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Nama : Auli Yasir Pratama

Npm : 1721020150

Kelas : C Siyasah HTN

Tugas : Bahasa Inggris

Polemical flag tauhid and HTI

Burning flag bearing call, or writing, there is no god but allah and muhamad is the messenger of
god, called the done because regarded as a flag hizbut tahrir indonesia.

But the indonesian ulema said, burning the flag with writing there is no god but allah and
muhamad is the messenger of god, is an insult.' substantially he is a good word,
monotheistic.Hence the arson sentence call it was a contempt and behavior that stupid, ' said
muhyiddin junaidi head of the education sector and regeneration the indonesian ulema.Very
different opinions arises from intellectual islamic akhmad sahal. He thinks the flag with writing
call abused by hizbut tahrir indonesia, organization that have been banned since the middle of
last year.' have been refused by ( gp ) ansor and banser ( nu is claims that because they was robed
in flag call as if they were continue to then represent call, represent apply, ' said sahal.' maybe the
errors of banser burning it, should not burned, but secured, ' he added.

Former hti spokesman ismail yusanto deny that burned the flag with hti is writing
although fathers is black and white -- called the festival and liwa -- identical with a flag that
always carried while demonstrating the organisation .But is now young intellectual islamic
politician pounds , mohammad romli thunder , said that the flag has been set since 2005 in the
structure of the caliphate .Lompati twitter messages by @ gunromli.
In spite of the flag right have hti or not , akhmad sahal said the government must remove
all attribute hti in indonesia .' i think the government should firmer because hti that infiltrate with
that way .That right of the outlawed , so flag hti any symbol hti should be prohibited , ' said sahal
who was served as director freedom institute .With abolishing the attribute hti , the government
yet take the attitude .But menkopolhukam wiranto said the government through police and
prosecutors will soon handling the burning flag bearing call .

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