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Module Reflection Questions:

Flora Morales 11/13

1.Implementation of feedback:
After receiving feedback from other peers, I was able to go through the project for a

second time and identify little mistakes. For example, I realized we could have added a

little more information for each slide. We included some bulleted points, but we could

have been more clear with the different icons and what each button was supposed to be

used for. The application could have had a menu on the first slide to help users navigate

through and get a better understanding of each icon.

2.Learning Reflection:
What I have learned about the process of revision and iteration is that after every little

piece of advice, we have to go back and see it as a strength to improve in another

project. I have learned that the different things we can improve on serve as a strength

for each assignment and we realize our mistakes afterwards. Based on my experience,

if I were to approach this project again, I would keep the structure and organization the

same. I would keep every icon and the navigation through the different slides. However,

the only thing I would change is the little and brief explanations provided. I would

include a separate slide describing and giving an idea of what every icon is for so every

user could understand what to click on.

3.Alternative Use/ Future directions

The technology we focused on was mainly new things with PowerPoint, how to add

animations, transitions, etc. Initially, I didn’t think the different sources provided through

this would be quite beneficial. However, I realized that the several types of animations,
transitions, and slide styles came in handy to organizing and making the application

something more understandable and clear. These things can be used for any structure

towards a project and make the PowerPoint more organized and to the point.

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