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The Modi government has begun its second innings. Here’s looking at the key ministers — co

Victorious, the The rise and rise

BJP’s charioteer of Nirmala
arrives Home Sitharaman
Vibha Sharma in new delhi of the Finance Ministry. The other person to hold
KV Prasad in new delhi vice-president of the state BJP. In 1997, he contested the post was the late Indira Gandhi, who held it as

the polls from Sarkhej near Ahmedabad and soon T is a strange coincidence that an alumnus an additional charge.

HERE is a distinct connect between Gand- plunged into strengthening the party. He was re- from the Left-leaning Jawaharlal Nehru Uni- Those who have worked with Sitharaman in what
hinagar and the North Block office of the elected successfully by improved margins for a total versity is occupying the high chair in the most is perceived as “a male bastion”, say she is “quick
Union Home Minister in of five terms until his elevation to powerful gathering of India, in grasping matters” and a “good
the BJP-led National the national politics. the Cabinet Committee of adaptor”. Despite the complexi-
Democratic Alliance
(NDA) Government. After a gap of
The BJP Realising that cooperative insti-
tutions controlled by the Congress
Security, in a government led by
the “Hindutva, Right- wing party”,
Economic ties of the protocol-ridden
Defence Ministry, she is said to
15 years, a Member of Parliament juggernaut has in Gujarat were crucial, Shah went the BJP. Nirmala Sitharaman slowdown, dipping have done a “fair job”, taking
from the constituency is once about the task of re-organising and started out as a Minister of State some important decisions with
again occupying the teak wood become successfully wresting control and (Commerce) in the previous NDA exports, mounting regard to high-value procure-
panelled room in the majestic winning elections of cooperative government, rose to be the ments and Prime Minister Naren-
building on Raisina Hill. unstoppable under banks, milk dairies and agricultur- Defence Minister. On Friday, she non-performing dra Modi’s pet project, ‘Make in
Amit Anil Chandra Shah, Home al market committees. This helped was announced to be India’s first India’, while stridently defend-
Minister in Modi Government 2.0, strategist and key consolidate the BJP’s influence in full-time woman Finance Minister. loans, joblessness, ing him on the Rafale jet deal, the
is the current MP from Gandhina-
gar. He had succeeded Lal Krishna
planner Amit rural and semi-rural areas. The
party recognised his effort and
JNU’s Left-leaning student lead-
ers like Kanhaiya Kumar gave the
farm distress, Opposition Congress’ chief poll
plank in the run-up to the
Advani in the constituency and
now follows the veteran into the
Shah. In his new named him convener of the Coop-
erative Committee.
saffron party its ‘tukde-tukde’ poll
plank around which it successfully
Sitharaman takes LS elections.
Occupying the chair that some
office demitted by him in 2004. The
two have been associated since
role as Home In 2002, Shah was re-elected by a
record margin of more than 1.5
weaved the national security narra-
tive for 2019, once again riding to
over at a time of India’s stalwarts — like Jawa-
har Lal Nehru, VK Krishna
1989 when Shah was managing Minister, which lakh votes and CM Modi drafted the Lok Sabha with a thumping when India is Menon, Pranab Mukherjee,
Advani’s election campaign from him as a Minister of Home, Trans- majority. And not just her, another Indira Gandhi and George Fer-
Ahmedabad. way will he steer port and Prohibition, which was member of the exclusive CCS, passing through its nandes have held — she is rated
Ever since BJP Chief Amit Shah expanded to include Parliamen- External Affairs Minister S Jais- as a “sharp, no-nonsense and
filed his nomination for the Lok the country? tary Affairs, Law and Excise in the hankar, is also from the JNU. toughest phase hard-working person who did
Sabha polls, speculation was rife subsequent term. This tenure saw After graduation in economics her best in a ministry riddled
that he would be a prominent face Shah facing charges in a fake from Seethalakshmi Ramaswamy with deep issues”.
in the Modi Cabinet. His name had encounter case leading to impris- College in Tiruchirapalli, Sithara- Interestingly, Sitharaman was
been making the rounds after the results came out onment. The court later asked him to stay away from man did her Masters in Economics and MPhil in almost written off after she failed to get the Lok
on May 23. On Friday, Modi handed him the reins of the state for two years. However, the case collapsed textile industry and Indo-European trade from Sabha ticket in 2014 while Meenakshi Lekhi, her
the Home Ministry, one of the four key ministries on with the court absolving him of the charges and, in JNU, where she was also a member of the Free counterpart on the BJP spokespersons’ list, had
Raisina Hill, whose occupants go on to become part 2012, he was re-elected from a newly carved Thinkers, a forum that discussed politics of both managed one. However, she was handpicked by
of the all-important Cabinet Committee of Security. Narayanpura Assembly segment. the Right and the Left wing. It is here she met her Modi as the MoS, Commerce and Finance, and
That also puts an end to the party chief’s dilemma While Shah is known as a plain-speaking politician future husband, Parakala Prabhakar, from Andhra brought in via the Rajya Sabha largely on the basis
— to either strengthen PM Modi’s government and who does not mince words, he is very much a person Pradesh, whose father had served as a minister of her credentials as an articulate English-speak-
move away from the party or continue building the who remains a family man and a doting grandfather. several times from the Congress. ing BJP spokesperson, her non-controversial back-
organisation he has nurtured across the last five While his family stays in Ahmedabad, he makes it a Sitharaman, a politician who has seen a meteoric ground, her strident defence of the party, backed
years. It is he who has helped the BJP gain a pan- point to touch base with them at least once a day, rise in the recent times, has stepped into the shoes by impeccable knowledge on a range of subjects,
India presence. Today, the NDA has formed govern- especially with his granddaughter, perhaps a stress- of her mentor, former Finance Minister Arun Jait- her southern origins and, most importantly, her
ments in 17 states and the BJP has 373 Members of buster for this 24x7 politician. Called modern-day ley for the second time. Prior to this, she had tak- understanding of the protocol in the “new BJP” as
Parliament — 303 in the Lok Sabha and 70 in the Chankaya, some attributes of this great planner en over from Jaitley, who was then filling for his it was emerging then. She is a “perfect example of
Rajya Sabha. and strategist, who executes his plans to perfec- colleague, late Manohar Parrikar, the Defence Min- a good person in politics,” say her associates.
In Delhi, Shah’s political craft was noticed after his tion, can be ascribed to his favourite game of chess. ister, in September 2017. And in this she has Sitharaman joins the Finance Ministry at a time
strategy as the party in-charge in Uttar Pradesh got As chairman of the State Chess Association, earned herself the distinction of becoming only the when India is passing through its toughest phase
the BJP a stupendous haul of 71 out of 80 seats in the Gujarat, he introduced the game in government second woman to hold the reins — economic slowdown, dipping exports, mounting
2014 Lok Sabha polls. Within a short span of time, schools on a pilot basis. Cricket is anoth- non-performing loans, joblessness, farm dis-
the RSS worker from Gujarat found himself er sport that Shah is engaged tress... As the FM, she will be occupy-
catapulted into the office of the presi- in; he has also served on ing the chair once graced by
dent of the BJP. The rest, as the say- the Gujarat Cricket many of India’s former PMs,
ing goes, is history. Board in various including top economist
The Modi-Shah duo became capacities. A new Manmohan Singh. Her
synonymous with converting the field is now set. background in econom-
BJP into a party that kept win- ics will help, but it is a
ning elections with amazing tough challenge
regularity and the juggernaut ahead for her and
became unstoppable, as was her deputy, Anurag
proved in the just concluded Thakur, in the two
Lok Sabha polls. Born into an ministries —
affluent Gujarati family on Finance and Cor-
October 22, 1964, Shah grew up porate Affairs —
in his paternal village of they have been
Maansa until 16, shifting to assigned.
Ahmedabad for higher educa- India’s econo-
tion that ended with college. my is beginning
Attracted to the RSS, a young to sputter on the
Shah worked for the Akhil back of consump-
Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad tion and private
before joining the BJP in 1984- investment slow-
85. He steadily rose up the down. Fixing this
ranks in the organisation and and jumpstarting the
held various posts, including the economy would be her
national treasurer of the top priority, followed by
Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha and putting the banking and
later secretary and NBFC sectors in order along
with addressing agricultural
distress — and all this without dis-
turbing the fiscal position of the gov-
ernment. Mentor Jaitley is expected to
guide the duo.
It is difficult to say what are her plans,
but, this is what she had told us back then
when she first took over as the Commerce
Minister in 2014: “India is a very strong
market. The Indian consumer — rich,
middle-class, poor — has the pur-
chasing power. It may be somewhat
depressed because of the poor eco-
nomic situation, but day-to-day
bare essentials also make a very
big market. We cannot undermine
the size of this market by allow-
ing everyone to come and do
anything they want, this is one
side. The other side is that this
market is a big power in our
hands. We have to liberate it in
a way that India’s manufac-
turers get the first right to
serve this market. Later, they
can go out and sell as much as
they want. Investment is
required for making the market
more refined and productive. We
will ensure that investments are
brought in, but without damaging the
Indian market.”

PTH 123
omprising new and old faces — and the issues and challenges before the PM’s trusted team

A career diplomat Bringing in strategic

gets to rework political weight
diplomacy to the Forces
Sandeep Dikshit in new delhi this coercion was the installation of a Communist Ajay Banerjee in new delhi another six lakh rifles.
government in Kathmandu that quickly signed on to The “strategic partnership” model announced

T was a balmy evening in Beijing when a group China’s One Belt One Road project. OR Rajnath Singh, the number two last year will form the core of Make in India ini-
of Indian journalists were invited to the Indian However, not all blame needs be laid on Jais- man in the Narendra Modi government, tiative. On this hinges the production of new
embassy. S Jaishankar was then the resident hankar’s door. As a mere ambassador or Foreign Sec- the Ministry of Defence will be compar- submarines, helicopters and fighter jets. The
envoy and invariably ques- retary, there is a limit on an individ- atively a ‘quieter cor- submarine action plan
tions veered towards India’s ual’s capability to make a ner’ in the powerful announced in 1999 is running
huge deficit with China that had
become a major eyesore in its eco-
From China, turnaround in international affairs.
In a government that will be run on
South Block located atop the
Raisina Hill, the seat of the
Rajnath Singh, who decades behind schedule.
The three forces, collectively,
nomic story (the deficit has since Pakistan, Russia the presumption of complete meet- government. Under that is known to take a need some 800 helicopters.
risen by more than ~1.5 crore). “If ing of minds and the certainty about ‘quietness’ is a stark reality; The request for information —
business was so easy, all of you to the USA and the end goals at the apex level — PM each of Rajnath’s decisions rounded view the first step to acquire equip-
would have come here in your per- Modi, Amit Shah, Ajit Doval, Raj- and spoken words will be scru- ment — has been sent out for
sonal planes,” retorted Jaishankar. Iran, a plate full nath Singh and Nirmala Sitharaman tinised in global capitals, of matters, will 234 helicopters for the Navy.
This streak of realism has been
a constant trait in the Jaishankar of challenges lie — Jaishankar, as one of the Cabinet
ministers, will have no cause to com-
including Moscow, Washing-
ton, Tokyo, Beijing and Islam- have to decide on The production of 197 Kamov
226-T copters, to be made
family. His father K Subrah-
manyam emerged as one of the
ahead for former plaint about inter-ministry inertia or
competing political compulsions, as
abad. The Indian military
establishment sits on a cusp of
restructuring the under the Indo-Russian joint
venture for the IAF and the
country’s top strategic thinkers
in the post-Nehru era. Going
Foreign Secretary has happened in the past.
As Foreign Secretary and with the
change and as New Delhi finds
its place in the global order, its
1.3 million-strong Army, is yet to commence.
Some 400 fighter jets are
against the grain, Subrah- and ambassador complete backing of the Modi-Doval military moves and alliances Indian Army, as needed to be produced over
manyam was early to spot the duo, Jaishankar had worked out of are being watched closely. the next 10 years for the IAF.
challenges of China’s growing S Jaishankar, who the box. Working around the disad- Though separated by just a also induction of These include 284 Tejas of var-
nationalism and was an vantage of making postings only by road from the Home Ministry, ious variants and 114 fighter
unabashed votary of the nuclear is known to work seniority, he had plucked diplomats where Rajnath Singh was the critical military jets for which the MoD has
bomb as well as closer ties with whom he thought had the right apti- boss for five years, the invited global bidders.
the US, arguing that in post-1991 out of the box tude and placed them in crucial Defence Ministry will be dif- equipment Artillery guns have started
world of just one superpower, a positions. When he was succeeded ferent ball game — the armed coming in. The numbers, how-
closer relationship with Washing- as Foreign Secretary by Vijay forces function in a manner in ever, need to be ramped up
ton was necessary for the con- Gokhale, many of them were revert- which no other entity does in quickly. The Army’s Field
tainment of China as well as permit the emergence ed. Now back as Gokhale’s boss, his deep familiari- the country. Artillery Rationalisation Plan, drawn up in
of India as a world power. ty with the men and women of the diplomatic corps For this politician from Uttar Pradesh, who 1999 for acquiring 2,800 guns by 2027, too, is
For Jaishankar, the lineage can be both a blessing could mean an uncalled for dual control over the for- still observes the ‘old world’ political niceties, years behind schedule.
and a bother. Rather unfairly, he was dubbed “Mr eign services. As a line diplomat, he, more than most maintaining delicate civil-military relations The delivery of 145 ultra-light Howitzers from
America” by his batchmates for the unabashed pro- of his predecessors as Foreign Ministers, knows will be important. More than 20 lakh retired BAE systems has begun. The delivery of 100
motion of intimate Indo-US ties by the circle of where the shoe actually pinches because of the soldiers will scrutinise each move as they tracked self-propelled ‘K-9 Vajra’ guns pro-
columnists, academics and journalists considered shortage of personnel in the foreign services. The remain ‘connected’ to their parent organisa- duced locally has also begun, as has the deliv-
close to him and his father. That he fell short in first challenge for Jaishankar will be to keep the tions — the Army, the IAF and the Navy. ery for the Dhanush Artillery systems. The
transforming Sino-India economic ties as India’s motivation high while making lateral inductions and The new Defence Minister will be first ‘num- projects in the pipeline relate to 1,580 towed
longest serving ambassador in Beijing, they say, placing right persons for the right jobs in a notori- ber two’ in the Cabinet to occupy the chair guns, 814 truck-mounted guns, 180 wheeled
showed his inclination to play the containment ously hide-bound bureaucratic structure. since Pranab Mukherjee, Defence Minister self-propelled guns. The MoD will need to
game against China rather than shovel a path for Every Foreign Minister has his plate full of chal- (May 2004-October 2006). This will naturally speed up the gun-making process.
enduring cooperation. When he was the Foreign Sec- lenges. Jaishankar is no exception. China, Pak- bring in the political weight to the ministry Another crucial decision the new minister
retary, his preference for a “Hard State” approach istan, Russia, the US, Iran, all need his attention. that gets to spend some 13 per cent of the needs to decide on will be the restructuring of
was reflected in an unannounced economic block- There are problems in ties with all of these. The country’s budget. the 1.3 million-strong Indian Army that is aim-
ade on tiny Nepal that depends on India for most of expectation from Jaishankar is higher. From Known to take a rounded view of matters ing to cut down many of its British era wings
its trade. His critics point out that the end game of defence to foreign affairs, all ministries have been instead of rushing into hasty decisions, Raj- and recast its war-fighting
shortchanged on the issue of structural reforms for nath Singh, fits the bill in the MoD, that ability by having a
over a decade. This has left them unable to cope rarely responds with ‘statements’ new concept called
with the challenges of the future. either on operations or interna- the integrated
For this, Jaishankar needs a full complement tional issues, but lets the battle groups.
of human resources at his disposal and armed forces show their
complete backing in accomplishing the might as and when needed.
end goals. For instance, India’s gener- His working style of
ous assistance in the neighbourhood allowing every depart-
has to be effective and faster. Should ment under him the
there be an autonomous body like freedom to work will
USAID or more sharper focus within be of help in the MoD,
the ministry itself? which also has nine
India’s maritime forays bring no public sector units
economic dividend. Is it time to — all profit mak-
look at the deep sea marine ing — under it.
economy to balance the Not known to
books? India’s IT exports make many
story is now two decades old public state-
and stagnating. ments, Raj-
How can India integrate itself nath Singh as
into the global production Defence Min-
change without giving up its ister, officially
opposition to China’s OBOR? called Raksha
Can major arms sellers Mantri, or RM,
be kept happy will not see the
while India tries usual hyper-active
to localise some quote-seeking media
of their produc- that dots the Home
tion? In the end, Ministry where the
success is all minister is expected to
about economics. react to issues
A firm approach or across the
an unyielding tem- country.
perament can only There are
bring temporary divi- many chal-
dends such as ending lenges he faces. As a
the dispute with China new minister, Rajnath’s deci-
over stapled visas. sions, especially those on the
Jaishankar had nev- induction of critical military
er taken to Twitter till equipment, will define the
this Saturday unlike level of military readiness
his predecessor who for India in the coming
had utilised the social years. Many projects
with aplomb. However, are at various
his style will be quiet, stages. Decision is
unhurried and meticu- pending on six new
lous. But as he well submarines, 400
knows, India cannot fighter jets for the
leverage the size of its Indian Air Force, 57 jets
population to clamber on for the Navy, 800 helicopters for
the global stage. The the Army, Navy and IAF, new
changeover from being a warships and unmanned aerial
“balancer” to a “leading pow- platforms.
er” entails developing ade- The manufacturing process for
quate economic muscle. Jais- getting new AK 203 rifles has start-
hankar has his task cut out for ed with a rifle factory having been
him: finding more external avenues set up in collaboration with the
for India’s growth more than tam- Russians. It needs to speed up
ing recalcitrant neighbours and production. The armed forces
a trapeze act between the alone need some eight lakh pieces
superpowers. and the Central police forces need


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