb $,10}00p ay} 3e In this unit you wil learn how to "tak about your body + say how you feo! 1 tak about various common aliments + deal witha visit to the doctor {all about the weather * interact ‘on the telephone veoen § PART ONE DDialogue Stan is not feling well so he has made an appointment at the private clinc his company uses. He is in the consulting room ‘with a doctor Doktor Saki apa, Encik? ‘Stan Asma saya Kembal lag. Saya tidak Boléh tur mala tai, susah untuk bemafas.Jantung saya berdebar copat ‘oka ‘Sue-Ann.Tangannya sejuk dan menggii, Doktor Stan Doktor ye PETER ‘Borapalamakan sudah Enok morasa sak ini? ‘Saya sudah sat slama dua tahun, Adakalanya sembuh, ‘adakalanya Kombal lal Saya biasanya eel befoging setiap pagi sebelum pers Ke pejabat. Tapi dalam Seminggu ini saya sang sibuk, joc dak ada masa, ‘Sudah borapa lama encik berada dl Singapura? Mungkin Encik masih belum selésa dengan Keadaan cuaca di si. ‘Saya berada di sin kra-kra tiga bun, lagipun saya dari Florida di US jad saya sudah biasa’ dengan Keadaan nas. Tapl bag! saya cuaca a Singapura teal lombap. ‘Anda ada maken ubat? Ya, ini ubat saya ‘Ada penyaki lain? Ya, saya menghidap penyaklt darah tinggi. ‘Avda ada merokok atau minum minumian keras? ‘Saya tidak merokok, api saya minum minuman keras. ‘Mar saya porksa. Saya ber ubat yang boldh cibell dari {armasi. Jangan lupa untuk terus makan bat dan banyak. berchat “orima kash. Mudah-mudahan copat sembuh, ppenyakitdarah tiga! ‘beri rmerasa (rasa n) ‘adakalanya berjoaing Joging n) 10 90 aang ‘keadean (ada v) _conaiaan pun yet sti bagi for embap moist, humic bat modicine makan bat take medicine penyakit(eakit a) illness rmenghidap(hidep v) 10 sufer rom ‘sarah biood igh brood pressure tah, fr) prescribe non-stop to hoop taking the meotcine forest eke 238 somtimes ‘oie 04 2 9b periksa terus makan ubat ‘bordhat (hat v) ‘Translation Doctor Stan ‘Sue-Ann, Doctor ‘stan Doctor Doctor Doctor What seems to be the trouble? ‘My asta has come back. | couldn't sleep lastnight (anc) found hard to breathe. My heart was beating very fast His hand was cold and shivering. How long have you felt ike tis? [Vhave Been Il for two years. Sometimes | recover, sometimes ft comes back | always used to go Jogging tvery moming before going tothe offee. But during this ‘ook [have been very Busy, £0 | edn" have tim. How long have you been In Singapore? Maybe you ae not yet comfortable with the weather conditions here. {have been here approximately three months yet | am ftom Frida in the US so | am used to hot (weather) ‘conctions. But for me the weather in SIngepore is too hum ‘Are you taking medicine? Yes, this is my medicine. Do you have any other linesses? ‘Yes, | suet high blood pressure (Do yu smoke or deni? I don't smoke but | do dink. Doctor Lot mo examine You. prescribe medicine that can be 36 bought fom a phamacy Dont forget to Keep taking a medicine and get a lot of rest. ee! ‘7 | mun Taanyon i Doctor With any luck you will get better quickly. How the language works 1 1 Sait ean ill or sick Ii alto wed to expres which part rer eat mtn tee GB] Saya sak pert, 1 havea stomachache In medical speak sakit apa? corresponds to What seems Peer sermmapecwrlsaaie nerd ie wean, gaya calfcaves kak legiogs, foteet™ * Malay does not make a distinction between logs and feet! Exercise 1 Translate the following into Malay. a He has a headache. bb Do you have an earache? © My hand hurts. Some other words for ailments you may find useful a 2 In English we always say 10 take medicine but in Malay you tsually say 0. drink medicine, minum ubat or, as in. the tislogue, you can say makan ubat, literally fo eat medicine. 3 This section deals with how to give commands in Malay. “There are two types of commands: one tells someone to do Something, positive conmmand and the other tells someone not to do something, negative co “Ta give someone a positive command simply stare the verb for the action you wish completed: ‘Makan itu! Eat that! ( “There are certain factors to take into account regarding che form of the verb when giving commands. This is where an awareness ‘Of verb bases comes in useful Ifthe verb you want to make a ‘command from isa ber- or a me- verb with a verb base, chen the ‘ber oF me- drops leaving just the base to use as the command form. For example: bermain to play beemain ‘Main di sanat Play over theret ‘meneari to look for men-cari (Cari pekerjaan! Look for a job! If you make a command from a verb with prefix me- combined ‘with suffix -kan then jst the me- is removed leaving verb base vT"kan asthe command form. You have already met this form in expressions such as: “Tolong, buatkan tempahan Please make me a reservation saya untuk esok. for tomorrow. “This comes from membuatkan, 10 do something for someone, ‘Masukkan orén dalam beg ini! Put the oranges in this bag! 3 women ‘This is from memasukkan, to put (something) into. Jangan, which means don't, is used 10 form the negative ‘command to tell someone not to do something. nthe negative command, however, the prefixes me- and ber should. be retained when using jangan. Jangan bermain di dalam rumah! Don’ play inside the house! Jangan memasangkan TV Don't turn on the TV! ‘memasangkan (pasang n) 1 tumion Exercise 2 Try some commands! 1a Take out the garbage b Run fastert © Don't work all day long! 4 Don't buy too much chocolate! sampsh garbage sepanjang hart al! daylong In informal spoken style, with both postive and negative ‘commands these rules are broken for the sake of brevity and. fly the base of the verb (sith any suffixes like -kan) is very bften used. Jangan pasangkan TV! Don't turn on the TV! Jangan main di si Don't play beret Jangan rlcok di ilk arm, ya? Don’t smoke in the living room, OK? ‘As in the last example, you can ada ya? to a command to soften it Another way to reduce the foree of a command i o add “lh to the verb. Is added directly to the verb of the adjective as a suffix. You should be aware that without it, your Commands will have a distinctly forcefl rone co them. Bacalah! Read! ‘The suffix lah is especially useful when making positive commands using adjectives. If you want to say Be happy!, you will remember that there is no verb fo be in Malay s0 you just {dad -lah tothe adjective Gombiealah! Be happy! Malay offen uses the passive form of the verb when making, commands, This is due to a cultural necessity to avoid ‘irectness if possible, even wen giving an explicit instruction. “Jangan dibuka pint isu, Sejukt Don't open the door. I's cold! 4 Talking about che weather. Bagaimana cuscanya? How's the weather? In Malay, people often refer to keadaan cuaca, weather conditions when talking about the weather, whereas in English ‘we just say weather. “Masia is used to refer to seasons in Malay: Malay, however only really has two seasons, dry and hot or wet and hot! ‘musim panas dry season ‘musim hujan rainy season ‘oisop 0 98 Understanding Malay Exeroise 3 Answer the following trulfalse questions based on. the dialogue. 42 Bila asmanya Kembali, Stan tidak holéh tidar dan susah bernafas. 'b Stan menghidap penyakicasma selama 3 tahun. ¢ Stan ada ubat sendin yang selala diminumnya. 4d Stan tidak merokoke dan tidak minum minuman ker. ¢ Stan masih menghidap penyakit darah ting. Exereise 4 Match the number ofthe body part below to those indicated inthe pictare using the lerters. 1 pert 2 Tg Bey 4k Saada jan Fie tm 9 ial rofangan Diexercise 5 You wil hear the weeks weather forecast for Kile Lumpur read by to announcers, As you listen use the {able overeat co work ov which weather forecast goes with ‘which day of she week, using dhe ties and descriptions aya a be. Wee the day of she week belo in Malay. One of them fea td heting! DDialogue “Tom snot feeling wel Serena Tom am keatan pict Ap? Apa kam sak? Som Yaraayn salt prt Gan rsa Serena Badan far panes, Kama demam Ma take oir i 2 a. Tom Takuneh Serena Apa tam sla akan? Tom Seyarasa bik Sona Ki hare fe eana, Kola Karu sak, kta tho boleh pe eso woome § Tom Terpulang pada kamu. Saya hut nashatmu sla tap aya rasa mabuk, tidak boléh Brian, ‘Serena Saya akan telefon kawan saya, Nasha kalau ola boldh menghantr kita ke Kink (On the phone) ‘Serena Halo, bolh saya bercakap dengan Nasha? (Orang 1. Nasha? Maat, anda salah nombor. Serena Oh, mina mae. (Serena wies again) Serena Helo! Bol eaya bercakap dengan Nash? (Orang 2. Macf. Dis dah kel. ni burya. Siapa yang bereakap ni? Serena ini Sorena,Kawan Nasha (rang 2. Anda nak nggakan pesanan? ‘Serena Tidak mengapa, terma Kasih. Saya kan telfon lag lain al Orang 2 OK, Saya akan bertanu cia yang anda teléfon, Selamat tinal Sorona OK. Bak kita nai teks! saja. Saya akan tefon untuk tek (he taxi arrives and takes Tom t0 the doctors. Tom enters the doctors surgery) Doktor "Selamat malam! Saki apa? ‘Tom Pert saya sakt dan saya montah-munta tes. Doktor Apa yang kamy makan atau minum. ‘Tom Saya cura makan udang bercil dan minum art Doktor Him...mungkin lauk cil Ry toad pede untuk’ anda ‘Sudan berapa lama rasa besini? Tom Seak 3 jam yang au Doktor Apa ag! yang anda rasa? Tom Saya kerap buang alc Saya rasa lem Doktor Mar saya perksa. Maa. Anda ada sebarang alerl pada tbat? Tom Ya saya seri pada Augmentin, Bak, saya akan gant dengan bat yang lin, Minum @ kal ‘sehar. Muda-mudahan lekas sembuh dan jangan makan ‘makanan pedas. cat pale ‘ada apa? what's wrong? ‘ual nauseous demam feverish ‘dak usah theres no need ‘saya rasa bukan I don thnk 50 terpulang pada kamu its up to yeu, is your decision Serena Tom, you lok pale. What's up? Are you i? ‘Tom Yos.-thave a stomachache and I fet sick. ‘Serena Your bodys old, you feverish. Lt’ goto the 24-hour coctors cn. Tom There's no noes. Serena Have you eaton something that cisagreed with you? Tom {don't think so ‘Serena We should go (her). you are sick we can't go tomorow. ‘Tom its up to you. ust folow your advice, but fel drunk | can't walk ‘serena phone my frend, Nasha (and 806) f she can tako us to the clin, Person 2 Sony. Shas already gone out. This Is her mother. Who's Person 2 OK. I tel her that you called. Bye Serena Bye. OK Fight well just tae a tax phone for a tax. (The taxi arives and takes Tom to the doctors. Tom enters the octor’s surgery) mean F Good evening. What seams tobe the trouble? ‘Tom Ihave a stomach ache and I koop on voting Doctor What have you been eating or drinking? ‘Tom | ony ate chill prawns and drank tea. Hmm...maybe that chil deh was too apcy for you. How. long have you been feling he this? Tom Fortine hours. Doctor What ese do you feel? Tom {am urinating frequently. fel weak Doctor Let me examine you). Excuse me. Are you allergic to any medicines? ‘Tom Yes, | am alergic to Augmentin Fin, | will change the medicine to another one, Take It threo times day. With abit of Mek you wil recover ‘uichy and dont eat spicy foods. How the language works 2 1 Throughout the course you will have noticed that there are many expressions where a word is doubled, sometimes with a prefix added and sometimes with a vowel change in the second ‘word. This is technically known as reduplication. So far the nly usage we have looked at gave you the information that the doubling ofa noun i sometimes required to create a plural form (refer back to Unit 5), [Although there is no particular reason why reduplication occurs in certain expressions, such as kupu-kupu, bucerfly there are three broad catergories of (added) meaning that reduplicated expressions fal into: ‘+ expressions of ime pagi-pagi early ix the morning falam-malam leat ight cadangekadang sometimes sehentarsebentar now ad again sekal-sckala once na while tibactiba suddenly * doing something in a surely way wih 0 parla gol duduk-duduk to st about (relaxing) jalan-jalan 10 g0 out fora stroll, thang around” Fihatlhae #0 browse capstan 1 cat hi ao mene by he wey tn coran conex * emphasis kkuat-kuat loudly hae ary io be a barry tborebura fo be na hurry iermacammacam diferent kinds of tersme-tama together ceparcepat 07 guikly Sstesact one by ne dua-dua two by two etc. 2 Prefix pe am and pet ~ an. In some cases pe- an (pe an) nouns that ar rete fom verb bases correspond 0 What re known as verbal nouns in Engh Tat iy they end ia ing Bu are noc expressing a continuous tense Daca to read pembacaan reading jal 10 sell Peajualan selling boli t0 bey pembelian buging Formed fom a concrete noun, the pe- an (per- -an) combination fen crete # new noun tha exendso aut the meaning of the orginal noun, which now Becomes the base. Look atthe following examples, noting the meanings of the Onginal noun and the coresponding modified nouns. gunung mountain pergunungan mountain range Sahabat friend persahabatan friendship bbandar ity perbandaran shanized area pustaka book* Perpustakaan brary *pustaka isan archaic word for book and perpustakaan is a tlc toate bran. Some ofthe nouns created by pe--an (peta) carry meanings thar ean be a lite dificult relate ciety tothe original base ‘ab. When the meaning ofboth the bse verb and the created oun are Known, however, the ink i easy tose, even if i Sometimes requires alle lateral hinking 28 %0 bow the Ineaning evolved nap to spend the penginapan int rhe onesie) smenbangun to bul pembengunan contraction tab fo appear Peneritan publebingboure ‘main fo play Permainan game svotep 98 Penginapan derives its meaning from a place to spend the night on weet a fw yb tha hae ferent mening when the prefix me is attatched, one of which was bangun whi when the pelt itd can forall The eal ef Dembangutan is the nown derived fom the pefsed sb Ifyou think of penebitan a place which makes thing appeae fe: e published then te lnk between the ve and the noun iecomes dear Exercise 6 Using what you know about pe--an (pt an) owns from the information given above sei You can werk Cut the meaning ofthe nous inthe righthand column created from the noun (ad) and verd (ed) bases inthe lft hand enm a sekolah schoo! perskolahan & Kampung village Perkampungaa © rumah Pouse erumahan 4 bun garden perkebunan fala fo cht ercakapan pelea to examine pemerkeaan fg umm to announce man A ita ihe Derlawanan i cuba to pereubaan 3 Sound changes. You will have noticed that, when you Encounter words with the me- or pe- pefses, the base words these words are derived from sometimes look different from the base words themselves. This is because some base words undergo changes when they have the me- or pe- prelixes atatched to them ‘The rules ace as follows: ‘+ When me- or pe- are used as prefixes before c, d and j they become men- and pen- respectively: caci + mencuci 10 wash jempurmenjempur ro pick up, to invite ual -> penjual seller ‘aki pendaki climber * These prefixes also become men- and pen- before bases beginning with « but inthis ease, thet disappears tangis + menangis, tocry take penarikan pull tari > pena ‘dancer ‘+ me- and pe- become mem- and pem- before b: + membuang to throw “+membungkus 10 wrap up bantu Delper beritahu — pemberitahuan announcement 4 They also become mem- and pem- before p but the p dlisappeats: Pinjam>menisiam to borrow poten tian Kodo Spenanis eile ‘+ me- becomes meng- and pe- becomes peng- before g or hz anti + mengganti to replace Fidup > menghidupkan tote on (an appliance) fganggu— penggangguan annoying Gade penghabiean = conchasion “+ meng- and peng- are also used before k which disappears: kira “+ mengira to count kirim -* meng to send keenal > Hdetifiation elas + pengelasan. classification ‘+ me- and pe- become meng and peng- before a vowel: isi > meng to fil in smbil + mengambil to take lurus > pengurs manager slam — pengalaman experience ‘+ me- becomes meny- and pe- becomes peny- before bases ‘beginning with « but note thatthe s disappears: sombong -* menyombongkan 10 be proud sebut ~* menyebut 10 mention, soberang —+ penyeberang crossing sewa ~* penyewaan, renting out Exercise 7 How do you think these words will appear when the prefix shown in th left-hand column is added? (For some of the words a suffix has already been added to create a useful ‘suow0p ae comeaw word, the meaning of which is given in the right-hand column, ‘The root appears in bold.) f-me- terjemabkan to translate bb me- sik to tease fe me sikat t0.comb dime bantah to.argue ¢ pee bangunan construction f pe serang. stacker 8 pee separ simlating 4h pe importan fmportation Using Malay Exercie 8 Look atthe pres and wrth wor for each ines DiExercise 9 Over to you! ‘You (B) have gone to see a doctor (A) because you are having trouble with your eyes ‘A Siakan duu, Encik. Apa sakt dan apa masalah Enc? BB My eyse are tong and picking. ‘A Sudch berapa lama? B Fortwo days, since Sunday. ‘A Kenapa boi begin? B Iimalergic to dust, Doctor. At rst my eyes wore red, butaftr that (they became) swoilen. 'A Mari saya pera, Bala, tidak tera sorus ttap, saya ber anda dua joni ube, satunya wat tts mata. Dis ga kal sha. ‘Mudeh-mudahan anda cepat sembuh. 1B Thank you, Doctor S9SIDIOX9 9 yy 0} Aoy) Pronunciation guide Down 1 sekolah 3 tempat 6 enam 9 baru 11 nama 13 tidak 15 Kedai 18 istimewa Across 2 empat 4 enak $ mercka 7sila 8 hebat 10 makanan 12 sata 14 suka 16 dua 17 tiga 19 lima 20 bilik 21 warna 22 pertama Unit 4 1. Saya John. Saya (berasal) dari England. b Saya Kylie. Saya (berasal) dari Australia. e Saya Fatima. Saya (berasal) dari Malaysia. 2a Sarah Leong ~ Singapura ~ mahasiswa b Huzaini~ Indonesia penari d Safa ~ Brunei Darrusalam — pelancong. 3.a°T bPeTdT 4alni kamos. b Dia usahawan, leu kop, Ini keda, ¢ Dia guru. fai ait. $ a Adakal ini kamus? 'b Adakah dia usahawan? e Adakah iu kop? «d Adak int kedai? e Adakah dia guru? Adakab ini air? 6 Maat... Adskah saudara ini Encik Sallh dari Malaysia? Ya, bet, Selamat datang ke England. Nama saya Robere Davies. Adakah anda dari syacikat periagaan Singapore Seas Imports? Ya saya. Selamat berkenalan. Saya gembira dlapat berkenalan dengan anda juga. Excuse me... Are you Mr Salleh from Malaysia? Yes, thats correct. Welcome to England. My name is Robert Davies. Are you from the Singapore Seas Exports Company? Yes, Lam. Nice ro meet yous I'm pleased ro meet you too. 7 Maat. Adakah saudari inj Puan Fausiah? Saya dari syarikat ABC Exports Business ‘Company. Selamat datang ke England. Nama saya Mark Spencer. Begitu juga dengan saya. Unit 2 1a foto dia b hadiah mercka ¢ jam tangan saya d gambar kita (or kami) 2a Bias kita bercakap bahasa Melayu! bBiar kita pergi ke Ipoh! Biar kita menunggu di luar! 3aFhTeFdF 4 Dia sudah menulis surat. He has written a letter. Meréka sedang membaca akhbar. They are reading a newspaper. Dia mengajar bahasa Melayu, She teaches Malay Saya sedang minum (Gh. I am drinking tea. Kami sedang, ‘menonton télevisyen. We are watching TV. S.a Apakah ini semua bagasi anda? b Apakah mereka sedang ‘menunggu diluar? Apakal dia tersangkut dalam kesesakan lalu-lintas?d Apakab Kami terlewat? 61b2a3a4. 7 Maat, Saya sedang sibuk. Ya, Bagus kalau beg Unit 3 1a orang Sepanyol b bahasa Cina ¢ orang Scotland d orang Indonesia e bahasa Belanda f orang Amerika g orang New Zealand h bahasa Melayu i orang Singapuea j bahasa Jepun 2a bagasi brat b pakatan sukan e bilk tidus d teman guru bpahast Malaysia saya ¢ guru bahasa Malaysia teman saya 3aFbTeTdT 44 Indonesian b fluently ¢ English d les coo fast 5 a Dia tidak sopan, bb Meréka tidak buta, ¢ Kami tidak ‘inggal di Johor Bahru. d Ita bukan Keréa saya. e Dia tidak sgembira, 6 a buken b tidak c tidak d tidak 7 a Dari mana dia ‘masuk? b Di mana di belajar? c Ke mana meréka membawa hagasi itu? d Dari mana kami datang? 8 a Berapa lama penerbangan dari London ke Singapura? b Berapa kali anda ‘makan nasi? ¢ Berapa lama kita menunggu? d Berapa lama dia tinggal di Malaysia? e Berapa kal dia telefon? 9-a Saya idak ppernah melihat film iu. b (Apakab/Adakah) kamu pemah {perg) ke Melaka? e Kami pernah makan durian, d Dia ppemah tinggal di Amerika. 10 a Mereka tidak tiba semalam, bint bukan penerbangan ke Kota Kinabalu, e Saya tidak bercakap bahasa Arab. dIsteri saya bukan orang Singapura. © Tu bukan orang utan. f Eman tidak keras kepala. 11 Dia tidak orang Brazil. X Dia bukan orang Beazl-b Dia bukan pemain bola sepak. ¢ Kami tidak bahagia. d Saya bukan bodob. X Saya tidak bodoh. e Kelmarin mereka bukan datang. X Kelmarin meré tidak datang. 12.8 Apa khabar? b Tagaimana dengan penerbangan andalsaudara? © Apa anda (kama, Encik ete.) masih bujanga? d Siapa nama andalsaudara}e (Apakab/Adalcah) anda/saudara pernah ke “Miami? Berapa lama mercka mahu tinggal i Mir? g (Apakah/Adakah) anda/saudara orang Malaysia/Singapural Indonesia etc)? 13 Apakah anda orang Malaysia? Apa Ikhabar? Maa. Siapa nama anda? Nama saya Stuart. Anda boleh pangal saya Stu Jangan bimbang. Saya pernah belajar bhahass Malaysia di sekolah. Di mana anda tinggal? Bagaimana dengan Australia? Berapa lama anda tinggal di Canberra? Selamat bercutit anneal Unit 4 1a Silatkan) menyanyi bSilalkan)bercakap bahasa Melayu! ¢ Sila(kan) minum dSila(kan) menasieSila(kan) masuk! 2.aSila(kan) memandu dengan berhatichtit Sla(kan) ‘menulis dengan teat! Silakan) membaca dengan perlahan- akan! 3. TbFeFdT eF 4 David Teng isthe best choice. He can use a computer, can speak English and has the longest in sales and marketing. 5 a tahun (yang) lala b bulan ddepan (hadapan/akan datang)c dua tahun yang lah d minggu (yang alu etadipetang /petang ini 6 a Dia sudab/Telah menulisb Meréka sedang menaip ¢ Saya sedang bereakap/berbual d Dia sudah/Telah membaca e Kamu sedang belajar?/ Apa / Apakah / Adakah kamu sedang belajar? 7 ti Bieiidiv 8 doctor, jururawatb suri rumah cangga e ‘ukang masa d arktek wartawan 9 Saya guru babar. Saya ada banyak pengalaman mengajar bahasa Inggeis dan saya fasih dalam tiga bahasa, Di Tnsitusi Bahasa Antarabangsa ua ribu dol jika boléh. Bulan depan. Units ‘Dia sedang tdur,bukan? He's sleping, isn’ bet or She's Sleeping, isn't she b It salah, bukan? The’ trong isn't itt ¢Mereka bukan askas,bukan? They arent solders, are they? 2a sangatgclap, gelap sekalib sangat lus, luassekai sangat bags, bagus sali dsangat kuat, Kuat skal e sangat ‘Pena, penatsekali 3a cuca perempuan b mertua lelaki Anak saudara lelak d kaka perempuan 4 pokul tangannya ‘Sekolah tendahnya ckebunnya d alat CDnya e Anak saudaa perempuannya comel Sekai. § a Kita / Kami (edang) ‘Benangg mescka.b Dia Gude) menelcfon sara ri ce MerGka (sudah) mengganggu dia. d Dia mencinainya.e Kita 1 Kami (sudah) pergi dengan mereka. 6 a Umur kembar saya empat tahun. b Angie berumur sembilantabun. ¢ Umur yang sulong tiga tahun. d Adi lelakinya berumus lima tahun ZatbFeTdFeriTgt Sla2eshsesd 9a bb cermin matamu c kuncimu d pasportma a Anak-anak children (without a double plural this would mean ‘child? i saudara perempuan e buku d flemeflem fms (without a double plural this would mea ‘film’ « beg-beg bags (without 4: double plural it would mean ‘bag’ 11 a Dengan siapa b Daripada siapa c Untuk siapa d Kepada siapa 12 a Amir b Evon e Sue d Amir e Dev fSue_13 a dapur bilk dur © bik Keluarga dbilk makan 14 a di belakang b di antara di sebelah Kanan di depan edi scbelah Kiet 15 Terima keasih, Tak payah susah-susah. Ya, betl. Saya ada dua anak, “Yang pertama tujuh tahun dan yang kedua empat tahun, Di ‘mana dapur? Terima kasib. Bik siapa itu? Unit 6 11 Ada kedai cenderamata. b Ada restoren-restoran traisional.¢ Apa(kah) ada koih-kuih yang lain di kedai ini? dd Tidak ada hotel. e Apa(kah) ada keterangan/maklumat? { Apalkah) ada pusatsukan? g Tidak ada baal seni, 2 a filem ‘yang panjang dan bosan b anak yang hersemangat dan pandai perjalanan yang panjang dan meleuihkan d tempat peranginan yang meriah, ramai dan mahal ebilik yang besa, fhyaman dan moden 3 a lima puluh empat b tajuh puluh lapan ¢lapan puluh satu d sembilan puluh sembilan 4a Pukul ‘jah. b Pokal empatsetengah €Pakul sembilan empat pulu lima mint. d Pukul sepuluh Suku e Pakul satu dua suku, 5 a Hari ii hari Jamaat b Esok hhari Khamis. ¢ Lusa hari Jumaat. d Esok hari Khamis. 6G rumah yang dia bina b bandar yang kami lawat © gadis yang dulu bekera disini 7aFb Te TdFeF 8 a Pukul émpat setengah (4.30) b Pull tiga empat suku (3.45) Pak raj lima pulu lima minic (7.55) d Pokal sata daa ppuluh mini (1.20) e Pukul enam lima minit (6.05) {Pukul dua belassetengah (12.30) g Pukul sembilan empat poluh lia sini (9.45) h Pukl tiga suk (3.15) 9 a Bunga apa ini? bb Progeam apa itu? ¢ Bahasa apa ini? 10 a Apa anda /saudara {kamu mab lagi? b Saya harws / mesti mandi lagi. 11 a Dia bbaean penari lagi. b Dia tidak Kaya lagi. 12 a Kami hendak pergi ke Kelantan pada hari Ahad. b Di Poring ada banyak Kemudahan sepers air panas, kolam renang dan restoran. Dari pusat kota ke sana memakan masa dua jam. 13.2 Pakul sebeas. b Pukul dua empat puluh minic (tengab hati). ‘¢Pukul dua belas sepulub mint. d Flari Khamis, e Pukul lapan Setengah. 14 Ya, saya ingin beberapa maklumat tentang Kuala Tumpur. Apa yang boléh saya lihat di sana? Ada hiburan ‘alam yang sangat baik? Naik pesawat apa ke sana? Adakah ‘ermasul makanan? Berapa harganya? Terima kasih atas smaklumat anda, Unit 7 ‘1a Kami sekelas ada ujian. b Dia seumur dengan saya 2.4 Sampaikan salam saya kepada dia. b Sampaikan slam ieami kepada Sue. ¢ Sampaikan salam kami kepada meréka, > > wrar> Tera kasi ‘Maat, Encik DI mana Zoo Negara? Jalan terus sampal ke hujung jalan in. la trletak dekat ‘Akuaium Tunku Abdul Rahman. ‘Maat, Encik Bagaimana jalannya ke Hot istana? ‘ang? Hot Vstana? Ya, tana. Nant lu, Ene, saya torslap. Maksud saya Hotel Miah Hota! Miah? Oh, jalan torus soja tat jalan ini sampal ke buttan, Kemudian belok karan, Hotél Miah ada oi sebelah Plaza Raya. Unit 9, Exercise 3 “The numbers called out in the lotery game (in this order) are: 47, 18, 56, 13, 6, 69, 43, 85, 50, 16, 63, 94, 61, 30, 28, 72,9, 11, 83, 24, 58, 77, 38,20, 59, 41, 12, 32, 34, 17, 29, 10, 58, 70, 32, 79, 37, 91, 7, 36, 21, 87, 3, 52, 60, 99, 93, 25, 6, 45. Unit 13, Exercise 3 PPelayan Selamat malar. Meja untuk dus? Sam. Ya. Bolen ada meja dekat tingkap? Saya suka emandangan task Petayan Tanta, Encik. Sia Kut saya. Ini menunya. Satu untuk puan dan bl unde tuan. Saya akan kembal apabia tuan dan Puan sudah sedi Rosie Wow Saya lapar sok Sam Saya juga. Saya berselera untuk makan Rosie Mudah-mudehan ada ate kambing. Eh, hat ada ni. Saya dongar saté kambing ols terkenal. PPelayan Apakah puan dan tuan sudsh bersecka? Sam. Kemu ada yang ap dipesan? Rosie Ya, Sam, Boleh saya pesan sate ayam dan pulut_kuning? Hm..tunggu sabentar oleh saya pesan rencang juga? PelayanSatéayam, pulutKuning, rendang daging dan untuk puan pula? Rosie Hm, saya mahu saté kambing dan Pelayan Oh maa, Puan. Salé kambing sudah habs, yang ada hanya salé aya, Lazat seal ni resil kami send Sayang sekal. Saye benar-benar ingin makan saté eambing, tetapi tidak mengapa. Tentu saté ayam jogs sedan. Pelayan Satu set eat ayam, dan yang lain? Rosle Ya, saya mahu rojak bua. Playan Satéayar, rojak bua tu sla? BD >a> o> Rosie Rosle ‘Um, saya juga mahu popiah Balk, ja saté ayam, rojak buah dan popiah ‘Apakah makanannya diber! sambal? Maat, harusdipesan beresingan. “Tolong ber samba untuk dua orang. Baik. Mahu posan minuman aps? Ya, sagelaswain morah untuk saya dan bagaimana, dengan kamu, sayang? ‘Saya juga, sama. Balk, Jac ua elas wain mérah Tunggu sebentar, saya dah tukar fran. Boléh sogolas wan puth untuk saya? “Tidak masalah. Satu gelas wain put, Bagaimana maksnanaya, Puan? Lazatsekal torima kash trutamanya saté ayam. Saya ‘bolum pemah merasakan saté ayam yang solazat i ‘Apakah resipinya? ‘Mast, Puan. i rahsia chet. Saya tdak both bertahu ‘Nak pesan pencuci mult? Saya sudah Kenyang. Kamu nak cuba? Ya. Ada bubur pulut ita? Yea. Stu manga bub put Man? oleh berry sokal? “ontu, Eck. bina. Berapa jumlahaya’? Ma8.00. Murah seks, ya? Unit 16, Exercise 5 Ini Ramalan cusca sepanjang minggu in untuk Kuala Lumpur, Malaya Juruhobah 1 kepada Juruhebah 2 Nampaknya cusca sepanjang ‘minggu il adalah panas dan fombap. Juruhebah 2 Ya, bet ata kamu ‘Jurubebah + (Cuaca pada hat snin adalah Juruneba 2 Cuaca pada hari Sola ppanas and cerah sepaniang har adalah “berawan dengan hujan pada levat tenga har ‘dan malar, Juruhebah 4 Jurunebah 2 ‘Juruhebah + Juruhebah 2 Juruhebah 4 Hujan Jobat jangka trun pada awel pagi Rabu dan pada masa yang lain corah {an bermatahan Cuaca pada hari Khamis adalah corah dan_berangi Sesual soll untuk bermain layang-layano. (Guaca pada harl Jumast, eran “dengan sinaran ‘matahart sepanjang hari dan hun ronyal-enyal pada ‘sebelah malam. (Cusca pada hari Sabtu ‘adalah berangin dan langit cerah sepaniang har. Cuca pada har Ahad adalah basah dan lembap pada awa pag dan pada masa yang lain ak. ey} Auessoj6 ysij6uy-Aejey- ‘You wl find en se mst iportane weed tin th cour ied Belo walt 0005 = er shang older brother sal liens ind Sto ba to ‘than bal ‘Ada pat Whar wrong? kaa acon SS.gStascne Whee sey ‘tie np Ieee ae roe) She Adah? eu? en cet reper Sb cahty art im expcad sen rome ine ea Set dete eit Sic Cer Se at) ecm) Sir oaiploe te de inane Sin ae ‘bd tin dian eke par anki) 5 ne ‘ines dtr ak ho gh hide si tae ref ban ithocomt a ie nif Satna dnaier sin on ‘sakceoie neo pw it nee ot Ser totaach Suge re Ss marie we fete tees sot and or ‘Sie academy font ncn wind aglaw ae Shearbangss itermcton! ae one om en ‘Boe Kae How ae yout ‘Ape or Apa What? ‘Ap pk sda? What our obt What do you dot abl ork ogimans or bagaimanalah? What ‘td of? Howe? agains cacaya? iw the ‘mtr agimana make sea? Hove do ihe pain pdapa ands een? What’ om opinion oft agama deg? Hows. eas bse ba for ape goad tap Enon bp 2 thats god ps sek peat ala al ih, OF ‘ka aa bier’ in, ‘OK den ang ep anna fanean wun ee fod tbl al ena ar ha anak lt of borane good ton nae tie! teh wet le aie tat stone re marae ure tan cong tou fomell Sanya tama ews fe bing. ake Tomah ew wah ana andere bewnna tee onion wane ta chaloe evang poh gar yar 10 fo poy for Iberpa af cn ha ksh ey bo ‘ok aj) to sore ela (ae) 1d ella the rear ean Hollond Iola to spend laa yar) sil { i tel by alan (bl) purest inched ati bl) oy omething fer someon) talk ore (lk Kaa ik elm not yet elm Berwin at marin Bent te re rly tend cohae engl aol ‘kel workshop ‘ns cine tread ad) 10 be ar play) Tribals tere ea (al) to be apne er ahi) vf eran aan to have cid Sera gn.) oe windy rant agar ) 10k for Teapr? How man? How mache ‘erapa bya? Hw much, Hse mon? rapa harpnya? How much the out cap jam? How my hows? rap kal How many test rapa ll? Hone my dior? erp lama? (Fo) hw lng ie? eapa mal? How many igo? ea anon? Hox og stan)? etapa tumbargaya? What the for erp nga? How ll erapkah? Hw me? erapkah mur) Pow ol ering ing) separtly erat bo weg Saupe tcp ‘ravan ewan) 4 be cloudy ert jin) to war dee erm (tu) Yo Bema of tome ‘rela fan) spend stern (es weft ress degen ferent fom etna tincing¥) Yo dae Bexblengn toch o ere ha) odo Berea kup) spn spook tercakap (kp) dengan ttl 0 rca ral) fo be dorced, 0 it dora esc tm 4 eo baiday eer ebarm) oth paptte er i) 0 stand stand np ‘edn bon ed (dc) to be iy ect cae) es renga) erga a) to wc send tometer ergy apm) bea legen gan) meme ‘pura gust) fo ae ee i) area eth he) Yost eshubang haba) 10 ‘onde best togne end Glade) 9 worip ere (abut mf be) stormy ras br) 0 big pe ‘omeone) oma) lect to hea fe et be maid) i oe, eth 10 fom era fh) Yo inform, ttl Seva aan) fo al ‘een Kk 0. for ey gam) to ced seme emo) sanding eek en mo ok rnd ‘ero owing) 1 eng era abt) fos eran bwin) mid erkebaya bapa) ser fo sar alt kstye Sesion hc a) garding ‘sku nga) 1 fave a embio be meriad ‘acemah hen) camping eskieap apm) ro have soy some Sedlr a.) shins 2 gmer Spl mp per belo ama ode ll emt 0 Berens enna eo ie en 0) ‘Si aa} be fone SEIS gan uk Be nod Serarpan tran pap 1 fave ‘east edi ei) ob dy, t0 ‘ewan 0 ena sak a) historical erh bn te lem) ek Bae an ‘appt for Iecsangst Gemangat ‘ns he beri aveling beh ean slam (kann) 10 la sport Serans fara) oak etemun (ema a) est ou ost have fon) ‘rsa degen 0b rend th Serum fen mt tangs the ofa enol la) 0 dare err kar) tebe er tn) fo spe ewan ara a) be cloud Nek tomer ete pan ets aes ed vet ely esc ute igh en taifr Si fle ar sya bao, Late eb tins 1 eed al iasnye ely ise pe ‘aang fel (of xpi, et) 1 bl eck Bla? or Blah? Whont Aowseoi weitua-coew ol sy dpaan..? Cold 1 Ihave ?Cau yong me? Role saya depute) May hee oh ay mie? May reget? Boh ay thu?” Could you a me bt ‘ola anda ercap eng ei at Cond ou speak mre loa please? oka anda Baka dengan bis Pevahan? Could you spat mars peer oa ands lng akan? Could on spal ple Boke ads tong inka? Could on write dm plese? ‘Bol anda lan chal? ‘onl you reat tht ase? Inge yang orang frm, document bor at san ore wale Bat ee bate roma roche ah sed forage obj such at ea cs "igo, computers. bua elmira a dria de ra Bag fo dcr then ‘ang ao wincte a do to mabe Ita gan fan made ‘nah mee oh seperti uma sent make ors at ome nh ro put plc oad buh gra cap a cl ebur pode Iuka yan re org sth hehe bbe pt its bl ato two oar dae clare ue bf jane inte aan tale bat fol book Balan mont lata la.) rundaboue Tn tenn yerur Bane lower tk te uti cum for small rund objet ove ped curds, ‘psa dea’ dang 1 get ‘Sdanghan (hang) recommend, ‘> eg fo omeon) salap to cat sso i 2 printed ‘ary method Sa ban ga ‘devon sella hol ball ‘toda Diner ‘tas mat rb name) of Dips nara? Ow ber wee? ike one tha eg abroad Seana whee ‘Ksmping kh if andi etek nota ‘eklahoya next ‘Beterang jl acres the oad Sa bev Se bole ‘hina (bi ) 1 bebe ‘bat naw) arpa to be made * ik (aka 0) 1b pened ‘Sangha gh rapped x ke a) dicate oe med Seat utc 0 beat for Sepang) bended Sexe ang) ‘Stan fu) Yo ed ‘hatce ate) be pe ‘hiang ang 6) 1 be eed ‘bidngan hang eed ‘Spe de enor from Sa vod Sl aw sg ci a aang aan) ifr, ‘nt alin on a tern el wth) megan ras) Deventer Diemer ‘St ketran tor ‘ke bot ‘Sted 0} beng ‘cn doko out dion ‘ows to) Being cme) ‘i le sh fod) idan hon y) “hh ecco lope) a ‘et 0) merger goa v) ‘ie t) selon hore) ce rowed 0 bs) brea ra) ey | combating meron mal 2) ‘easy eda (tan) ‘cnloee pe pote hen) cope Reson fd hing fring rr arte a) ‘sjoy sen joy Your fod: Selamat maka Enjoy you st Somat eli "joy your wok Selamat eke cough tap rer) marae erin) hur ernment bir ib ‘sth a Stee. eee (eonant a) ‘evcooment lm sir ‘ulto sane doco ‘Spell tetas tae), ‘ertamany ama) cresing nthe = pada i a ‘oer pom ery set ip (Soni ft emer par) ‘cele erik ak) ‘ep heal pin ear ‘xp ) mera mene) ‘pene mal ‘pence penal alam a) fpetincel alan Se abi ‘splnston keerangar rng) fart (0) pea [Sebiow ad Rig fae) ap fa got fly elas amots well taow etna ‘ken fan kip ‘at ja fa fom hte ja dr in fae tober farmer tn fhm fren fashion dese pda yen ft (in eis fa) se fst) bere ous 2) father aya, apo fhe moraa {ax machine msn fobs Febmaey Feira fee ona Seto) mora rasa) Senale wena Sey ft ch) menempat emp) Sec dona Sora~ ele fad eof experince) dong fee fol one iin) ae i meni fn fiat tr face hewmen fe oe fem Ahab uit fs hat bla al bgi Faget fh fe) bei ati a abi, hoe ory singh Serie fet fash Aoey dogo fet fotlow to) st {olowsPase~ me. Mar bt sys fond of be) gomar {od akamon atin 1) ak foe kak {oot goon ~ balan hat foot Goze) Pola sepak foot layer poms bola spk for Bag ts foe (wthine) clam forint dean rong) forceo) pak fore te) tepa ipate w) forehead di foreign ai fon la Song) teape Gpa v) ony dat ont, ong Tips nga ps fone} mason fonpoen: already = aah apa ‘Send (haves) Boron ‘toma. Send perma {nde be) berahabat bat) {nds wi ob) Berean dengan ‘Sendsip prsshatan (haba) fghined abe frie sad oak bash fee salad with pic sacs rok Sig pan a ‘a pom flo poh dene 1) dapakan daar), ‘mendapat ‘etm wo () Aah dengan ft olf or oat of eile) ra {someting ut fo) Aeron ‘har set ap fo) bung bie hada Beoee als Die enfab al perenpan veo) membor (br v) Bresette) se re fomeone somthing) bean ‘er had met yo, Gobi home ong sda as seals ove san en Boo) pow > dang) jmp jon ing (o) meme la) (fra walk) er ein lon king 0) mengambar rion ‘att evn etch of advo (fo) ‘mengombaaembars ) ing) bring oping) {nfo ) jan hat Beene fore ael (0) olan {shopping} meme b> achoeing (o) melacong tocol fa) stab ‘eka opto) at upsiefo) ik heater feat amg Bot ment on Swern peanut ace i bane sod bape ba ‘Sod aero slat egal br (peeing lamar oon red mening soma! pg ral ge eat mal roe slat jlo, selomat ‘mez odo hebihar le borg verment eam a a) ‘pada () tmnt pomp ‘adatom cerenony ncaa Hes (Panda ace Banddagher non (Pander dane andor min (anion x have est) Besar erapor a ee save chen 0) eran anc a) aves ance) erp, ‘hcop a} vet aly eo fe) map hve T= Syeda ar ad Repl Nedecher pore beer enh et fa) hea shar eat 0) mendogor eng) eae jin heaty beat ely Bono bow) Ip 2) momar oe) elper pom ant) eee a igh ae pS ced pram pon dr ‘ines sit bt itd dea (ob) ity era he ob ety aly (to Been) ert fn olay reso tempat pagina Holland Bolonde ope 0} haraptan thea opty op, mada madaon ter sont Tomo move fom am wpa orp ot pana oe) pada ot weeping pos ed Boe owe rab ows of wethip rama erat How in what way) a you i? "st ope? How ate you? Ap abr? ow do ge here apna nak teat How mich sth os? Bors ‘hares How oi? Bersham? Hom all? Bopa tng? Ir beg moma ama esoeship go ry aman ence smb mame aney pr ay (oe ina) srbrebur, ‘eons uur ut Leas east aed em aba so 5a open Sy uk seal. trode) pertenla (henlv) rae up invent) rk investor porte fav) toeston omputae ompa tendagon Gnd) i i i iit) aa jmp, mena tom) inside psn ~ tar femputan ‘sae aa ea {i tentineneslng Paani Tal Tal ‘ching atl face ter Svar Jom ‘ps cn fe peera eri) fe) gat ot bub eke or Fake (0) een fake roan fo) beens nat a) fouls wir Foumey pram fiona) Joly Jn Je fet tsa se fsa ta efi ime et awe a pur, ‘du pt arse hare en Persona (emangt ep fo) impor eepan eon 0) meng ‘avas a) ep 08 doing to) sons expo walking alan tr wey banc i io soe ond hal -+ sl stg ing rae chen deper ow eo) Rn dengan ta now: dot. Sania, owls poate) nwa deal lena) cbs Totenl dogo ab msn Ind of pat gi lake sak lan Tange has lage a Tat the = verti (ai) Ite Lat, erat ama ‘elt few) Ie ace mala al lie me ange Aang) fst awe) law wndon nae Lier rasan ‘eat doen eter le Jeter shadow poppet snag lee ec lee (0) gta eve) tng nga) ‘ee or eo) bona oa kere sr ‘eres power (arch \efeon de hand ed soming leg tat ‘ese apne leon ges srt ‘end (pinion pina) eng ay topo oneal ten he lesion Pela ajar) bar lego} mls ere hp Bursa hat, Mar “ya bo Leiner Pekan "hk Lees pt Jom (ang lene ont teary pepuscoon puss) ton bom Me tad lige oF wih) rng te mac ke (iar) sper ke oak like the mos) paling sta he doa aly Sa karan aha | Mews pula Tink pong Gaba.) ls bt Iie dear Ten a) dengar mai ie) engl ley mera Jae ang arg Jong lm, pang omg For bow = ine? Bera at Joo examine fo) ands Jeo et) mene rae), mena op) ook fora) men a et Sea ke) eld ia) ‘ak om fo) mea dey looked fot be) af) eve ou) lee semehing fo) Rec (¥) low lon sot lee oie) tren esa) loca of baat lowly baa tei. lucky be) Boas (nan) lope bs ‘itewa sau Tai sone mace of be) dba tv) dopa maid permban enah in oad fal ‘mae ape tatke cae ‘ake (0) membuar ake oes moth wer) ‘mena make ars (o) meenconcan romona make yourslat Dome bath ‘po nah sei May have? Bolas May Teague? Bold sane mina yb sgt tne See ep ‘ea to) patton fod ‘eater inet dig eck mela ‘icine fru abt) ‘et to) bee oa) ‘BeceLam pated "yu to Se "nae bein sneing mesyrat ima neorion I ‘emo tol mene a) Mery Chama Selamat Mero Har Krsomae smesape pan pe) tod crt mento mind al ‘Bey, Kometrion fete) tis foro wasp) engin sl) mis) tering Cingpal) ‘mitaken te) tap (lp a) Imstaken fm not ~ tla aa sn conor ‘sf cmp gad mse ob) cmp) mae erable spor camper ‘tile pone tlfon maa ih ot ono moment chp Monday Tn men br ‘enmet f ‘more ‘moan = pasa ‘eather tbe ‘ote aw era ‘hon somangat ‘meets meer ‘oan ange Perma met oven berger (grat 1) Me Ena oie mot ‘manana ma ‘maton kame ‘moon ry far kombing snc a son ham atonal 00 20 mn acon kehonpeon warp re a ae: ikea ~ prt orang ai sar af ‘mene mal =a tat Ronse mt ker techie fag, other el portent) el (0) ere reek teen ~ ok wah ede or iperitan pr) te wighor tangs pew i onda lak ple ‘x ) mani ln) ser pera ew bre ew yea th bare ewe bt ewepaper abbas Kor ‘et month pd bl adap matin diel Tato disblabne ie 0) sepa ia) ‘oun (0) lah bean aon tm) Sather Other od pelt tice pet hen srg OK baila reer bone ‘er sine Baka ee sta Showin ble sche ne cnt for ani) sch ney one st sat (evthe= infor of at pone pen ion ae esr ly cea or, a, ono soba peed be) ake uks¥) i) ~ of sepsine fle put alpen deb amped ons arya be parce burg) Pasko) mae at) ack scr fo) leak eres arte samba poss (0) bra a) Fs amey vogeldie per pola ak ry el) Bayer pact dana ant kaon Pena ces kaa Peal aya sein jn fl ny) ks Fang Pad Pinang ec pon Pisa seeming oper ade percent eats ‘eho per jam perma soon ereoom ssi rfommance pero) emason fre erie epg (dan fs ong Peston peal Fernald ba peat Pome: by dengon fon sean fore pro player pena ism Poko (0 jm fete gambar pee ping Aepingon pees to et Poon in mera mb ‘ecco fooreoitea B ate company oka wats Fron manta Probie (it) me ~ Teoh ade moa, ikea - ld meee Product prod Prohibi) Lrong Froud somone Proud (bel memombonghan (onbone a) roid tha axon Pace tls ub fo) tb Publi howe pete) pall) ane up inary choot) maid farce ben a) purple oe a) bub Putin mca maak v) ply bai (icone bed double he a Telomir suk pat, dango paves spe ihe el a incor aj ie ‘ing bse ‘iy sor mn ba ‘are stegah mating fae big ius bs athe eat ovine 3 sar (ia) ‘etch () samp edo) mombaes ‘ending pombaca ac) rend sa op ‘eudy ob) Berea nd) ‘end ob seed up ip ding relly sme, bead Realy Yate relly nt ~ ts epi da "ant react blaong Feson for vit on tan reson ths the pola soci) ti ssenaan ra sige ros ipo) ale fecommerd (0) dome Tesdong) sed min ‘el bas with coconut mika i ‘i can rece () aang on) ‘mens reo: ve hem my Sopa alse kad mere replaion petra ar) meee! hg ‘ligour wenbip dade pecorbarey mcr (0) gt at () mens fun) ening out pemean 8 ) replace (1) moment ae) ‘ep oak pe est) moni (ts) reeraten tops oma) pest pees seh eo) bert a) reeset fest at 0) ‘ee () borane un epainga panev) ‘eum home fo) along eur et i pang ab ‘hot seta ‘eck ma Se eld saab ph "ie Boar tung br ‘es nodes neon gary mi ‘ata sie pre wih chicken, babar sic wh mest nd veptabls mast ‘omer sie ae wih a wees and ‘led fh na Rea x tno ~ ms pula, pus ‘ener ~and cnt pug dig ston sh ine chem! Kalas Ska ber ihe tha = toa se one bar oa chicken in apy sauce pom prt ie oor for one pe obm sek tose ug mi, 08 ‘oundaboe butane.) rebergea ‘ubbsh ash) Aton fama) ra) rs fn ourof bebo (habe) sa sit prperd satiety fal bear nw ‘sly sa sls pal fale dco tae db garam feo as say ain Same the as sam dona ‘ston a some cul honors ‘Steed pur ‘St (o) momuskon pasa) Say Sao | Say (o) hts Scenery ponandanga pando V) sh sto Sa al devas sean ‘ior ing Sewop iw con seve aa ne Ses ep pt Seat top dad feat dt eat vino) tmp dada ‘ene rota 8 thy ye tn oak you wil et Ios in the wet prover) Mae erty ns seit jl neue nde torpor Soler) aor omens sera semen adel, hada somewhat ape ton amt a ngs pero = rsa age Sear Tam ma ow ot (0) wrk a) coe, amber ‘oceans Seuven shop Rea cndermats Sor sae hap soybean mere cake topo spacer comin mate sen be) haba (habs) spss romp ke de ‘iy (ob) rd rn) spas) coe Sree sono ‘eon ae spore aon spor cee pat san eng mu ange ‘ong eso daw bang stoare pose ced sng Sai coom Bi pe sek sorta sel gat ‘ad to) and wp (9) Berd i) ‘tonal om bi standard afk aah being sro) ml sate nee ston son sate poe ay) ng ct at ‘fim bth mand wp sp to) mia nik 1) Sal igh mah, poe Soxk sok baa cking so omach pone ose at Sve (0 Be made of) borhan “tate sop prt (het) 0p (bern thee Srey oor con omy be) Bet fib) Sight on ters Sang pet eet fli rect On what -? Dijon mana? seg th Seon hat, het Seong of sel) tao song a aor hoe hepa Seek tote ‘ck fo be) ean fang) Senor peli aor Stent (tlle ives) ‘maha sy () blr lary) eon sang bor ‘pid bos Soe yh ote) borane mye) ‘Bese a) barns ia) sen too ‘erm (0) meni dep) Iilicene scoop mor el et te cada ‘8 (omson) a) sea ‘mer a pa Sunbathet) jem ‘bathing yom er) Sindy had sore st ub ent ‘Swe ff ounel Yh see Fm n= Se harap saw eo) tli Sraloed ote) ila lan) ‘rect donee made with i rap and ‘aporated i as at compur set any mace cap mane Seeman fan ‘i t) boon reno) Sime pre remo 8) ‘img ool olan Penang Soden feng table moje ‘al stor ae kan hi ae ‘ake ambi amb tl eo) can cenit a) ten sep tender sft end kml es io nv) eo) tepter Bosom tomarow Bak, ok enigma mt fea lb tour fone ‘oan placona (lnc 8) tourst feonone ‘oy manana) oe ae ‘lke tinal ‘edna Maly and Indonesian ‘movie ange see lett Tet ese inte ‘ele gal lp oar tein howe ap tein) eh a) Tomi in dela raat tee pelncongan long) tev pen Pa peancongon tev oy) mena (ak tevling hora embars trip Have a ond ~ Selamat eran whl dom pot any = ta peah ‘asa sh seowers scr avon frome ome fy fo) abe ‘heday Sel inne econ fermen ham fu) beat ‘so to) (a aplene) ‘pe o) mens ip) onesie ta ‘pom tle ‘ype ma nda feeb ly bara tl pak Sekar da jes rh mance of datas nae ‘ndeconked meta Srdepeand bah ah Seta ol memahon aban) detanding fbr orate” soe sa ‘nique oi ky ale Send do ol Remain oh ‘Un we meet apn. Sings Ki ‘eompa es sei ou reac ng samp Swath tar (Meni re pend onder ™) winter ‘Se fo) meen na) tel fe) wna eer), lea par) ‘al bam canis bith sone wet ovo vs pane ele ee ‘gee sl ih peanut ace ‘elo ete san yor say see jor ey kl saat Yao na ig des amps ‘aioli aio) eae ‘What wrong? Ads ep? Whats the fe? Srp tonbangra ‘Whats youab/at do you do? ‘Abe plea ada ‘Whar here sar the areas prove de pl de ont waste bee ile sombi| ‘ind em Sino inate id be) beg ogi) ane tie ‘with bosom, dng iho tonpe rok nl word ate ‘wend pesto htm) ‘work 0) Bako er) wok experene.peglaman bers ‘wok ot to) sou ‘woop bene! wold ds soy ae bong won: da = ong, jamgon Tete sworn mencomaskon coma) ‘wasp 0) eradr bad) Sep to) moter rao) wrapped up (tobe) das "ras sweet) mem) seer pew) wong sb eae aber elo taming oterday ening lo ae ve po Ye Bo Bae You end, Ran, sada ostand yur fly nd slurs youre made Youre bother adi ours Bom

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