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Y Combinator responds to inquiries 7 times faster with Front Front completely redefined the way ¥ Combinator manages their multiple eam inboxes. Instead of ‘manually forwarding emails that came into the general inquires inbox, theyre automatically assigned to the right ¥ Combinator partner via rules defined by keywords in the body or subject of the email Staff members no longer have to forward emails to partners when they need help on a response. They can simply @mentiona partner, add a comment tothe incoming message, and interally collaborate before the staffer writes a response. Keeping one single version of the conversation and having the internal discussion within itis key to avoiding lost messages and confusion ‘With Front, the Y Combinator staff can easly assign a message to a partner, part-time partner or another staff member to clearly signal ownership and accountability. This has been extremely important in preventing conversations from falling through the cracks. When someane ison vacation or out of the office, conversations assigned to them can be immediately reassigned, or if they remain unassigned inthe team Inbox, another staffer can take are of them ina timely manner ‘The ¥ Combinator team has become considerably more productive with Front. Many of the emails coming Into the general inquiries inbox are recurring questions. Theyre now able to create canned responses to ‘quickly and accurately respond to these questions in I-click, without having to constantly reste them. The staff and partners can easily manage and have visibility into al the team inboxes without togling back and forth between each Google Group. They can add or remove inboxes, and surface and respond to all, conversations from Front ‘The most drastic improvement far Y Combinator has been its response times, By having access to all of ther inboxes in one place, they e now responding 7 times faster Before Font, it would be hard for everyone to reach "inbox zero" and messages would sometimes go unresponded fora week. Now, they‘ able to clear all ther tasks every day and nothing stays in someone's inbox for more than a day. YY Combinator's partners and employees have complete transparency into all communications, which ‘ensures that everyone ison the same page. This way no one gets blind-sided by an event that could be happening tomorrow that they werent aware of. Conversations no langer fall through the cracks thanks ta the ability to assign, comment, and set reminders in Front Cote Front redefines work communication with the tes our email custome munication channels and apps i eae ee ee eee ee text and visibility into every conversation, to work faster and better together. Today, move than 2, Ta ea a eens See eee ee a te aes and Paris, France office iw)

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