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Exam 1 (Numerical and Vocabulary)

a. Mommy bought four egg cartons, and each had six eggs. Two of the eggs were bad. How many
good eggs did Mommy get?

b. Johnson's ordered 4 pizzas again, sliced into four pieces each. This time the dog ate one piece. How
many pieces did the people eat?

c. Joe has three friends who all have five toy cars, and then two friends who only have two cars. How
many cars do Joe's friends have?
d. On a family dinner table there are two plates for everybody, and only one plate for little Hannah. 10
people and Hannah came to the dinner . How many plates were on the table?
e. There are four horses, and three people. How many feet are there total?

f. Four children are playing tennis together. They all brought six balls. How many balls do they have
g. The Smith family has five members. Each member has a small towel and a bath towel. How many
towels hang in the bathroom?
h. The Jones family orders four pizzas to eat. Each pizza is sliced into four parts. How many pizza slices
do they get?
i. A town has three post offices. In each post office there are five
workers. How many workers do the post offices have in total?

j. Mr. Johnson usually eats three meals a day. How many meals does he eat in a normal week?

k. This Friday he skipped breakfast. How many meals did he eat during this week?

l. In the following week, he ate three times on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, and four times on the rest
of the days. How many meals did he eat during the week?
suggestion custody examination
evidence gesture helpful
collect phenomenal respectful
information accuracy rare
investigation terminology manageable
interrogation famous
property creativity

Supply the correct word in the given sentences

1. It was frustrating, but the only thing she was accomplishing with this ____________
was making their conversation stiff and formal.
2. Pippins donation was restored, but the protectorate was no longer so
distant, ____________ and intermittent as the pope liked.
3. The angle through which the arm was moved, or, in the latter case, the angle
between the two arms, was read off upon a finely graduated arc. With such means
no very high ________________ was possible.
4. I have an aesthetic appreciation of John's looks, personal style and ____________.
5. For the healthy child of normal weight, the only dietary restriction should be sugars;
fats, proteins, fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products should all be included, in
reasonable, ________________ portions.
6. He is _______________ all over the world.
7. A _____________ growth of both customs and excise revenue has made such
expenditures easy.
8. Alex said nothing, his stoic features giving no _______________ of what was on his
9. I ____________________ facts that are out there in the public domain.
10. You have a __________ ability among our kind.

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