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Unit 1 - Giving advice

Unit 1 - Giving advice

Required Bibliographic References (Required
The following references belong to the content in unit 1, which you have
to study in order to develop, activities 3, 4 and 5. It is important to read
and do all the practices showed in here to understand topics deeply.

At the end of this lesson you will be able to use commands and make
polite requests, make recomendations and talk about car and driving
issues, plan trips and talk about the weather in real situations.

Unit 1.1 Fasten your seat belt

UNAD Florida, (2016) Fasten your seat belt taken from:

Unit 1.2. You should keep your passport!

UNAD Florida, (2016) You should keep your passport taken from:

Unit 1.3. What's the weather like?

UNAD Florida, (2016) What's the weather like? taken from:

OVA Unidad 1- What did you do on weekend – past simple.

Esta ova titulada past simple contiene una explicación completa del uso
del tiempo verbal pasado simple, teoría que es fundamental para la
comprensión en el curso Inglés B1.

ANGELA INÉS, P. ( 04,12,2018). What did you do last weekend and past
simple.. [Archivo de video]. Recuperado de
Additional bibliographic references for this course
(Complementary Bibliography)
This references will help and support the student knowledge from the
main tense explained along the unit (2010) [Simple Present] Taken from:

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