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VISION.. REVISION.. REVISION.. REVISION.. What they do every day —Good morning, Thave an appointment with Lord Penthouse for an inferview, Tm Ken Morris, of Radio 2. —Tm afraid his Lordship is asleop. Isa bit early, you know. {Perhaps you can answer my questions. If for our radio programme “What they do every day”. What time does Lord Penthouse get up? | wale his Lordship ot 10 o'clock, buthe naver gets up before 12, \ —What does he do from 10 to 122 and at I o'lock, he goes to his chub winere he has lunch, ~And how does Lord Penthouse spend his aftemoons? jin winter, his Lordship rides his favourite horse in the park. In summer he plays golt ~ 15 Lord Penthouse very busy in the evenings? ba healt, bridge, dinner with tends... yes, his Lordship s very ‘busy. He never goes to bed before 2 o'clock ~ Thank you very much, his Lordship certainly ha a very tring fe getup at 6, prepare breakfast forthe family! have a husband and two ghiléren- and hurry to the ston to catch the 7.20 train to London: Tee Shop opens at 8, but for us, work begins at 8 Thave a quick kmch fiers to 1.30, then Twork tl 530. ase. JL. ~What do you do in the evenings? jie the train back home, then I do some shopping. When I gethome, | prepare the evening meal and then I always have alot of houssueate todo. Do you have time to watch LV.? Thank you very much, Mrs Devi. Exercice ‘Sur le modéle suivant : - fatten Mts Devi is waiting fr her train, Lord Penthouse is sleeping,” {Gites autant de phrases que possible en utlicantinformaticn cop. tenue dans ces deux reportages. GRAMMAIRE a Ci présent Le présent peut, selon V'idée quil exorime, avoir deux formes : pre sent progressif et présent simple. 1. présent progressit La forme progressive est l'association de Vauxiliite 8 et de le forme en anc du verbo. His Lordship is riding 2 horse. {On empicie to présent progressif pour exprimer une action actudite qui est en cours. Look! He is playing golf. He's preparing a meal 2. présent simple Le présent simple est ta forme de base du verbe, sans auxiliaire j la seule marque particullére est § a 1a 3° personne du singulier. He never reads the papers. On emploie le présent simple pour exprimer une action habituelte, ou vue c'une fagon générale, ou un état, Lalways get up early. ‘She prepares breakfast every day. People play golt in summer. She is a shop assistant. Le présent simple est souvent associé & dos adverbes de fréquence comme never, always, sometimes, often, all the time, Exercices 1. Complétez en employant un verbe qui 13. In summer we HIS LORDSHIP 1S WORKING! (cnwivs GET UP EARLY, golf at the club, — convienne au présent simple ou au présent 14, She always. .. a lot of work to do. — progressif 4.1 can't see you. What...2 — 2. Vusually...0 schoo! by bus. — 3 Hurry 2: Poser les questions que vous suggérent up! The bus...— 4, A butcher...meat.— Jes mots en caractére gras. 5, In Engiand, they. on the left. —6. She ight ready. She. .a bath. ~- 7. 1... to you. Why don't you listen? — B. Not all English: men...tea. — 8. She must stay in bed. She...well. — 10. You...English very well, — 11. He. seven every morning. = 12. She...breakfast in bed today. — REVISION 1 GRAMMAR 1, He gets up at elght, 2. He is reading the newspaper. 3. He has lunch at the club. 4. In summer they play tennis. 5. She has two children. 6. She goes to work by train, 7. She lives in this street. 8. {am very weil, 9. He drives fis sister's car. 10. She is taking her umbrella because it's raining. I I REVISION. REVISION.. REVISION.. REVISION., {n Britain, school children often have part-time jobs. Some deliver papers in the morning, some help old people, sorne wotk in shops on Saturdays. ‘Tio Twickenham teenagers, Frank, 15, and Ann, 16, are talking about jobs. . Frank — Imust get myself job. I need some money, I want to buy abike Ann ~ Lwant to buy myself a guitar. I'm going to work in a café Frank — Really? What will you do there? The washing up? ‘Ann ~ No, Hilbe a weatess Frank — What days are you working? ‘Ann ~ Saturday and Sunday aftemoons. . Frank ~ How much will you get? “ ‘Ann — £3 per altemoon. That's not bad, ist? Frank — Lucky you! Where can I find a job lke that? ‘Ann Why don’t we go and look at the advertisements in the shop-windows? Exercise Here are some advertisements. Imagine a dialogue about each of them. . REVISION GRAMMAIRE O te futur I existo trols tegona dexprimer Fidée de futur . Le prés DreG OMOle le présent progress, Pour un événement futur, on rap. Proche cet évenement, on tui dormant sorte 1’ coming in @ minute, Pactuatite, 2. coma ro. Llemploi ge intention de celui qui parte, ov gi ‘Sujet. im going to work in 2 café e's going to read the paper, 3. wre Le futur est t8s souvent exprimé Par Pauxitialie medat Whet will you de there> aI Oe Wut Gas, alt appeal: 1H be 2 waitress, Well 96 40 the food departmen S0US fe Forene og Exercices FI RE NetGe 21 empIo¥a:: te verve ae cen Pose: ent av turn en fex mots She partime jo> nex: won arte ogo, OF Saturday ana gifee gitomoons. 3. He. .65 p nor hour 5 Me with ner ‘in the Gare b He. home “in halt sq hour, Souhey--.the washingup lator COON ig Beautiful tomorrow. g. 1” Ihe Cooking if you can’. REVISION 2 GRAMMAR hing up. CONG Sth de Vintnttis exprime te lus souvent uestions que vous 0 earactéres gras wore Motkn9 an Saturday. 2 She's go ng to London 7, tay two weeks. 7.111 be. Y'Te going to st 7 TRE ack tonight 8 The ene ‘will do the was- IN... REVISION.. REVISIO; Halfan hour ago, I remember hin He was carrying ‘missed his plane, He sald he wanted to be in, ‘o'dlock. ld hin ogo eat uhere ty He took a taxi Exercise 524 YoU lid the missing worass 9.48 at Gatwick Airport a +s. Young... Wearing a 7 ‘and, Se Pullover 022 une 8 Be He 7 [ote Brltsh Airways desk ne eae? are gdy gece Mant ait 2°" other passengers... frat brdihadonn testi ae aig) i102 Wcked! Hie was «late. He” ~. Re had to be in we at 2 ek, The nat. cen eat cei: 8t 5 o'clpok 80 he to take a Heathrow, where 1 have riiore 10 Amsierdam, Wen he there, be was very tofing his who was tor him with his REVISION.. REVISION.. REVISION.. REVISION. GRAMMAIRE O Ie passé y hen 2 6P anglais qu'un tomps du passé, mais, comme te présent, i ‘a’ BeultPrencre deux formes :la forme simple ou la forme progreseh 1. Formes du passé, ou préterit, a Verbe se. Iwas We were You were You were Hewas They were b. Verbe régutiors, ‘2 marque est -£0, avec tes variantes phonétlques. suivantes: HEMISSED HIS PLANE So W missed HE Took A BOAT, 4! turned fa! wanted ©. Verbes irréguliers, Pra ouvera la liste dos verbes irrégullers qui apparaissent en Que triéme, a la fin du manuel 2 Le prétérit progressit. erect association deve au preterit (was, were) et de fa forme en cours a ibe. On empioie le prétent progressit pour unc acing en cours & un moment du passé. He was carrying @ yellow suitcase. When | arrived, he was watching TV. 3. Le prétérit simple. WHEN 1 ARRIVED HE Treene, Ges de thet au pases. On ompioie le préverit simple pour WAS WATCHING. Th raconter des événements (lorcément terminés) Commer Viner | saw him, he was getting into @ taxi ie Lushed downstairs, got into a taxi, and assivec 2: Heetnow iusss ove Exercices pies ee OEE des prrases eu préisel simple 2 Complete en emproyan’ a passe Fearne mes au sont donnes. Ajoute= veswe aul convient > fadverbe de temps qui er justine rempio. He at the airport ef mine 2 he x plang ake, Brian: — miss, my brother, the London tor the wees 3.1 there tas Plane — he, buy, guitar — @ suitcase, the summer ¢ She. tats and she. fe 18 ne potest LOS Penthouse, plane. 5. Weg ieee yam ihe alrpor: ride — she, go, to the alrpon. 8. We. tots of things and we..-a tot of ney. 7. Ho. posteond te toes seg traces ovesponienns 327% 7 He” atacre Hele au prétérit progressif, en les associant a des subordonnées de temps de votre choix Attention! Cela n’est pas possible dans tous les cas, REVISION 3 GRAMMAR ° REVISION 4 ho ‘he Smiths are going out tonight. Peter 8 sixteen-year old boy who lives "nest door i going to baby sit for them keto first time, Mrs Smith ~ Peter, there's a plate of sandwiches on the kitchen table Peter’ — Thank you, Mrs Smith, Hey! You have a fabulous stereo! Can Luse it? ‘Mis Smith — Sorry, Peter You mustn't Mr Smith ~ Don’ look so miserable You can watch TV if you tke Peter ~ No, thanks. | think It do ‘my homework * Thave to feed Dennis? Mrs Smith ~ No, you needn't do that He had his dinner half an hour 290. But he may be thirsty. Tthe is, give him a glass of milk Peter ~ SIPS have to put him to bed? Mr Smith ~ No, be'l go to bed by himself. He always does, Peter ~ What inlust Ido if he docen’s Want to go to sleep? Mrs Smith — Sing to him, Beer ~ Lean't have a very bad voice But can tell him a story, fhe wants, MrSmith ~ Yes, he't ove that Dennis sa very good boy. Idon'tthink Youll have any problems with him. Gray ‘oye, Peter. We'll be back at about half past eleven Exerpice rota mG Sir pour Peter course aque Benn ia teoata of Obtse6 possibos fu nese ue Sail e88aie dean ompeores - REVISION.. REVISION.. REVISION.. REVISION, GRAMMAIRE © tes modaux . 2 SAN. Oe modal exprime toutes sortes de Possibilités, comme ta Contacte BIYSi@Ue Ou intallectustio, cu le permenen forme ontractée de la négation est can't Cant use your stereo? ! can't open that suitcase! J can't sing, | have a very bad voice. 1 CAN'T SING I HAVE A VERY BAD VOICE . F,tA" Cet auxilaire modal exprime une éventualité (1 88 peut ue.) « Mt may rain this afternoon % Must. Le modal must exprime diverses sortes dobligation, You must run, of you'll miss your bus, J aire rinreraggative mun exprime Fobigation dene pes fairs, crest 2 dire interdiction. You musn't use the stereo do fart Site aul n'y a pasd’obligation, quil nest pas nécessaire e faire teile ou telle chose, on emploie meson You needn't put him to bed, he goes by himselt, Gomme tra nit de verbe) @ un sens équivalent & celui de wusr Somme ine peut yavoirqu'un seul modal par phrase, os peut pas HOSr par ak OxeMplo au futur, MUST & WiLL, On doit ators remslaney MUST par HAVE (to + V). “AM have f0 feed Dennis? rapt Ge modal est utilisé pour exprimes te futur, comme on ve. ihaPbaralt le plus souvent sous sa forme raduits Uc ee neee nége- ve 8st WONT have # sandwict, You won't nave to feed the ve Exercices ancigiiboser des phrases de votre chols au! 2. Completes en empioyant ay temps our wmcenimant Successivement Fobligation caxwie mere Hew 0, awusn, Fabsence d‘obligation (Eton, 2; sing because he'has a bad voice ‘autorisation ax pour les actions suivan won't. feed the cat 3. They. oe say [auton outve compléter chaque parace > they want. 4. You. prepare the mes accrue, “XPNCEIIOn commengant pa, {uli they She “take a taxi if she wante te Because be 9 time. 6 He... get @ job because he cuwrit ia valise — donner a manger au tigre was too young. 7. They....g0 to Blackpoo: Per rannca foiture — faire ia vaisolle — for the wookend, Drivers... stop when ner, "annonce —~ préparer le petit déjeu- the light ease Engiand you... drive on ner. the Fight. 10.11 you don't get better we'll. call the doctor, REVISION 4 GRAMMAR a REVISION. 1. Fosez toutes sortes de questions avec ies phrases suivantes, He is very busy in the evening, He bought himself a guitar. | got 86 p. an hour, He's got a fine stereo, ‘She has a lot to do in the house, Sho phoned the ald iady, She works in a cate, They are making sandwiches. * Aux mémes phrases, ajoutez des tags. 2. Avec un sujet de votre choix, faites une phrase au présent simple ou au présent pro. gressit, selon ce qui vous parait convent lo mieux, have bath now — work saven days a week — Play golf at the moment — carry a large suit. case — love to hear a story — have a beaut. {ul TV set — do the shopping now — rush to the station, 3. Introduisez une négation dans ces phre- ses, Lord Penthouse is very busy, My assistant’s got two children. He went to the airport You got the job, diaa’t you? ‘She can buy herself a guitar. Do you know where it is? You're tired, aren't you? Uhave tunch at 1.30. 4. Construise2 tibrement des questions au présent simple. Les seules données sont ies aaverbes de temps ever, always, every day, on Sundays, in the evening, 5. Faites varier les phrases suiventes selon le temps suggere. | have lunch at the club, (yesterday) He rides his horse. (tomorrow) ‘She's going to Amsterdam. (yesterday) REVISION... EXERCISES EXERCICES He baby-sits for us. fin a week) {im having lunch, fat 10.30 every day) She delivers the papers. (on Sundays) | catch the 7.30 train. (esterday) "have breakfast in bed. (tomorrow) 6. Mettez le verbe au prétérit simple ou au passé progressit. {. it Gain) this morning when | (get) up. 2. The us (start) while (get on). 3. When the phone (ring), t (have) a bath. 4, He (stop) when the Policeman (tell) him to. 5. We (talk) about her when she suddenly (come) in. 6. He (tind) a wallet while ne (play) in the park. 7. Whot (you do) yesterday when 1 (ring) you up? 8. She (cul) her tinger while she (peel) pore foes. 9. He (sit) in @ café when we (see) him. 10, We (walk) to the bus-stop when it (Cegin) to rain, 17. While she (get) of the bus, she (all) and (break) her leg. 12. He (b0) sure that he (be going) to miss his plane 7. Une esquisse de phrase est donnée, entre Parenthéses, ainsi qu'une indication pour le shoix de la forme du présent. Faites la Phrase correcte, Don't disturb him! (He ters) dictate some tet (He... nave his morning bath) now, Never (he... play goit in winter), {The shop ... open at nine) every day. Always (| prepare the breakiast), 8. Tell about some things you can do now that you coutdn't do when you were a Ite chitd, Tell about some things you myst do now you didto't nave todo when you wele a litle ebitd 9. Répondez aux questions. What would you like to do for your birthday? |. Would you give a party? 2. Who would you lovite? 3. What would you give your friends {0 eat and drink? 4. What would you ali do? 5. Where would you go? 6 i Be - Superstitions Jn London, there ia lange concer hall called the Royal Festal Hall io. ofeenous mustaans pay there and allot of people go there to listen, But one of my fends doesn't any longer. “And yer hoe very fond of music He is an electors maineer who tives in London He Sekt 2 $0 tothe Royal Fesival Hale fact, he went there t only and stopped, [The first sme was in November J95L He enjoyed the music and went Ane second me was in January 1950. Fe heard a very famous pianist caine went home very happy, Everything was al right for the nent Swe dass But on the thied day he again, git ted time was March 1952, The music was Beethoven's Ninth Sumphons. When be got home, trac Was a letter for him from his Employer toling him that he wes tres i “Are 905 Supersiious?” Taghed Ns “No,” he replied 12 YOU Tver go to the Royal Festival Hal,” Isai “That Icky 7 {phe Savoy Hotel in London doesn! wae a toon people ata men, mene Puts a model of a biack eat Bus fourteenth place. The en's hare Kespar. pitthe back cats another supers “BAR counties poople ee ated ot ac cats’ citferens in sn”, Het, people think that lack eo lucty. Pethaps the Srnence i Becoute of Napoleon, He wee black cat before the bate of Waterloo. He lost the batle nd ‘he Britsh won. That was probably a coincidence, \ BPrésent (p. 146) % Comictites eves un verve av orésen) simple ou 20 prBsent orogress,: ft Ture off the gas. The water 2 | generat of gohoot ey bug Lets hurry cp, the bus Every year they «ther etioass ets soe se Dor shoct ie pianet-He is eet, Look 28%" 276. . breakast at hat pas pK 8 MeN... atterthe bus He io Raat, a i thei tne cage? B sRtponcer selon te moosie propece ‘This chicken curry is eeiicioue ~ Y0S, Ive navor eaten anything co dette ‘Their wine 's really goo, (i YON TELLEE (Boot FEF) & 4 Reponder selon te models en employant un verte 2u parfait, Wy is erying? ~ He's crying because he has broken his le, Wy is she crying? Winy ete you snaty? Winy is ne disappointed? Way are they shouting? Why 20 they hapay? Winy is ne tertieg? ‘avs has breakfast in bed. | yesterday / ~ Wesometimes goto Engiang. for our last Keak He often eats too much, / today > He often makes himeeit il. tng woek J He often nas chicken curry. last night 1 Duy often make alot of mistakes. aroagy |, 2ver ley football? / when you were 2e youngs Do'yeu ever drink beer? often J & 8 Mewar ie verbe au tempo vouly : orbseot, Bretént cu parfait NDSte You, Be) allthis morning? i's aiready list (hacen) to you yesterday? | tly inte the "ver ang almast (drown, (you, steep) weil last might?» The water ‘boi, 1 make the tex os, fiesst) tMe book thal | lend} you last What yo, co} wnen be) out Cail 2 doctor! Aunt Mary (ust, collapse), ‘ais, at ay today, "always (rain) alot m autumn YOu. leat=| ROW to deve yet TEE! MEM ON Patton before they leave 4 time 4 (go) to London t (ike) it very i SRE AMES 5 Rap, \ i ‘Gy we if Wimbledon sj {had always saic that | would never buy @ TY set but Pve just changed ry mind, "vs el because of tennis Last week, Ihad decided t0 go to Wimbledon ans see a big match. Everyone has heard of Wimbledon, but few peonie know how dificulcitis to get ia and have a seat for a big match, Hf you don't want to queue, you have to unite a long me in ivence, and send a cheque. A: there are move requests than seats, the Wimblaion autiorties dew lot te choose the people who wall be allowed in. I had sent my cheque ai! hoped 1ay naine would come outs Heaida’'t. The only ching I could do was to go to Wimbledon, Going there s quite an expetiegde, Don’: go ith your car; you'l never manage to park i. 's best to go by tube, but remember to get off at Southliclés. Coming out of Southfields Station you can either walk or tBke on of he rutetous taxis waitin fox the Wimbledon fais. The ride Js cheap {40 p ner person), for each tax takes five persons ata time. ‘That's what ! did. We drove past a fantastic queue, a good mile long. When the tas! oft me atthe entrance gates, I realised I had to walk all the way dack to rhe end ofthe quet. T thought queueing would be boring, but no: i aichbig > swale S449 were reading papers and bois, hers were tall; they'd seen the day before, Street vendors wore selling T-shirts and sandwiches; and there were peoale offering tickets for six ines the normal price | gueued for suo hours. 1 was Sventy yards from the ticket offce when {heard shat they ‘sure closing the gates for the day: Wimbledon had reachedt'ts iascrans number af spactators! Next year you won't see ‘a Wimbledon, !-an tel you! ston we UNIT 1. REVISION 4 10 \ey had seen maters {THE DAY BEFORE exprime un décalage dans le passé Dar rapport & vestenDay. Le plus-que-carlait exprime auss! ce déco lage. the dey before, Le passe d'hier, journée terminée, demande | le préterit; mais ce qui s'est passé dans ia journée, qui est encore presque du prasent Stexprime au partail orésent, the Dav acrone comme dans "exempie c-dessus, demande | le pius-que-parfais, Ecrivez des phreses selon te mode oro pose, 11 s2@ a goos mat lve seen 2 good match today, | sew 2 good match yesterday had sean a good match the dey be. | Feend a cneaue, Het change tne We see a pleck oat My jae curey 2 as 08 entre parentheses au temps vous oy alus-ave-partai He (oe) sorry that ne (hurt ner She (die) alter she (be; ta tong time, They i ‘ater they fer you pry Fecords Becaus 2 Commer 0 om, Ioyant ure toone de cay, ¥ Eventing wil! bo eM eight GQ" a suit at the wedding. Lunerstend a word: he eBoXe t00 fest Meier the Howes. Fave done eri of that ols sol, frige not te g2 at asin ws tte seek m1 0.95 1 fo post thes2 letters Syomolen. You. dgteat rien, # Tornot tut 3 te Sh56-The sl ie ear svetid ta: we. feere, 8 cur fitsoess? ROE ae 3 (A ring at the door) Man ~ Mr Archer? Mr Archer — Yes? Man ~ Pm the PV her ~ Oh yes ‘This way, please, The set 's in the other room, Mar ! You still go Bact white tei? Tye ser many these dogs. 7 2 years ald Mh os wees Sven itlast year Bet Wie otis en; good Mon Was, you mean Mr Archer — Well, we've never he ed sy teouble wit Tea Hegiee ong with, ral Sie: no pictore, Chena Tuas re SNE Crammed Fuse: htiae sory. oc 2 mast ba chang. your pardo..? i js been change! You ck Job. TAS weeks ago. Cost me ~ Peay? In thet case, thers s nothing team de Your 288 de changed, that's all’ Sonny “na tide #105. mete sifiuher Has the set been zt lng? her = Yas; em, no: weil ft fis ozwres chargé "ne £10.50 and ieft “4e wee unable to mz 1! 't c him, we must buy 2 new You atiww, Sori. 320210 have good jobs UNIT 1 REVISION 5 B Bassif (p, 155) Trenstormes ies carases prooasees They must changa tv seria must be changed Sotheane wit nave to do They nave just mended i Someone nas stoien tne fim You shoula nat wasn znie shir. | You must keep tt as i v7 Seed a. UNI, REVISION 3 3. & passif “anglais” (p. 186) Sif qui n’a pas son auya/ant en franca;s, On is receontre avec des ve'bes comme Gist, weno, TELL, OFFER, Rowse, ete., qui adimettent deux com: plenients o'objet direct : io premier (1) repre. Seats is personne & gui i'on a or8té, donns, cifert, oromis, etc, quelque chose. Le second (2) est'ce Gud or. donné, préte, ohic, 2t6, 2 geve me & Soon, 12 prerier comvigrien: la phrase pascive, iven a book. 2 I devient 1 "rase Jes questions s2107 f@ models oro T0y fold the man “0 leaw the town, (srs wes told to leave te “oes fecha mans? Hust the covonel & pe ha; akod the boy mary questions, e shidran’s mother tela ther story, v0He oraetEG the orisanere to stand Up. Ow tne visiters “he naw bridge, “ey otoinised me a take ter Oh-istnas, Esty qave my litle aromer e renars, She'o tered me a fitt sfonties les ohsses peorcsees, Metiex mplement s agen y récessave Diomised him 4 book ast 4 isl eympheny So sone set the fig £2 s2strdyen 96 {woe has offense mim a Good jab. tT vow away cmaty hotties.

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