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Warm up Activity

Recall students’ previous knowledge through questions like:

 What are plants?

 What do you know about plants?
 identify where plants come from and what plants need to grow.
 What are some examples of plants?
 What are the two groups of plants?
 What do you mean by classification?
 Why do we classify animals?
 Can we classify plants also?

Plants are classified into two major groups i. e. seed plants and non- seed plants.

Seed plants are plants that produce seeds e. g. orange, apple, wheat, rice, rose etc. Seed plants
produce flowers and their seeds are surrounding by the fruit. They usually have broad leaves.

A plant without seeds is called a non-seed plant. Some non-seed plants reproduce by spores instead of
seeds. These plants need plenty of moisture to reproduce and grow, so most live in damp shady areas.
Their seeds are not covered with fruit. They usually have needle-like leaves. (STOP)

Algae produces much of Earth's oxygen, which humans and other animals need to breathe. They are
most common in water, such as oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, and marshes. Some species live in
soil or on leaves, wood, and stones. Algae even grow on animals such as turtles and polar bears. Algae
can be green, blue, red, or brown. Algae differ from plants in several ways. They do not have stems or
leaves, and their roots are different from plant roots. (STOP)

Mosses are waxy little plants with no leaves and no stem that use each other to stay upright. Their
inability to stay up is why there is never one little moss plant; it's always a group. That grouping also
helps them retain water in the area. A waxy covering across their bodies helps keep water from
evaporating. They are usually found in moist areas out of the direct sunlight.

Liverworts are the simplest of all plants and often grow flat along the ground in large leaf-like
structures. They do not have roots, instead they all have rhizoids (little hairs) that keep them in the
ground. Like mosses, they are found in very moist areas, and some species even spend their whole lives
in the water. (STOP)

Ferns are flowerless green plants that can be recognized by the featherlike shape of their leaves, which
are called fronds. Ferns reproduce by spores rather than by seeds and they grow millions of spores on
the underside of their leaves. Ferns commonly grow in tropical rainforests. They also grow in other
warm, moist places where there is plenty of shade. Many fern species grow on the trunks and branches
of trees. Others grow in bogs and marshes or float on the surface of ponds. Some types of fern, called
bracken, spread like a weed through fields and pastures. (STOP)

Write the main characteristics of the two groups on board and fill it by the students’ response

Characteristics Seed Plants Non-Seed Plants

Produce Flower Yes No
Fruits Present Not present
Leaves Usually Broad Usually narrow
Examples orange, apple, wheat, rice, rose Algae, moss, ferns

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