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Breaking Language Barriers: The Role of the English

Language in Empowering Lives through Multiliteracies

How the world was divided into multiple languages

One would be acquainted with the biblical account on how Nimrod’s pride caused a repercussion the
current world still endures up to this day. The tower of Babel stood as reminder of man’s folly and defiance
at the same time it also represented a challenge against man’s unity: The tower became the sole witness
of the birth of multiple languages and dialects which then became a barrier that divided mankind for the
years to come.

How each civilization prospered on their own

The Aztecs, Mayans, Phoenecians, Sumerians, Mesopotamians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians and
Egyptians all have one thing in common: they were once flourishing civilizations that will forever be
immortalized in history as they became representations of mankind’s consonance. No man is an island,
after all. For a group of people that would roughly be called a nation, harmony between a civilization’s
social classes can be only reinforced by a common language and writing system. Individuals who
understand each other tend to survive and thrive better.

How this presented as a barrier to unification

Towards the modern era, language played a vital role in the development of a given nation’s culture and
heritage. Often inferred, language is the very mirror that reflects the very nature of its speaker. In the
end, no language is above the other, as all are deemed as equilateral albeit distinct each seems to be.
However, that sentiment cannot be easily realized by earlier groups of people. There are certain points in
history that will show an observer how misunderstanding between races are caused by difference in
language. Simple misinterpretation often leads to conflict. Conflict then causes lifelong ideology of bias
and prejudice.

How the English language was utilized to dissolve the barrier, enforce Multiliteracies and usher a new

Colonialism became a driving force that showed the world the terror of conquerors. Who would forget
the Spaniards, Americans and Japanese occupation in the Philippine archipelago? One would think ill of
colonialism given the hardships one’s ancestors have to endure and the amount of sacrifice paid in the
name of freedom. On a different perspective, irony has the conquered begin to dominate the conquerors:
on a global scale, the Filipinos were able to adapt and engage in the global stage with abilities on par, if
not better than most competition. Since the English language was hailed as the international language,
knowledge of its use guaranteed unparalleled benefits and opportunities that tend to entice aspiring and
longtime OFWs. Learning to speak, write and appreciate English opens up possibilities to learn a lot of
things which is really relevant given the demands of the modern era that individuals should at possess
multiple intelligence thus hinting that multiliteracies is becoming crucial.

How ICT bridged this gap?

In lieu of the actual, physical melting pots found in strategic areas in the different countries, the Internet
particularly social media became the ultimate melting pot were people, regardless of race and language,
can communicate together. Today’s technologies enable the transfer of information in the speed of light.
More often than not, it is noticeable that most webpages and contents are in English. Sharing of
knowledge that hastens multiliteracy becomes a common practice. One just need to possess a
rudimentary understanding of the technology and language involved and from that point onwards, the
interested individual can stack up on skills essential for his well-being. The Internet is also becoming an
ideal ground: the neutrality being exercised ensures that people, regardless of race, gender, religion and
language can engage in information exchange. People become more open-minded and learn to value,
respect and appreciate other culture through the use of information and communication technology in
compliment with the English language.

The Philippine’s standing in this situation.

As a nation, we, the Filipinos, garner respect for their culture and heritage from various nationalities from
the different parts of the world. Our adaptability coupled with our hospitability became essential factors
for our global recognition as we become a dominant presence in the world’s workforce. We never forget
the very roots of our motherland but we are willing to learn other countries’ languages and cultures just
so we could render our products and services fully according to our clientele’s satisfaction. We are
inculcated and continue inculcating for the generations to come the importance of education. Coupled
with our resourcefulness, there came a time when we were recognized as the third best English-speaking
nation. The time is nigh that we assume this honor once again as we equip ourselves with our own at the
other nation’s set of multiliteracies.

We just entered the age where freedom of speech became the common measure of every human being’s
essence; the need to gain and share information within the speed of light is becoming a dynamic reality.
It is our ultimate responsibility to guarantee assurance that the English Language shall be utilized within
the most amiable range of expression. Once one have contemplated, fully understood and readily applied
these key aspects of virtually all forms of communication, life empowerment will be achieved and the
concepts of multiliteracies will soon be understood and developed to become a formidable tool in
enriching man’s thriving society.

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