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 Definition:
 The legitimacy of a government, its juridical system or/and its actions is
furiously challenged, or when the state cannot guarantee basic freedom,
safety and activities on its own territory can be define as political instability.

 Explanation:
 Political instability for me, without going into its academic meaning would
be in most simple terms a country which cannot sustain its political system
and its political institutional growth. The country’s political institutions are
constantly threatened by the military and the judiciary, are taken over by
military adventurous generals or there is a lot of interference from the
judiciary in the administrative affairs of the country which brings a
condition where the political government ceases to work as it should.
o This could possibly mean different things in different contexts; however, I
think it mostly means the likelihood of government failure/ collapse. In
some context it may be limited to a part of the government. Such as: The
Personnel changes in the department are creating political instability. This
can also come up inside any organization. One segment can have power or
influence for some reason, expertise, popularity, personal connections to
superiors but when value attached to those sources of power change the unit
will experience political instability.

Political instability in Pakistan: -

Political instability has become a serious and threatening problem especially
in developing and underdeveloped countries. It is a significant factor for the
economic development, social integration, and supremacy of law in a state.
The stability of political system has direct effects on the processes of nation
and state building. Pakistan is also suffering from this issue from
independence. Pakistan has been ruled by both democratic and military
governments from the beginning. The first decade was marred with political
unrest and instability resulting in frequent collapses of civilian democratic
governments. From 1947 to 1958 as many as seven Prime Ministers of
Pakistan either resigned or were ousted. This political instability paved the
way for Pakistan’s first military take over. The rule of law and justice is the
only way of maintaining stability in the country. There are many reasons
behind political instability in Pakistan. After the failure of one policy,
government does not consider its failure and announce another policy
without studying the aftermaths of the last one. Party leaders have their own
interest and aims. The only solution is allowing the oppressed people of
Pakistan to share decision making process with transparency and
accountability from top to bottom. We need to strengthen our political
system and institutions, develop an active and sustainable growth, eliminate
corruption, provide timely justice, enhance employment, start steps for
population control, seek consensus based political solutions, and resolve
ethnic, sectarian and religious fault lines.

Causes of Political instability in Pakistan: -

Pakistan has failed to establish a political stability due to constitutional conflict,
absence of stable democratic government, economic problems and lack of social
growth. Even after 63 years, the country could not rid itself from feudal, tribal
system and sectarian segregation.
The territorial issues and border conflicts with India, the socio-economic
differences within the country, the struggle for a share of power between the
provinces, are some of those realities which not only politicized the policy making
elites and their willingness in introducing fair democratic procedures but also
encouraged the non-democratic elements including the army.
The root cause of Pakistan political woes lies in its feudal and the winner-take-all
approach to governing that has been practiced by successive civilian and military
The third pillar of the state, the judiciary, has also had dual strategies all over the
history. Mostly the role of the judiciary has been vulnerable. It has always
provided a so-called legal way to the dictators to assume the power.
In addition to all above given anti-democracy factors, the dynamic structure of the
state is also not in the favor of democratic values to be flourished.
For most of its history Pakistan has been divided into provinces drawn basically on
ethnic lines. Political loyalties and attitude have a strong ethnic dimension to them,
and the central governments desires to manage Pakistan’s ethnic diversity can have
a major impact on resource allocation foreign policy decision, and the game of
Another element which has vitiated the democracy in Pakistan is violence in
politics. The patience required for a democratic system is highly lacking in almost
all the parties and their drivers.
The most important reason for political instability is our economy. We have high
inflation, large income inequality, deficit financing and a lack of expenditure for
infrastructure and education.
Another reason which has impacted the Pakistan’s politics is terrorist groups which
have done damage to Pakistan’s economy and pushed Pakistan to act against them.

Impacts of political instability in Pakistan: -

Pakistan is a democratic country it means that all the affairs will run by politicians.
If political situations will instable country will not run properly. Distribution of
wealth will not be done properly this will lead the country towards poverty because
of un equal distribution of wealth. And poverty will cause high rate of crimes in
the country.
Because of political instability the political environment of country becomes
uncertain and this will reduce the level of investment, increase in inflation rate and
slows down the speed of development process and economic growth of the
country. Inflation is a one of the main causes of political instability. High rates of
inflation lead the country towards uncertainty about feature investments. Which
turn creates political unrest. Inflation affects the political situation in many ways it
reduces the efficiency of a country by restricting its exports. It makes the exports
of a country more expensive. It also effects the tax system.

Solutions for political instability in Pakistan: -

1. Get money out of politics.

2. We should remove or overcome illiteracy.

3. Peace inside and outside boundaries.

4. Independent of judiciary.

5. All the politicians must be united and should work for the prosperity and
progress of the state rather than struggling for their own progress.

6. We should overcome corruption.

7. Timely justice should be there.

8. Religious misconceptions should not be there.

Conclusion about political instability: -

Pakistan has been facing financial crises from its birth 1947 till now ,in this long
period many government change but unfortunately they all could not maintain the
political environment stable after rolling 1,2, or three years that government
politically instable.
Political instability is the situation when the uncertainty among the government
structure expand due to some basic causes and it eventually end up the current
government. We all know when a ruling parties face this sort of uncertainty so they
do not do well for the public they become unable to make polices for the
development of the country the internal matter gradually become law and order
situation also become worse the opposition parties take the advantage of this
situation they lead the public and compel them for strike and all these things. If we
see the political history then we have four personalities who were military
presented we also call them dictator general Ayub khan who was president during
1958-69 Yahiya khan 1969-71 he had to deal with a world war in 1971 economic
downfall and political dissent in east Pakistan created many problems after nine
month of guerrilla ware fare between Pakistan army and the Bengali militia backed
by India entering east Pakistan became independent state in the world map know as
Bangladesh. Which is the big loss? The most important thing that cause by
political instability is election are not free and fair then the leadership would not be
elected this is causes by the selection of some high power institutions, like today
Pakistan facing Maulana continuously call that it’s not elected government it is still
selected government that’s why all political parties get to gather and want to
reschedule the elections, in other way if the election would free and fair then
political instability would better.

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