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Student Lesson Plan

Edu 202
Dariana Rodriguez
Roster # 19

Objective​: To share and teach Lawrence Kohlberg’s Moral Development theory. The goal is to
teach this information with interactive activities and review games. Lesson should remind
students that no study is perfect and should provide useful knowledge on reasoning pertaining to
age that future teachers can use when communicating with students.

Materials/Equipment: ​This lesson includes a guided notes handout to go along with the
informational powerpoint. An informational video explaining the Heinz Dilemma. A game of
kahoot with candy as prizes.
● Begin with lesson plan/ share objective and goals.
● Powerpoint Presentation
* Slide 1- Who is Lawrence Kohlberg? ​Provide background information on
Kohlberg and what led him to create his study.
* Slide 2- The Set up ​Explain what the study was trying to find and what the
sample was like.
* Slide 3- Results​ Summarize what the study found.
* Slide 4- Level 1: Preconventional Morality ​Explain this level of morality and
its two stages.
* Slide 5- Level 2: Conventional Morality ​Explain this level of morality and its
two stages (remember to state the difference between stage 4 and 1).
* Slide 6- Level 3: Postconventional Morality​ Explain this level of morality and
its two stages.

● Show informational video of the Heinz Dilemma after powerpoint presentation.

● Review powerpoint presentation with game of Kahoot and reward top 3 students.

Closure: ​Do you feel the study could have been executed differently/better? What would you
change? Do you feel that the moral stage you are currently according to the interactive video
accurately represents you?

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