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Alexsis Leon

Professor Knott-Silva

Health Education


Reflection On Project 3

My last project was on a case study where I evaluated and gave my recommendations to a

college student who suffers from anxiety before tests and exams.When I was completing this

assignment it made me realize that I also suffer from anxiety as well. Every time I have a quiz,

exam or test coming up I get very anxious the day before and especially hours before I have to

take it. I give Kayla recommendations that I have never thought of using for myself. After

realizing that I can use those recommendations I started using them for myself. I originally

planned to take 16 units for my next semester. But after taking the time to evaluate my academic

choices I came to the realization that despite me wanting to finish earlier it's better to take a few

units and at a time and not rush things. I rather take a few units and get good grades than to take

a bunch of units and portientally doing terrible in those classes.

Out of the three projects that I have completed for this class this assignment was the one I

was able to relate to the most. I guess because it's about a college student and I am a college

student myself so I was easily able to put myself in their perspective.I think many college

students are like Kayla but some people don't want to speak up or are afraid of speaking up. I

like to tell people that it is okay to seek help no matter what the situation is about. Seeking help

will make things better because you are getting things off your chest.
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