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Because/ although + Clause (SVO) (because, although: bởi vì)

Because of/ In spite of/ Despite + Noun/V-ing (in spite of, despite: mặc

Ex: They were late for the meeting because it rained heavily.
Although he is very old, he run fast.
The flight was delayed because of the bad weather.
In spite of working hard, I could not pass my exams.
Despite their quick arrival, the firemen could do nothing.

2. It is/was ADJ that S (should [not]) V1

Ex: It is essential that he should hear it from you.
It is necessary that you complete your homework before midnight.
Một vài adj thường gặp: essential : thiết yếu
necessary : cần thiết
important : quan trọng
vital : quan trọng
crucial : quan trọng
urgent : khẩn cấp
better : tốt hơn
recommend : đề xuất
suggest : đề xuất
decide : quyết định
request : yêu cầu
3. Be/Get used to (quen với) + Noun/V-ing
Used to (trước kia từng làm, bây giờ ko còn nữa) + V1
Ex: He used to stop for gas at this filling station.
These children didn’t used to working in a noisy room.

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