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General Procedure

1. Define layers and change settings (grid, snap, units,

limits, ltscale, etc.) as desired.
2. Save the drawing as an AutoCAD Drawing
Template file.
Save Drawing As dialog box
Using the MOVE command
General Procedure
1. Pick the Move tool from the Modify panel of
the ribbon.
2. Define a selection set. (If noun/verb selection
is enabled, you can reverse Steps 1
and 2.)
3. Choose the base point of a displacement.
4. Choose a second point.
MOVING by Typing a displacement
General Procedure
1 Pick the circle.
2 Type m <Enter> or pick the Move tool.
3 Type 3,2 <Enter> in response to the prompt
for base point or displacement.
4 Press <Enter> in response to the prompt for a
second point.
Using the COPY command
General Procedure
1. Pick the Copy tool from the Modify panel of
the ribbon.
2. Define a selection set. (Steps 1 and 2 can be
reversed if noun/verb selection is enabled.)
3. Choose a base point.
4. Choose a second point.
5. Choose another second point or press
<Enter> to exit the command.
Copy tool

An array is the repetition of an image in matrix form.

This command takes an object or group of objects and

copies it a specific number of times in mathematically
defined, evenly spaced locations.
3 Types of Arrays

Rectangular Arrays
Are linear and defined by rows and columns.
Polar Arrays
Are angular and based on the repetition of objects around the
circumference of an arc or circle

Path Arrays
Are created by copying objects at an evenly spaced intervals along any
curve, line, or closed figure.
Rectangular Array Tool
4x3 preview array and context tab
Exercise No. 6
Draw the continuous
lines in red and the
centerlines in green
by using Layer

Drawing Suggestions:
GRID = 0.5
SNAP = 0.25

GRID = 0.5
SNAP = 0.25

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