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Teaching Notes:

1. Synopsis of the Case:

Cedar is an educational institute which was started by six teachers in 2014. They taught O & A-
level students in different institutes. They had long experience in the field of teaching. Further,
they took education from abroad and also highly qualified in their own subjects. They took
inspiration from Nixor College. They wanted to make the students realize that they are eclectic
as the teachers who own the school each represent a different subject area. A message by the
Dean of Cedar College Syed Nasir Ali states “Cedar College is a pioneer in educational
innovation and seeks to change the academic experience in its totality”.
2. Target Group:
The targeted population of Cedar was O & A-level students. Ultimately their purpose was to
create a brand by putting in the quality work.
3. Learning objective:
This case has following learning objectives:
 Cedar College was started by six teachers which show collaboration, cooperation, and unity
among each stakeholder.
 They converted their reputation into monetary terms.
 They set their common vision to achieve targets.
 This case shows a team work where everyone is responsible for profit and loss.
 They sharply identified market gap in education sector.
4. Teaching Strategy:
This case may be used in the class by arising different questions.
 How they set their common goal?
 How they identified education gap.
 Why they only targeted O & A-level students?
Further, this case enhances understanding about how a business can be started successfully by
using social media. More, this also increase understanding about quality education.
5. Question For Discussion:
The most basic questions have mentioned in the 4th step but following questions can also arise
for discussion.
 How build their image in market rapidly?
 How they targeted their population?
 How they were competed their competitors?
 How they were designed their market strategies?
 What is basic difference between Cedar education system and their competitors?
 Why Cedar will be choice for students?
6. Analysis of Data:
In this case interviews were conducted. More, secondary data is used to analyze results.
7. Background Reading
On the basis of this case study we should need to analyze following cases:
Case of SAVOUR Food in Rawalpindi and Islamabad
Case of Sadiq Public School in Rawalpindi
8. Experience of using the case:
This case enhances understanding of students what should be appropriate steps to start a business
successfully. More, this case also builds understanding how theoretical knowledge can be used to
start business.

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