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Elsewhere; C. luna’ta is found in human mycetomas.

Cush-lon (koosh’un) a soft a padlike part. Endocardial c’s, elevations on the atrio-ventricular canal of the embryonic
heart which later help from the interatrial septum. Intimal c’s, longitudinal thickenings of the intima of certain
arteries, e.g., the penile artries; they serve functionally as valves, controlling blood flow by occluding the lumen of
the artery of the artery.

cusp (kusp) a pointed or rounded projection, such as on the crown of a tooth, or one of the triangular segments of a
cardiac valve. Semilunar c., any of the semilunar segments of the aortic valve (having posterior, right and left cusps)
or the pulmonary valve (having anterior, right and left cusps). (kus’pid) 1. Having one cusp or point. 2. cuspid tooth.

Cus.pis (kus’pis)pl. cus’pides. [L.] a cusp. (ku-ta’ne-us) pertaining to the skin.

Cut-down (kut’doun) creation of a small in-cised opening, especially over a vein (venous c.), to facilitate
venipuncture and permit passage of a needle or cannula for withdrawal of blood or administration of fluids.

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