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VanDusen Botanical Garden Guide Weekly Update #29: October 13 to October 19, 2019 = Brought to you by Ashley Lambert-Maberly (, award-winning © Sunday walking F 18 October 2019 Fri: Tiki Night at Bloedel Y 70pm: Doesn't effect us at all (we're closed!) butt looks fun and | thought you should know about ti case you'd missed it. I's VGBA's kickoff event for al the SOth Anniversary of Bloedel celebrations: | food, rum cocktails, and (hopefully) some Tiki? Tickets are $50 each. DID 1 MENTION ... ? PAs | wrote last week, due to reduced winter hours | just can't make it in to the garden during the ‘week to prepare the Update. Luckily, | have over- photographed on prior weeks, and have a supply of not-yet-discussed plants to mention. At left, the catkin-like clusters of the Wavyleaf Silktassel (Garrya eliptica ‘james Roof’), above the jade drinking fountain beyond the first litte bridge. ‘The edges of the leaves have a pronounced ruffle, hence its common name. Its native to Oregon/California, within just a few miles of the coast. This particular cultivar won a Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit (ie. good in gardens) rather than their Award of Merit (Le. lowers good for shows). It is one of over 7,000 so honoured, so this is not an entirely exclusive club. Yet another David Douglas “discovery,” and named ‘to honour his pal Nicholas Garry, HBC Secretary. Peer ee Oe ng teem Mas ee nn eee Meare Preto eee ature

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