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1. Explain the democratization of the third world countries?

Before I answer the given question about the democratization of the third world countries. First,
let us define what is democratization in order to understand and explain the democratization of the
third world countries. Democratization means the transition to a more democratic regime in terms
of politics. That may be transition from authoritarian political system to semi-democracy or from
the transition of semi-authoritarian political system to democratic political system. It can result to
an outcome which is consolidated or democratization which is used to explain some political
events, such as a whether the country will undergo to war or whether the economy grows. The
democratization itself influence by different factors like economic development, it's history and
also the civil society. In the years that democratization in the third world countries includes most
parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America. It describe the situation of the transitions from
authoritarian to democratic and to new democratic. The gather information from the common
problems or aspects that this countries experience are economical, social and political. To sum up,
the democratization can affect the country in terms of economic status, political system and even
the income of different individuals. We can understand third world countries by giving its
meaning. Third world countries means high morality rate and also large number of poverty. In
maintaining the economic status of the country the government asked for help to the rich countries
to keep the flow of economy. Third world countries were first used in the cold war.
2. How does social mobilization affects the society in the third world countries?.
Social mobilization affects the society in the third world countries in terms of the way the
cahnging attitude, values and behavior of every individual in a society.
3. Illustrate/explain the institution weakness of the countries that belongs to the third world
In the third world countries institutional weakness of the country is made by the government by
means of allocation, extracton and mobilization as well as the planning and decision making. The
weakness of the country also came from the use of private armies, controlling the power of court
legal system and also the economy declining because of high rate of unemployment that results to
massive poverty.

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