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The most difficult thing to do is to trust the Lord

You will undergo situations which will have your strong spirit shaken.

They are hurtful. Extremely hurtful.

You will be pushed so hard till you reach your limits.

And then, you’ll have doubts.

You will consider the thought of giving up.

You begin questioning His might, worse, His existence.

He is incomprehensible

A lot of times, His ways, even by the smartest person, cannot be understood.

Nevertheless, Lord, though it hurts and I COMPLETELY DON,T UNDERSTAND Your Plans, I will, over and
over, choose to trust You.

Wisdom emanates from a Christ centered heart and heavenly anchored thinking. It is in Christ-based
perception that a person becomes wise. Wisdom is Jesus, Jesus is wisdom.

The extent of your effort is determined by the intensity of your love.

If you really do things for the Lord Almighty, then why is your effort not at its best?

It is when we surrender our all to God that we gain all that we need.

We are granted each day to live life at its best. May our definition of best is making the Lord happy.

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