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Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) Giuseppe Naretto
Address(es) Via Giacosa 4, 10086 Rivarolo Canavese (TO)
Telephone(s) Mobile: 3470352552

Nationality Italian

Date of birth 28/01/1971

Gender male

Desired employment / medicine

Occupational field

Work experience

Giuseppe Naretto Curriculum Vitae gennaio 2018

Dates 2002-2008: Speciality doctor. Servizio di Anestesia e Rianimazione 2 DEA
Ospedale San Giovanni Bosco, ASLTO2 Turin
2005-2009: Helycopter Emergency Medical Service. Servizio Territoriale
118 Regione Piemonte, Elisoccorso. Base di Alessandria
2008 – may 2013: ICU Consultant. Servizio di Anestesia e Rianimazione 2
DEA Ospedale San Giovanni Bosco, ASLTO2 Turin.
2009-2013: Lead clinician for the follow up clinic for intensive care patients
2010-2013: Lead clinician for the program of communication and team
work in the ICU
may 2013 feb 2014: Clinical fellow in the intensive care of the Northwick
Park Hospital (North West London Trust)
feb 2014 up to feb 2015 Locum Consultant in Critical Care at North
Middlesex University Hospital in London
feb 2015 to now: Doctor at the Anaesthesia and ICU department of
Ospedale San Giovanni Bosco di Torino

Occupation or position held Dirigente Medico (posizione aziendale C2)

Main activities and Provide clinical activities in theatre, in ICU and in A/E, on rota basis.
Provide supervision to medical trainees.
I participate actively in clinical guidelines development, audit and CPD
I contribute actively to improving clinical governance in our
Name and address of Ospedale San Giovanni Bosco ASLCittà di Torino
Piazza Donatore del Sangue 3
10152 Torino
Type of business or sector The Anaethesia and ICU department provide the following services:
- 24/7 anaesthetic cover for urgent surgery and daily elective operations for adult
patients. Specialities available in the hospital: Neurosurgery, General Surgery,
Vascular Surgery, ENT, Maxillo Facial surgery, Urology, orthopaedic surgery.
- ICU is a 12 bed adult facility. We can treat all organ failures, included septic
shock, ARDS, trauma, heart failure. We can provide advance life support with
- NORA: our department provide anaesthesia cover for procedures out of the
operating room: cath lab, GE, Bronchoscopy, interventional radiology
- A/E: we provide 24/7 cover for A/E major, in hospital crash code, intra and
inter hospital transfer of critically ill patients.

Giuseppe Naretto Curriculum Vitae gennaio 2018

Education and training 1985-1990 Scientific High School

1990: obtained Scientific Diploma

1990-1998: Laurea in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Turin,

thesis "Sinaptogenesi: ruolo della cellula bersaglio nelle modificazioni
morfo-funzionali della terminazione presinaptica” (Synaptogenesis:
target-dependent modulation of the pre-synaptic junction). Mark:
101/110. The training was 8 years: 1990-1998. Merits: 53 exams.

1998-2002: Certificate of Specialisation in Anaesthesia, Intensive Care,

Hyperbaric and Pain Therapy at the University Turin . Thesis: “La
saturazione venosa centrale (SvcO2) nello shock cardiogeno.” (The
SvcO2 in the cardiogenic shock) . Mark: 70/70. The training was 4
years, including intensive care medicine.

Giuseppe Naretto Curriculum Vitae gennaio 2018

Title of qualification awarded 2001: “Problematiche infettivologiche in Terapia Intensiva” (infections in
critical care)
2001: “Controllo su basi fisiopatologiche della pressione intracranica del
neurotraumatizzato in coma”. (ICP monitoring in the patient with severe
brain injury)
2001:”Toxicological Basic Support Therapy”.
2002: “Fisiopatologia e trattamento della sepsi” (physiology and treatment
of sepsis)
2002: “Ventilazione meccanica invasiva e non invasiva - corso base”
(mechanical ventilation – first level)
2002: “Ecografia clinica in medicina d’urgenza” (Clinical Echography in
2003: “ALS providerIRC/ERC”
2004: Corso “HEMS” abilitazione per il servizio su eliambulanza del 118.
( Helicopter Emergencies Medical Services
2004: “PHTLS”
2006: “EDHEP” comunicazione di richiesta donazione di organi
(comunication about organ donation)
2006: “XV meeting GiViTI”
2006: Management delle infezioni gravi nelle unità di terapia intensiva:
un approccio multidisciplinare (Management of severe infections in
intensive care: a multidisciplinary approach)
2007: “TPM” corso nazionale per coordinatori alla donazione e al
prelievo di organi. (National Course on Organ Procurement and
2008: “XII meeting GiViTI”
2009: Il consenso informato: una questione morale (consent to
tratment: a moral question)

Giuseppe Naretto Curriculum Vitae gennaio 2018

2010: Corso SIN di rianimazione neonatale (neonatal reanimation)
2010 “Lo shock settico e l’insufficienza renale in terapia intensiva: CPFA
CRRT, tecniche e indicazioni. Parte teorica” (Septic Shock and renal
failure. CPFA and CRRT techniques. Theory)
2011 Clinical Observership placement at Imperial College Healthcare
NCHS Trust in the Critical Care Department from 9th May until 2nd June,
based at Charing Cross Hospital
2013 EPLS (Resuscitation Council)
2013 Safety and Humanity in intensive care (Critical Care Network, North
West London)

Principal subjects/occupational I’m interested in ethical questions, relationships between families and
skills covered
staff, communication and quality of the care. From 2006 and 2012 I've
been involved in the educational programs for the Organ Donation and
Organ Transplant of the National Organ Transplant Commission in
Italy. From 2012 I'm a member of the Group of Bioethic of the
SIAARTI (Italian Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care).
I’m a member of the European Society of Intensive Care

Personal skills and


Mother tongue(s) Italian

Other language(s) English

Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken Spoken
interaction production
Language C C C C C
English English English English English
1 1 1 1 1

Giuseppe Naretto Curriculum Vitae gennaio 2018

Social skills and I always try to find a balance between my professional life and my private life.
I like to describe my approach towards medicine with 2 words: humanity and
professionalism. Approaching the sufference of the patients and their family, with
acceptance and humility is the first step to understand the illness and focus your
technical skills in the right direction.
The same words can be used towards the colleagues. Being honest, kind, reliable,
cooperative, is a good way to create a positive and affective relationships.

In my private life I can't ignore the fact that I am a doctor, and I can't forget all the things
that I see in hospital. My way to deal with them is using curiosity. I try to turn them in
philosophical problems, ethical issues. The most stressfull experiences, the most hard
situations, can be a source of teaching. I like reading novels and philosophy books.

I’m interested in narrative medicine.

I've written 2 novels about my job: "Notti di guardia" (Nights on call) and “L'orizzonte
capovolto” (The upside down horizon). They have been published in 2012 and in 2013
by an important Italian publishing company (Ponte alle Grazie).
I’ve written a play about organ transplants, that has been represented since 2006 for the
educational program of the transplant organ organizations (Coordinamento Regionale
dei Prelievi e delle Donazione di Organi e Tessuti; Centro Nazionale Trapianti).

I use also sports (outdoor sports, like mountaineering, or running), to dissolve the
tension, and to regain possession of my body.

Giuseppe Naretto Curriculum Vitae gennaio 2018

Technical skills and I am skilled in the main practical techniques and procedures used in the intensive care
competences unit:
airways management, mechanical ventilation (invasive and non invasive methods);
percutaneus tracheostomy (Griggs, percutwist; blue rhino; blue dolphin).
placement of: central line, arterial line, pulmonary artery catheter, chest tube,
intraparenchymal monitor (for ICP monitoring).
Chest ultrasound.
Management of emergency situations (heart failure, respiratory distress; Septic shock;
major trauma; brain injury), in ICU, A&E and hospital wards.
Intra and inter hospital transfer of critical patient.

I have acquired experience in theatre in the following specialities:

general surgery
vascular surgery
Ent and max fax

Giuseppe Naretto Curriculum Vitae gennaio 2018

Other skills and Speaker in the following courses and congress:

2007: “XVI Meeting GiViTI”

2008: “XVII Meeting GiViTI”
2008: “Formare la terapia intensiva aperta” prima edizione. (training an
open intensive care unit, first edition)
2009: “Corso sulla comunicazione in terapia intensiva: un lavoro che
emoziona” (comunication in intensive care)
2009: “Formare la terapia intensiva aperta” seconda edizione (training
and open intensive care unit. Second edition)
2010: “XIX Meeting GiViTI”
2010: “Terapia intensiva, pratica clinica e scelte di fine vita” (Critical
care and end of life care)
2010: “Formare la terapia intensiva aperta” terza edizione (training and
open intensive care unit. Third edition)
2011: “accoglienza e cura in rianimazione. I progetti dell'ospedale San
Giovanni Bosco di Torino” (Reception and Care of the patient in ICU.
The projects of the San Giovanni Hospital in Turin)
2011: “VIII Congresso Nazionale SIARED”
2012: Congresso SIAARTI: Non invasive ventilation in the end stage

Competent with most Microsoft Office programmes, image editing and

Computer skills and
competences video editing

Giuseppe Naretto Curriculum Vitae gennaio 2018

Additional information During my university training I was involved in a research programme of
the Department of Neuroscience. The topic of the project was the
synaptogenesis and the modulation of the pre-synaptic junction of the
Helix Pomatia's neurones. Pubblications:
Target-dependent modulation of neurotransmitter release in cultured
Helix neurons involves adhesion molecules. Ghirardi M, Naretto G,
Fiumara F, Vitiello F, Montarolo PG. J Neurosci Res. 2001 Jul

Influence of the target on distribution and functioning of the varicosities of

Helix pomatia metacerebral cell C1 in dissociated cell culture. Ghirardi
tM, Casadio A, Naretto G, Levi R, Montarolo PG. Neuroscience.

Since 2008 I have been the Lead Clinician for the program of the follow
up of the patients discharge frome the ICU. We cheked almost 200
patients, and we recorded with a camcoder more than 100 of their
experiences. The qualitative analysis of this data is in progress. A short
video is online at the following address: (language: italian)
A scientific pubblication of my works about narrative medicine is:

A narrative-based study on communication by family members in

intensive care unit. Di Gangi S, Naretto G, Cravero N. (2013) .J Critical

Storeroom 99: a place for words to support families of ICU patients.

G. Naretto and A Boratti: Intensive Care Medicine, sept 2017 vol 43

“Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno
2003, n. 196 "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”

Torino, 24/01/2018

Giuseppe Naretto Curriculum Vitae gennaio 2018

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