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I believe I am one of those rare students from my school to participate in almost every field

of the extra-curricular activities and also to consistently maintain class performances.

During my various extra-curricular activities like sports and volunteer works,I have greatly
improved my interaction, interpersonal, analytical, leadership and teamwork skills; I gained
much knowledge and have developed my understanding about many worldly issues. I think
the skills, the experiences and my beliefs are what I have contributed to my school and
community. Apart from these, I have a strong urge to fight against domestic violence which
is very common in developing countries like INDIA. I wish to help women to break through
the shackles of utter confinement that the society has created for them; to lend a hand to
those who have been victims of domestic violence; to obliterate the issues that have
deprived women from having their rights; to put an end to the screams and tears of pain in
every house of developing countries and develop a mutual understanding between men and
women. In addition, I also have the desire to help the children who are below the poverty
line and to stop child labour. What I have seen and learnt about my community is that there
is a considerable inequality still existing in this part of the world. Women and children have
many restrictions; they are mostly not allowed to raise their voices, unless they are very

Till this time, I have tried to stand up against the unethical activities in life and I am waiting
for that one moment when I can bring the change that I want to. If we want to make a great
change in our community, it is our responsibility to grab hands together and work as one
team. I believe we need just that one moment in life to closely see the tears of pain of these
people and that one chance to prove ourselves to be an actual, worthy member of this

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