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sor18/2019 Macronutients & Meronutients 3 Introduction Have you ever wondered why we can't eat grilled cheese for every meal and get all of the nutrients we need? Our bodies require a variety of nutrients and itis up to us to make sure we choose a balanced diet so all of our nutritional needs are met. This module will ook at our three macronutrients (fats, proteins, and carbohydrates) and our micronutrients (several vitamins & minerals). We need a large amount of macronutrients, and a minimal ‘amount of micronutrients, hence their titles. We will discover exactly how different foods affect our bodies and What happens when we get foo much or not enough of a nutrient. This is one of our bigger modules and contains a lot of information, so take your time, watch all the videos, and carefully read all the provided text. Learning Objectives At the end of this module, the student will be able to: + Differentiate between carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals + Describe how our bodies process each macro and micronutrient Checklist @ Read About Carbohydrates @ Watch chanta'’s Video: The Difference Between Simple and Complex Carbohydrates @ waich Video: Whole versus Refined Grains @ Read About the Benefits of Fiber @ Read About Proteins @ Waich Video on Essential versus Non-Essential Amino Acids @ Read About Complete and Incomplete Proteins @ waich Video: The Functions of Proteins @ Read About Fats @ Watch Video: What Is Fat? {@ Watch Video: Wnat Visceral Fat Does to the Body @ Read About Cholesterol @ Watch Video: Crash Course-You Are What You Eat (first 6 minutes) @ Read About Micronutrients @ Read About Vitamins @ Watch Video: How Do Vitamins Work? @ Read About Minerals @ Read About Supplements CG Read Chapter 1 in the textbook: “When Diet Leads to Iiness” (© complete the textbook quiz on Chapter 1 © complete Part 3 of your Personal Nutrition Assignment CF Complete internet Research Activity #2 Read About Carbohydrates tps: blackboard son ca/bbeswebdavipid-1282696- Starch > — Many vitamins and minerals > Fiber Watch Video: “Whole versus Refined Grains” Whole grains are unrefined, which means they are in a more natural state, with lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Whereas a refined grain has 90% of its nutrients stripped away from it, and no fiber. When a grain is refined, the germ and bran are taken away from if, leaving only the endosperm (see diagram below). To know the difference, a refined grain is usually white, so think white bread, white rice, ete. So why would anyone refine a grain ifit loses so many nutrients? The following video will answer that question, along with comparing the two types of fiber (soluble & insoluble) found in carbohydrates and how they help our bodies. If the option for whole grain, brown, efc. is there, take it! That is a real food choice you can make, hips: blackboard. son. ca/bbeswebdavipid-1282696- Eat a healthy dietary pattern that: = Includes mits Keeps trans fats as good fats | Saturated fats | LOWas possible For more information, go to Site | retrieved image from: Watch “What Is Fat?” While you watch the following video, which compares the types of fats (unsaturated, saturated, and trans) try to catch what term manufacturers use in an ingredients list which means frans fats (does not always appear on the nutrition label so will have to find in the ingredients lis, like the informed consumer you are!) Answer: P__ Hydrogenated What is fat? - George Zaidan tps: blackboard. son. ca/bbeswebdavipid-1282696- Absorbed into the blood stream directly (happens in the small intestine) > Circulate, travel, and are stored in water compartments > Hydrophilic— Love water! Don't separate out. > Excess are excreted in urine Macronutients & Meronutients Fat-Soluble Vitamins > Absorbed directly into the lymphatic system (part of the circulatory system consisting of lymphatic vessels) > Transported in a chylomicron (lipoproteins that transport dietary fats from the intestines to other locations in the body) > Hydrophobic — Water Fearing! > Tend to store in fat tissue How do vitamins work? - Ginnie Trinh Nguyen Read About Minerals ‘The second group of micronutrients are minerals, Unlike vitamins, minerals are inorganic, and originate in rocks ‘and metals. We can obtain minerals from eating plants (they get minerals from the earth}, animals (who eat plants) ‘and water (naturally contain minerals), Although minerals are more stable than vitamins, they can stillbe lost when food is processed (again, stick with teal food). Some of the more important roles of minerals in our bodies are contracting our muscles (helping us movel), nerve impulse transmission (sending messages from our brain to our body), water balance, structure of our bones and teeth, and many more. The following chart will focus on three of our more important minerals, and their roles in our bodies. tps: blackboard. s.on.calbbeswebdavipid-1282696- 90% is in bones and teeth > 1% isin blood, body fluids, muscle, Muscle contraction * Blood clotting Food Sources: » and Alternatives > Non-dairy sources of calcium * include collards, bok choy, broccoli, beans, tofu, fortified soy milk © supplements that contain both calcium and vitamin D. Macronutients & Meronutients Sodium (Na) (think salt) > Nerve impulse transmission > Water balance Acid/base balance > Transport across cell membranes We Get MORE Than Enough! > We need 1 tsp per day or 158 > on average, we consume over 200% the RDA! > Controls the amount of water in the body > Table salt — sodium chloride + Too much— hypertension, heart disease Iron (Fe) } Iron needed to make hemoglobin } Hemoglobin transports O2 in the blood > Opreacts with glucose in cells to release energy and Or Food Soure > beef, prunes, dark greens, cereal fortified, beans Read About Supplements ‘The take-away message about supplements is that, in the majority of cases, we do not need them. If you are eating a well-balanced, healthy diet of real food (not processed) then you should be getting all the necessary micronutrients. Another argument against supplements is that the FDA (Food 6 Drug Administration) do not thoroughly examine the purity or effectiveness of vitamin supplements. Our bodies also absorb vitamins from real food much more easily and effectively than from supplements anyway, and toxicity can occur with supplements: (we get more than our bodies need) The following are a few situations where supplements can be helpful Situation Pregnant/trying to become pregnant ‘Aging population Limited to food cheices due to allergies/intolerances htps:blackboard son ca/bbeswebdavipid-1282696-

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