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Agency Theory

Absorptive capacity

Actor-network theory

Adaptive structuration theory

Administrative behavior, theory of

Agency theory

Argumentation theory

Clasical Management

Chaos theory

Cognitive dissonance theory

Cognitive fit theory

Competitive strategy (Porter)

Complexity theory

Contingency theory

Critical social theory

Diffusion of innovations theory

Dynamic capabilities

Ecological Symbolic Theory

Ecological Modernization

Evolutionary theory

Expectation confirmation theory

Feminism theory

Game theory

General systems theory

Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory


Illusion of control

Information processing theory

Institutional theory

Knowledge-based theory of the firm

Learning Organization

Management by Objective (MBO)

Maslow’s Need Theory

Media richness theory

Organizational information processing theory

Organizational knowledge creation

Organizational Learning

Organizational Behavior

Path Goal Theory

Punctuated Equilibrium Theory

Rational choise

Real options theory

Resource-based view of the firm

Resource dependency theory

Risk Society Theory

Scientific Management

Self-efficacy theory


Social exchange theory

Social cognitive theory

Social network theory

Social capital theory

Socio-technical theory

Soft systems theory

Structuration theory

Task-technology fit

Technology acceptance model

Theory of planned behavior

Theory of reasoned action

Transaction cost economics

Transactive memory theory

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology

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