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CHILDREN ACT OF 2004 which was adopted / signed on March 8,

2004 and took effect last March 27, 2004

RA 9262 is a law that protects the rights of women & their children &
also eliminates violence as it’s usually children and women are likely
the victims due to unequal power .relations

1. What is VAWC?

Violence Against Women and their Children (VAWC) is defined as:

- Any act or a series of acts committed by any person against a

woman who is his wife, former wife.

- Against a woman with whom the person has or had a sexual or

dating relationship, or with whom he has common child,

- Against her child whether legitimate or illegitimate,

- within or without the family abode,

- which result in or is likely to result in physical, sexual,

psychological harm or suffering, or economic
abuseincluding threats of such acts battering, assault, coercion,
harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty

2. Who are considered CHILDREN?

Anyone below 18 years of age, or older but incapable of taking care

themselves, including the biological children of the victim and other
children under her care.

3. What are the FOUR (4) ACTS that constitute VAWC ?

A.) Physical violence – bodily harm or physical harm.

B.) Sexual violence is an act, which is sexual in nature such as

rape, sexual harassment.
C.) Psychological violence is an act that causes mental or
emotional suffering to the victim such as intimidation stalking, marital

D.) Economic violence is acts that make the woman financially

dependent, such as withdrawal on financial support, destroying
household property.

4. What are the rights of Victim – Survivor?

 To be treated with respect and dignity

 To confidentiality
 To avail of legal assistance from the PAO or any public
legal assistance
 To be entitled to support services from the DSWD and
 To be entitled to all legal remedies and support
provided by the Family Code; T
 To avail up to 10 days of leave of absence in addition to
other paid leaves
 To be informed of their rights and the services available
to them, including their right to apply for a protection

Violation of confidentiality shall have a penalty of one-year

imprisonment and a fine of not more than 500,000 pesos

5. What are the 3 types of Protection Orders?

Barangay Protection Order (BPO) is issued by Punong

Barangay / Kagawad; effective for 15 days

Temporary Protection Order (TPO) refers to the protection order

issued by the Court on the date of filing afterexparte determination
that such order should be issued; effective for 30 days and
renewable / extendable.

Permanent Protection Order (PPO) refers to protection order

issued by court after notice and proper hearing.
5. What is the purpose of Protection Orders ?

 to prevent further acts of violence against a woman or

her child
 safeguards the victim from further harm
 minimizes any disruption in the victims daily life
 facilitates the opportunity and ability of control over her

6. What are the Mandatory Services for victims-survivors?

 temporary shelter
 counseling
 psycho-social services and or recovery and
rehabilitation programs
 livelihood assistance;
 ü medical assistance

Rehabilitative counseling and treatment to perpetrators for

them to learn constructive ways of coping with anger and
emotional outburst and reform their ways (Secs. 40 & 41)

7. What are the PENALTIES for VAWC?

 Imprisonment based on the provisions of the Revised

Penal Code
 Fine ranging from 100,000.00 to 300,000.00
 Mandatory psychological counseling or psychiatric
treatment for perpetrators

9. Immunity from Suit

Any person, whether a private individual, a public officer, or a

government official /worker, who, in accordance with law,
intervenes without using violence or restraint greater
than necessary to ensure the safety of the victim, is not liable
for any criminal, civil or administrative accountability (Secs.
43 & 43)


It is defined as pattern of psychological and behavioral symptoms
found in women living in battering relationships as a result of
cumulative abuse (Sec. 3 & 5)

- Used as a justifying circumstances

- No criminal or civil liability

- Should be determined through the assistance of psychiatrists /

psychologists (Secs. 26 & 32)


 Provides for a prescriptive period from 10-20 years

(Secs. 24 & 9)
 Defines VAWC as public crime (Sec. 25)
 Custody of minor children should be given to the
woman even if she is suffering from Battered Woman
Syndrome (Secs. 28 & 6)

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