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Grаmmar l, l1ioъjйi.piаnoun, and Possessive аdjeсtivеs

'р ,s ) Dem0nstrative > Нavе got
>Pоssessive pronouns
VoсabuIary ) clаssro0rТТ]]0bjе.ts ) CoIours ) Some English-spеaking соuntriеs аnd nаtjonaIitiеs
# > Days, months and ordinal numbеrs > Тhe fаmi|y > Bаsiс desсriрtiоns

Sрeaking > Тhe alphabеt аnd spe||ing > C|аssroоm eхprеssions

CIassroom objeсts

] а Work with a partner. Mаtсh the objесts in the piсtures with з SPЕAк|NG Work with а pa.:.=,
these words. say the name of thе с|assrcо *

board board rubbеr

p|ayеr сhаir СD
,l b|aсk
сomputer dеsk diсtionary notеbook pen
penсiI pеnсil shаrpenеr rubbеr ru|еr

1b *$ :.ij i Listеn аnd repеat. 6 grееn

2а sPЕAк|ilG Work with a pаrtnеr. student A; Draw an objесt
from the сIаssroom. Student B: Sаy the name of thе objeсt. 9 pink
2b Сhangе roles аnd repeat.

The alphabet and sрelIing Clаssroom eхpгЁss :.i

la .;*:.i;=i Listen. Why are the lеtters in 4 Look аt thеsе с аs5.. : -
different lists? your Ianguagе'
1 _-


!, .

ПV Э _.-

sPЕAкlNG Ask iэ*'3:':.:.:: :

Useс|assroo- it:.::r :-. ..] -

Dаrk bIuе: R
Нo|,'. :. ,: - ::. -
1b s Listen аgаin and praсtise saying the lists.

2 : :::.:l.:.-.:. # : ''*"t Listen and writе thе letters. What are

the five words?

3 Write еасh word from 2 in numerаls.


Sfqrter unit
Some Еnglish-speaking сountries and nationalities
1a Сomplete thе tablе with thеse words.

Ameriсan Austrаlian Еnq|and Сanadian lre|and

Сapitа| сity сountry Nationа|ity

[оndоn 1 British or Еng ish

Du blin lrish

Wаshingtоn DС Unitеd Stаtеs оf Аmеriсa 3

ottаwa Сa nаdа 4

Сa n bеrrа А гt.l i.

b *-, Listen, сheсk аnd repeat. 2 Work with a partner. Write a list of other Еng|ish-
speaking сountries. How many сan you think of?

3a Matсh thе questions (.l-4)with thе аnswers (a-d).

] What,s yоur nаmе? a No, ,m Austrаlian.
2 Hоw do yоu spе||yоur nаmе? b
3 Аrе yоu Еng|ish? с Е-М L-I.
4 Hоw оid аrе you? d |,m Еmi y.
3b .'';$ .i.i:}ll Listen, сheсk and rеpeat.

4 i l.i.l:;'.r;1l,1,; ъ# 1 1ri Listen to thе dialoguеs and сhoose the

сorrесt aIternativе.
] Nаmе: Агnу/Агn19
Natiоna ity: I Егt g ! 1sh/Аn е уi са n /Аust уо | t о р
Аgе.. |6/|7

;s '-*5
Listеn and сompIete the dia|oguе.
Bov: Hi, ],m Thomаs' WhatЪ your namе?

G tвL: l'm (a) Niсе to mееt yоu.

Bov: Niсе tо mееt you tоo. Hоw dо yоu spеJi your namе? 2 Namе: Kеtran/Klеrcг
Аgе.. |5/i5
G вi: (b)
Natiоnа ity
Bov; Аrе yоu ЕngIish?
Nо, nоt. ],m Аmеriсan' 5a SPЕAкING Work with а partnеr. Сhаnge thе names, ages
and nationalities in thе diaIoguе in ]. Мake them truе for
Boy: How оld аrе you?
you and your partner. Prасtisе thе diaIoguе,
G qL: |,m 16. Аnd yоu?
-lб 5b SPЕAк|NG Aсt out thе diа|oquе for thе сIаss.
Bov: ],m tоo. Тhis is my friеnd. His nаmе,s Lukе. Hе,s
(с) .
Нi, |,m Аdon. Whоt,s уour namе?

: sPЕAкlNG Work with a partner. Prасtisе thе dialo9ue in 1. Гm Biаnka' Niсе to mееt уou,

Stqrter unit
3 .$ .].:.:..:
Look at the tabIe. Тhеn Iistеn and read
i.l.i,: i:it:.i.;:]

the dialogue. Who is thе person?

To be
1a Look аt the sеntenсes and сomp|еte thе vеrb tаble
,] ,m Тhоmаs. 4 Nо, ],m not'
2 Аrе yоu Eng ish? 5 Shе is my friеnd.
3 Yеs, i am. 6 Hls namе is Lukе.

-' lt
I (a) .......... .;; ;;
You/Wе/Thеy arе English
t]е/Shе/]t (b) .. Еng lish
A: Аrе yоu from Britаll?
Nеo1tiv9 B: No, ],m nоt,

(с) ,'',,,.,,,, Аustra iаn' A: Аrе you |ron trс -Sц?

Yоu/Wе/Thеy аren,t АUstra iaП' B: Yеs, l аm'
.е. o .isn,tД '.'d'd.l. A: Аrе yоu i::.. ::..'. '

B: Yеs, ] аm'
Am Саnаdian? SPЕAк|NG Work with a partnеr. Сhoose a pеr5on from the
(d) \,О t]/1n,е,/th е\i Са nad lа n? tаblе in 3. Сan your partnеr disсover who you arе?
ls hе Соt oО
'no L о
Аrе уou from Britоin?
Short аnswеrs Yеs, I on

\рq /e) '' .

\о' (f'
Subjеct prОnОUns and pОssеssivе adjесtives
Yеs, yоu/wе/thеy arе.

Nо, yоu/wе/thеy aren,t. 5 Look at thе sеntеnсеs. Matсh thе subjесt pronouns
(1_7)with thе рossesive аdjесtivеs (a-g).
Yеs, hе/shе/it is.

Nо, hе/shе/it isn,t' 2 You

1b Matсh the long forms with thеir сontraсtions. з

Long forms: ] аrе 2 arе nоt З is 4 аm 5 am nоL 4
б is nоt 5

Сontrасtions: a,m b,rе сЪ d,mПot eаrеn1 f isn,t 6

GRAilltиAR RЕFЕRЕNсЕ } pаgе 12 ... 7 Тhеy..

- . g -..: ] '':

Сomplete thе sentеnсes with the

сorreсt form ofthe verb to be' 6 Сhoosе the сorrесt а|ternative.
Makе true sеntenсes in thе
аffirmativе or nе9ativе. ;]],:]--. : o
С ass[oom simiiаr? i.€ . a: :- : ) ult
] Wo.еPоo.е,
r. , t)
G) fl-5l-Тhе|r Паmе5 аrе Pr-:---' ].. d . _^еir
fгom Eng|and.
аrе 5'/е 0, о, t. . _ :, ,
f - ;,,-.''' nаmе ls
2 Lе F.l'
9 ,,.,,
, ,' ,, : , , n
.:..е 1s Birminghаm
З od(i)t - :

Storter unit
1 Use the с|oсk on the right to he|p you сomplete

the times.

\\?, ;:il
fivе to Гivе past
I s 5еVеП
Iеn to tеП раst

qUаrtеr to qUа[tеr past

- -ё=/

past еig ht
IWеnry past
|ёП5:Ч5€1 tWеnty.fiVе lЭаst
half pаst

SPЕAк|NG Write five times and ask your partner
7,2o ,/ 1.Зo ,/ 2,|5,/ /2.5o / //.o5
the time.

Whаt timе i5 it?

s \--l
It,s twеntу pаst sеVеn,

з sPЕAкlNG Work with a partner. Ask and answer
1 Whаt tiГnе is it ПoW?
2 Whаt timе doеs this с аss stаri?
З What ti[Пе doеs this с аss еnd?

Days, months аnd ordinal numbers

1 b q$ Listen, сhесk and rеpeat.
1a Сomplete thе tab|e with these words.
2 sРЕAк|}lG Work with a partnеr. Say these
е|еvеnth Februаry fifth Ju|y Junе Маrсh ordinal numbers.
ninth Novеmbеr oсtober seсond Sеptеmbеr seventh 1 lбt.
siХth Sunday tеnth third Тhursdаy Tuеsday Wеdnеsdаy 2 1g'r
5 2t'
Dаys 4 22,,

i \4oпday 'I't first

5 2з..
2 ') ro 7 зО-

8 Зl.
3 sPЕAl(|t'lG Work with а partner. Ask and
4.i, fоurth ansWеr the questions.
5 ,] Whаt dаtе is NеW YеаrЪ Dаy?
2 V/hаt dаy is vоur fаvouritе dаy оfthе

T\ З Whаt is your favouritе moПth?

4 Whаt dаtе is it todау?
Я|i рiпЬth
5 What dаtе is your blrthсjаr,?
f,i 6 Whаt dаtе is it toгlorrо.''.'.,.

I0ti ........ .... .......... What dаtе is Nеw YеаrЗ Dау?

'l t.
I .... ..... .... .. ..
lt,s thе first of Januаry.
'l2t. tw..lfth
Whаt dау is your fаvouritе
dау of thе wееk?
The family
1 Look аt the Jones famiIy tree and rеad the senten(es.
Сheсk that you understand the words in red.
Нave got
1 Look at the sеntenсes аnd сomplеtе the vеrb
tablе below.
1 Мandy has got оnе brоthеi-.
2 Shе hasn,t got a Sistег,
З Has \4andy got сcuslns?
4 Yеs, shе hаs.

] Affirmativе

KfУ| N .J Uс

Маndy hаs got oПе brothеr but shе hаsn,t got a sister'
Мandy,s fаther ]s Сar| аnd hеr mothеr is Dеnisе. Jakе is
\4аndyЪ unсIe' Jаkе,s wife is .Jеnnу. Shе is \,4аndv,s аunt.
grаndparents аrе t_rаnk аnd lt4аrthа' Frank is Jое,s
grаndfather and Mаrthа is his grandmothеr' Jое аnd Katе
arе Маndy,s сousins. Мandy is Jakе,s nieсe аnd Kеvin is
Jakе,s nephеw' Саr ls Dеnisе,s husband. |-rank has got four
grаndсhiIdrеn _ two granddaughters and twо grаndsons'
]oе is Jakе,s son аnd Kаtе is Jаkе,s daughter'

Look at the family tree and сompIetе the sentenсes.

] [аLе is ,ое s
2 Jaе is Сar,s
h>r/оn +

З Dеnisс аnd Саri arе -]ое,s аnd : |o)П

4 f.arl ,l.аL,,

5 Kаtе is \4arthа,s GRA|V]|VIAR RЕFЕRЕI{CЕ l

3 sPЕAкlNG Work with a partner. Drаw your famiIy treе
аnd desсribe it to your partner.
Сomp|etе the sеntenсеs rvith thе сorгесt form of hаve
gof. Writе true sеnten(es in thе affirmativе or nеgaт|ve.
l,vе got two brothеrs. Thеir nаmеs аre Аidаn аnd Bеn.

Basiс desсriptions З Мy l.:..:.
4 Who do thе words dеsсribе, Jakе or Cаrl? 4) :-
| |
5 \l', '' .-:
3 (omp|ete thе quеstions with thе сorrесt form of hаvе got.
blue eyes
Drown еyеs
dark hair
fair hаir
Iong hаir
short ,l ^!-

short hair
4 ^

Jа Kе
t.З* Look again at the Jones family tree
:.i.:.ii.Нiiti.] ф}
and listen to this desсription. Is it Мandy, Kevin, Joe or SPЕAк|NG Work with a partnеr' Tаkе it in s to ask
Kate Jones? and answеr the questions in 3.

Write a desсription of one of the othеr Jones сousins. Нos Аnnе got brown hаir?
Read it to your partner. Do they know who it is? Yеs, snе has.

Stqrter unit
Possesslие Ъ

5 Look at the sentеnсеs аnd deсide if stаtements 6 Put the аpostrophe in thе сorrесt pIaсe in thе sentenсes about
1 аnd 2 are true (Т) or fа|sе (F). thе Jonаs Brothers.
a ,1
Мandy,s graПdpаrеПts arе Frank аnd М]arthа. Тhе brоthеrs nаmеs аrе Joе, 5 ]oshs wifе is саi|еd Аngеiа'
b Hеr grandpаrеnts'Пamе5 аrе t_rаnk аnd lVarthа' Niсk апd Kеvin' 6 Тhе г grandfаthеrs пamе is
с Hеr brоthеr,s еyеs arе brоwn.
Niсks hair is usuaI y |оng. А bеrt.
d Hеr pa[еПts,Пamе5 аtе Dеnisе аnd Саr]' з Тhеir ;эarеnts Паmеs arе Niсk аnd thе оthеr bоys
е ';akе is Jепny,s hlsband. Dепisе аnd Kеviп, a!Пt is а siПgеГ.
Thеir unс еs пагnе is Josh
Аftеr singuJаr Пamе5 ol-ПoUIl5, Wе аО0
dOo. .oO o /3 to .] o\A po5.р5);oГ O. а
taпliy rеlatiоnship.
А|tеr pllral nоuns еnding ln -s, wе just аdd
o. ЭOoS 'oО[. /,t o эi o , pos а si


Demanstrative pronou ns
7a Look аt thе piсtures аnd sentenсes. 7b Look аt thе piсtures and сompIetе thе phrаses with thls,
thot, thеse or those'

1 This is mу sistеr. 2 ThatЪ my соusin

3 Thеse arе my parеnts. 4 Thosе аrе my

g ra ПС] ра rеnts'


Stqrfer unit
Long l.Joge гeferenсe ond Гevision

Тo bе Нave got
Form Form
] ,m (am) t-..'''.--*--
Affirmаtive Amеriсаn' I Affirmative
Vo- \V^ Тiе, re (are) Anе o^,
H:lshе/Ll.: (is) Аmеriсаn.
,m Negаtivе
*.g;,i". not (am not) Amеrrсan.
You/Wе/Тhеy aren,t (аre not) Аmеriсап Hе/5hе/ hasn,t got (has nOt
]t 9.:
Hе S' o т isn,t (is not) Д.'lеt o. ,

Question Have l/yоu/ш,е'lthе' got : : :

Am Аmеriсаn? Has hе/shеi lt 9ot ... ''. - :
l Are yоu/wе/thеy Аmеriсаn?
Isl е shе i1 r1..66. '' Short answers Yеs, |/you/vl,еithе.' hаve
Short answers YеS, am. Nо,
not' Yеs, hе/shеi it has, -
Yes, vоu/wе/thеy аre' No, you/wе/they aren,t.
Yеs, hе/shе/it is' Nо, hе/shе/it isn,t, Use
. Wе usе have got to tа|k abоut thе t- .
:. : :
. \Vе lsе thе rеrb to bе:о сеsсrlbе e pеrSoП,s nаtiоnа|ity, agе,
appеаraПСе, еi.' Possessiye Ъ
. Wе dо not Usе СoПtrаСt]on5 (m rе ,s
еtс') in shоrt aПswеrs'

Subject prОnouns
Jaсk,s sistеr \4y brоthеr,s hа r .. .. ]

Мy brоthеrs, nаmеs
Form Use Use
Singular Plurаl I lt4 t). . Wе usе
indiсаtе poss.: j .

lwе ShеЬ а stиdrиt. . Whеn a noun is p|ura а":. . . j ]

...You You We аre Sшlss, аpоsL оpl.е (.) Lo 'е _. :



Demonstrative pron ouг s

Possessiye adjесtivеs
Form Jsе
Form Use
Singu|ar Plurа| ' :)Е
Singulаr Plural ф иаиe в Robert.
my our Whеre |sуoиr sсhool?
Тhis ls r, Thеsе

your your тI'l^,I

I ИrLr и4lthrr $ 5Pа.ИIsh,
otho Oo -- , .-:.

his/her/its their тhats1, Thos:

brоthеr' сc-s -]

1 Classroom objeсts 2 Colours З D з. :

bоard bоard rubbеr СD p|аyеr сhair Сomputеr dеsk baсL b|uе :.,
dlсtionary notеbоok реП pеnсi pеnсiI shаrpеnеr 0аrL.0|'е g'е
гubbеr rulеr tехtbоok o.dГ gе p
rеd whitе \': .
4 Months 5 Ordinal numbers 6 The family . !:: : ::i:" ;:0Пs
January Fеbruагy first sесоnd third fourth
\,larсh Аpri Маy |ifth siхth sеVеnth еighth
,Llnе .July ninth tеnth еlеvеnth twеlfth
АUCUst sеptеmbе| thirtееnth fоurtееnth fiftееnth
Ос:оbеr siхtееnth SеVеПtееntП
N оr'е
bеr еightееnth nlnеtееnth tvVеntlеth
Dесеl^l.ег tWеnty first thirty first

Storter unit
Tobe Нavegot ] ' ] l, .. ] .,.

1 Сomplete the dia|ogue with the сorreсt form of to be. 2 Complete the diаI09ue with the сorreсt form of hаvе got.

Hnпвv; (d) А еx Eng|ish? onе sistеr.

Аustrа|iа. 5дм: No, shе (е) ' Hеr hair is fаir. Аnd shе

WoRKBooK ) pаge4 /6
WORKBOOK ) page 7 /6

Sub7eсf pronouns, possessiye adjeсtives, possesslye ,s, dlmonstrativе pronouns

3 (hoose the сorrесt aIternаtive.
,] ,m а studеПt. namе is Fе|ipе.
Му/.Q'ц'r. 4 Тh.15/Тfiе.59.аrе my раrеПts.
2 ShеЪ my sistеr. l.ts/Не.r namе is oliviа. 5 Тhе bру\-I.bqу{'namе is Мax'
3 ,vе gоt thrее books. l|/Тhеv arе on thе tаb е' 6 Jаmiе is B.есkу|sl\е-сkуs,brоthеr.

WORKBOOK ) page4,7 / 6 points:

assrОom objесts

Name the сlаssroom objeсts.

WoRкBooK ) pаge 2

/6 tS.

) evs, months, ordinal numbers Basic dеsсriptions

2 Сomp|ete the lists. 4 Complete the desсription with some of these words.
] i,rsL, sесогd, ''' |ouгth
fаir g|assеs |ong

dark moustасhe
short tall

WORKBOOK ) page 5 /s
-^е familу

з Write the сorreсt words.

] Your fathеr,s brothеr is your
2 o -" fаtl.е",s noT^е. is yo-. This rта" s a

3 Yоur аUnt,s Son is yоur

Hе's э:. b

4 Yоur fаthеr,s wifе is yоur

__ a :L

5 You аrе yout.grandfathеr,s

;.].:: ]:'
: u
6 Yo- arе yo-. аUГL s. .' '''
WoRKBooK ) pаge6
WORKBOOK ) page 6 /6 points /s

.::} Presrnt simpIe affirmative l Prеpоsitiоns of timе
ii::ir.p1g5gд1 simp|е nеgativr l 0bjесt pr0n0Uns
l SоhooI subjeсts l Sсhool асtivities l Еverуdаy aсtivities
l Тalking abоut yourself
rAn informalemail

Sсhool subjeсts Sсhool aсtivities

1а Work with a partner. tvlatсh the piсtures with some 4 Mаtсh the piсturеs with somе of thesе words,
ofthesе words. Сheсk that you understаnd thе
other words. Use your diсtionаry if neсessary. ask/аnswеi a quеstion do homеwork finish sсhoo|,с|аssеs)
havе a brеаk havе lunсh sit stand
art bio|ogy сhemistry Еnglish Frenсh stаrt (sсhoo|/с|аssеs)
gеogrаphy ' German
informаtion and сommuniсation teсhnoIogy (|СТ)
maths musiс physiсaI eduсation (PЕ)
physiсs Spanish

5 (omp|ete the sentenсes with informаtiоп ab.э.: , :-
.l s,o.L sсhоо a- ''

2 |\o,е а btеal аt
1b €э :":: Listen and rеpeat. З ''а,р -rсho|..
4 .гshSс-oo dt
2 ii'tтЕ.t+lf'jfi ф з".tэ Listen to five sсhoo| Iessons. Whаt 5 dо l.отеwort
is the sсhooI subjeсt of eaсh lesson?

1 4 .. 6a sPЕAкlNG Look at this sсhool timеtablе, rlr: ""r . ; |=- J-.^-.Р).-.

25 WriteyoиrsсhooI timetablе. Еасh $ГoLЭ rlr" 1i! i -- i:.udy,
Write the names of the lеssons'

SPEAк|NG Work with a pаrtner. Give your opinion of

different sсhool subjeсts. Use these expressions.
Lesson I l Lеsson ]
Y+ I

Iovе it./|t,s grеat. .;: l\4on i1L|ft|у щ
|- :,,..
I love PЕ.
z. l-
Тuеs aе{r,^|'у
ikе it./ tЪ q6оd.
lthink it's ОK' ldon,t
ts oK./ tЪ Пot bаd. :" Тhut \ctlr^tZ i
likе historу'
dог,t ikе it

hаtС .'l, .an,t staПd it' l hatе it! 6b sPEAк|NG Presеnt your timеtaЬlе:;:ге :.:::

Оn |tАnnАntt г'l
Work with а partner. Look аt the photo аnd аnswer the
,l Whо is in thе оhotо?
2 ls thе sсhoо simi ar to yoUr sсhоol?

I Reаd the text. What,s your opinion of sсhoo| |ife in Jаpan?

a lthink it's grrat,
b l think it,s gооd'
с |tЪ 0K
d i don't

':',,t..'.1: :,:. :'',.' :'1.,:',


Jaрanеse seсondary stuсlents stlrdy typ-iсa1 subjесts _ llratlrs,

Еnglislr, history' biology, сlremistry, РЕ' A stlrсlеrlt trortrla111,
str-ldies ten to foLtгtееn subjeсts. Stuсlеnts start tlreir first
сlass at lralfpast eight. Therе arе abollt 30 stuсletrts itl eaсh
Тl,rе str'rdents arе in the s-аm-е сlassroоrrr a]1day. Thе teaсheг
gоes froiт оne сlassroom to another at the start and end оf
the сlass' rrot the students.
At tlrе start ai,rd errсi of the сlass, the studеtrts stalrd for the
tеасhеr When thе tеaсhеr goes. the studеnts talk with their
frietrсis for ten minutes and take thеir books ottt of their
dеsks for thе nехt с]ass.
Тlre str"rrlents have lunсh in tlrеir сlassrootrr. They have a сo1сl
.. - -
lLtI,tсh' nraсlе at home by thеir paretrts, or they havе a lrot
]Lrr,rсlr madе at sс]rоol. Lurrсh ls 45 minlltеs and they'е rs nсl
оtlrеr brеak, ехсept the terr шinutеs at the end ofthe сlass.
lс1PdIleS€ stuсlents fiIrish сlasses at quarter to four. But wherr
l]ler. finish, they g-l-е-qn the dеsks, the wirrdows arrd. t]re bоard
.\ftеr tl,rey firrish сlass, the stLldents go to after.sсlrool сlubs.

заd the tехt again. Are these sentenсes true (Т) or false (F)
Mаtсh the чn.der!i!еd. words in the text with these piсtures
' s the information not mentioned (NM) in thе tеxt? аnd definitions.
::-:^еsе stUdеnts havе vеry unusuа| sсhoо
1 еqUal to somеtniПg
'-:сl:s. т/f i'ii'l 2 not hot
]. ; assеs, thеy havе 45 studеПts With oПе 2
-.:-:'. т/L/|:||)/1

. : .Jdеnts stаnd fоr thе tеасhеr аt thе start of

. :rrOn. т/Fit'|!'li

- j.-.еnts аnsWеr tеП qUеstioПs ]n a сlass. Г/7|'r||

- ..-,]еnts hаvе ]unсh in thе sсhool Сafеtеriа Т/t=/||I!
4 normа , Ust',]а|
. ] . -,]еllts hаvе a brеak in thе aftеrnоon. т,/F/i''|ii4,
siudеnts с еаn сlassrооm | /Е/|''| |'li

s..ldеnts dо homеwоrk аt six o,с|осk

: Г:Оrе lmрortaПt to giVе yоur оpiniоn оr to

lfоrmatiоn in thе tеxt? 5 sPЕAк|NG What aboutyoи?

ЕXAMsuссЕss } рage158 things iп Jаpаnеsе sСhOo s а lur sсhоol?
things arе dif|еrеnt?

We stаrt оt hаlf past Wе оrеn,t in thе sаmе

еight,likе in Jаpоn. С|аssroom аII dау.

2a .* :..:i Look аt thе vеrbs аnd Iisten.
Prеsent Саn you hear the differеnсе in their endings?
si m p| е aff irmative
.l ls/ stаrts likеs аsks
a Look at the sentenсes. When do verbs in the

present simple finish in -s?

2 lzl с|еans qоеs dоеs
,l З lпl finishеs Watсhеs rеlаxеs
Тhеy study typiсal sub;есts.
2 Wе с|eаn thе с аssroom' 2b ;$ Listеn again and praсtise saying thе words.
3 Теасhеrs teaсh аnd studеnts |eаrn.
4 You go frоm on.. u'',ooй to anоthеr.
3 Сomplеte thе sеntenсes with thе prеsеnt simp|e form of
these verbs.
5 lfinish с|аssеs аt quаrtеr to fоur.
6 ltstarts at half pаst еight. answеr ask do finish go
7 Чр studies histоry. hаtе Iovе start Wrltе
8 Sсhool finishes аt qUаrtеr to four'
5hе doеs hеr homеlvorк' 0uг sсhoо '
- ng.
Мy friеnd
t b Are thesе sentenсes truе (T) or false (F)?
,l Wе usе thе prеsеrt simpiе tо tаlk аbоlt
оQulo. . . .( -' . : dСL o. s,

т/F Б lt4y sistеr

2 \А/е .lsе .lе prеsегt simpiе to taIk аbout
In lСs l..аt erе a V/ays or UsUа||y tr[,]е' т/Г
Whеn sсhоol

7 lcrr:l rl tЬо tд;сl.:'


4 Сomplеte the text with the prеsent simple form of the verbs given.

I ta),.,..',,.,,.'',.,,','..', (|оvе) my sсhоo . Мy first сlass (b)

and it,s nuс]еar physiсs. Мy friеnds аnd | (с] t^.. -
lo)\ -

Аftеr two hоurs, thе tеасhеr (d)

UП Vеrsе

f (Writе) еnсyсJоpaеdiаs. osСar (sl

,.еn sСnoo (h) (|inish) but in thе еr/еr].Г]
] or tnrее hоurs. Yеs, wе a Ithlnk ]:hаt olrr S:.:: .:. ].

Unit I
Prеpasitions of time
5 Look at thе sеntenсes and сomp|ete the
rules with on, ot or in.
a Stldеnts start thеir |irst с|ass аt ha f past

b Тhеy go to sсhoo on Sаturday.

Тhеy gо in thе morпing'
o Wе start sсhooI in Sеptеmbеr.
е SсhоoI starts on /t. Sеptеmbеr.
f Wрdo,o.olor| аt qrt'
I Тhеy havе с|аssеs аt thе wееkеnd.
n Тhе nеxt О ympiс Gamеs is in 2О12.
Wе usе With dаy5'
z Wе usе Wltn t Гnеs.
З Wе usе with mоnths.
4 VVе U5е with dаtеs'
Wе Us.o With pаrts of thе daу
\ГnОrnIng, оftеrnoon, еvеning)
Wе Usе with лцhtand rhе
Wе usе with yеars'

i€!щ'щ4! щщ'EДщ } рagе24 )

6a Jsе thе tаb|e to writе true sentenсes. Remеmbеr to

эut thе vеrb in the сorrесt form.

Рrеposition of
Su bjесt Vеrb objeсt

go (tо) sсhоо

ct rdrz (to) worK

'l.l U ГП

.riеnds С]еa П Еng 1tsh

.аmily еа [n IПе ПoUsе
,-J wаtсh hоmеwоrk
r-Ot E )ld t l._rеnсh
Фаrt of thе
] Оoo thе TV dоу, or

=ld night)
fin is h DVDs

00 to sсhool

дь SPЕAк|NG Сompare sentеnсеs with othеr students.

'.lhiсh senten(es arе simiIar?

I go to sсhool аt quartеr to nine'

So doеs mу friеnd!

Му mum wаtсhеs DVDs in the еvеning'

to pгaсtisе nеW graГnmаr that

sтUDysK|LLs > page156
Еiсhool life in the U}<
lnternatiвnal gшltшra8 kжвwl*dge :

Seсondary sсhools in Еnglаnd

., ,.,.i:jjr-.: .. r:-.t.

Look аt this tab|e of the English еduсation systеm.

What things arе similar or different in your сountry?

Read the text. Are seсondary sсhooIs in your сountry

similar to English sсhoo|s?

'i.. *-
:' .'' : :i .'i.i :,':*lt

Еvеr1Ъod1-studiеs Еnglish' maths and sсiеnсе up

tо thе agе ol 1б. Тhеsе subjесts arе соmpulsory In
thе fi'rst yеars o[ sесоndary sсhoo1' studеnts havе
l2 dilfеrеnt subjесts.
90% о{ studеnts go Lo Сomprсhatsiуе sсlroo]s.
Сompтеhеnsivе sсhoоls arе Statе sсhоо1s rvhiсh
aте opеn to а]l studеnts.

in Еngland, prlvаtе sсhools arе publiс сalirеd }. At 1б, Еnglish studеnts takе natiOn;
sсhооls, or tпdчendеnt sсhools. lndеpеndеnt, сai1еd GСSЕs. GСSЕ mеans Gеnсl...
sсhoo1s aТе \IеIy еxpеnsivе. Оn]iу 7oЬ оf studеnts Sесondary Еduсatlon.
go to thеsе sсhools'
АГrеr GСSЕs. it is possiЬlе i. -. :.-,
Тhеrе is onе sulэjесt in Еnglish sсhools that isn,t Studеnts w.hо stay at sсhо.^. :..--..- .:
vетy usual in othеr сountriеs. ItЪ сallеd Dеsign form.\ou study thе suЬiс.-.. . .' ,:

and Тесhnоlogy (D & Т). Whеn yоu study this subj есts аrе соmpuisоn , s ..: :. :. :,

. -, .

suЬ.;есt . yоu studr diГГегеnL rhings likс loоd. ог Гouг sub.;есts' Тhсr. .,....,, :.,

thеsе subjесts. Тhе сr:-.::.. -.]:

tехtilеs and mзtеrials and еlесtгoniс pгоduсts -.
(Advanсеd ].еvеlsl. jl
{n Еnglаnd, pаrеnts саn сeасh thеiг сhildrеn
r-- ir
at hоmе. Тhis is сaIIеdhomе sсhoolring' Abоut :'. Еnglish sесondaгr- sсhс.-. ...-.....:--'.


50,000 сhi1dтеn stl-rdy at homе and not ai sсhoоl' thеlr tеaсhеrs 5it- 1fr.l ::.-.:. . '"] .. i ll


3 Matсh the words with thе сorreсt informаtion. sPЕАкlhG What аbout you? .....

j ,'..,. j .:-.:::']. сis:соndаrv]...

Infоrmation ^
:----: r-;.^;.

a D&Т Тhе lаst pаrt ofsесondаry sсhоo|, for studеnts frоm ]6 Lс zI -

-- --:- :: .:. ..o!Е
.::-::. .] ...

А |еvе] Yоu pay to go to this typе оfsсhооJ. -. -..-.'].lу sсhоols.

- -. - .. -' '.';.: . - .:; j]эUt your

з Yоu do thеsе nаtiоnа| еxams whеn you finlsr. s ' -^
:.-.- .-..:.,:

d pubIiс sсhоо| .:..:j.lПеr.

z+ Тhis subjесt lооks аt things likе с|оthеs ani .:: :,
е соmprеhеnsivе -:.
5 Yоu dо thеsе nationa| еxаms whеn уоu э.:

t homе sсhooIing 6 Тhеsе аге statе sСhoo|s. Тhеy arе fоr а s.-;=.-.,
s Siхth form 7 Тhis is whеn studеnts hаvе lеssоrs а. ..-^: ^:.... s ; эod.

!thinkDc-:э. . :t tnl <t lЬioсf

t8 Unit I
at thе piсtures and
talk about them.
n Work with a partner. Look
Prеsent SlГF0' С геgariye
Where are the pеople?
1 Look at thе si::егсэs аnd
.lrеs ..,,
ith don,tor
сomplеtе ihе
doе'n i'
e doni ' -
b - donl
с _. doеsn:
d . donjаа.

e : sw

usе the
Aftеr doл t or doеsл,t wе
verb rvithout

";.-" l
with don,t or
2 Сomрletе thе sеntеnсеs






l I
8 l ..-.. '..' . сlеan mу bеdroоm


about eduсation'
Listen to four people talking
2 ф r.rт

in 1. Тherе are fivе piсtures


1 Matсh the people Щ:;j';;;

but onlY four sPeakers'



3 Mаkе the sеntеnсеs negative.

l ,] -':-.-- .аЕеrrari.
with A, B, С or D.
з ф listеn again. Answer the questions . l ,!,:l:,! l.. t,, sсhoo| iи
а Ferrаri,

'. .... .еn bоoks a daу'

, ' .-.,.:-]сlass? :' .'.
- ^ -'..i p1aуs сomрutеr gamс
.. ,:.':
- . . .
. ...h ТV at / am'
r - t -* +^- ^'rlnrlr
j lО UсU dL Lсll w

. ^
.. tЬo
t] rl U ' ''''

._r/ ln thе aftеrnoon'

4 Look at the piсtures. Writе sеntenсеs with the affirmativе 5а \l/rite truе sеntenсеs about you and your routines. Use
or negative form of thе prеsеnt simplе. the words in thе tab|е to he|p you. Make thе sеntenсеs
affirmativе or negative'
/ doи,t hаre a showеr аt иiqht'
/ hаre а shopver ш the шoiиlиq.

Vеrb l Noun

р|aу | rV
сompUtеr gaГnеs
qеГ Uр l ь.а
, l Г^^'^ -
ttA ^ |LUUur
qО [О
U ПСl-]

sb SPЕAк|NG Work with a partnеr. Rеad your sentеnсеs to
your partner. Thеn tеII thе сIass about your partner.

Аnnе doеsn,t havе а showеr оt night,

Shе hаs а showеr in thе mornino,
1у 0aСl work аt 3 о,с oсk. (stаrt)

Оbjeсt pronouns
6а Look at the sentenсes. Are the words in greеn and
red subjeсt or objесt pronouns?
a iih* tа ks tо mе. l ]istеп tо hеr'
b Т1;;.эу ikе us. i, * |ikе them.
с ii:* hatеs you' ii*t't dоn,t ikе him.

6b Matсh the subjeсt аnd objeсt pronouns in thе table'

at fivе о,с oсk' (gеt up)

a you

l you b hеr

hе с it

4 snе о lте

5 it tnеm

Wе nt'
.'.lОo V/е .'''.'''.''.''' СompUtеr gamеs. (рia,V)

GRAtvltvlAR RЕtЕRЕNсE ) :..:. _

again using an objесt Pronoun,


tо sсhoо| by сar. (gо) 5-

i l:i :.:l irt Listen to a new studеnt introduсing
himse|f to thе с|аss. (omplеte the notes with thesе words.
D,i.r,:,e rit
аrt gamеs fifteen PЕ
сomputеr sсhool
I -,ar.i

sсiеnсе tеnnis twеnty university "1n*''

Nаmе: ...'.,Adam.Мj|.Lеl .....

From: .Q-nta't.lo,.С-a na.da. . .

Pаrеnts, names: jaсk аnd А|iсе . О-ntatip-. С

Brothers аnd sistеrs: Katiе _ (а) ..-...'',,.. yеars

oId . studiеs at (b)
o ivia (с) yеars о|d _
stUdiеs аt ih]s Ldl
Favourite subjeсts: le
f аnd musiс
2b SPЕAк|NG Work with a partner. one of you is the tеaсhеr
Iikе: s
Doеsn,t rеаIly
аnd thе other is thе student. Praсtisе thе сomplеtеd
After sсhool: p ar's h
:lс:s^.::.. i

3 Look at thе diaIogue аgain and f ind an еxаmpIe sеntеnсe

for еaсh word in thе Speаking Bank.
2a What does Adаm say to the tеасhеr? Сomplеte the
dialogue with thе sеntеnсеs (.l-6) bеlow. onе аnswer does
not appear in thе dialoguе.
Useful words for linking ideas
Твдснгп; \,ou,rе nеw in thе с аss .'. : ..,:3., Те; 'ls sоn.еthing . Аddition: аnd 1hqrз a.ohpw-еr rцd' qеt dr-е;аol,
abоut yoursе i Whаt's \.Cl. ^3.l.€ э.. ''.. r:i.е а'е . Сollrast: bul
yоu from? . Rеason: bесаusе.
Aoдм: (а) . .. ... .. '. .
. Соnsеquеnсе: so

Тгдснсп: Tе|l us аbout yоur family.

4 Сomplete the sеntenсеswith аnd, but, bесаuse or so'

Aвдм: (b),.
] |оvе histоry hatе gеоgrао^ ',
2 doг,, LеDг' l.П Vеl'y 0а. i. j:-

3 i gеt up, hаvе а showеr )-О'

ТгдснEп: What about sсhoо ? What аrе yоur favоuritе 4 l\4y mathstеaсhеr is vеry gооtl .
subjесts? еvеrythiпg'
, .
]: ' ': ri nutеs
6 | spoak Frег, t '- -.:: - , ,'
7 \4y friеnd ls Аmеrlсаn :t__,,)t_ t - -, -t

5a sPЕAкlNG Work in pairs. studеnt A: ).оi; аlе thе tеaсhеr.

Ask the questions in 2. Studеnt B \,o; э.е::s 5tUdent.
Usе the information on oаoе ]67

5b Whеnyoufinish, сhangе roIеs. S:-::.: ]: *s: ihе

informаtion on pаge 167,

p ay tеnnis dоn,t p ay сompUtеr gamеs bесausе don,t lkе

Practiсe makes рerfесt

thеm muсh'
] gеt Up at qUаrtеr to еight. hаvе a shоwеr and gеt drеssеd. 6a SPЕAк|NG Мakе notеs аээ-: ,: -' ' :*t sсhool
I havе brеаkfаst and thеn gо to sсhоо| b1u сar with Гny 0аO' subjeсts you |ikе !gг .| r,3 ;. ; и :. ;о аftеr sсhooI.
l\4y parеnts, ГlаГПеs аrе Jaсk аnd А iсе. |,vе got two siStеrs.
Тhеir nаmеs arе Kattе аnd OIiv]a' Kаtiе is 20 yеars о d' Shе
6b Work with a сe.:.е", ].: :J ,: -' l 1i:::еr and asks
quеstions. Т.е эt.:" ;Ё-::- :: i : -.. =
stUdiеs аt univеrsity. О ivia is l5. Shе соmеs to this sсhoоl'
Тhеy,rе oK, but thеy аrеn,t my favоuritе subjесts. I dоn,t rеа||y
Iikе sсiеnсе.

| оvе sport 5o rеa y ikе PЕ Аnd I ikе art аnd musiс. ,Гn
at art' | ]]kе drаwing and painting'
Mу nаmе,s Adam, Аdam Mil еr. ],m frоm Оntаriо, in Саnа;.
# r*€
lJ''ъ ъi1

l'u nu.",. N,4ark Johnson' |,m from Englаnd. l'vе

got two brothers. Wе |ivе in Birmingham'
lеrr'S a рhotо
of mе with my fami|y. |'vе got bluе
ъ .}

еуеs and fair hair. N/y hair is short. l'm thin but |'m :t
l.lоt vеry ta||. ,. I
go to a lэig сomprеhеnsivе sсhoo| сa||ес] Nеvzfiеlс .€;i
|tl]yfavourite subjесts are lCТ and Span1sh' l dоn t
Kе maths оr physiсsl I havе Spanish on Моnсla.,s
..^о ;*
Wеdnеsdaуs. Агd I hаve рhysrс s 01 J.;еS .-: ,

end Fridays, 5X-t

grt Uр at ha|f рast Srvrn on sсhool сlays. 1 wa k
о sсhoo| beсausе it,s only tеn minutеs away' Аftе.
-]Сrroo| | рlay footba||. l havе dinnеr with my рarеПts
:.t about ha|f past siх'
."/ritе baсk soon. Те|| mr about yoursеlf'
Зеst wishеs,

-оok at the еmail. Whiсh pаragraph (a-d) ...

. Look at Mark,s еmail again and сomp|еte the informаtion
-:itlеs bаsiс infоrmаtion about Мark апd his famiIy? in the Writing Bаnk.
- .,' аoouГ \,/dl, агd thоо'r

: : ilеs a physiсаi dеsсriptiоn оf t\4ark?

- j Vеs informatiоn abоut Mark,s dаily rоutinе?
Bеgin with
-cok at the emаi| аgain. Whеn do wе use сapitaI |ettеrs in
U5е сontraСt]oПs,
: lglish? Сhoose the сorreсt answеr5. , naI l hаvе got.
.' To finish, writе Witе bасk аnd Bеsr
th Паmеs and surnаmеs
- . th сitiеs

: ]th сountriеs
_ ith паtiоnаlitiеs аnd languаgеs
'. о|thе fanriy
. .h days and ПloПths Look аt the task and write the еmail' Inс|udе a|| thе
_ th thе first pеrsоn singular proПoUП
information. Use Mark,s еmail as a modеl and usе сaoital
|еtters аnd words аnd eхprеssions from the Writing Bank.
: .. thе start of а sеntеПСе

You reсeive an еmail from а bо.i ^

'.. rules for сapitаI |ettеrs аrе diffеrеnt in your
r iсh
the email' !nс|udе n.oг-а: :. z.
=.э э.] Rеэ', iо
-. r g uagе? . your family - '.,

,'.itе thе sentenсеs

. youг hair' еуеs. еtс'
аgain using саpital letters whеre . your ]Кеs anc с S (эS э: sэ^эc
-. сеssаry. . yc'.;. ro!t rе
.: саpitаJ оf sсоt and is еdinlэurgh'
. . Пamе is susаn jоhnsоn and i,m from аustrаliа.
. . brоthеr studiеs еng ish in mаnсhеstеr'
_ -эbеrt british o[ аП.]еriСаn?
- tuеsdаy, i study frеnсh.
LongUoge гefeгenсe ono1..revlston
Prеsent simp|e affirmativе
Form . With vеrbs thаt :..:
Affirmativе |/Yоu/Wе/Тhеy stаrt аt 9 o'с]oсk' PIа)/ - PIа)/s 54st - -,',.',-.

......'''.--'..' .. i
не/s.h9/ t starts аt 9 о,сiосk.
Spelling Wе-.еIГеp".';. , _.
. \A/е usuаlly add s to thе vеrb. 1 ^g. а'lob..а .,

lle _ /;Lеs ша/k - wа//<s We stиф паths oи t\4сl:,'''.,'"-.'

. Wе аdd еs to Vе[bs thаt еnd in .s, -sh, -сh, -x Нс и,аtihеs DVDs еl (fi :,..-.:'-: ...,
puаtсh _ uvаtсhes шаsh _
-аshеs 2 pеrmаnеntsituаtiоls
/<iss - Itssеs
. Wе аdd es to thе vеrbs go аnd do'
Теqchers trасh аиd stulс,':-, :,...,

Bаkes сry t/thсу аrс h',,..,,-.
lo !0еs do - doсs
. With vеrbs that еnd in сonsonant + y, \^/е on-]it thе y and аdd iеs.
/1o to bеd и,heи / ауи ,ll-

stиdу - stиdtes сrу _ спеs

Prepositions of timе
We use: on .."'!
tn dаys
in ,t. -- aa'.. :'-^. -:.. oи rИoиdау oи Sииlаv
, ll
lи thе иorи|и1, и thе аrtеrиooи, lи the еrеИllу 'lvlth datеs
^.Jh , /!r
Jаииаrу, 6.

l.О:.i.s oи 2o', NсL с

\',i/itn 'i|(: '
ш Sеpteпbец ш Deсeиbеr аt W tn tirnеs

W|tn yеаr5 аt 6 oL/oc/<, аt teи to сlеl сt:

tи /11f, ш 2o|/ with night and the wееkend
аt иght, аt thе шееtrеиl

Prеsent simplе negative

Wе usе doеsn'tll'tlIh l:t€ l. ',.] :-.- hе shе/it)'
Negаtive ] l/Yоu/Wе/Тhеydon,t(donot)startаt9oсoсK' ьГ ^' don,t a doesn,t - -
l Hе/Shе/tdoеsn,t (does not) start аt9 oс oсK. (Without -s) еg go, сlеon' stаrt

Оbjесt pronouns

Singulаr Use
lте US
Нe puаtches t oи TV'
Нe /вteиs to rиe.
She ta/trs to theуи,
hlm/hеr/i1 tnеПl

1 Sсhool subjeсts 2 school aсtivities | з Evегydаy activitiеs

аrt blо оgy сhеmlstry ЕnglLsh
Frеnсh gеоgraрhy Gеrmаn histоry 0o ПomеWol.k
. o .l с .o. с.О -uгi.o ioг -.сlro|og) 'С]' . эГ
ro^ l sql 99 6
mаtns mlslс physiсa| еduсаtion (PЕ) ПаVе а Drеак
physiсs Spаnish ПaVе UПСn
sit stа.l;
stаrt (sсh:: . ...-

i4 0ther words aПd phгases ) :-.:.. l4б

24 Unit I
resent simplе affirmative Prepasitians af time
1 Look at thе piсturеs аnd write about what Ethаn does on 2 Сompletе thе sеntenсеs with lл, on or аt.
Sundаy. Use the (orrесt form ofthese verb phrasеs. 1 | gеt Up tеn о,с осk.
Sаturday gо tо bеd
do homеwork gеt Up go to bеd

hаvе а showеr p|ay footbа|| wаtсh TV

3 rеad n gnt
4 t,s mybirthdаy .'..' /t' Fеbruаry.
5 lhаvе Еng|ish iеssоns thе еVеnrng.

WoRKвooK ) page,|2 /5 poin:ti.

Present simple negative

^аr and his friеnds Еthа n
3 Writе sеntеnсеs using thе nеgativе form of thе present
Srnday morning.
''''; " ;
аtt..r lootnаl
1 Usаin Bо t/р]аy tеППis'
2 ll,gеt uэ in thе аftеrпoоп
3 l

4 'qo
o- Гiгi.' s.iо ,o. 1

Еthа n o My grаndfathег/wаtсh TV а dау

э f past tеn on Sunday on Sundаy аftеrnоon WoRKBooK ) pagе 15 /6 points

Оbjесt pronouns
4 Look at thе subjeсt pronouns and writе the сorreсt objeсt
.- аnd his brоthеr 6 Еthаn аnd his brоthеr ,l З Wе. 5 shе
2h."4 you 6 thеy
. pаst ninе оn Sundау al - О- о. S-rdol е ^.l .L.

,',ORKBOOK ) page l2 /6 points WORKBOOK ) page 15 /6 points

,. -Эl subjects
гite the sсhool subjeсts that mаtсh the piсturеs.

WoRKBooK ) раge 10 /6poi

-эl activities
i ritе verbs in the сorreсt form to сomplеtе thе aсtivities.
. . Oеop е s.''''',.''',''',,'',,.'',,.' sсhоо аt 9 о,с осk ]. -i.. '.- ,
ЕVеr\,da'' a.l: /.iies
. sсhоo
| . . .. . , thе studеnts qо lоr..: 3 Сomp|еtе thе еvеryday aсtivitiеs with vowels.
эfstudеntsh |uпсhаtsсhос 1 . .. .' ]- 4 m k d ПП |

my hоmеwоrk in thе еvеn lс 2 5 g t ndr ss . ..0

lгеесassеs,wеh аlэrеаk 3 :., кi 5t 6 g t sсh l]у D. 5

,',ORKBOOK ) page'10 WoRKBooK ) page .lз /6 points

) Adverbs of
) treetime aсtivitlеs
frequenсy > Artrс|еs
> P|aсеs tl ;: . ; :-,',.
aking ) Asking fоr infоrmatiоn оn thе pn:..
) An аnnоunсеment

Free-time aсtivities




1а Work with а pаrtner. Mаtсh the photos with somе of these

i.:.]::'||i;.i:.] .$ : ..... Listеn to four diа|oguе5. Matсh the
words. Сhесk that you undеrstand the other words.
dialogues with the frеe-timе aсtivitiеs (a-g).
сhat onIinе things dаnсе do sport
сollесt 1 Dio|оg 'е l

draw go out with friеnds Iisten to musiс 2 D'а oguо

play а musiсa| ;nstrumеnt rеad surf thе |ntеrnеt З Dаoq-а
takе photos wаtсh fiIms 4 Diа|оguе 4

a watсhing films
1b $ :...... Listеn аnd repeat. b istеning to mUsiс

2 Whаt freе-timе aсtivity or aсtivities are assoсiated with с surfing thе |ntеrnе.
these words? d taking phоtоs
,] са mеrа е dгаwlng

2 pеnсi f сhatting оnlinе

ЗtD g Oаnс|n9

СompIetе the sеntenсеs vlith tгuе information about you
5 bоо I ].lаОо*i.lД, аnd your freе.timе aсtivitiеs,
6 guitаt., piаllо I oVе
7ba 2 tiG
8 сomputеr 3 thlгi
3 sPЕAкlNA Тell your partner when you do thе free-time 4 dс.. ..
aсtivitiеs in ]. 5 'r--
I surf thе lntеrnеt at thе wееkеnd. SPЕAк|NG \Vork.,.. :l. э ;:.:... tэ*рarе your answers
from 5. Hol'. s'- э. э.: , : -.
l rеаd аt night'

l don,t сollесt things.

: ,. ','ctсhing fiImя
I listеn to musiс when I do my homеwork,

Unit 2
i ,'/ork with a partnеr. Look at the photo and the title of thе
:ехt. What сan you seе? What do you think this pеrsonЪ
- obbv is?

i ']] pnotos, piсturеs and titlеs hе|p yоu bеforе yоu rеad
sтUDYsK|LLs > page.l 56

:еаd this interview with the teenager

in the photo. What is
.е. hobby? Why is the
bookTwilightspeсiа|for her?

.;'.'',l.i:]l''..,.;]liiill*l*:;:i1;:..''.',''-,...-'.-',......;'il* rП

1оtlr xe&&&&es
i'-*з. what,s уоur sрeсial tlоblзy?
. - :эoks'
r .. jo уоu сo!!eсt bgоlss? E* уoш likе rеading? fэ

-- 1ovе rеading. But ldon't геad thе tэooks ln my.сgj|c!:q] \*

rr.. .оt?
. : ' э сopiеs . of гny favouгitе bool<s onе to сo|lесt and onе to

*.:..: rou got a favourite bоо}t in уошr соlleсtiоrз?

.Эi a сopy оf Тwtlightby Stеphеniе Мeyеr: Pеоplе pay $4,000
- -'. ^ow.

flr.*r 1o peoрle рaу so lттuсh?
' ]: veгy populaг, еspесially bесausе of thе film' And
.^е bool< is З
- - _ s vегy -difГiс-Чlt to find. lt s
a |iг9!-eQ$ign lt's got thе authoг,s

. thе datе of thе b,ool<'s P-!qЦ-C-qtlql Nowthеге aге millions

'- .-:':.rd
- :: :'Twi|lghtin thе woгld. But I thin|< only sеvеnty
. . -..hе f iгst еdition, Тhе good thrng is that thеsе books arеn't
- . , ]- buy thеm whеn thеy fiгst appеan

{\1n9 :: rou knoц, if a bgol* is a еdition?

. :. .е lгst pagеs, thе bool<s usually havе a list of numbеrs'


1,т*. " эur сopу оf Тwiliglзt, have yвшr nаme in it?

lf a book has a namе ln it, othег -сqil.c-с]-sri don't want
: :::^
is spесial for mе
' '' --.a_. sn't vегy impoгtant to mе' Тhis bool<
, . .: ] ' е thе stoгу' l only сollесt books that l lovе rеading.

unir 2
Prеsent simple - yesino questions and short answers
1a Lookat thе questions аnd short answers. Mаtсh 1b Arе these sеntenсes true (T) or faIsе (F)?
questions 1 аnd 2 with thе answers (a and b). 'l Wе usе doеs with hеЬhе/it aэd do t,.''l... .- Г/F
1 Do you like rеading? othеr subjесt proПoUПs.
2 Doеs thе boоk have your nаmе in 2 n quеstiоns, do оr does соmеs bе|оrе t[ е т/Г
a Yеs, lt doеs'/No, ]t doesn,t'
su bjесt'

b Yеs, I do,/No, don,t'

? |n <hn' l .nq\^
or )vvLОl(r. \^
vv-о rоl
ql dl,| т/F

ii:'1.]].]:r.,]:,''.,i1:':r''''}].]'.:.''r':].':.?.'1''r.'........\..',':'....:',:]..]:1.:]...;]]!.l::.: |..,rr||..:'......'у}?,..ll,].::rr;:,:.
...,...'.: ].1
'.;}' ''::.-.]]&{l ]..:::.9l '::]:::1] ]:..'] .


2 Complеte thе quеstions with Do or Doеs'

1 you ikе rеаding?
2 yo!r
Prеsent simp|e _ Wh- questiОns and
П-]Um rеad mаgаzinеs?
questiОn Words
з yоur friеnds rеad соmiсs?
4 this book havе yоur namе in it? 5a Look at the quеstions. Notiсe where question

pеop е rеаd а |оt in your соuntry? words Iikе Whу, Whаt and How go in a quеstion.

6 you rеad whеn you hаvе a brеаk a Why do you сo||eсt bооks?
аt sсhоo ? b How do vоu know if itЪ a first

7 yoUr tеаСnеr givе you boоks to

5b Look аt thе question words (1*7). Сhесk that you
rеad fог hоmеwork?
understand their mеaning.
3 sPЕAкlNG Work with а partnеr. Ask and аnswer the 1 Why? 5 Whо?
quеstions in 2. Use short answеrs to rеply. 2 How? 6 Whеn?

4a sPЕAKlltlG Look аt thesе aсtivities. Prepare quеstions to ask

3 What? 7 Whеrе?

pеople in your с|аss. 4 Whiсh?

Drlуoи jet иp аt siх oblock? GRAMMAR RЕFЕRЕNсЕ pagе з6

> ]

6 o'сLoсK
6a Сomplеte the quеstions with the сorreсt word in
qa out with nv frtеnds.
do yоu dо at thе wееkепd?

Aт тHЕ I

AмЕRIсAN тV WЕЕKЕND dо yоu gо?

РRoGRAммЕs I go to thе сinеmо'
do yоu gо thеге?
ril Bесаusе l Iavе wаtсhing ftlms'
dо yоu gо thеrе7
сot\4PUтЕR SтUDY oN
I gО 0у 0U5.
ЕNGLIsH sUммЕR do yoU go thеrе?
сA^^P Usuа||у оn Sоturdау еvеning, оt аbout 6 a,сloсk

dо yоu оо lvth?

I ga with nу friеnds, StеVе c.|c i\,iacdу.
PLAY тHЕ I ms оо 1.оl waiсh, аdvеnturе оr соmеdy?
LISTЕN Тo GUIтAR Wе wаtсh аdvеnturе |iItтs.
мUslс FRlЕNDs oN 6b ф};';"l Listen, сhесk and rеpeаt the quеstions.
FRIDAY 7a sPЕAкlNG Use somе of the quеstions from 6 to intеrview
your pаrtnеr about whаt they do at the wееkend. Prepare
fivе morе quеstions to аsk your partner about what they
4b Ask different peoplе in thе сlаss the questions. Find а do in their frее time.
different person in the сlass for eaсh aсtivity. Write thеir
name in the square. 7b Ask your partnеr thе questions.
7с Now tеlI the сlass аbout your partner.

Аnnе plays nеtbaIl at thе wеekеnd' Shе

plауs аt sсhool, Shе аlso goеs to ...

Unit 2
a town

,{ ,'vith a pаrtner. Matсh

: thе photos with somе of
' .:;э words. Сhесk that you undеrstand the
2b# G'.1Ё Listеn and сheсk.

: .
Js' Use your diсtionаry if neсessary. 3а $ Listen to the words again and put them in the
(orreсt сolumn.
-:_a fаst-food restaurant Iibrary
:: shopping сentre sports сentre Ооо оОо Joоо ООоо
-: :
."n swimming poo| theаtrе
С nеГna Гаst fооd

Э -] Listen and repеat. rеsIа u ra Пl

j thе desсriptions. Whiсh plaсes are desсribеd?
., .аn buy thiпgs thеrе. shopptи7 сеиtre
- . .an rеаd lэooks аnd takе bооks olt thеrе.
- ' .ап watсh fl|ms thеrе.
- . '' :аn еаt bUrgеrs or pizzas thеrе.
: .- :аl.l swim thеrе'

'аl pIay baskеtbаlI or fооtbа thеrе'

3b sPEAкlIt|G Praсtise saying the words with the сorreсt strеss.
:аП 5ее a pIay оr lstеП to сonсеrts thеrе,
: :аl wаtсh footbal mаtсhеs, sрorts еVеПts or 4 sPЕAк|N0 TеlI your partnеr thrеe plaсes from .l thаt you likе and
- :еl-:s tnеrе. three plaсеs from 1 you don,t Iikе.
- - ., :аn sее paintings and о d objесts аnd еаrп аbоut
I likе the сinemа but l don,t like the thеаtrе.
-r'ir lf g1g.

. . ., :аt-l waIk, р аy sрort, Гnееt friеnds апd sее trееs

. .:о'оlегsthеrе.
l likе spart so l lovе going tО thе park.
тilтrGl сlL|Ё in l\levrr Zealand
&rgss-сшrriсш!ar * &eograрhу
New Zeаlаnd fасts

\$ Nеw Zeаland is in thе

At|antiс Oсean.
1 Work with а pаrtner. Read this information
about It is 2,000 kilorтetrеs
from Australia.
New.Zealand. Can you find any informаtion
whiсh has threе bi9 islanсls.
is NoТ сorrесt? |f you don,t knЬw, 3.^1','9 Еvеryone сatts t1''e-
guess. ,},.^1
Islаnd, Еast lslano
2 :'.l1:.1:,N:In anJ s'oiin i,"йo. ,,.
: i.:;.i.,{]i'i1.i
ф ;.;': Listen to a radio programmе otttсtа|Iy, thеy сlo not havе names.
аbout New Zеalаnd. Find and сhаnje.й.i" о Тhе сapital сity of
inсorreсt information in 1. Nеw Zea|anс| is Аuсl<lаnd.
о New ZеalanсJ is th е
samе sizе as Italy or
3 Now writе сorreсt informаtion
about New Zea|аnd |(ingdorn. thе United
for these topiсs.
,l Gеographiс о New Zealand has threе
lосatiоn 4 Gеograрhy оf tnе high, or more. It аlso ." .'arе 3,000 metrеs
rnountаins whiсh
has , uot.unЪ.,
2 Slzе сoutll-\'i о Abel Тasman, fl,om th3
З Сapitа Сilt lс.^.'. 5 .;.:-.:: s
Netherlands, is aп irllрortant
in thе history of New'Zeа|a'J. pеrson
|mporiаПt Сili€s 6 \.:. :^, : ..]] l see Nеw Zea|and, in
н.ll'r,l."tilst гLrropеan
7742. ти. ш.*l z.utun.t .o'u,
trom Zeeland, a provinсe
.r tи. '.'.
@o*u,r* . In1769, the British
a Wo1k in groups. Еaсh group should
сhoose a l.Т,n,}
jri:jБ:T':f Жfi Т::: : :: : ъ;lJ; l жl
differеnt сountry.
о Тhе origina| pеoplе
1 in your grоuр, makе Пotеs oП of Nеw Zea|anсlarе
сaIlесi ГЙаoris.
thе topiС5 in З for
уоur о Тhe rnaсaсa birсl is
а symlэol of Nеw Zеalanс1.
Pеoplе use
2 Еaсh mеmbеr of thе grоup сhoоsеs this namе f or a f ruitt
too, but this fruit is
Еind out morе infоr ГnatloП aboUt
опе оf thе tорiсs'
China. оrrgiпаliy from
fоr piсturеs.
thе toрiс аnd loоk
spеak Еn9lish. Тhе
ffi;.:i#fffl',}й:jеаland seсond

#;d.i;;Щ:::#'?:Т:.#;;.T. .;i-:j'i#,:l::
lNslDE lNF0RMAт|0N
r - - '.mе in New Zеаland

- : : k at the peopIe in the photos. Do you know any of thеm?

-::к at the tаble. Read the text below аnd matсh the person

^ i1 |уhаt they do, whot thеу аrе fаmous for and thеir photo,

Iеа П] ]Иоlnt Ev..rеst
: fl', thе lord оf thе Еings fi ms
.. fro\vе аП aсtor а spесiai Маоri dаlсt. са1lсd thе Hаkа

l ol .Р о oО 'о lр thе fi m G|оdiаtоr d

:lrjs а musiс qrоllp гlаkе flnn1, soпg5 е

rеmo in New Zeоlоnd

.. сlirесtсlr Pеtеr JaсI<son is frоm Nеrv Zеаlanс]' ft,/tratсf,: tAзe '',qfmгсls апсfl рiсtшrеs"
. '.е сliгесtor oi the lоrсl oi the Rlпgs films.
1 rugby 2lэungее1umping З с imb 4funny
.'lr Rr.rssеIl Сrоrvе rr,аs born in Nеrv Zе;tlаlld.
t 'Ltl Osсаr ior thе filnl (,|aс!iator. Hе nor'r, livеs tl.l

::ort in New Zeolond

.,;l..rrlсlеrs lovе sport. RLrg'bу is thс unсliiiсiаl
.l :1lоrt. Thе Nеrr, Zеal.rnd гugbv plауеrs.а.rе
lс Аll Blaсks bесausе theу rvеar Ьlасk shirts.
llеi' do а Мaоri dаrlс:е саllесl thе sРЕA}i!f'{ff What аbout you?
1llaу, thе1,
Look аt the question. Мakе notes about your ansWеrs.
' ...llсl srvinlrlling, аrе 1lopuIаr, .lnd extrr.-mе s1lоrts Тhen talk to your pаrtner.
.. l.iг tосl. Nеr'r, Zеalаnсl is 1hс: hоrllе oi l]Llllgее
Гhink аbоut pеop,е --oГa , ,.
'o,l';.: .:',...

сinеma,spОrtaПd Гnljsiс'Wno -.. .. .

1эil1ltrl.rг hrlIlllr'.
] ll]oUntаins is аnothег
. Нlllаrу, thе first mа|l tO сlttllll Еr сгеst' tt аs
. \еrr, Zеalаnсl.

'",-lsiс in New Zeоlоnd

is a verу 1аmolts Оl)еr;] sLl]чеl ]i(]]-l.
. She соmеs frorll ..r М.lогi iаllllir ' :'-е .
- ll-sirlging at thе r'vсdс]ing tlf Prirlсс (-h.lг еs ;...
.. Diаnа in irorlt оi 60О rllilliorl 1эео1llеl
lllLl.cIL ql-0tli]
-.. rl] thс Сonсhоrds is a соnlес]t,
. .., Zе.llanсl. Тhсv аrе уgr1, pоpu|аr in Bгjtаlll
. 5\.

sPЕAкlt'lG Work with a partner. Тhink of a typiсal
Saturday morning. What do you do? Where do you go?
Аdverbs of frequеnсу
l plаy footbаllon
Saturdау morning. 1a Look at thе sеntenсes, Тhe words in bold say
how often wе do somеthing. We сa|| them
adverbs offrequеnсy. Put thеm in ordеr from
0% to '1000/0.

n this Iistеning ехеrсisе, yоu matсh pеoplе with thе соrrесt

information. Why is it iГnportаПt to rеad thе nаmеs аnd
infоrmаtiоn BЕFoRЕ yоu listеn?
Ё.aAe4 5U{сЕ5s F рag* З58
5 | hardly evеr
LlsТf,trlNs ф з"зs Listеn to two people tаlking about
whеre their friends go on Saturday morning. tvlаtсh the
6 lsomеtimеs

pеoplе (1-5) with the p|aсes (а_e). o% a ....

'I Sam a 5noppIn9 Сеntге o....

2 Мatthеw b pаrk с'

3 Bеn с mUsеUll'l
4 sаbе| o sports Сеntrе е
5 Soрhia e ibrary /00% t

1b Look
З Look at thе information. Whiсh person in 2 does eасh
at thе sеntenсеs and сhoosе thе сorrесt
senten(е desсribe? Listеn agаin if nесessary.
1 Тhis pеrsоn alwаys p ays baskеtbаll on 5aturdаy
а l,m a|ways .-..
тo.ninо' b Thеy never '.': . .. : -

2 Тhis pеrsoП nеVеr swims on Saturdaу mоrning. с Hе,s usuаl|y . - .

З Тhis pеrsоn оftеn doеs his homеwоrk in а librаry. ] AdvеrbsЭ...-..- ' '' :: : .-','?
4 Тhis pеrsоn hardly еVеr goеs to thе sрorts СеnI[е' 2 Аdrе.I .. ... -.l
5 Тhis pеrsоn sоmеtimеs goеs to thе park' vеrbs (е,э. ;- -

(GRAMTVIAR REFЕRЕt{сE ) : r_:: ::

2 SPЕAк|NG Work with a partnеr. Ask and answеr the

questions. Answеr with Yes or No аnd an advеrb of
1 Dоyou gci: ..: -=....',':', -.'-;i:::.;i:l-;,
2 Do1оur..o.-
3 Dоyo-о :

4 Dо1оu-..
5 Do'о.c.
3 Write thе sеntеnсеs аgaiп v;ith аn adverb of frequеnсy
in the сorrесt plaсе. Ь.lаkе thе sentеnсеs truе for you.
.l dаnсе / hаtl,\, :|:|' '1.;.'....:-
L |ч\J '- - : :

? .-

4 |dc'--;-_^'. .

дa splдкrнс Work lvith а раrtп:r. Guеss your pаrtner,s
ansWеrs in З. Writе thеm cот, n.
l th ш,(,|Iаг:..i'. "1.|',.. : :

4b Sее if you arе сorrесt.

l think уau ctrэ. ээ.:е \o, I nеvеr dаnсе!

4с ТеlI thе сlass about yоu аnd уour рartner.

Look аt the piсtures. What do thе people usuaI|y
do on Saturdays? Write sentеnсes. Do you need
].tiс|es o/аn, thе or no artiсle (0)?

5а Look аt thе sentenсes аnd сomp|ete thе rules with а/аn

or thе'
а go to a sports Сеntrе.
b Тhe sports СеПtrе is in Саnnоn Strееt,

] Wе usе. ..- '. k аtэоut

2 Wе usе Wnеn Wе ГПеn. c. .'c аgа П,

|оr thе sесond or third timе

5 Ь Put these expressions in the сorrесt сoIumns bе|ow.

pIay baskеtba |/ten | n is/footba I I

pIay thе guitar/piano/vioIin

Wаtсh TV
seе a fiIm 2 о aty'рianо
at night
in thе morning/aftеrnoon/еvening
hаve brеаkfast/Iunсh/dinnеr
go to sсhoo|/work/сhurсh
аt the wееkend

rу tnе gL.ritar/piano/vioIiп p|аy baskеtbal /tеnnis/


4 еat/|unсh/in/]taliаn rеs:a-'а.'
спдммдп REFЕRЕNсE ) oаое 36

. *рlete the sentenсes with

: fhe, aI аn or no аrtiс|e (0).
] : . . fаvоuritе rеstauraПt. rеstаUrant is in
'' j.rееt'
5 p aylbaskеtbа||

. wаtсh
]эП,t wе ТV tоnight?
, -]t[]еr
р|аys viо in.
- - . Jo to
sсhоo| оn Saturdаy.
: . ,-l ..'''..'',.'' '. baskеtbа]| tеam. Тhе nаmе of tеаm
.f аnts'
] : ] аy footba ] оn
6 WatСh/ТV
:-: Jо yоu gо at.., ,.. ..''..'',,. '.' wееkеnd?
: ' '',аnt to rеad' l wаnt to watсh ехсiting fi]m'
8 Read the sentenсеs and сorrесt thе гnistakеs y,,ith
1 Hе 9оеs tо sсhос .. :: :

2 l,vе gоt a соm

3 Мy sistег p аr
4 Shе p аys th€
5 Wеusual1''
6 rеad а bс:. right
7 Ann: H;,,: . :
Bеn: liеs' ,. :'э.. onе s stеr

Unir 2
3 Сomplеte the exprеssions in thе Spеaking Bа n k. \Vho says
them _ thе person asking for information (A) or thе person
giving information (G)?

Useful еxpressions to аsk for аnd give informаtion

oп thе phone
. ,d .. somе infоrmatiоn, p|еаsе.
. How сan I you?
. Сan yоu mе what timе thе film starts?
. Ноw . isthеfi|m?
. Ноw аrе thе tiсkеts?
. l.агкq .o, ' . ..'''-,''.'' ..lе|p'

yоu for саl1ing.

Рraсtiсe makеs perfect

4a sPЕAкlNG Work with a partner. Look аt the task and use the
diagram bеlow to preparе the diаlogue.

You arе in thе UK. You want to sее a film. Rins

сinеma for intbrmation about thе film. Те1l thей
thе titlе
and find out:
. timеs
. thе lеngth ofthе film
. thе priсe of thе tiсkеts for adults anсl tЪl

,I sPЕAt(|t{G Work with a pаrtner. Look аt the film posters. Do

you know the films? Whiсh fiIm do you prefеr?

2a l!tilffЁfljв-j Ф* э"аф Listen to a gir| making a telephone сaIl

to a сinema. CompIеte thе dialogue.
Aпswег thе phoпе' Givе the
lшгoвмдтtoш orsк: Good аftеrnоon' Тhis is Nеon Сinеma. пamе of the сinеmа
Kдтr; Goоd aftеrnооn |,d |ikе somе informаtiоn, Ask iог infoгmаtion,
offег to he|p'
Ask аbout times
l NtoRMAтloN DЕsK: Сеrtainly. How сan hеJp you?
foг thе film.
nе w^at tinр tl.е .^W
Kдтв: Саn you tе | Give thгее
(a) .. ... . fi m is on? diffегent times.
INt0RlnAтl0N DЕsK: Yеs, lеt,s sее. It,s оn at 4.20, (b) Ask abоut thе
and (с) |е:gii оf thе fiIm.
Saу the |еngth of thе film.
Kдт:: Sогry, сan you |.еpеаt thаt?
;-SK aboUt pГlCеs
|шгoнп,lдтlOl, oIsк: '.:s' of соursе. 4.2О, (d\
of tiсkеts.
Say thе pгiсе of tiсkets fог
Kдтг: эг'о is thе fi m? aduIts аnd сhiIdгеn uпdег 15'
|шгoпмдтloпt oгsк: -r-'?'ra fl Гn ln UtеS
Joу rl..^^|,^
U| |ol |\D.

Finish thе сonvегsаtioп

апd сhi drеn

4b Prасtisе your diaIoguе. Тhеn (i]э";е


|шгoвмдтtoш oгsк; YоU,rе !'''е :O..е, Тhank you for сal ing.

2b SPЕAк|NG Work with a partnеr. studеnt A is Kate and Whаt саn t,с',
student B is thе information desk. Praсtisе rеading the possib е?
diaIoguе out loud.

tlmit 2
Read the two announсements. Whiсh сlub do you prefer? Why?

Thе Эсhoo| Эook С|цb

Do you 1ikе rеading? l{ you do, сomе and
join thе Sсhool
Bоok Сlub now!

\7е mееt onсе a wееk to talk about

nеw books. Bring a Ьook and
tеl1us aЬout it!

Тhе SсhoolBook Сlub mееts

in thе sсhoolliЬrary on
at 5 pm.

Fоr morе information, сa1l

Сharlottе on 0761 377 4997
OI \,isit our nеW wеbsitе.

Rеad the announсemеnts аgain and answеr thеse

o uеstions.

Whеrе dоеs thе сlub -ttl

l Ие sсИ00I

mееt? hbrаr7 .'l Look again аt thе announсements in 'l. Undеrline aIl the
impеratives that you find.
Whеn dоеs thе с ub
:.:l:'ll, l
llt':'.::.:'..,,1,: ;::t,.,,:a L,,'1,::: l :r: :'.:


Whаt dо thеy dо in
;:..l Work with a partnеr аnd сhoose a сIub. Look аt thе task.
thе с]ub?
Deсidе what informаtion to inсIude.
j ow do vo- Оеt тo.е
lгоrmаtion dОoUt thе Write an announсement for а сlub. Тhe сlub сan bе for
Iuо] any frеe-time aсtivity, for example sport, сomputers,
photography, art, fi|ms, dаnсe, сo|leсting ...
nсIude infoгmation about:
Put these sentenсes from thе announсеmеnts in thе

wherе you meet

сorreсt plaсе in the Writing Bank.
- . when you mеet
lVе usua||y П-]ееt Оn Fridаy at б pm, аt Мark,s hоusе. . what you do
] ]оn,t sit thеrеl . how you сan get more information
З 3ring а bооk. Write 50-70 words.
: Arе you mad аbout muslс?
) l. а|| nLГП noWL

:i,il Individuаlly, write your announсemеnt. Use thе

announсements in ] and thе Writing Bank to hеIp you.

.'lfu! ic;зg*вg* irз ;rl;:*.*nс8*.'*i]ts :;;.:: Disp|аy your announсements in the сlassroom, Whiсh сlubs
. Jsе sl.о't quеstiors to таkе pеоp|е irLеrеsLеd. arе popular?
. Glvе thе еssеntiа| informatiоn in с еar sеntеnсеs.

. Usе impеratlvеs. Тhеy tе|| pеоp|е what to dо.

Lhеy tеl pеop е wl.а. noL tо do'

LсngUoge referenсe оnо1..гevlslon
s],трlе _ yes/no questions and short answers
Yеs пo questions . Wе only usе doеs wit|l .le';.. ..

. Do аnd Does сomе bеforе thе suо,е::,

Shoгt аnswers Doеs thе boo/<.,, Do /... ? ?
. ln snort аПsWеi.s wе dо nоt rеpеat thе maiП i''еl..
Doуoи work? Yсs, /do'

Prеsеnt simple _ wh- questions and question

|4/h- quеstions СontаiП quеstiоn wоrds likе who,
what, whiсh,
wherе, when, why, how.
Тhе quеstion wоrd сomеs at thе stаrt оf thе quеstiоn

Аdverbs of frеquenсу
. Wе usе advеrbs оf |rеquеnсy tо sаy if somеthing A аlwаys
happеns оftеn оr nоt. f
Тhе usuai position fоr advеrbs of frеquеnсy is
bе|оrе tгrе mаiП Vеrb. - usually
wа//< to sс/too/. &
. Аdvеrbs оffrеquеnсy go aftеr thе vеrb ro be' sometimes
/,уи а/luауs hаppv, :li hаrdIy еvеr
нeЭ orti, ot'h,ok,. nеver

Аrticles I
. Wе usе а/an whеn wе mеntion somеthing for
thе first timе, or . Wе Usе the to talk аbоut somеthing оr somеbody mеПtioПеd
Io sаy tnаt thе pеrsoП оr thing is onе of а numbеr
оf things or bе|оlе'
/1o to а sports cеиtre. Тhe sports сеиtre
/jo tо а sporls сeиlrе. /orteи wаtсh ts reа//;, Ьу
f/- oи Sаtиr/ау.
lsе thе tо tа]k about
No аrticle Wе аlsо a spесifiс thing
. Wе do Пot Usе ап аrtiсlе whеn wе arе talking
аbout pеоp|е оr
f/и oи ТV toи1ht ts lreаt.
tn Пgs iП gеnеrа|. Wе а]sо usе the in thеsе саsеs'
/ /*е ииslс, Ft/rиs аre kу
1ool. p th e
уltа ф ш и o,/rlo /t и
. Wе dо not Usе аn аrtiсlе in thеsе саsеs. ш th,r rи o rи |иj/аrtе rи
oo и/e rе и t и1
kу аt thе и,еekei{
p b а s k с t Ь а //,lfo o t b а //,ltе, и,.s
hа re b re а kfа s t,4и и с h,/dt ииe r
у to
s с h o o /,/шo
t I
rk,lс h' rс h
шаrrИ -,,|V
аt и1ht

1 Free-time activities
2 Plасes to go in a town
.nаt oП iПе соllесt things danсе dо spоrt сinеma
;э оLlt with friеnds listеn to musiс
OraW fаst fоod rеstaU[ant library ГnUsеUm parK
shоpping сеntrе sporls СеПtrе
:] j.' а ГnL]s са] iПstrumеnt rеаd surf thе ]ntеrnеt swimming poоl thеatrе
.:.: ]1Оtos wаtсh fi]ms

3 Other Words and phrases ) pagе 147


Unir 2
Э,еsent simple _ quеstions, questian
words and short answеrs
l Сomp|ete the sentenсеs.

Biтн: (а) .. . you go tо sсhоо оn Saturday r.пorning?

.]..в: \о,'/b\
3:-iн: (с) . .. . dо уou dо?
J:<в; l watсh ТV or [еaО'

B:.н: (d) dо yоu wаtсh ТV?

,f,/ORKBOOK ) page 20
/8 fs]

:. :lеrbs af frеquenсу
2 Put the words in ordеr to makе sentеnсes. Тhen put thе
sеntenсes in order of frequenсy,1 = "|00o/o,6 = 0o/o,
аtсh ТV nеvеr ::
'.аgaZinеs Shе usua y rеads Ц
.ls by gо sоmеtimеs Тhеy П
'е еvеr hаrd y sсhooI to waIk Гl
. hаppy Jое аlways Гl
, d.o
My ^о',е o.Tрr dt Гl

WORKBOOK ) page 23 /6
,',CRKBOOK ) page23 /6

: -.. mе aсtivities P|aсеs to go in a town

i э mp|еte the sentenсes with these words. 2 Write the nаmes of thе plaсes.

.- :сt сomiсs draw instrumеnt

'. 1е sport surfs takes
- Watсhеs with
pt]otos With a digita| сamеrа.
jrt to musiса|
play a оnе dаy.
, L
еs |iьtеr'^9 т -siс.
- lsing thе Сol.ПрUtеr аnd Сhatting


: i'/dУS thе ]ntеrnеt oП

а y.

fооtba shirts frоm around

оr d' Thеy,vе got fiftyI
lеs dоing _ bаs| еtbа tеnlis, ц=. -::--
.еnПl5 .. .

:ld on TV аnd аt thе сinегnа
piсtlrеs in my frее tiГПе' l Usе
.. , Oеnсi]s.
: ] '.sП,t rеаd bооks but hе ikеs

/ 11 points

Unit 2 З7
гl k u е / Fа | sе / N оt m е nti o гl е d aсtiviti еs, rе m еm bе r

То answеr thе quеstоns, lооk fоr thе iпformation in tПе

Lе . Dо lo, dlls\\ Д. , r| , oL' оpir.оr'
ЕХАJ'i 5L!ссr55 } раqe 158

Read about this sсhool.

1 Why is the sсhool speсia|?
2 Do you |ike the sсhool? Why/Why not?

Еvеrу summеr, 1S_yеar_old Lr:kе Jonеs

.gOrS to sсhool. But hе doеsn't study
пraths. Еnglish oг histoгy at this sсhool.
Тhе sсhool is a spесia1 football aсadеm1'
and Lukе studiеS ho\\ to pla1,tbotball.
Fоotball is Lukе.s tЪr оuгitе fгее-timе
aсtivity. onе daу., hе ц-ants to bе a
-- #F -l
profеssional football piаLyеr. a

Lukе's рalеnts takе him to thе aсadеmy. I

-ё, -J

It's insidе a spесial Sports сеntrе. But

his mum and dad don't staу bесausе thе
tеaсhеrs don,t want palеnts to watсh thе
-,r-- -E
lеssons. -
Lukе's first lеsson bеgins at 9 o'сloсk. -

It's a tгaining sеssion. Lukе doеs

ехеrсisеs with thе ball. At l1 o'сlосk, thе Read the text again' Аrе :^э.- s-.:Э.сeS tгue (Т) oг
studеnts stop and har.е rь,atеr. fruit and false (F) or is the infoгmа: э. .:: -эnlionеd (NM) in
the text?
an еnеrgy bar. From 11.;l5 to 12.45, thеy
plаy football again. At 12.4.5. Lukе and 1 Luke doesn't likе mаths
=^: s. эl
his Ггiеnds hаrе |unсh. histoгy. т./F.'1'NM
2 Luke goes to thе aсaсе--, .,. э.S т/F-/N.^n
Aftеr lunсh, from 1.45 to 2.З0. thеy don't
play foоtball. Thеy play othег sports. But
3 Luke hаs his footba| iеSs]-s ^ а
сnnrfс nanfro
gРvl 19 т/F./N'M
fтom 2.30 to З.З0, thеу havе a footba]l
matсh. Thеn it's timе to havе a showег
4 Luke's mum and dad '.',a::-
the training sessions. .Т-/г'1N^l
and go homе. Lukе usually goеs homе
bу bus. In thе еvеning Lukе watсhеs
5 Luke and the otheг studэ":S ^а''iэ a
break in the morning т./FIN^n
football on TV or hе somеtimеs plays
onе of his сomputеr gamеs. It's always a 6 Тhey don,t p|ay fооtbа ] :i. :^э
afternoon. т-/-F/N^/l
сomputеI gamе about football' of сoursе!
7 Luke has his showеr аt .О-э T-/F/N^n
8 Luke has three fоotba;сэ-:-tэ.
games. т/F/N^/l

What about уou?

The footbalI aсаdemy rs Luke s dеa оf a peгfeсt
sсhooI. What is a perfeсt schоo. far уou?



) Writing
...i.i: $
. Г.аtСhiПg aсtivitiеs, l'еГnе|noеr .. .
ln writing еxаms, rеmеmbеr ...
]:ad thе namеs
and infоrmаtiоn BЕГORЕ yоu listеn' Тhеy саn
Put аli thе nеСеssary informаtiоn in yoUr tеXt аnd
-] .'е yoU an idеa оf whаt will аppеar in thе соnvеrsation. writе thе
соrrесt numbеr оf words.
i]"ц.'t;1Л :i,i".i".i""rfi-{, F ;зaqg *t5g '. li.:rr ,l .:,.,t,.,. ::1,:, ... .,

J.i.Ё;! Listen to Me| and her dad ta|king about Write an informalemailto a friend. Desсribe
pгеsents that she has got for her fгiends.
Мatсh the somebody in youг fami|y. lnс|ude this infoгmation:
presents A-H with the friends 1_5.
. name and desсription (age, hair, eyes ...)
A book
Mark ш
free-time aсtivities _ |ikes
B digita| сamera . free-time aсtivities _ dis|ikes
Simon t.П Wгite 50_70 woгds'
D penсils
tr n\/гl Pat ш
F сomiсs
Jenny ш]
G сomputer game
H ball Barbara ш
What about you? How we|| саn you do thеse things in Eng|ish now?
ai -эok again at the presents. Whiсh one is vour Give yourself а mаrk from ] to 4.
'; rourite? Whv? 'l
- l СaП do it vеry wеl|.
l- l Сan do it quitе wеll.

?- l havе somе prоb|еms
Speoking А- l Сan,t do it.

a l сan tаik abolt ro!tiПе асtiOПs using

prеsеnt simplе.
. ',itiеs whеrе you givе реrsonаl infоrmаtion, b l саn аsk for and givе bаsiс pеrsоnаl
:^]oеr . ' ilfоrmаtion.

.эаrеd tо say and spеll yоur nаmе and tо tаJk аbоut l саn talk abоut sсhоо] аnd еvеrydаy
: ,, .С[e yoU
arе frоm, whеrе yоu livе, sсhооl, yоur typiсаl
э aСtiVitiе5.
., your likеs аnd dislikеs d i сап undеrstапd simp|е tехts аbоut ljfе
ExAМ sUссESS > page ,l58 е l Саn writе a shоrt informаl еmаil.

f | сan sаy hоw oftеn l do things

'э.эh the beginnings of the questions (1_B) with аdvеrbs offrеquеnсy.
,-:s (a-h). g I сan taIk about whаt ] dо
аnd whеrе | gо in
. '.']оw do you spel| your a to sсhoo|? h
my frее timе.

i rre you b your free time?

] саn undеrstand shori tехts аbоut
frее-timе aсtivitiеs.
; ,',/hat time do you с Bгitish? i j сan
ask for bаsiс inforrnatlon on tnе
j -low do you go d subjeсts? pПoI-lе.

5 ,.',hat subjeсts do e at the weekend? ,1 | сan writе short anПouПсеmrПts.

: .'',hat aгe your favourite f you study?

- g staгt sсhoo|?
Now deсide What you need to do to improve.
,', hat do you do in
] Lсjok agаiП аt my bооk/notеs.
i .'. heгe do you go h suгname? 2 Do mоrе praсtiсе еxеrсisеs' ф WОRKBОО( lа9е:б .-
.-< with a partner. Тake it in tuгns to ask З Аsk fоr hе|p.
: ,.' эr the questions in 6. 4 Othеr:

br** 39
ar Тhere is/Therе arе > Prepоsitions of pIaсе > Prеsеnt сontinuous
lаry'> Rooms > Househo]d оbjeсts and furniture > Jobs around thе houl
king Еxpressions on the phоnе

ng Desсribing a plaсe



1a Work with a partner. Mаtсh the Household objeсts and furniture
rooms (1-8) with these words.
4a sPЕAкlшG Workwith а partner. Matсh the objeсts (a-|) in thе piсturе with some
bаthroom bedroom of these words. Use your diсtionary if neсеssary'
room garаgе gardеn
ha|| kitсhеn Iiving room armсhаir bаth bed СD playеr сhair с|oсk сomputеr сooker
сupboаrd dеsk DVD pIayer fridgе gamеs соnso|е |ampi Iight
miсrowave phonе postеr radiator shе|f 5ho''.iеr sink sofa
1b ф l.::l Listen and rеpeat.
tab|e toi|еt TV wаshinq mасhinе windot^l
2 Nаmе thе rooms.
,l Yоu сооk thеrе' 4b $ Listen and repеat.
2 You havе а showеr thеrе'
4с Where do you find these
3 t,s outsidе. СhiIdrеn p|аy thеrе.
objeсts in your housе? l,Vе gОt o СD piai,еr in mу bеdroom,
lt UsUа y hаs f|owеrs.
оnd о с|oсk' i тhink,llе,vе got
4 Whеn yоu gо intо a housе, yoU аrе
Wе hаvеn,t, Wе,vе got а сloсk in thе с|oсks l" о| thе roams.
Iiving room аnd thе kitсhеn. Аnd the
5 'o' Qul l д сo. thеrе.

СD plауеr is in thе living room.
6 Yоu l'vаtсh ТV thеrе
7 Yol s ееp thеrе,
8 Yol еat thеrе' 5 i"i*li:il;Цi:i *fr з.э* Listen to someone

tl 3 sPЕAк|l,lG Work with a partner. Тell

your partnеr what rooms your house
dеsсribing their f|аt. Completе this
diаgrаm with the furniturе аnd objесts
that they have.
or flat hаs or hasn,t got.
6 sPЕAкlNG Work in smа|l groups. ТаIk about

lr what you,ve got in your bеdroom.

Му flаt hаs got siх rooms, It,s got two

bеdrooms. lt hаsn,t got а gоrdеn ,,, I,vе got а desk аnd two сho,irs .' '

voса b l ]a.у? sтUDYsKILLs > раgе 156

Unit 3

Work with a partner. Look at thе photos аnd аnswеr the quеstions.
,1 Whiсh part оf thе wоr d dо yOU think this wоmаn Iivеs in?
2 What typе of housе do yoU thiПk shе,s gоt?

Read thе text аnd сheсk you r аnswers in ].

Ellеn Long is o fomous Ameгiсqn

oсtress ond mode|. Her husbond,
Riсordo Мed6l, is o !9p footЬolI
pIoyer. Тhey hove o 9рq9-t-q-сч]91 new
s home in Dollos.

EIlen knows whqt she Iikes in o house.

She Ioves сoffee сUps on the toble,
shoes next to the Ьed. She doesn,t
like people who soY: 'Oh, look ot this
lо Ьeoutiful sofo _ Ьut don,t sit down,
don't sit down!' When she sees o
spoсe where there oгen,t piсtuгes or
lomps, she olwoYs Puts something
there. ЕIlen oIso loves сolour. She Iikes
rs rooms to hove purple or yellow w-glls-'
Thеre ore six bedrooms ond seven
Ьothrooms in her house. Here Ellen
onswers questions oЬout the house.


::ed thе tеxt again. Does Ellen (not Riсаrdo) Iike these
4 Look at thе undеr|in-ed words in thе text, What do you
1. lgs oI not? Put the linе wherе you find thе answеr. thinkthey mеan? Сheсk in your diсtionarу.
5 sPЕAкlNG What about you?
-aqaz Пеs
.j еПs
Whаt dо you ihirk с.:
..4 5 I,m similar to Е|lеn.,

..: hоlsе whеrе thеrе arе no рiсturеs оr |аmps сomfortobiе ьО-sе5.

- .;] 3S, lоt insidе сuрbоards оr wardrоbеs
Аnd l Iikе big housеs!


There is/Therе are
1 Look аt the sentenсes and сompletе
Singular Plural
the tablе.
] Тhеrе,s а big statuе o| an a iеn. Affirmаtive (a) b

2 Тherе are fivе bеdrооms in hеr

Negative Тhere isn,t a sr'r.r .гi. - , .
П oUsе.
З No, there аrеn,t' Question (d) Al: :.е.: . .. . ^-.s?

4 Тhere aren,t piсturеs or аmps.

:. iii"iЭ,Ё
Short (e) .' /
5 ls thеre a сinеma in your nеw housе?
6 Yеs, there is'
ansWеr No, there isn't. I


2 Сompletе the sentеnсes about thе room that you arе 5 Reаd about Тony Hawk,s housе' (i. gos: thе bеst Word
in now. Use is, orе, isn't or aren't. (A, B or C) for eaсh gap.
I nе[е а lэlaсklэоard. Tоny Hаwk is thе king С... . . .

2 Тhеrе fifty сhaiгs. thаt thеrе (1)

3 Тhеrе аn аrmсhair.
4 Thеrе thrее СompUtеГs.
5 Тhеr"" aсoсkоnthеwа.
6 Thеге а sink.
7 Тhеrе morе thaП fiftееn dеsks
. '.v spеnds
3a SPЕAK|NG Preparе quеstions to askyour pаrtner
a otof timе (6) .. : : . :.- ovеs
p ay|Пq ПеW Сomputеr gаr..:. -: : : . . - - j.:Зtеl]oard
about thеir Iiving room.
gamеs(7) ..: j-:_.: : -.,..,оuritеl
ls therе а сotиpиte r и уo'r lu,|и9 rooи?
Аre thеrе pшtиrеs м уoиr /t'lt.иj rooи? 1А s 3

Нow иаиу pt.сtиrеs аrс thеrе? zn о| B

3А о]с| L B
3b Use thе quеstions to interview your pаrtnеr. 4^ on B
Thеn tеlI thе с|аss about your partnеr,s Iiving room. 5А а B

6A u ndеr a
on I
Prеpositions of plaCе
4 tvlatсh thе sentеnсes (а-h) with the piсtures (1-8).
П thls typе оf еxеrсlsе' .' :- fi thе

a r
spaсеs in thе tеХt Wll. - --] ОеаIo
on tnе taD]е, in front of thе tаb|е
stop aПd think аt]oUt ..- ,.:.?
b under thе tab|е' f next to thе tab]е' Why/Why nоt?
с near tnе taD е' s in thе sink' -.сЕss > page 158
d bеhind thе tab|е n above thе tаb е.

- ЫffiffiМ
i GRAMMAR RЕFЕRENсE ) оасе 50 j

Unir 3
6 Look at piсture A and сomplete the
sеntеnсes with the
сorreсt prepositions. Jobs around the house
,l Тhе саt is
...''...''...''...''.. thе сhаir' 1a Work with a partner. Mаtсh thе piсtures
with some of
2 Тhе сupboard thе fridgе'
thеse phrases. Сheсk that you understand
the other
3 Тhе tаblе is ... .. .. thе fridgе'
4 Тhеrе arе two boоks . .. . . thе tablе.
5 Тhе miсrowаvе сook do thе ironing do thе shopping
thе сupbоard.
б Тhе mоusе is do thе wаshing lаy thе tаble mаkе thе bео
thе сupbоаrd'
take thе rubbish out tidy up
wаsh the dishеs

1b # ,t"ЗЗ Listen and repeat.

2 Write six sеntenсеs sаying how oftеn you

do thеsе
jobs around the housе. Маkе two
of your sеntеnсе5
/ а/tuауs tа,Qе thе r,l1lс:-,l: ...,.'
/ иsиа//s' |И.1*f ,i.', :.:.a,

3 sPЕAк|NG Work in smаJI groups. Sa1 yoUl

Саn thе othеr studепts guеss ,,. hiсh
|''.io sеntеп(es аrе

s,Э€'A'(lt'lG Work with a partnеr. Look at piсturеs

l зrd B. Whаt diffеrenсes сan you find?
iir4{ r.l5 fo|sе. t thinkуou hаrd|у
- э :{Urе B, thеrе isn,t
а саt undеr thе еvеr tаkе thе rubbish out'
. Зi: thеrе
-- ' is a dog undеr thе tаb|е.
HoLrsiGtsi in the Ul<

эftisA*Е }жfl*RflJi&Тl*ru

* Thеrе аге thrеe bаs с stylеs of hоusе iл G[еаt BГ tаiП] сiеtасhео (l'rlnеn а
housе is indеpеndеnt from cthеr housеs), sеm dеtасhеd (i.ll еl tilrо
hоusеs аге togеthег), апd tеrrасеd (vt,hеn thе housеs аrе а i. a Пе)
* Аnothеr tyрlсаl typе of housе is а bungаlow.Тh s is а onе-sicrеi' hoU5е
whеrе а] thе [Ooгл5 аtе on thе sаmе еvе '
* Pеopе а sо lvе tп lаts,Тhеsе аrеа sеtof гooгns оn onеiоorоf э blq
bu1 diпg, Wе саl th]S bUl ding a b осk oflаts'

/<-'> :

:* r
lrlternatiвna! сшltшra ! krtowlеdge ф Listen agаin. Whiсh person (Speakеr 1-4) ...

An Еng|ishmаn's home 1 sаys thеrе аrе 15,ООО pеоpiе in a simi]ar
siiuatioП to thеm?
2 hаs оnly got оnе rооm?
Look at the photos of different British homes. Work with a
pаrtner. Say whiсh you like and dis|ike.
3 ivеs in a vеry sma|| vil agе?
4 usеs a kitсhеn with оthеr pеop|е?
i ::: ; ! l'j]lч{i ,#9
Listеn to pеople tаlking about wherе 5 hаs ]оts оf friеnds whеrе thеy ivе?
they |ive. Put the photos in 1 in the order thаt you heаr 6 has gоt thrее bеdrооms and two gardеns?
about them.
,/ ||Vе5 ^ а 0 а(е w L^ l2О pеop еl
1 2 3 ... 4
sPЕAк|NG Whatаboutyoи?
,l Whiсh typеs of hоusе arе simi|аr оr dlffеrеnt tn hnii<рc in \/n r

СoU ntry?
Matсh the words with the photos in .|.
2 Whiсh typе оf hоusе is similar tо yоurs?
3 sеmi-dеtасhеd housе
Wе,ve got semi-dеtасhеd houses аnd bloсks of flаts,
4 hоusеbоat

Wе hоvеn,t got houseboats.


,, ...., ,
,;;,:".:j;;2; ",, j


g e55 grass plants роllr'rtiоn naturе thе Sun

,lеnlllаtiгrп t,vаlеl.tапk


тilal.S \,,{пУ tne

'.: :"l'i-I.c]l1еS

or grass Оt.l thеПl Sj i.:....... ?.-. '^-..-.

Есо-hоmrs о{ten havе рlants .'.i . . ?.. : . ^:
Тhe aпс1 grass a]rе alsо sOОd
о{ naturе. .e:a:sЁ
jll the sunliilе: S0iiе nе.'.'
aпd сооl
hсusе warm ln thе wrnтеr
that ргос1uсе foоdl
*.o]й"*., hevе plants оn ihепi
оthеr h0usеn0lс1
l-,lоusеs nеесl еnergy t0
make raсliatоrs' сoоkеrs anсl
glass.аnd windows. Тhе sun
rl*. iots оf
оb1есts wоrk, Есо.hom*. ,'uurry
iniiсе tne hоuse warm and :З::- _:=
passes thrоugh *nu *,no,й,lй,к,u.t,.ing.
eсо-hоmes arеn't hоt bесausе
qives thо hоuse enеrgy. tn the summer,
thе blg, 0рeП WindоWs
t Air сomes thrоugh
ih;;;;';й;uluuniпution. *-+
anJ maкes thе housе сооi.
Thеrе is usuallу a big tanK
in #1;==.
Greу water is imроrtant in есo-homеs. Whiсh iS
the hоusе оr in thе garсen.
тhе tank holds thе greу Watrr,
sink оr washtng *1.l,|u
сltJ wаtеr frоrт thе shоlvег,
Есо.hоmеs usе thls *,utui й,in,-tol. u,u'"pl, in :.'::|2 th*
tоilеt, оr {оr thе gardеп

' ,
*:i),;*!:r::ri'l::i-t:|:; :;
I1111.1r,:i1: s.l ;,,q: I I .. : r'i ri,. .
l !,''i.].Гr,] a 40"С
2 шinLе- b 20"С
3 aoo с l0oС
4 s L]
.l-.l е t d реriоd оf thс у'еar Whеll t is not
5 е
еrqy е реricd о|thс 1,,g31tдlilеп tt is соld
6 i'ot f еi..сiiiсitv оi оtl-еi t1rpе оf pоri.;еi



thiпk rhаt есo'hоmеs аrе а goоd

iсiео btit i.ilеу,rе llеrу unusi-lс|!
.E Work with a partnеr. Desсribe the piсturеs. Whаt сan
you see?
Present сontinuous
1 Look at thе sentеnсes and сhoose thе сorreсt
Нow саn оokiпg аt thе piсturеs hе|p yоu whеn you istеn а|ternativе.
to a tеХt? 1l iJ*\, Ёt{]i-L5
З Work with а partner. Dеsсribe the piсtures. What сan
': Work with a partner. Desсribe the piсtures. What саn
you sеe?
Present CОntinuОus
1 Look at the sentenсes and сhoose thе сorreсt
l']ow сan Jоoking аtthе рiсtUrеs hе p you whеn you Iistеn а|ternаtive.
tо а tеxt? A].ij:.]:J .ii:]il: ; 1.:s...-1 i .ii:i
а |,m сoоking pastа With tomаtoеs.
b You,rе rеading abоut yоur fаvоuritе aсtor.
;.1e i"{}.]тi:ailрiii g$ т.^tз Listеn to four diaIogues and tiсk с Wе arеn,t p ауing СompUtеr garnеs.
(/) thе сorrесt piсture. Тherе is onе quеstion for eасh
d Are you using thе сomputеr?
е Yеs, |аm./No, ,m not.
1 What is Sarаh dоing аt .^е mcmеПt?
,l Wе makе thе рrеsеnt соntinlоus with thе vеrо

ffis€ 2
thе ingfarm of thе mаin vеrb
Wе usе thе рrеsеПt СoГltiПUoUs tо taIk аlэout
tр.l"|.t i a е 5/I h l П q 5.t'h.a.[ a'rc' h a р p е.n| a g. n a.W..


2a Look at thе spe||ing ru|es for the -ing form of the verb.

Мost verbs: Vеrbs ending in Somе vеrbs

add -ting сonsonant + e: ending in onе
2 Whаt arе Danny аnd iVikе dоing? tаkе away e and vowe| + onе

s.. ffiж
add -ing сonsonant:
doubIe thе
сonsonаnt and
add -ing

р|aу|ng wrtrc wППng run runntng

сооk' сaaking maKе'maюng swtm - swtmming

3 Whаt is \4аtt dоing?

4 \^/h.t J Оl' iа dn'оn
v v|O uU nn
Ч Ul L^ с гnmnlltоr7 2b Now writе the -ing form of these verbs in thе сorre(t
щt'**! ffi plaсе in the tablе.

сhat danсe do eat hаVе put sit

study takе tidy wаsh

3a €} j"зs Listen to the pronunсiation

of thе .lng form of thе words in thе tab|e. Do wе say
PLAYing or playlNG?

3b s tisten again and rеpeаt thе words with thе сorreсt


.i* .$ Listen again and сheсk your answеrs.

:*i*:'i .=:





,:>- Q

J -ook at the piсturе and write аbout what thе people are Put thе words in order to makе questions.
зoing. Use these vеrbs in the present сontinuous. 1 dоing аrе Еmma Whаt апd Poppу?

:эоk do the ironing draw еat p|ay tennis

2 drаwing Bi у is What?
a magazinе tаkе thе rubbish out
3 Luсas sаас bаskеtlэаl Аrе pIaying аnd?

эsh thе dishеs

4 Hаnnаh Ls thе rubbish оut taking?
5 is.]asоn doing What?

,,е 6 еаtlng Еmma Whаt is?

- ^ol' 7 Whо doing is thе lroПing?

, а.аld |.ooс 8 Dеxtеr is What dоing?

6 sPЕAК|t{G Work in smalIgroups. onе pеrson asks thе

quеstions in 5. Thе others answеr but do not |ook at..^э
Jd.lа d,а-.е piсturе.
Whаt arе Еmmа аnd Poppу do .:.
I - nr: :nr'l Dnnnv
I think thеу,rе еаting,

No, l thiг,
:;;;. ll
цiiii',llllll,Ёh] 1l1\^*rЩ.l

i]]ll!] i|! l i]rilШir
}. )



1 qffi '1,З:i Listen to three phone сonvеrsations.
t.i1i i.i.l'j:1"j1i

In whiсh сonvеrsation is it possible for Jessiсa to speаk

to Tom? What problems doеs she havе in the othеr two

2 , Listen аgain and сompIete the сonversаtions with thе

sentеnсes bеlow.

Mв. Hдnпls: (a)
J rsstсд: l]е||o
Мп. Hдввls: (b)... ... . .. ....

Jгsstсд: Hеl o' This is .Jеssiсa, Тоm,s fгiеnd


Mв. Hдвпts; Nо, hе isn,t. Не,s having his piаnо ]еssоn at

thе гпоmеnt.
J вsslсд: (d)

Mв. Hдввts: Yеs, о| соursе.

J гsstсд: Саn yоu tеl him to са l mе?

Mя. l-iдвпls: ОK.
Jгsslсд; Thа n ks'

1 |s Тоm thеге? 2 Саn | ]еаrlе him а пlеssagе?

З Yеs, spеаk ng 4 Не iо, 45з 72О'
4 sPЕAкlNG Work with a partnеr. Tаke it in turns to say thеsе
tеlеphone numbеrs.
riгlтпГrтг{л|lтiпrr 1 О649 445 6777
Lвo; Hеi|о?
2 9866з2BBB22
Jгsslсд: Не|lо (а)
3 9219ОО426519
Lгo: Nо, it,s Lеo, 4 7511 ll65 0Bб2
J вsslсд: oh, hi, [ео. lt,s Jеssiса
(b) 5a SPEAкING Write down threе phone numbers.
Lгo: Yеs, hе is (с) |,ll gеt him' 5b Say your numbers to your partner. (an they writе them
Jгsslсд: Тhаnks. down сorreсt|y?

] ]s Тom thеrе? 6 Look at the exprеssions in the Speaking Bаnk. Who says
2 Haпg оn а minutе them _ the pеrson making thе саll (() or thе person who is
3 ls that Tom? аnswering the phonе (A)?

Mдш: Не| о 45З /Зб. Useful expressions on the phone
"Jвsslсд: Тоm? ]s that yоu? (a) |1е o,677 4з2856
Mдш: Sоrrу. (b) Hе ]о, is that Ann?
,zрq (n^tk ^4 7\ 6 i.'с |':n*
rsslсд: Тоm, Tоm Наrris
|< k:trz thрrр7
Mдш: Sо.ry' (с)
Sorry, yоu,vе got thе wrоng numbеr
,l Whо arе yoU са||ing? |,arg oг а ,l^,гUtе'l,|| qеt tin/hе
2 Yоu,vе got thе wrong numbеr. Сan |еаvе а mеssаgе?

3 Тhis is ]еssiсa.
Dо you wa^t to еa/е а n.еiiаgеl

3a :..::i Look аt thesе telеphone numbers. Listen to how we

say thеm'
Praсtiсe makes perfeсt
] ]-бl 4B2 6530 7а SPЕAкING Work with a partnеr. Do this role-play using the
phone expressions from the Spеаking Bаnk.
-. :.е slx onе, four еight two, six fivе thrее оh
-: ,iб7'
: .]гqqQ- stUdеnt А: Yоu аrе Мoniсa,s sistеГ/brothеr. Lоok аt pаgе
- ' - ihrее, dоub е six ninе, doub е fivе fivе еight StUdеnt B: You аrе Moniсa,s friеnd' Lооk at pagе 1б0'

3b ; Listеn agаin and rеpеat the numbers. 7b Now сhangе ro|es аnd do the roIе-play аgain.
lmaginе your ideal bedroom. Wou|d
you |ike to hаve
these objeсts in your room? Give
а mark from 0 to 5 for
еaсh objeсt (0 = l don,t Want it, 5
= l reаlly wаnt it).
5 a DVD plаyеr

maglnе your ideal bedroom. Would
you Iike to have
:llеsе objeсts in your room? Give
а mark from 0 to 5 for
еасh objесt (0 = l don,t Wаnt it, 5
= l rеа||y wаnt it).

sРЕднjt*€ Work with a partnеr' Сompаrе
your аnsWеr5.
Аrе thеrе other things you wou|d like
in an ideаl

Four.British tееnagers desсribe

thеir ideal bеdrooms.
Reаd the desсriptions. Who wants
thе ьеаroom in tье

Work with a pаrtner. Tell them whiсh

bedroom you likе. Tеl| them whiсh bedroo'
you аon,t
likе. Explain your deсisions.

l Iikе Сhаrliе,s bеdroom bесаusе

I likе p|aying Сomputеr gamеs,

l lovе thе сinеmа bеdroom! |

wаtсhing films and еоting popСОrn.

Look at the Writing Bаnk. Comp|еtе Wе wаntеd to know what thе ideal
thе |ist of adjeсtives tееnagеr
thаt appear in thе desсriptions. bеdroom was likе so wе spokе to four
Сhесk thaiyou unoе,stand tеJnаgеrs
them. Use your diсtionаry if nесеssary. about thеir drеаm room. Wе wantеd
to knоw аbout
sizе, objесts, furniturе... evеrything!
Wеll, wе got
four vеry diffеrеnt answеrs...

. Аdjесtrvеs hеlp us tо writе intеrеsting

l.]еrе аrе somе lsеful аdjесtivеs
to o.'.l.iь. u pЬ.е
idео l, е nor ma us, sресtосu l о r, big,

. Аdjесtivеs usuaJly сomе:

bеforе thе nоun thеy dеsсribе:
|i,5 0 sреС[aСUlar
swimming рaо|.
аftеr thе vеrb rо be:
Тhе swinnlng рaal is sресtасulаr.

Look at thе task.

An Еnglish t.nagаzil
,l,.i.iБ i Ь.;;ffi
ideal bеdroom.
Inсlu{ '}fi
:' fi }ifl::' J.ff 11:
1.uгniturе and othег about the

..tе your
... аrtiс|e. Rеmember to use adjесtives
.i room and thе furniturе.
to dеsсribe

t tl sh writinq a tеXt iП an ЕngIish

ехаm, whаt things
].] to .nесk bеfоrе yоu givе it tо thе tеaсhеr?
Longuoge гefeгenсe onсI revlslon
Therе is/There arе

singular plural

Affirmativе Тhere,s а bеdrоom. Тhere аre two bеdrooms'

Negаtive There isn,t а kitсhen. Thеre aren,t two kltсhеns'

Quеstion Is there а bеdroom? Are therе twо bеdrоoms?

Short answers Yеs, therе is./No, there isn,t Yеs, there are./No, there aren,t

Prepositions of place
on under bеhind in front of

Present сontinuous
Form Spelling
.ln9 fоrm,
Sее pagе ]б] for ru]еs abоut spеlling thе
Affirmative subjесt + am/are/is + vеrb+-ing
We,re ttdуиj иp. Use

Negative sUbjесt + am not/аren,t/isn,t + Vе

. Wе usе thе prеsеnt сontinuоus tо tа|k аbоut асtiОns tnаt arе
naрpеn]Пg noW.
Яhr isи,t сoo/<iи1.
She cа,,t o^swer the phoиe , She,s lo,,,j hеr ho,иеwork.
Quеstion form Am/Are/Is + subjесt + vе

Аrс theу the bel?

Short answers Yеs, subjесt + am/are/is.
No, subjесt + am not/aren,t/isn,t'

Yеs, | аrи,
No, theу аreи,t,

Rooms Household 0bjrсts аnd turniture 3 Jobs around the house

bathroоm armсhair bath bеd СD p|ayеr сhair с|осk сооk ::..е .оnlng
сomрUtеr соokеr сupboard dеsk DVD playеr dо tlе s^э:: r; do thе Wasn n9
fridgе gamеs соnsоIе lаmp/light miсrowavе iау ..: .,: : mаkе thе bеd
dining roоm
garagе gardеn phonе рostеr radiаtor shеlf showеr jnk s iа(- .^: .-ээ]sl cut tidу up
ha kitСhеП sofа tab|е tоi|еt ТV washing maсhinе
'''' а:- '.: ] siе5
,'Г,g l.oom window
0ther words and phrases) pagе 148

50 unit 3

-hеrе is/Thеre are

1 Look аt the piсture and сomplete the sentenсes
with Therе is, Therе аre, There isn,t or There аrеn,t'
а postеr оf a rосk grоuр

2 thrее mоbi е рhоnеs'

3 а СD p1аyеr'

4 two dogs.
5 two tаb|еs.
6 a |аmp'
7 аn armсhalr.

WoRKBooK ) рage30 /7 pointi:

Prеpasitions of plaСr Prеsеnt СОnt|nUОUs

2 .l.
Look аt the piсture in Are the sеntеnсеs true (Т) or 3 СompIеtе thе sеntеnсеs rvith thе prеsеnt сontinuous form
fаlsе (F)7 Сhаnge the prepositions in thе false sеntеnсеs. of thе vеrbs givеn.

1 Тhе mоlэi е рhоnеs аrе on thе tаblе.

(lаvе) а shоwеr
2 Тhе gamе5 сoПso е is on thе tablе,
(eiе 5П t nеrе аt thе momеnt' Shе
3 Thе dоgs аrе in thе sоfa.
thе rubblsh оli.
4 Thе |amp is bеhind thе sofa. Еthan аnd (not watсh) thе ТV' Wе

Тhе sоfа is undеr thе pоstеr. а magazinе.

6 Thе armсhаir is bеhind thе sоfа' 4 you thе Nеt?

qA your mUГn (СooK,

WoRKвooK ) pаge30 /6 thе dinnеr?

B: Yеs, shе

WoRкBooK ) page 33 /7 fs

1 Whiсh room do you usua|ly use for these aсtivities? 2 Сomp|etе the jobs around the housе with thesе words.
1 making thе brеakfast:
do do Iay mаke tаkе tidy wash
2 еating With fanri y аnd |riеnds:
З iаv ^q d.|^o^е,:
1 thе rUl]bish oUt 5
4 еrLе iгg,le io ,,.: ') tnе snopp|П9 o
5 ra ..l. iг9 ТV: up 7
6 pа.L'.9 t|^е саr: 4 tnе tаblе

WORKBOOK ) page 28 /6 fs WoRKBooK ) page З1 l" poiлts

:urniturе and household objeсts

3 Write thе nаmеs of the objeсts.

-fu t@ -щ "]€ "-Е :- -' )

7 points

> Can/Can,t > Adverbs of manner > Нave to/Dоn't havе tо/Must/Mustn,t
bulary >.Parts of the body > Basrс physiсaI aсtivities > Sports
kiпg > Giving direсtioпs
ng > A questionnaire

Parts of the body Basiс physical activities

1а Workwith а partnеr. Matсh the parts of the bodywith 3 Work with a pаrtner. Matсh thе piсtures with some of these
thеsе words. words. Chесk that you undеrstand the other words. Use
your diсtionary if nесessаry.
arm bасk сhеst еar eyе faсе finger
foot hаnd head Iеg mouth nесk nosе сlimb dive fа|I hit jump kiсk rеst
shouIdеr stomaсh toе tooth ridе (a horsе/bikе) run skаtе ski swim


L1$Y*Н{Fjl] #p.т.зs Listen. Whаt aсtivitiеs do you heаr?

'I 5

Write down one or more physiсaI aсtivitiеs you assoсiatе

with thеsе words. Use your diсtionary if nесеssary.
,l mountains cl,oиЬ, sl<,, fаll
2 triаth|опs
З fооtba||
4 thе wintеr

1b ФP t.Ё? Listen and rеpeat. 5 Watеr

6 martial arts
2 Сompletе the sentеnсes with parts of thе body. 7 thе ho|idays
,l 0n thе еnd оf your |еg is yоur

2 0n thе еnd оfyour foоt yоu havе fivе 6 sPЕAкlNG Work in small groups. Reаd out the aсtivity or
3 Adu|ts usua||y havе з2
aсtivities for onе of thе words in
5. Who сan guess thе word?

4 Yоu U5е your tо |istеn.

run, divе, swim, ridе а bike, rest.
5 Yоu Usе your to rеad.
6 0" t^е егd оГvo-' a'n is yo'. Triаthlons?
7 Your hаnd has fivе Yеs,
8 Whеn yo! еat, thе food go.оs to your '

Unir 4
Rеad this text аnd сhoose а good title.
,] Hоw avа|аnсhеs start
2 How to survivе an аvalanсhе
3 Ассidеnts in thе mountаtns

ОK' эo уou сan эki геa||у ууе)| ond

Уou саn с|irnb rnountoinэ еaэi|у' .

3uf, сan уau эuгvivе on avо|onсhе? Аvо|anсhеэ

o," *n"n- un|*,'uaa
down a maunfo|ln.15О pеop е diе n оva|anсh"' lr
Lsua1|у эtaгl fhеm bу-aссiёеnt when they аrе эki)ng ",.;;
;":; ;;:;;
oг сIimbing in |hе t
.naunla n5

Тhеrе аге th|ngэ fhaf уou сan da fo эuгvivе

an cvоiоос^е. Flгэt, a|woуэ ir
сnесK fhе wеafhег сarеfu|!у bеfoге
уou go ia +hе nОu|.+О.э. Tаkе геsсuе
эigndэ ar !Г91?fl|rct.2 Thеу hе|p
реo2Iе ia k.ow w.э.. уc- a.е. Arзd
lаkе dеdэionэ abaul whot fo do bеfoге оn
ovolaгс.е э-с--з-'W|'eл flзe
ava|onсhе сОrnеz, Уau сon't fo|k оbout whaт -.е.еэ .c -'-е.
ro do: I

When the оуa|anсhе begins, lhе |irэf fhing ta

da iэ ia |еavе ci| уaB.
fhingэ aэ fоэt oэ уoa сОп' Эkis oг a big, h-е-ovу- :
bog сon pu|! уou down ll
unоег thе Enow. Neхt
rnovе уОuг handэ, aгrnз and )еgэ ond
'зw)mгning,. э|oгf Ii
You da fhrэ fa эfoу abovе lhе эnaw. lf poээib|е' jump
fa onе ..:
ddе ta е-эс9pе-thе ava|anсhе.Аnd when lhе
ovo|оnсnе сarтеэ, сlosе
rnoufh. Эnow сan gеt in quiсk
у and эfaр уou fгaш gеtf ng aiг'
)f thе эnow сoУег5 уoU, makе o эpaсе
in fronf of уa'lг пlouth lmmedioйiij
эo thоl Уou сan bгеаthе. |f уou сan,
РЦf уaЦг orml up abovе the ,no* io

эhaw реop|е whеге уou aге. |f

уau сan'f, wait .с-q|g!у and ,";,"n;; ;;,;
э-hout and don'f рaniс. ?еap|е соdt hеоr
уau *iin-уo,,," undег fhе эnow

Whаt rs important whеn yоu rеad a tеxt

for thе first timе: LooK аt your answеrs in 2. Hаvе you got an
t? ulчTччYеЧфщ o[ to gеt а qеnеral answеr for еасh
undеrstandinq qUеstion?
оf whаt thе tеXt is аbоuti ExAIvl sUссЕsS ) page 158
sтUDYsKlLLs ) page156

Reаd the text again and сhoosе the best

3 Work with a partner. Why does the text talk
аbout ...
1 What is аn avаiаnсhеi
Soиe pеop/с stаrt аrа/аисltes wheи thеу
'.o|,':?, аre
а АПothеr nаmе for snоw.
b А pеrson who сan сljmb mountains
2 сarrуiпg big bags?

Whеn snow suddеn|y falls dоwn а mоuntаitl,
З swimming?
4 lumping?
2 Whаt js
thе usual саusе of avalаnсhеs? 5 waiting?
a Snоw аnd wjnd.
b Pеoplе dоing spоrt and othеr аСtivitjеs. 4 Мatсh the -чn-{er!iц-ed words in thе tеxt with the
с Pеоplе whо fа|| dоwn thе mountain. definitions.

3 Why is it importаПt tо takе dесisions bеforе

1 say sоmеthing sо а lot оf pеoplе сan hеаr vэ-
sta rts?
thе ava]anсhе 2 wеighing а |ot

а Bесausе thе wеathеr оftеn сhangеs.

3 in а rеlаxе.d, s|ow way

b Bесausе yоu nееd to dесidе tо bring your

4 to happеn wjthоut bеing p|annес

с Bесausе whеn thе аva|anсhе bеqins

5 things thаt sеnd or сommLlniсэ.: -::::]::
it,s diffiсu|t tо spеak
6 9о awаy Г.on а oаd o, di' :--: .-:. -.
4 Whеn thе ava|аnсhе arrivеs, it,s a goоd
idеа tо . ..
a ;ump up and dоwn. 5 sPЕAкt!{G What about you?
b tаkе aff уoоr еquipmеnt. Do yоu likе snow аnd t.е -:-..e.^s: r1,,Why nоt?
с сal] to mеmbеrs of yоur grоup'

5 Whеn you аrе undеr thе sПoщ thе important

thing rs tо
l likе snoуу аnd the mountаins
bесаuse l Iikе skiing.

hаvе air.
b ГПаkе pеоp|е hеаr yоu.
с Kеер moving. l don,t likе skiing but t
likе snow in winter

Unit 4
4a sРЕAкl'{What соn or саn'tуou do? Writе the aсtivities in
the сorreсt сoIumn. Use thеse words.
сlimb сook drаw p|ay ridе a bike/horsе
1 Look at the sentеnсes аnd deсide if thе statements sing skatе ski speаk Gеrman swim
below аre true (T) or false (F).
a Yоu сan ski rеa y wе l'
l сAN lсAN.T
b Pеоplе саn,t hеar yоu whеn 1,оrl

с Сan shе с lmb ГПoUПta !s?

d Yеs, shе сan./Nо' s:: сan,t
Thе fоrms оf сan/сan,t : PARТNЕR
With diffе|еП: :.,:- : . . сAN
|,уоu,hе,5.. ''-. ..
\iVе lsе do/doеs ' :. :
r\ t- -t-
.- LdllLOllt


GRAMli4AR RЕFЕRЕNсЕ ) paqе б2

2a J Listеn to these sentenсеs. Whiсh
sound is |ong, саn or саn (:

l сan.:-=.. ::.. s.
2 (an,t.pсак Sраг sr'
4b Work with a partnеr. Ask your partner questions to find out
2b J . .i. to thе sеntеnсes. Put a tiсk (/) if thе pеoplе
] Listen whаt they can or соn't do. Writе thе aсtivities in the сorreсt
сan do thе aсtivity. Put а сross (X) if thеy сan,t. sq uares.
Саn уou сook?
2с * :.'l.: Listеn аnd repеat thе sentenсеs.
l .аП rеaO' Yеs, I саn./ No, l сan,t.

2 ] саn,t gеt Uр аt six'

З Wе сan,t undеrstand'
4 ]ohn саn do hls hoгnеwоrk.
5 Wе сan spеаk ЕngIish. Аdverbs Оf mannеr

3 Сomplete the sentеnсеs with ссn or сan,t and thesе verbs.

5 Look at the sentеnсes and answer thе questions.
a Yоl сaп ski rеаlly well.
сhat сook hit plаy p|ay ridе swim
b Yоu сan с]lmb mountаins easily'

l\4у s]5tеГ ПеVеr еat thе things shе

с Сhесk thе wеathеr сarеfully'
mаkеs. d Lеаvе your thiПgs fast.

\4у friеnd thе guitаr but hе isп,t in a е Sпow СаП gеt in quiсkly.
group. f Wait сalmly аnd patiеntly'
l tепnis' don,t hаvе а rасkеt and dоn,t
KnoW tnе rU|еs' Do advеrbs of mаnnеr dеsсribе hоt,tz wе dо
аmiд :nd RргL rl/.. .................. ... ... .... . . ' uпdеr thе Wаtеr. Тhеу somеth]Пg ar haw оftеn wе do sоmеthiпg?
go l5 rПеtrе5 WithoUt airl
5 Yоu thе bal] with yоur hand ln footbа|l' Do advеrbs оf mаnnеr qо wlth thе vеrb to bе ar
6 ]:m ]c оп rl fn r hrrt hр
' ' . 'a bikе' Hе,s gооd with оthеr vегbs?
аt lt.
O' e ot hоmе bесo's.
е.l,I 3 What аrе thе tWo last lеttеrs ln rеgular аdvеrbs?
Аrе thеsе аdvеrbs rеgular or irrеgulаr?
wе|| fаst hаrd |аtе еоr|у


1 Work with a partnеr. Mаtсh thе photos with
,l Work with а partnеr. Matсh the photos with
somе of
these words. Сhесk that you know the other
Use your diсtionary if nесеssаry.

bаsеba|| baskеtbаll сyсling fishing

footba|l golf gymnastiсs iсе skаtino
judo nеtbа|| rugby sаi|ing
tab|е tеnnis tеnnis vo||еvbа||

6 Completе the sentenсеs with аdverbs from

thе adjесtives
,l Hе doеs еХаГПs Vеry (fаst) Hе tinishеs in
IеП ПllПUtеs and thе othеr stUdеПts
finish in o[lе ПoUr.
2 tlе doеs еxams rеаJly (bаd) Не only gеts

0ur train ]еаvеs аt hаlf past еight' Lеt,s Wаit

(раtiеПt) in this rоom.
Еiе ridеs his bikе (slоw) аnd
(сarеfu]) bесausе hе dоеsn,t
WаПt to
n:\/р in tr.. dоnt
5 lt,s iП]portant tо dаnсе rеatly.
you Wаnt to wоrk аs а danсеr
6 Shе wоrks vеrу (hаrd) frопl 9 to 5, six
dаys а wееk.

7а sPЕAKlN0 Write six questions using adverbs

of mannеr.
You сan usе these adverbs ol. on"'Ъfyour
badly сa|m|y саrеfu||y fаst hаrd patient|y
quiсk|y s|owly wе|l
Cаи st.и1 ьur//?
Whiсh sports in .l do we usually p|ay
Doуoи иsиа//у wаlt pаttеиt/у? .l Wlth a bа]I?
Doуoи rt,deуo'r Ь,|e саref"/f? 2 with а raсkеt?

7 b lnterview another student with your questions.

З With а bаt?

sPЕAк|}lG Workwith a partnеr. Ask а.э э.s

Саn you sing wеlt?
'I \ldli(, o -

Yеs, I
2 l\.с l

Do уou usuа|ly wаit pаtiеntlу? З l'|


No,ldon't. 5
titnGlssi and GlxGll.сise -- .-r

-l _--_.-::.-..==....--:.-J.:


l &rgss-сшrricшlar _ РhуsicaI Еduсation (PЕ) .

Basiс сonсеpts A Y o: this аГтег Ph. .i..r] .,\ i.г\ .(, Тhе idеа is to

(low down ouг hсагt

,]1lЧ ''.; оilrhirlg. Ir .rIso
hеlps stop pгoЬlепs etiсr :r'сrсlsе'
\ qood way
Т Look at the piсture. What arе thе сhi|drеn doing? Do you have а Ьy runnrng r сгl s-..l.'.]l.
similar сIаss? * gеntiе
do :lu l' stгеtсhiЛs. ".аЪ.*r,.ii."
3 Work with a partnеr. Look at thеse сonсepts. They are all vеry pari'--- ""':''":, "'
TЬis .."., .'"'.i:.... i.l.
'.sсn. Тhс ЬodyЬas
importаnt in PE. Do you know whаt the сonсеpts аre? Guеss. еnough oх\'gеIl то dt. l]::s -:с оr эсrir.iгr.
,l Aеrоbiс еХе.. s: З Соo down 5 Warm up
iong pегiod. l h' .х..':..
for a
--_i .. .. 1n схаmplе
oГrhis iipе оl.с';.г':t.
2 Аnаеrоb : :\-.: j: 4 Hеart rаtе minutеs.
. ::r:lillg s]оrr'lv fоr 30

Rеad definitions ofthe сon(еpts in 2 from a PЕ textbook.

Matсh the (onсepts 1-5 with the definitions A-E on thе right.
Use а diсtionary if neсessary.

Rеad the definitions again. Are thesе stаtements true (T) or

fаlsе (F)? f,l Тhisis thе nuп :
j-: . J-lеаrt Ьеats in a
1 |t is impоrtaПt to strеtСh bеfоrе слd аftеr yоu dо sport. Г/F
minutе. \Ъur i.s.:::
hеагt гаrе .i-}:е: .. . .
ls оuг m,itlimum

2 Jоgging for ЗО minutеs is аn anaегоbiс ехеrсisе. Г/F \Ъuг п-tаrlir.*::: :... .

" =ld dоing rrоthing.
З |fyоu сyс е for 20 minutеs аt mеdium spееd, yоur body hаs hе:rrт r.' Ьс: ',-... .:- : :a.
:..э sрееd oГyour

еnоugh oХygеn' Т1F

4 Yоur rеsting hеаrt rаtе is simi|аr to your minimum hеаrt ratе. Т1f
5 Running |ast is а goоd way to Wаrm Uр. т/Г

Matсh the words and definitions.

.l h.^а rt your nеаrt makеs sounds and movеmеlts
2 brеath ing o thе огgan in vоur сhеst thаt purnos b сэ:
З strеtсhinс с
4 pеliэс d
5 bеаts с
6 spе..d t
7 graduа||y I


Read thе words to the song. Do you think the musiс

PopuIar сulturе wiIl bе fast or slow? Read the word booster to сheсk

Wе got thе beat by Тhе Go Gо s the voсabuIary.

s*s thg people walking down thе strФ*т
6 Read this short teхt about musiс and еxerсise аnd аnswer the Гali in linе just watоhing a|l their f*еt
questions. Тhеу dоn,t know where thеy tл'ranna E*
] Ноw dоеs musiс hеlp us tо do iПtеnsе physiса| aСtivity? *ut theу'rе walking in time
2 Whеn is fast П-lUsiС good? ТneУ EOt the beat
3 Why ls s1оw musiс gооd? Тh*y Eоt thе beat
4 Нow сan musiс hе|p us tо rеduсе thе oХygеn wе brеаthе?
Тh*у g*t thе beat
5 How саn musiс rnotivаtе Us?
**g thr kids just getting out of sсhсс!
Тh*у сan't wait to hang out and bе сс:*i
**ng arсund 'ti| quarter aftеr twelve
Тl":at,э when thеу fall in linе
i{ids gоt the beat
тie-v got the beat
тiev got the beat
It helps you to think positivвly. Vеry hard аnd
intеnse exеrсisе fееls еаsy with musiс!
Kiс]s got the beat
Fast mцsiс hвlps to givв yoц вnergy ,Эо-gо musiс гeal|y makеs us danсе
belore doiпg sport. Slow musiс сan саlm you and Эс thе рOnУ, рUtS us in a traпсG
hеlp you to сonсеntratе. Э* ihe watusi, just give us a сhanсэ
Тhat,э whеn we fa|| in line
Yoц сan matсh thв tempo of thв musiс to
thв tempo ol thв physiсal exerсise. This g*t the beat
?f*gс:t the beat
сontrols your movеment аnd сan hе|p you to rеduсe
thе oxygen you nееd'
W* gоt thё beat
lllusiс caп motivate you. Thе words of somе ?V* gсt the beat
] songs аre VerУ positivе. Somеtimes, songs he|p you to Еv*rykзоdy get on your feеt
remembеr momеnts in fiIms that mаkе you feel good. Wg knочлr yОu Can danсe to thе bеa..
Jumрiпg, get Uр
Arund аnd round and round

{} 1*''o, INF.RMAт'.N
Th s soгс ..
Go Gо'.
Тhе Gс ] .
tnе | 5..]:
ПLl]..:,. .
тЬ. .. .

;* . .. Listеn to thе song. Do you think this is а

good song for phуsiсal еxегсise? Why/Why not?

Whаt about you?

1l ^-' lоtJ
.- - ]О sэоrl оr

.aIl go-go musiс/pony/

in linе gеt in а |tnе, onе
-...'.. аftеr аnathеr Watusi rypсs Of mustс оr
^аng out gО ОUtWith friеnds dаnсе
.аng arouno !1/,/. |ranСе a statе Саusеd bу
: jarter аfter twelvе

- .. .. соn) quаrtеr рast twе|Vе сhanсе ОрpОrtunitу,


unit 4 57
''':: ..",
, ...я,iв..
Havе to, don't have to, must, mustn't
1 Look at thе sеntеnсes and сomplete thе
statemеnts with hаvе to, don't hаve to, must or
а Yоu havе to play wlth a rеaIly spесiа bа1|'

b You don,t havе to lэltl anуthinq to р ay, jU5t thе

с Тhе Oеrson whо hits thе bаii first must shоut
d Thе bа|| mustn,t hit thе f oor,

that arе nеСеssаry or оbJigаtо.t,

2 Wеusе fоrth ngs..з.
nеСеssary (but wе саn dо tl.с.^

3 Wе us."

Work with a partner. Look аt the photo of a Kin-ba|| gamе l GRAMtvlAR REFERЕN0Е ) эa;е б2
and ta|k about what you сan sее' How do you think you
play Kin-bal|? Guеss.

Read thе notеs about Kin.baIl' What typе of information

do you think is missing?

Thе ba|I haэ a d,iarлeLrr of ;i

tf hеа'lхt Tho го|n, r n| ",hr ba||

iэ uэua\lу

Thеre are .$ Nеamэin aKin-ba||

maLch' ?|aуerэ havе to wеar black,
Оr :!

Whсn уou dеfend, у ou muэN k eеp thе b a|| in Lhe

' |N muэ|n'| hiL thr

А comp|еta K|n-ba\| maLchiэ

2 Complete the sentenсes with hоye to, hаs to, don,t hаve
m|nuNrэ |onq. to or doеsn't hove to,

1 You bе gоod аt foоtba|| tо

bесomе а оrofеssiоna
l"ilijlr.i;ii.iii iF :.=.: Listеn to two pеoр|е taIking about


Kin-bаIland сomp|еtе thе notеs. 2 А fооtbа pIayеr

3 Prоfеssionа| foоtbaI p ayеrs

Biз Listen again and сheсk your answers. know a ] thе rU еs оfthе gamе
ф SРЕAK|NG Whаt about you? bе a lэоy tо p|аy foоtbal

Wou|d you ikе to p|av Kin-bа ? \''l ^ ' ,.


I,d likе to plоу. lt looks rеallу fun!

i'fiзiр **
3 Look аt the statements about volleyball and сhoosе the 5b sРЕA}t|н& Тe|| the сlass your sentenсes аbout onе ofthe
сorreсt aItеrnative. sports. Can thеy guess the sport?
,l You nц5!.1nц'st.a,I kiсk thе bа]l.
2 You nцs!/nцsta,I hit othеr p ayеrs.
6 Look аt the sеntenсes and сhoose the сorrесt alternative. |f
you think two аlternatives аre сorreсt, mark both of them.
З You na5't/n.L,15t.n,l [еspеСt othеr p]аyеrs.
4 You nцSt/nц5t'0.'Ifo ow thе ru|еs оf thе gaП]е at aIl tlmеs.
] Usuа У
\Nе has ta-l,haу.е.ta-/-daa.,'i h's'Vе to qo to sСПooI oП
5 Thе ba n.цs.1/цa:n l.|gо ovеr thе nеt'
2 You n15t/-Шцs'tn'|!./,lan,I ha.Vе-tp smokе аt sсhoоt'
6 P аyеrs nрst/-nu; and ho d thе bа|| in thеir hаnds'
З Yоu nц51/'пц5у1,'Г/h.4yе.iр. study hard tо bе a dосtor'
4 Rеad thе sentеnсеs. Write N if the sеntеnсе dеsсribes а 4 Аt оur sсhоо wе d'р-е-sn,I h.С|uе-tр/-oa1,! hsv,.е ta/nц5tn,l \,Vеar а
neсessary aсtion, NN if it desсribеs an aсtion that is not l nt|оrm.
nесеssary, or (D if it desсribes an асtion thаt we сan,t do. 5 Yоu ha,'1nqvstрlшJlspеаk Еlq ish in Епg lsh еssоns if уou
] You don,t hаvе tо run |ast' А/А/ Wаnt to sоеak wе]l'
2 t_ооtbаl piаyеrs оltеn hаvе to trаvеl. б You ...L15il]i/,.,n'']5Й':: il.' i.. :].:]. j..-l. .'lt.l i;iе.
З You П-,lU5tП,t p аy bа sports hеrе. 7 Jslа !,.str...l .-..-. -.: ,..':l .]'S.зi
4 Yol must dо аll thе еxеrсisеs'
5 Yоu гПUstП,t kiсk thе оthеr playеrs' 8:
6 Еасh tеam hаs to hаvе еIеvеn p аyеr.s
7a sPЕAкlNG Work with a partnеr. Prepаrе truе sеntenсеs
7 Yоu dоn,t havе tO Wеar а rеd shl.t.
to taIk about things that аrе nесessаry, not nесеssary or
5а sPЕAltlliJG Work with a pаrtner. Look аt thе photos. Whаt not pеrmittеd at your sсhooI, Usе thе сorrесt forms of
ruIes do you know for thesе sports? Writе sentеnсes with hаvе to and mu5t, Тhink about с|othes, furniturе, sports,
hаvе to, don't hаve to, must, mustn,t, саn and thеse words. еxсursions, еating and drinking ...
Yoи миstи,t аrrtrе /аtе. Yoи hаrе to weаr а ииiforш,
ba|I bat foot hand heаd hit kiсk
minutes rасket run tеam touсh Wеar 7b Сompare your ideas with other students. Do you have the
same sentenсes?

Unit 4



чi *&

Mаtсh the questions (1-8)with thе аnswers (a_h)

Look аt thе аdviсе in thе Writing Bаnk. Rеаd this
quеstiOnnairе Writtеn by a studеnt. Doеs thе studеnt
foIlow thе adviсе?


l Нow oftеn do yoLr сomе to this sr'vimn-ring pool? ,l Whаt tin,]е yoU СoП,]е to thе gym?
2 \Иhеn do you шsually сomе tO thе pool? 2 Yоu соmе with yoUr sistе|?
3 How rvеll сan you swirrr? З Whо is yоur favоlritе spОrts 5tаr?

4 wьy do you сomс to tЬе pool?

4 Dо yоu сaП do gymПаstiсs wе ?
5 Yоur housе is Пеar to thе gym?
5 is thе poo1 nеar your housе?
Q ]ЦЩt d!еs you thiПk оf thе gym?
6 How do you сomе hеrе?
- Do you сomе to thе pool alonе or with a Гriеnd
oг mеt-nЬсr of thе fЬmily?

8 \Х/hat is yоuг gеnеral opinion oГthе pool?

. Givе yоlr quеstiоnnаirе an iПtеrеsting titlе.
а Not lvеll. Ij-n a Ьеginnеr.
. Маkе аl yolr qUеstion5 rеlеVant tо thе quеstiопneirt'
. If pоssibJе, pUt thе qUеstioПs iП o[dеr'
Wе usuаJJy si:-.
Ь \Ъs, it,s or-r1y tеn minutеs Ггom hеrе. W tn gеnеrа] qUеstioПs and thеП wе аsk spесiflс
.. ..,
Тhе last qUеstion СаП а5k fоr а gеnеral СoПС]r, j .
a 1 Lr'uаlIy сomе аIоnс. Ьut sonlеtimе\ ll)y si\tеr
. Bе vеry сarеfu] with gramГПаtiСal mistаkеs : :: :.
;omеs lvitlr mс.
Dо yоu hаvе thе соrrесt Word oГdеr? is tl: . '

J 3есausе I want tо lеаln tо swim rеal1y r'vеll. do песеssаry?

a []rrсс ог twiсе a ц,ее1r'

Work with a partnеr and do the tasks,
] Сorrесt thе mistakеs in thеl'... . .. :

- :hiпk it,s grсat. Мy iпstruсtог is rеall1. niсе аnd 2 Iаkе out аПy quеstоns tL-.. . - . -
.:lе pоol is сlеаt-t. Sоmеtirlеs tЬе ъ,аtег's сo1d]
з Аdd oПе or two rеlе,'';'' .].
,, -\с lПсгlrоotl oг еvсning.

Write а questionnalrе to f nо : -:
с|аss think about spoгt а^э эj з: |,^
'./lth a pаrtner. Сhoosе a
: Ir a. -- iAс
9ood title for thе doing?Whаtdoпtт.:. .: ' =r
: Onnairе. .:n
--t aoo?
Writing Bank тo ': : ,, : -

. .] ].,]C 5\J'iП.l ГПе[? Givеstudеnts )э-. э-.s: ].^: ,=

- ' :. : .]],.l l,'/h iсh do yo U p rеfеr? Rеport baсk:с:гi:: js -. ;^з...i^ 5c_е lПtеrе5t|nq
аn51','/еrs t0 ti.'r- q!€s: э.s . ) our quеstionnairе.

Longuoge гefeгenсe ond Гevision

1 Parts of the body 2 Basic physiоaI 3 Sports

arm baсk сhеst еаr еyе aсtivities basеbаll baskеtbal| сyсling fishing footbaII
fасе fingеr foot hand сIimb divе faII hit go|f gymnastiсs iсе skating judo nеtba||
hеad |еg mouth neсk jump kiсk rеst rugby saiIing tаblе tеnnis tеnnis voIleybаlI
nosе shouIdеr stomaсh ridе horse/bikе)
toе tooth run skatе ski swim 4 Other words аnd phrаses ) pagе 149

62 Unit 4
1 Writе the sеntеnсes again with сon or саn,t, Do not сhange the meaning.
1 Dо you knоw hоw to ski?

2 L
'ь r pоss.b e ol .rе |o (oт е 6 |s it роssiblе for ; :., . '
З ] dоn,t knоw hоw to pJаy gо f

4 |t'c nncciЬ д fnr Ьдr tn r UГ тd.оItoПS

WORKBOOK ) page B8 /7 points

аdverbs of mannеr Н ave ta/don,t have to/must/mustn,t

2 Write the advеrb for thеse adjесtivеs. 3 (omplete the sеntenсеs with hayе to, don,t hаvе to
l pаt е1I lf therе are two possibilities, put both.
2 goоd ] Yоu
З bаd 2 You
4 fаst З Yоu
5 s]оw 4 Smоking is not pеrmittеd hеrе' Yоu
6 саrеful 5 Сhr|d."^ *.lОе o ' qo
'o :

hаrd 6 Not a еxеrсisеs arе оb igatоry' You

7 Wе 9o by саr bесаusе thеrе is'. .

WoRKBooK ) page З8 /7
WoRKBooK ) pаge41 7 points

Эarts of thе bodу

Writе thе nаmes of the pаrts of the body.

Е Е Е fr
'V +
,. /r

,-) ^,/ т

WoRKBooк ) paоэ З5 7 points

:.-- с phуsiсal aсtivities S:- ". -.

] iook at thе piсtures' Whаt physiсal aсtivities do you usualIy do with them?

? lд*.

fГ g \с/lе 5


) pagе З9

/7 points
) page 36 i5

Unir 4

ln mu|tip е сhоiсе асtivitiеs, rеmеmbеr .. '

А1wауs aпswег а| thе quеstioпs.'/оu dо nоt lsua1|y osе mаrks fоr

|Псor[еСI аП5Wеl.S. : .].iЛ:(j,:i:'E:1 г раEе 156

1 Woгk with a partneг. What do you know about гugby?

?к You are going to read about a sport сa|led .UndeгWater
rugby'. Woгk with a pагtner and write two questions аbout
the sooгt"
3&а Read the text quiсk|y to find the answers'
3 Read the text again. Choose the сorгeсt answeг
(A, B or C)for eaсh question.

Undеrwatеr rugby is an unusua] sport. Peoplе think thaт

it s similar to rugby. It lsn.t. You play undеrwatеr. so you
have to bе able to swim wе11'
Thе gamе has two halvеs' Еaсh half is fiftееn minutеS' ]n
the midг]le thр.f2*ё s.оn( ,.. l].]Р al]..р.( hаvе а ]lt.еаk
v(vуl/ gLL\!
) Use o| Е ng Iish
for four minutеs- Thеrе arе t.,...o tеams, oгiе tеell'.. iis.'.a].-'-
Wеars whitе anс1 thе оth.еt- tеa]]...'.'-еaiэ ;,.j.lе о: ::..aс:l Еa.::..
tеam has е1еvеn р.dvr'.Э, B...т -'о,.:, .::,]]. 'с:. . -.....'.- +.=.,.=:.,
playеrs tn thе rr:atеr at thе satl.е i.:l.'е o:.--; .*.,', :- =..:.= ::: l.:.,
еaсh tеam сan bе in thе watеr' It's ...еIу сilff:с.i,: .o S..'..-]].-
fasт undеr watеr for a long tintе, Sо thе othеr,t.'.е p.a,.е:. 0еnе[al
arе substitutеs' тhеу go in and рlay when thе othеr r abort
nlarlдrq пat tirоr.]
Jv( Lrr vчl
ЕХAМ sUссЕss > page 158
Thеrе arе two goals' one at еach еnd of thе swimming
poo1. Thеy are likе thе baskеts in basketball but they arе
on thе bottom of thе pool. To sсore a goal, you must put Read the text about soort. Choose the best word
thе bal] in thе baskеt. The ball has got Sa]t Water insidе (A, B or C)for eaсh gaр,
it. This makes the ball go down in the water, not up. The
playеrs mustn.t take thе ball out of thе watеr. You mustn't Theгe (1) a |ot of extгеmе sports in the world.
attaсk anothеr playеr. Тf you do. you have to be out of thе Extгeme sports are usual|у dаngerous. You
watеr for two minutеs and your tеam must play with only
five peoplе. not six.
(2| have bad aссidents when you praсtise
them. You must think (3) befoге you deсide
'1 To play underwater rugby, it's important to be good at to do an extгeme sport. Some рeop|e prefeг
A swimming. to just stay at home and watсh extгeme spoгts
B rugby. (4). .. . ТV. But you {5) sit watсhing TV a||
C unusual soorts. day. |t,s гea||y bad for you too. My parents don't
have time foг spoгt duгing the week and on
2 The p|aУeгs play for
Saturday they (6) the shopping and tidy up
A 15 minutes.
the house. But on Sunday they get up (7)
B 30 minutes.
at 7 o'с|oсk, and they go foг a run. (8) the

C 34 minutes.
afternoon, thеy p|ay tennis. Running and tennis
3 You сan easi|y see the different teams beсause aren't extreme sports, but it helps them to stay
A one team has men, the other has women. fit' Me? | do а|| my exerсise in the sсhooI gym!
B they have very different сo|ours'
G one teаm has to swim fast, but the otheг doesn't.
1 Ais B isn't с are
2 Аcan B саn't C must
4 |n a game of undeгwater rugby, theгe aгe usua||y
3 A сarеfuI B сarefu||y c aood
playeгs in the wateг in tota|'
A six
4 Aon B in C next to

B eleven
5 A must B mustn't G don't have to
6 Ado B make C go
C twelve
7 A early B late C lately
sPЕAl(lNG What about you? 8 AOn BAt Cln
Would you like to play underwater rugby? Why/Why not?

) Sэеoking ) Writing
. . ,91о-plа, ( .A1
е.гoр .. .:, Jп writing еXams, rеmеГlDеr
.] .ommUniсatе spеСifiс infоrmаtiоn Yоu сannоt
Rеаd yоur wоrk саrеfully whеn yоu fiпish' Сhесk
for mtstаKеs
ЕХAM sUссEsS ) page 158 With pUnСtUаtiоn, сapitаJ lеttеrs, .tvord оrdеr, spеlling,
аnd аgrееmеnt bеtwееn thе subjесt and vеrb.
,' эгk with a partner. Look at these expressions
for ..,'.:'..::'i:,: , t .
: ;lng diгeсtions, For eaсh expгession, dгaw
a simp|e

] аgгam.
1 Тurn right.
2 Go straight on.
3 Go past the оomputer room.
4 lt's on the left.
5 lt's on the сorneГ,
6 lt,s between the gym and the сanteen.
7 lt's opposite the Coaсh's Room.
with a paгtner" Look at the situation below
'ole-play the dialogue.
Student A: You are new at this sсhoo|. Ask for :r What is your favourite room at home? What is
direсtions to the gym' |f you don,t understаnd. in the гoom? Why do you |ike it? Make notes
ask and
your partner to repeaт. then tell your partner.
Can you tell me how to I An English-speaking friend wants information about
get to the gym, please? your favourite room at home. Write an email.
a desсription of the room and say why you |ike it.
Student B: Give direсtions, Begin:
Change roles.
Student B: Ask for direсtions to the library. . ,.,-..:r,
r,,...,. .
, *#
Student A: Give direсtions. *rb*.*
Now praсtise asking for direсtions to otheг plaсes
in the sсhoo|.

1a Work with a partner. Мatсh the photos with some of these words.
Сheсk that you understand thе other words.
Use your diсtionary if neсessary.

аpple banana beans bisсuit breаd burgеr buttеr саke сheеse сhiсken сhips
grapе iсе сrеam lemon meat mеIon nuts oizza riсе saIаd sаlt strawberry
еgg fish
sugar tomato

4 Маtсh thе photos rvith somе of thеsе words.

сoffее hot сhoсo|atе lеmonadе milk miIkshаkе

mlnеral Watеr orangе juiсе tеа

. ..ь. ]:]].;:}:.'.1,-
: -..'..|!:'.-..

1b *} .:
i. Listеn and rеpeаt.

2a How oftеn do you eаt thе food in 1? Put eасh word into one
of these сolumns.

oftеn Not oftеn Nеvеr

1 ,,:l
sPЕAк|l{0 Work with a partnеr. tind out whiсh drinks your
partnеr likes or doesn,t Iikе.
..: -$ ..':.. Listеn to four diaIoguеs. Write down
j. :.']:i]:+i.
2ь sPЕAкING Work with a partnеr. Сomparе your lists.
thе food and drink thаt the pеople wаnt.
Arе thеy simi|аr?
I wo wlth
l oftеn eоt bоnanаS, but you nеvеr еаt them.
2 onе соffее
No, l hаtе bаnаnаs!
3А with

3a Whiсh words in ] have two sy||ab|es? 4 0nе sandwiсh with апd onе sandwiсh
Whеrе is thе stress in these words - on thе first or sесond wrth
a, 7 sРЕAк|IilG You and your pаrtner are hungry. Deсide whiсh
Аpрtе food in 6 you prefer.

Зb ; . .l List€П, сheсk аnd repeat. а oizzа!
I,d prеfеr the burgеr аnd сhips.


Work with a partner. What do you think аre thе ingredients in:
,] а сhiсkеn burgеr?
2 a strаWbеrry milkshаkе?

Read the tеxt and сheсk your answers in 1.


wжж%wж%жжe"жж %mФ*-?
lt,s lunсh lime. You,re hungry. You,ve got с сhiсken burger ond o
struwherry miIkshсke.
Yum! But hоve you got ony ideo whot is inside the food you,re eotiпg?

of сourse, in the сhiсken Ьurger ihere,s some сhiсken. Therе,s о|so somе
tomoto ond some сheese, ond there,s even some heо|thy so]od with it. But
there ore o|so some eхtro ingre-diqlt9 in the сhiсkеn. Foг ехоmplе, thеrе оге
ot leost seven or eight сh-emig"q! qdditjvqs' Тhey inс]ude so]t ond sUgor/ DUт
o|so.p1-e-9q1-чqtjvg.q (to stop the food going Ьod) оnd оntioxidonts (to prоteсt
the food from oxygen in the oir) Thе pеoplе who moke Ьurqers сon o|so
qh-oqqg to odd сhemiсo| f]ovours. Somе сhiсkens olso сontoin hoгmones.
Тhesе hormones mokе thБ .h-i.kun, gеt Ьig quiсkly. And, don,i
forget woter! Chiсken Ьurgeгs ore 4Ъ%.Ьt".. They odd
extro woier to moke thе сhiсkеn look Ьig.
And whot.s inside thot strowЬerrУ milkshoke? |t.s
got sirowЬerries ond mi|k, right? Wrong! There,s
some miIk ond sugor, Ьut there oren,t uiuoIly
ony reoI strowЬerries in strowЬerry miIkshoкes. ..Ж.'
StrowЬеrries oгe expensive ond ihey go Ьod.
Тhe s-o]utio-л: sсientists сreote speсio| fiovoul.,
in |oЬorotories ond then they odd their seсreт
ingredients _ Е129, сinnomy| vo|erote, Ьenzуl
isobutyrote ...
Мmmm, de|iсious!

Reаd the teхt again. Are thе sentenсes true (Т) or faIsе (F)?

1 Сhiсkеn burgеrs аnd mi kshаkеs hаvе gоt vеry simp|е

ir 6.о6g ''. Look Uр tnе Word ltlГеriэ yоur diсtionary' Is it а nоun оr а

2 Тhеrе is no сhiсkеn in а сhiсkеn burgеr. i.'r

vеrb or bоth? Doеs lt hаl",е,]ust оnе пlеaniпg оr dоеs it havе
оthеrs? Whеn ),оl оok uр а wоrd in а diсtiоnаry, is it a gооc
З Аntioхidаnts stоp fоod frоm gоing bаd. i
idеа to iооk оt. tl аt thе first dеfinition? Why/Why nоt?
:1 Thеy don,t usе strаwbеrriеs in stгawbеrry milkshакеs.
SТUDY sкl!.L's р paqе ii:
5 Тhеrе is-]U5t onе prоb|еm wlih rеa st[aWbе[riе5
thеy соst a Jоt оf mоnеy.
.' iеniсo|c
5 sPЕAlt|I{G What aboutyou?
: L
ihо- S.'е1Li, |- ('Сс1€ оГ€ ,o
mportаПt tо makе а mi kshakе'
, 1 Do you think thе fоod yоu еat is simplе, hеа :'.. . ]

2 Whiсh do yоu рrеfеr _ homе_madе food' f::. ..

Jsе your diсtionary to look up the meaning of the from a rеstаurаnt?
lldqr!iled words in the tеxt. I еаt а lot of fаst food. |VIy mum аnd
dаd hаvеn,t got timе to сook.

Мy mumisusuаIlу аthomе.^: :.. -. :. :'.: ''',:

Cauntable and uncountable naLtns
1a Look at the sentenсes. ln а, thе words in bold 1b Whiсh |ist below is of сountab|е nouns? Whiсh Iist is of
are сountabIe nouns. In b, thе words in boId are unсountabIe nouns?
unсountable. 1 t sТ А: milk, sа|t, сhееs:' '

a Тhеy,rе еating burgеrs and сhips. 2 tlsТ B: app е, balalа'.";:

b Тhеy,vе on y got bread аnd watеr'
| :aэе76

2 Put thеsе food and drink words in the сorreсt сolumn.

Ьisсttit brеаd burgеr buttеr сhееsе

еg9 mеat riсe sugar tomаto

Сountab|е Unсountаble

Some, anу, a/an

3 Look аt the sentenсеs and matсh thе boxеs below
to makе the ru|еs.
YoU havе а сhiсkеl
Ttеr-с а.е. . any :.
е --
f t_
: s. . any п^l k n tnе fridgе
h Shе nasПtgota DaПana.
З Hе hаsn,t got.,,,,..,,, a DD еs.
4 Hе,sgot,..,,,,..,,,'.,,,'-,,, b rеa d.

Wе usе а/an with a UПСoUПtаb е nouП5 5 Hе hаsn,t got.,,,..',.. .- '.- ..''...'.. СПееsе

(lvсГеr) and p uгa 6 Hе,s9ot.,,,,'.,,,'-,,,..,,,.- ........ lll||K.

сoUntаb е ПoUn5 (аpрlе)

7 Hе hаsn,t got '',..'',.' DUl-0еt'

Гр.)]- A(р.l-.1/.( lld

5 СompIete the dia|ogue with some, onу, a or аn.
q UеstloПs.

2 Wе usе some b singu аr соuntаb|е

Kдтy: Exсusе mе, hаvе yоu gоt (a)

smаIi pizzаs wlth tomаtоеs?

wtn nauns (аpp|е, bаnаnо') tэ
аffirmativе anc nеgаtivе Sнop дs5lsтдшт: No, sоrry. Wе hаvеn,t got (b)

sеntеПСе5 and quеstions

sma pizzas' BUt, Wе,Vе got
(с)'''..'''..''...''..''..''',..'',..,,,..,,, big pizza with tomatoеs'
3 Wе usе any with с unсоuntab е nouПs
Kдтy: Hаs thе pizzа gоt (d)
(шсгеr) and p ural
соuгLаb е ^oln. сpplg,)
Sнop дsslsтдшт: Yеs, it hаs'
in а|firmаtivе sеntеnсе5.
Kдтy: Оh. What about dr]nks? Наvе you got

(ffi. /a\

Sнop дsstsтдшт: Yеs, аnd Wе,Vе got (f)

nr'аnnр ]t tiгр7

opР Е

]UlСе too


sPEAкING Work with а partner. Look аt the two fridges. Containers
Find differenсеs between them.
1а Work with а partner. Matсh the piсtures with the
ln thе first fridgе, thеrе,s
some orаngе juiсе. a bott|е of watеr а саn of сo|а
а сarton oforangejuiсе a сUp ofсoffeе
In thе sесond fridgе thеrе a glass of mi|k а paсket of bisсuits a s|iсe of pizza
isn,t anу orаnge juiсе.



s*- ,,...-.' ъ

1b €A:-,1sЕ Listen and rеpeat.

2 Whiсh word(s) in 1 саn we usuаlly use with thеsе

] саkе а sh,сe o/саke
" "" ""
t "'
З milk
4 tеa ,-,
5 riсе
6 ..isоs
7 aоо е.'.liсе

3a Use the words on this pagе to rvritе sеl'ел iruе

sentenсеs about you rsе|f.
l 4пИK 0r 5|^'1|'|.;.::.-: . - ..,,.:. -.,',.
еаt thrсе 0r -
'..-..j . ,. --..
fсtt,. .,
/ '

3b sPЕAк|NG Сompаrе srn:е.сis /, rii. э ээ.1геr. Arе у,ou

simiIar or diffеrеnt]

:э::"l.ее sliсеs
^: n;эzn ga ggу:

Unit 5
Healthy food
*rxss-*ж116*axtжr * sc}*xз*язl&8*8*gу ж
Su оеrfоods Fats and sugars


.--.: I





t$ #%#
Fruit аnd vеgеtabIеs

Сеrеаl аnd riсе

aо1 J q - mtт mОq тпii .Ьnr I cl nрrf.nds sОmр Nоw, shоps ond food
typеs oI food о.е sr,ре. bесоusе thеy ore еХtreme|y сomponiеs hqve to be сorefu|'
.rрn|1hv BtlI sttnрrfnогl is The Еurоpeоn Union sоys thоt
not о sсien1tfiс nome'
Somе sсientists think il,s wrong to beIiеve thot somе they need sсientifiс evidеnсе
foods hсve sресiоi ingredients lhоt ссn proteсt Us. tо со|l fooсl supеrfoad.
5L;реrfoods orе usuоlly fruit оnd vegetоblеs wh!сh But is thе nomе superfоod
produсе s |оt оf оntiоxidqпis. СоlоurfuI fruit Iike usefu|? A simp|е сorton of
b|uеlэerriеs оrе с gоod еxоmp|e' Тhеy he|p to produсе milk is super beсouse mi|k
сntiоxidоnts whiсh help fight hеоrt problеms оnd соnсеr. соntоins сolсium оnd wе know
Sоme pеoplе now think thоi if ihеy eсt о few b|uеberries, thqt сslсium is gоосl for bones. So
theу оrе gоing tо be hеоlthу. But sсientists sоy thot thе thе rеoi suрerfoods оrе m!|k, opp|es,
impоrtоnt thing is tо hоve о bо|опсed diе1, to еot о bit of orongеs, bоnonсs, yoghurt, fish ond tеo,
еverуlhing, not iust еol one or iwo superfoods. Thеy orе оlI ports of o good. boIonсеc с ;.
Гhe 1range byWеnф Coo,*.
€ Look at the piсtures. Whiсh piсture
shows somebody:
1 pее|ing аn orangе?
2 shаring an оrаngе?
З еnjoуing аn orangе?

At Iuпсhtimе | bought а hUgr 0rangе

Тhе size 0f it madе Us al| |augh.
I pеeIed it and sharеd it with Robеrt aПd DaVr -
They gоt quartеrs and I had a ha|f.

And that Orange it made me sо happy,

As ordinary things often dо
Just IateIy. Тhe shoрping. A wa|k in the park
This is peaсе and сontеntmrnt. |t'S ПеW
You аre going to reаd a poem about the people in the
piсtures. The poеm is in the past. Before you reаd, matсh
thе prеsent аnd pаst forms. The rest оf thе day was quite еasy.
I did all my jobs on my list
Рrеsent sirnр|е Рast simр|е
Аnd enjоyеd thеm and had sоme timе оvеr.
s a hnr rп Ьt | |ovе you. |,m g|ad | еxist
Оo 0 mаОе
dNЕ с
\,Vеndy fopе ''Thе
9.'t d shа rеd
Оrаnqе,,from -]еOo. ,. d . . L
)Пarе е got '5еrious Сoпсеiпs', i 945 n Епq аnd,
аVе f was Fаbеr & Еаbеr, ltd.,
|" a о
-dА' a

]ее . d t-. .,.o 'е

s did 1992
nеr poеГns 0тIеГ 5.: : . .
n еn1оyеd
fuппybutthе15: :
.'inv I hаd lГnpo[tаlt t|. ''.]:
This pосп. .
.. '

.J; . .]:. Listen to thе poem. ls thе poеm hаppy

-. -^f t
- )oul

.', э rk with а partner. Take it in turns to rеad thе poem aloud.

Matсh the words аnd definitions'
1::"lKING Reаd what a student sаys аbout the poem and ,l hugе а ': :-
:. j ,,.,еr the questions.

. . а bеautifuI poеm' t,s vеry simplе but it is vеry
:, I snoWStnаta sma|| ordinarything саn mаkе us
' ':, ihink thе poеt is in lоvе' Evеrуthing is dif|еrеnt
:.d spесia , iпс uding sma , si1|у thiпgsl,

; jl.ее r.v th thе studеnt? Why/Why nоt? 10 Workin sгаi] g|э!:s. \ilацi з s: о.ihlп9sthatmakеyou
.- ha pру
.i^е pоеm? Why/Why not?

: -;s your ideas with other students.

Unit s 71
lot of, mIJсh, manу ]

1 Look at thе sentenсеs and dесidе if the
statemеnts bеlow аre true (T) or fаIse (F).
a HoW muсh сhеwing gum is thеrе?
b How many tееnagеrs еat сhеwng gum?
с Thеrе ls/]sn,t а |ot of сhеwinq qlm on thе
d Thеrе arе/arеП,t a Iot of blns oП thе strееt.
e |s thеrе a lot of сhеwing gUГn on thе f оor?
f Thеrе isП,t muсh сhеwinq quгn hеrе.
Not many pеоplе put thеlr сhеwing gum in thе
Work with а partnеr. Ask and answer thеsе quеstions.
1 Dо yоu ikе сhеwing glm?
Wе usе muсh fоr unсountаb]е nоuns
2 Ноw оftеn do yоu сhеw сhеwing gum?
and manyfоr сountab|е nouns' т/Г
3 s сhеwing gU[n UsUa y сhеap ог еxpеnsivе?
Wе -SUo|| -эe ПUCh ard many i.l
4 Whеrе dо pеоp|е UsUa y рUt сhеwing gum whеn thеy
qUеstlons аnd nеgativе sеПtеПсе5. т/F
flnlsh it? Dо thеy a Ways pUt lt in thе bln?
Wе usе а |ot of fоr сounta]э|е and

,* , ,..
Listen to a radio programme about UnСoUntablе П т/F

сhewing gum and answеr thе quеstions' Wе lsе а lot of ln affirmativе аnd
,1 е lal , е а. d
'. qu..''g^,
е1. t.' ..
\A/hаt prОt] ..-.. .'] ' ' T/Г

thе prоgгаmпl..?
2 Wh]сh spеakеr dоеsn't tl^lnk сге'i' rэ :'' I :j .

prоb еm Stеphaniе, Garу, Тhomаs or Vаnеssаl-

Сomp|еtе the sеntenсеswith muсh, mаny or а lot of'

lf you саn u5e two alternativеs, writе both.
Тhе first tiГПе yoU istеП to a tеxt, whаt do you do if thеrе is ] Thеrе аrеn,t bott еs ln thе fridgе.
soП]еt|]iПg you doП,t undеrstаnd?
2 Arе thеrе - '. tomatoеs in thе fridgе?

J nеrе |s wаtеr in thе l]ott е,

4 |,vеgot,.''....'.... сhips оn my pIаtе.

:1 ff Listen agаin. Matсh thе people (1_4) with their idеаs 5 Hаvе yoU got juiсе in your g ass?
(a-е). one ideа is not statеd by any ofthe speаkers. 6 Тhеrе аrеn,t lэisсuits.
,l Stеоhanlе
2 Garу
3 Тhomas
4 Vanеssа
a Thеy shоl d stоp sе ing сhеwing gum'
o Сапs оf driпk shоu]d bе еXреПslVе too l]есаUsе lt сosts
monеy to С еаn thеm оffthе strееt.
Thеy 5|9; d lsе thе monеy frоm сhеwing gum to С еаn
l:Ге 5.rееI5'

Pеcp е '..'.э ..|]'

Тhе рr,ob .^. s. .

thе numbеi. ;. : '

sPЕAltll'lG What about you?

1 Dо1оu t|^iгl сl-С' .:

2 Whаt do yоu th nk is а ;с:: :' -,. ..- ].= :. --: сеаs

iг э, or sоrеLl.iгq d ...1..

l don,t think it,s а big problеm.

l don,t аgreе' Thеrе,s а lot of

сhеwing gum on thе Strееts,

i 1ir:ii:i:;
-,1" i?-; ".

!э.. . }".


3a Сomp|ete thе questions with How muсh or Нow mаnу'

сo|а do you drink а wееk?
burgеrs dо yоu еаt а month? Should, shouldn't
еggs dо you еat а wееk? 4 Look at thе sеntеnсes аnd сhoose thе сorrсt
ГПiПеrа Watеr do you drink? аlternativе.
аpp|еs dо yoU еаt а wееk? a You shouId put your сhеwing gUll-] П th€
mеаt dо you еаt? b Yot-l shouldn,t thrоw сhеwing gUr'] ..

.. .. pizzas dо you еаt а wееk? с Whаt shou|d wе dо аbout thе pгi:: - -.

I juiсе do you drink a wееk?
) mrlk do you drink a dаy?
] Wе lsе shouId |оr somеthir; ..: - ..

r0 сups оfсо|fее dо you drink a dаy?
Wе usе shouldn,t fо,
goo0 0еa'
3b sPЕAl(lNG Work with a pаrtner. Ask and answer the
questions. (hoose from these answers:
А |ot
Quitе а lot
\ot muсh
n еvе r еat/d ri n k ..''...''..

Нow muсh сolа do

уou drink а wееk?

Quitе а lot' Usuо,'

sеvеn соrls' Аrс

Not muсh. I prеfеr

|еmonаde or juiсе.
6b Tеi;thе сias5'lOUr id€эs. (nоosе thе toр five ideas.

Unir 5
1 SPЕAк|NG Work with a partner. Look аt the menu аnd
answer the questions
,l Wou]d you Iikе to еаt at this саfё? Why/Why nоt?
2 What dо уou think stс rtеrs, еXtras, mаins and dеssеrts arе? я&&gs,xg*

2a L1liТfliii$i #.:":j: Listento howwesаythe priсesforthе $fйgfeys ;e&с{ exfяяs Dеssar{в

stаrters and еxtrаs, aАicQaи |iпqalв 23,l0 Sfuаwaaпу c&aagacаQa
9paciаO ва0аd E2.90 е3'б0
2b Work with a partnеr and praсtise saying the priсеs on the aАips E|.00 aАocoOаta aюwиia 33.30
mеnu. ?ca claaat k,aoco0аta,
stlаw0ally ol vаиi00а)
Thrее pounds tеn or thrее tеn, FiвА апd caipg 36,00
aАicQaи аиd ilea E6'б0
Flиit вa0ad E2,90
aaaa9a аиd toиаto pizza
3 1.::'i:tiiils S!:-5;
Listen to two people ordering food in
Eб,8б DtiнQs
thе сafё. You are the waiter. Make a note of thеir ordеr.
aАaaвaaulqal апd cАips $aнанa щi0QsАаQa El,б0
3б'б0 Нoшa.Щada 0aЙoпаda 31,| 0

,* .з
iтoЬl. ]O: ordсr. ao0а - rcqи0аl EI,20

'- .з

.-, _s
- aацa El,30'
aoftaa Е1.l0

-.в Tеа E1.I0
.- ,"{

.- ,*
,'- ,.8

"" i .еаd thе соmp|еtе diа|oguе
,* 1n this tуpе '. - - -
first? \\/^ , -
4a Сomplete thе diaIoguе with stаtements 1-8. There are
ЕХAfulsUссEsS ) page 159
eight stаtements but only six spaсes.
1 Rеgu ar or |аrgе?
sPЕAк|t{G Work in groups of thrее. Praсtise the сompIetеd
2 Аrе you rеady to ordеr?
dialoouе in 4.
3 What dо yоl want?
4 Тhat,s f l4.4О iП totа '
6 Rеad thе diaIogue again and сomp|еte the usеful
5 Wou|d 1,оu ikе а dеssеrt? ехpressions in the Spеaking Bank.
6 Hеrе's your с.аlОе.
7 Саn Qеi \,cJ а.l .Ь.r] .]
8 \\о-С-.-.::l:]'',, l--;.

Wдtтвп: Не||о. (a)

Снt-oс: Yеs. Сou]d hаvе a сhееsеburgеr and сhips, piеаsе7

Wдtтrв: Surе. (b)

Снt-oг: No thanks'

WдtтEв: And what сan 1 gеt yоu?

fV]дттнгr,дl: What arе thе сhiсkеn fingеrs?

Wдtтrп: Тhеy,rе small piесеs of сhiсkеn' Yоu gеt fivе.

iVlдттнriui: ] sее. think |,] hаvе thе сhiсkеn аnd riсе, p|еasе.
Wдlтвв: oK, sо thаt,s onе сhееsеburgеr and сhips and оnе
сhiсkеn аnd riсе' (с) .. ... ...... ..
Снlое: Yеs, l,|| havе а |еmonadе, р|еasе'

fVlдттнrw: And l,d Ilkе a сolа.

Wдtтгп: (d) ....'. ... ..

Practiсe makes perfeсt
fVlдт.rнrьv: Lаrgе p еasе.

Wдtтгп: (e) ........... .. ...'....

7a SPЕAк|NG Work in groups of thrее. Prepare а dialogue
wherе one pеrson is the waitеr and thе other two peopIe
Снloс: Hеrе уоu arе.
are сustomers. Use the mеnu in 1 аnd the Speaking Bank to
l Wдlтгв: Тhаnks. (f) J, brng hеIp you.
:, Уоur fооd and drinks to your tab]е in а сouр е оf
7b Praсtise your diа|ogue. Thеn асt it out forthe rest of the
. minutеs. Еnjоу yоur mеа||
il 4b J Listеn again and сheсk your answers.

Look at the invitations again and answer thе quеstions.
,] Whаt а[. I.' l- :. a'ls оl stагting аnd finish ng еmаiI
ГПеssаgеs .' ..:.:.
2 tооkatth: :....... .i.аttеПsеisitln? nthеinvitаtion,
is it ta|kiП -. .:] ]. ..
... ]. ':thе рrеsеnt оr a flturе р an/

We'rе meeting a: Fэs:еrs at onе o,с|oсk.

Whеn yoLl Writе tO ;
СoПtrаСtlons Or Пot? . .
lе iеXIs n IПе
Сor[е.t stylе?

Look at the invitations again and сomp|еtе thе usefuI

еxpressions in thе Writing Bank.

.ook at thе photo. Matсh it with onе of the invitations.

Lr rllI'r li!' i;:ll :,1l.r;'

- Sam, VVоu d yоu
. s mу birthday on Saturday and |,m inviting some Сan уou сomе?
=rds to go out and сe|ebrate. WouId уou r'ке P|еasе соmе|
сoгre? meeting at Fosters. the fast-food
tеI ГПе ..
:.sтaurant on Greеn Street, at one o'сIoсk. Wе.rе
av ng Iunсh there and then we're going to the сinema
'] see a film" Please сome!
_эt me know if you сan make it. Sее yоu thеrеI
- tne best

Саn yоu
aХ ;, t,5 5tаl.tiПg at (oПе O'. ..

,'э're fina|ly in our new house and we're having а partУ

.э,е to се|ebrate. It's neхt Friday.
Can you сome? You
::l't have to bring drinks but сan Уou bring some
fl Look at thе task,
_ pizzas. sandwiсhes or something? Тhe party's
- эd l',
.-.rting at 7 o.с|oсk but уou сan Come when уou Iike. ll You aге in Bгitain. \\l.i.r. ..:
::е уou there! Inr.itе a fгiеnd tо a се1...l:... .
; arе planrrin.u. Inс1udе ..-. :...

-:аr A]fie, Makе notes about:

.: )-тmer ho|idays are here] To сe|еbrate. I.m . t|o. О',
1g everУone to a piсniс in the park on Wednesdaу
: ro. .
i-,:.noon. l've got some food - pizzas' sandwiсhes, I

. АLo
. .эs' and things Iike that. But' р|ease bring yoUr own

. <s'
oh. and bring a ba||' We сan pIaу footbal|. We're 'd - o
- .a дha ninniа о+ ^n^ ^.с|oсk. Don't be Iate] i '

-:э you сan сome. . \
=эrS . \'^L1iаt :':.: :

Write your invitatiс'.

Givеyour invite: :* :: :.::.." j -:..: t:. :.i,. эrs,.'еr

=аd the invitаtions and for eaсh invitation аnswеr these я|Ithоп эql гll . . j.-
] Паkеs thе iпvltаtion?
. dо thеy гnakе thе invltation?
... s ihе ilvitattоn for? А party, а piсniс ' ' '?

A -,: shоuId thе pеrsоn gо?

.. эav/tlmе should thеу gо?
.. .hоu d thеy bring?

LongUoge refeГenсe ond revlsaon
Countable and uncountabte nouns
. Wе сan сountарp|еs, bаnоnаs, еggs, burgеrsand сhtpsаnd sо
Wе Саnnot СoUnt somе things and sо wе do Пot UsUа||y U5е a
tгrе[е is a singuJar аnd pIuгai form' Thеy arе сountable nоuns'
рlurа form. Fоr ехaгnp е, ntlk, wаtеr, brеоd, sаlt, сhееsе. Тhеy arе
unсountablе nоuns'

Some, anу, a/an

. Wе usе some with unсountаb]е nouns and witl pluгa
Wе usе a/an wlth singl аr СoUПtab е noLln5 in а|firmativе аnd
сountаblе nouns, in аffirmаtivе sеntеПСеs.
nеgativе sеntеПсеs аnd iп quеstiоns. An gоеs bеfоrе а volvе]
/,vr qot soие аpp/es, sound.
I tt
1ot soиe wаter /hа'reи,t1ot а b"rjrr
. Wе Usе any with uпсоuntаlэlе nouns аnd with pIurа СoUntablе Нe.s
7ot аи еg,
nоuns, in nеgativе sеПtеПСеs aпd quеstiоns. Наreуoи jot аи tvtPЗ pkуer?
/ hаrеи,t jot аиу иil/<,
Не hаsи,t
7ot аиу аpples,
7ot аиу orаи9ециt.сr?
Аi-с t/lсt.с bа.иllиаs?

А |ot of, muсh, manу

. : :: muсh many. ..а lot of .' . of .'.. .' .. .:]j.
a |ot : :. ]
. . гluсh
,'. sеПtеПСеS aПd in
т UU |)-
a_ a
t,.l с
1:t а iоt о|аppbs'
/ h а rс и, t с t,,.,,.' /i |,i,,,,'.,',',.,.,1, с.
hаrеи,t1ot а /ot oftorиаtоеs,
7 l
7оt мисh Luаtеr?
7оt а /ot of wаte r?
. Wе оltеn [rsе many l l.lе.аt !с sеl.Сl.сеs аld qlеsiiоns, wlih . Wе usе of whеn a lot сomеs bеfоrе a nоun. But whеn thеrе is
plura соuntа|-l е l.lcUП5'
Пo noUn а|tеr а |ot wе do nоt usе of.
/hаrеи,t7ot иаиу сhфs, tl r I t ll

Наreуoи jot tиаиу e1js?

I Vе
t,t а, I|t 0r bаИаИ|15.
Аrе there аиу bаиаиаs? Yеs, there аrе а /ot,

Should, shouldn't
Affirmative You shouId еаt fruit аnd vеqеtаb еs
. Wе usе should to talk аbоut thаi lt is а good idеa tо do.
Уoи shoиld /riи/< tи',l| Ьесаusе lt,s
Nеgаtivе You shouldn,t еаt а lоt оf саkеs аnd сhOсo аtе.
1ood forуoи,
. Wе lsе shouldn,t tо tаlk abоl: Ll. l.l35 1131 it is Пot a good idеа
Question ShouId еаt tlsh?
to do.
short answers Yеs, shouId'/Nо, shouldn,t' Yoц,shо"/dи,t eаt а lot of s"1аr Ьeсаuse tЬ Ьаd

1 Food 2 Drink 3 с0ntainers

аpр|е bаnаna bеan bisсuit сoffее сhосolatе ....; СaП
0[еa0 Durgеr l]Uttеl. саkе
hоt еmonadе са|toП сup
miIk mi]kshаkе minеrа watеr :];ss с'асkеt sliсе
.nееsе сhiсkеn сhips еgg оrаngе juiсе tеa
sh grаpе iсе сrеam lеГПoП 4 Other words аnd рhrases ) pagе
еloГ lulс р 17a 151

,:: sа]аd sаIt strаwbеrry

- ri:ta

I Unit 5
Countablе and unсountable nОUns A lat of, rn.L]Ch, manу
1 Write С (Сountable) or U (Unсountаblе) for eасh word. 3 Choose thе сorreсt аItеrnаtivе. lf both alternatives arе сorreсt,
-] brеad 5 riсе mark both.
6 сhееsе ] Тhеrе arе q. Iat af/muсh bisсults п thе pасkеt'
З sugar 7 burqеr 2 Тhеrе iлt na1hlnqnу mi k in thе fridgе'
4 bisсuit 8 milk 3 s thеrе a'''|o.|''о.f/naсh Watеr in thе bоtt е?
4 Hаvе you got nsnу/nцсh tоmatоеs?
WoRкBooK ) page48 / 4 points, 5 | "е'е,s 6 |g7 g' n6а1 t 1е'

Some, any, a/an

WORKBOOK ) page5l /5 points

2 Look at the piсture.

Сomplete thе Should, shouldn't
sentenсes with 4 Write сomplеtе sеntеnсеs giving good аdviсе. Use should or
the сorreсt form shouldn't.
of Thеre is/аre
and some, аnу,
а or on.
,l Тhеrе brеаd'
З :., ,.' j:. ''.-. ^.-Эs ]сic|i )Cu СooK
4 ,,:*'.!.С'.еОS' ''
z nеrе Оalа.as
Yоu/taIk whеn thе tеaсhеr is tаlking'
3 Thеrе

4 Тhеrе арр еs.

6 ') . cnmр fr'.',-'е"y0ay'',,,,,,
'Еvрrvnnр/р,аt ]t рil

Yоu/drink а ]оt of сo|а bесausе it,s bad for your tееth

5 nеrе WaIе[.

6 Тhеrе mik
WORKBOOK ) pagesl /7 pointi
WORKBOOK > page48 /6 points

1 Сomp|еtе the sentenсes with these words. 2 Nаme the objeсts.

breаd burgers сhiсkens сhips eggs

1 '/Ah..
a оf

iсе сrеam pizzas riсе tomatoеs r---- --l

z:,d оf
I Pеop|е еat а ]оt оf in Аsiа
2 Yol mаkе with potatoеs'
З 0mе еttеs аrе madе from
ir^ ,, {.^- +^.,
-t oсU|^rr^i^i o}|U|
9 tdy'

,','ORKBOOK ) pa9e46 /6
WoRKBooK ) pagе 49

. -4
] '|'.rite the names of thе drinks.

& -ъ ril- ts


Unir 5
> Pаst simp|e ot to bе and сan
> Pаst simple affimative - regular and irregular verbs
аbuIary > Countries and nationaIitiеs > Words соnnесted with
> Trаnsport
ing >Таlking аbout a hо|iday

ll g ) A pоstсard

Countries and nationalities
1a Work with a pa rtnеr. Matсh the f lags with somе of thеse сountries. lf you don,t knoщ g uess.

Argеntina Brazi| Сzесh Rеpub|iс Еgypt Franсе Grеat Britаin IrеIand |tа|y
Jаpan PoIand Russiа S|ovakia South Afriсa Spain Switzеr|аnd the USA Turkеy

1b .;* r.=.: Listen and repeat. Words сonneсted with tourism

2a Mat(h the сountries in ,l with thеsе 4 ivlаtсh thе dеfinitions with thеse words.

guidеbook luggagе hotеI tiсkets sightsееing passport
paсkаgе holiday trаin/boаt/pIanе trip/exсursion
Russiаn Swiss |rish Frenсh
Сzесh British Turkish
1 '.е эа;s;,'оl iakе on hо|iday
Afriсan Argеntinian
South Spanish
2 а lэоok thаt g vеs tourist in|ormatiоn
Amеriсan Еgyрtian Po|ish
3 typеs of trаnspоrt |оr Iand, watеr, and аir
S|ovаkiаn BrаziIian Jараnеsе
4 a buiIdLng whеrе yоu pay to stay in а rооm
5 аn offiсiа| dосumеnt|оrtravе ing with yоur phоtо аnd yоur ПаtioПa ity
6 whеn you go to а p асе аnd thеn сomе bасk
Аrgеиtt иа - Аrjеиt|и[аи
7 travе ing arоund to vislt mоnumеnts аnd othеr lntеrеstlng srghts
2b ф} i.t.t] Listеn, сheсk and rеpeаt. 8 papеrs that shoW yoU Сan !sе а typе оftranspоrt or еПtеr а p aсе
9 а holidаy whеrе еvеrything is inс|udеd thе trаnsport, hotе, еtС.
3а SPЕAк|NG Write down the nаme of onе
fаmous person (fiсtionaI or non-fiсtiona|) 5 :::l..l j.j:::ji. gpj.;:"*э Listen. What is thе subjесt of eaсh diаloguе? (hoosе
for as many of the nаtionа|ities аs possib|e. thе сorrесt alternаtivе.
Аrqеиtiиtаи - Dtеqo tУlаrаdoиа
1 pаssport/guidеbоok/Uggаgе 3 gl1cеbоо(/trip/tiСkеts
Fiеисh _ Nrcolаs ,,, 2 |^ot.| расl а9.
Io dа7 .ight.oеiг9

3b Work in smаll groups. Тake it in turns to 6 sPЕAкlNG Work with a partner. Ask аnd ansWеr the questions.
saу thе names of a famous person. Can the ,l Hаvе yoU got a passport? Dо you Iil.е yoL.rr Ld5sl.l-. photo?
othеrs sаy the сorrесt nationality? 2 Whаt dо yоu think оf paсkаgе ho|rdаys?

Rogеr Fеdеrеr,
3 Whiсh do yоu prеfеr, trаvе||ing by tгain, D 3.: .. Оoаt? Why?

hе Gеrmаn?
4 Dо you 1kе sightsееing? Why/Why not?
How muсh uggagе dо you Llsuа| y tа е .',.....'.l \'cL] go on hoIidаy?
lthink hе,s S'.,ttss. 6 Do уou usuаlly tаkе a guidеbоok tl,,hеr. l ]- :о оп hоlidaу? Why/Why nоt?
Yеs, thоt,s right.
Наvе уou got а pаssport?

Do уou Iike уour pаssport photo?

No, l hatе it. l,m vеry young in the photo'

Unit 6
.1 Work with a partner. Look аt the postеr and ta|k
аbout what you саn see.

ьrзt РеYзaw i'о 'nсl, |kе ьdел
оi таэ'г<c.gе IAОLLd.Й|2s
'.'е, f g b оr w ;"уу С1'( a.t
о о'е. C о о|р' a
: s'тrcb а D|.g О у' i
T И о w. а
r.,.\' ,t..0,t'..2|-.,'|1 .|-,S./.
.'-,'lИ in I..- 'р','
a, lrОvФ О{ \О. ъ(|Р|-е
7О Ri'''ОVwеiYеs'('|e
?+'L. frеiООр'
о tl-е эV'LL|LI" а.
лт w т|lе т-rup-е. it сhе екclr
sL о V','/.i а S

|Y.ф \^|0's
- wлз л
|.rLр '/"ех|
i',"s fi'7g7
. T'nLs tLlll,'е, 1)x,g уri.c0 a|9О
L.ivеr.рооL 'c.9'?p-'5-.т1Ае
'', э',l.Ys,.1wtо
Lо'iеd |)ле ьdел. ТИеg covtLd
-,,"cLс,tг)еc,.уg\А9t'еL. Р.ОР|е.
tl| t' с r" d' v 2 а
a зL|'ц,, t,,'"t.\l,, о v.|',lt о,r r gv'n о' о,c c

' 2'uСL е

.'.xсе tО stjig.ъеf rе |.'vlеvr tr,.у, |IА.i..r?',^"('/' r-хactLц

,-Э\,''i V1LliLI,.LLvJс49
qaLwqtо ооst. Ъеio'rе, t'rtл''lе| а.r"d'
_-.'V:(i.svw vlеrе' оw|g Ъш| tlvОi wОlll,
у|у19-у-tqq {оr
2'5 t-lg-\ro уo'1t DJ с.гR'. {., sr r. -'ul
j,,'''' n' o r i,n е : i' ь О g, |1,\еr е \N.'(. Оr с\|j,wLsеd t'( nз
-: 3vtr|zеrvа.wd',Т|лl.ц, сg.Рt п,t dtV,е t,tlr'"L+.еd,

З|al].s.lls swlss tl1уэ l,'lеrе €sтесLa.L|Ч tcPи-t,]r.

|lN-е! a a\ еРt s"tссез:.. Т trlе

Ээоr',з -q2!,-ry-9!},'',аs
l ir L,^0-О'/t'
'. l'l 1^', r.r,!i\ )\е'l,r|:ul.s 'vлs -/lD
aоосs аv-d
с, з с эv.|d аL.,'о bwц
!?l2'.t'l0,З ilдg {trз| 3€rлr ^t ГVlошаs
s',-|-q- |'^ е З А,
'\л е,,nl о rL di о u r, . T И е i -q'J.+-!.
\N л
;Иe tri1 ^
(1дi,t7ур' a'^d i;-JL-; ' Tkе Lеtt"qt\л оf
Jптаw, *"',:o?
уrlcе оf a
|.,,'|', dl,ZS. 1.1,4Р- tLL|?,r:i
)tl.Lruе,as, v'tvl,,ck Lз а,bсvtt ЕgО,ООО
Lw tОааa E

r.l- сl w.tА1' TV, п| lн rл sr,| | 9tr е лу-l

s С е c о nср а w4 d, о еsv'J L
*j av'lЙ d' 0.цS, т-n. 1 V\ a |/,l' л оо

,a,^q,i,"?a'Зfт'Ш'Lц bиt Lt Ls s!...............|.L

о'lе,r +5 РLПwLg,
.'"LЗ'wе''g. Tnе cоtl'l'1'аv',4 nаз
.:.)О s\АОРs, аwd. t),acipеоp|е v,tоrёLw2 f оr L|.

Read thе text аnd сhoose the bеst titIе. Matсh the чncerlinеc words in thе tех: :r :-.sе
] Thе ifе of Тhomas Сook definitions.
2 Тhе first tгip arоund thе wor]d
,l pеo1э е whо he.'. .
З Тhomas Сооk аnd thе lэеginning оf modеrn tоurism 2 with gооd rеs
3 rоаd or pаt!

Rеad the text again and expIаin thе importanсе of these

4 not Сostil] .
yеa rs.
. 5 going thг: -:.
' T-hсиаа Сpql wа; b(1r.п l.и |8o8'
6 hоw r':- j- - :
7 a bus ",:,, .-.
: -355:
8 tоdаr
- -35Оs;

: ':i):

.1 п swer thе questions with informаtion from the tеxt.

. , ], was Тhоmаs Сооk an irnрortaПt pеrson in thе histоry of
- ., risгn?
.аt was spесia abоut Тhоmas
- Сook,s ехсursiоn tо
. .r-ооо|?
: . wаs Thоmаs Сook,s idеa popu ar?
- .:.е Was tnе Сеntrе of Тhomаs Соok,s businеss?
: ... Jо yоl know about thе Тhоmas Сооk соmpаny todа1,?

Unit 6
Look at the list of top tourist attraсtions. Сomplеte thе
sentenсеs with thе сorrесt pаst forms of to bе.
Past simple of to bе
1 Look аt thе sentеnсes аnd сompIеtе thе vеrb tablе.
'I His first trip was in lB4l
2 Тhе tiсkеt wasn,t сhеаp'
3 Тhе tiСkеt аnd |ооd werе inс|udеd in thе priсе'
4 Bесausе of Сook, travе] аnd toUГi5m weren,t оn y fоr
thе riсh.
5 Wаs Thоmаs Сook British? Yеs, hе wаs'



Yоu wеrе

Hе/Shе/ t (a)
in thе USА n 2ОО6
VVе Wеrе

tourist attraсtions
You wеr.o

Ihеy (b)

lrlеgative Тimеs Squаrе, Nеw York Сity

Nаtionа] Mа]| and Меmorа] Pаrks, Washington DС
Disnеy Wоr|d, Оr|аndо
Тrafa |gаr Squaге, London
iп thе USА rn 20О6
Disnеylаnd, СaIifоrniа
\lagara ЕaI s, 0ntaгio
. si.,lе.таn,s Wharf, San F=rаnсisсo

Ъку,o Disnеyland, Urаyаsu

\оtrе Dаmе dе Paris, Paris
Disnеyland Pаris, Pаris
short аnswе15
n 2О0B, Тimеs Squаrе thе numbеr оnе
Yеs, /hеl'slе,/ t ig] ioUri5t аttrасtion in thе wоr d'
Nо, i/hе/shе/it (h) Siх оf thе top tеП tourist attrасtioПs iП \ortn
Yеs, wе/you/thеy (i) А[n еrlСа '

? Thе Еiffе Towеr tr]е top tеn

Nо, wе/yol/thеy (j) |П

4 onе аttraсtiоn in thе top tеП ''.. '..' in Grеat Britain

Тrаfalgаr Sqlаrе nlllbеr tivе in thе list
I GRAMMAR RЕFЕRЕN0Е Тhе Grеat Wа]| of Сhinа аnd thе G.аrd Сaпvоn
n tПе t0p tеП

2 Сomplеtе the diа|oguе with шсs, Wasn,t, wеrе or

7 Опе оf thе top tеП attrаСtio.s in North
Аmеriсa оr Еurоpе'
8 Two ofthе tоp tеП att[асt Оl5 Frеnсh,
Mtд: Hi, Ryan. Whеrе (a) yоu |аst wееk?
You (b) .- .''.. at sсhoo . Why nоt?
4 Writе questions using the сorrесt past forms of to be'

Ryдш: (с) in thе USА' It/y dаd

1 yоu/аt sсhoо at б aг,.?
-' :^. j.

(d) thеrе оп businеss'

2 уaur pаrеnts/hоmе ;. r l] !]nt?
З lo-',oПi' o^. ,,
Mtд: you in Nеw York?
4 уoоr |riеnd/at sс'.с: .. =,::r'?

Ryдш: Nо, wе (f) . Wе

6 tou. ,o''I l
(s). . .. . ..... .... . . in Washingtоn DС

Mtд: (h) . it warm thеrе? 5 sPЕAlt|tlЕ Work with a рartnеr. Ask and answer the
quеstions in 4. Thеn tеlI thе сlass two of your partner,s
Ryдш: Nо, it (i) . ]t
(j) . rеа||y со d|

Wеrе уou ot sсhoo| оt 6 am? No, Iwаsn,t!

Past simple of can
6 Look at the sentenсes аnd answer the
a Сustоmеrs сou|d bly guidе bооks in thе
sn op.
b Pоor pеоp е сou|dn,t go oП holidays.
с Сould thеy gо by p аnе iп l86О? No, thеy
.l What pаrt оf thе vеrb соmеs аftеr сould
or сou|dn,t?
2 What happеns in quеstiоns? Whеrе doеs
сould gо?

GRAMMAR RЕtЕRENсЕ ) раgе 88 i

Look аt the асtivitiеs. Write sеntenсes saying if

people сould or сouldn't do these things in 1872'
l trаvеl аrolnd thе world in а wееk
Matсh the photos with some of these words. Сheсk that you
Theу,сoи/lи,t trаrel аroиис{ the puor/d а
t,и understаnd the other words. Usе your diсtionаry if neсeisary.
sаtl frоm Bг]tаin tо thе USА boat bus сar сoaсh heliсopter |orry
trаvе by
Сar аt lбО kph ship tаxi tram
motorbike sсooter
y frоm Britain to Jаpаn underground van
stay in hоtеJs
:о оn hо|iday 2 Сomp|etе thе tablе with the words in ].
]L.]y tГaVе tiсkеts onlinе

sPЕAкlI{G Find out at whаt agе your partner сould

:c the; things for the first timе.

. ..
to tеП in Еngllsh

. : bikе sPЕAкIt{G Work in sma|| groups. Sаy ho'',' c.:е. -, ] ! :.. ,: э!

thedifferеnttypesof transport in.] . Аsk э:":. I'-s: эгs iO
find out morе information'
: а 5imp е соnvеrsаtion in Еng1ish
l nеvеr travеl bу р|anэ,
l somеtimеs travе| b', ::: ..
' nеn сould уou swim|

I сould swim when lwаs fivе' Сould you?


: | сould swim whеn Iwоs sеven.

ToLrnist gLridGrsi i

C ross.сurricu!ar * 8шsilтess
Stагting а business

\$ Lone|y Planet is a сompаny whiсh produсes modern, dynamiс

Work with a partner. Таke it in turns to
guide books. |t a|so produсes TV programmes, a magazine and
desсribе the photos. What do you think is the
Iots of usef uI digitаl mаteriaI on the web' ln 2008 there were
сonneсtion between the two photos? Guess
500 Lone|y PIanet books in eight lаnguаges, with аnnuaI saIes
and give detаi|s.
of morе thаn six miIIion guide books.
Read the text аnd сheсk your ideаs in 1. The start of this g|obа| сompany wаs unusua|. Mаurеen and
Тony WheeIer were the two сreators of Lonely PIanet' Their
first meeting wаs in Regent.s Park in London in Maurеen
wаs just twenty. A year later, they were mаrried' Тheir idea of
the perfeсt honeymoon Was to travе| aсross Еurope and Asia aIl
the wаy to AustraIia.
Mаureеn and Тony,s nine.month trip Wаs а suссess, When they
arrived in Australia, their f riends asked how it was possible to
mаke suсh a long trip With no money, Their answers to these
questions werе the bаsis of their first guidebook - Асross Asia
on the Сheap' The f irst еdition of the book Wаs the produсt
of long nights writing аt their kitсhen tabIe. After just onе
week, they were аb|е to seII books. It was the onIy guide
book in thе wor|d written by аdventurous young trаve|Iers for
adventurous young trаvellers' And it wаs the first guide book
for peop|е trave||ing ,on thе сheap,.
Lone|y Planet was born. Тwo years Iater, there wаs another
book by the Wheelers, аnd then another, and аnother. ln
2007. the BBC bought 75o/o ot the Lone|y Planet сompany' The
Wheelers сontinue to have the other 25o/o.There are now 300
peop|e writing for Lone|y P|аnеt. And now, the WheeIers have
more time to do whаt they еnjoy _ trave|!

3 Read the text agаin. Are these sentenсes true (Т), faIse (F)
or is thе information not mentioned (NM)?
.l Мaurееn and Тоny,s friеnds wеrе intеrеstеd
in thе stоry of thеir trip to АUstra jiа. т/Flit^l
2 Мaurееn and Топy,s pаrеПts wеrе riсh. т/{:/|цl|
3 lV]аurееn and Тony wеrе quitе yоung whеn
Matсh thе words and definitions. thеy startеd Lоnеiy P|аnеt, tlГ/|х|iV]

1 таgаzinе a a hо1idаy that two pеоp1е havе Маurееn аnd Тony writе а|| thе Lоnе у
аftеr thеy gеt marriеd DooKs ПoW. 1/F1^1i\/,

2 аlnuа| sаlеs b doi.rg sonеLhil9 W.LгoUL 5 Маurееn аnd Тony dоn,t ikе trаvеlling Г/Г/N|\/i
spеnd'гg a |o. of nonеy 6 Мaurееn and Тony,s |avouritе travеl
З .:iеrlmoоП с а big, thin bооk with а paрег сoVеr, dеstinatiоn is Аustrаliа'
usuаlJy pub|ishеd оnсе а mоnth оr
а wееk
ruггоеr oГth."gs lhаL
сoтраГy sе 's i. а yеаr
4 Work in groups. Еaсh group is a businеss. Invent а produсt
or serviсе thаt you think саn bе popu|ar.
е thе .еаso^ why sonегhirg is dоlе
f thе pаst simp|е оf buy
.. l . .
1 Dесidе how tо sе|| yоur prоduсt. Мakе аn advеrtisеmеnt fоr it
produсt to thе rеst оf ihе с|ass.
З Dесidе whiсh prоduсt is thе bеst'

Unir 6
- trаvе| pоd са st

Ь.р . ..

', l }"]fcfl.

,:,,,..,'S]#, ---Ё- a:эs;

"*ffiff-Т*Тffё+;r-. z




$), ж ft

ж r

1l a '?#
-€ "#
G :iЗj

i a r- r l

Listen to the podсast about Brighton _ a

:э pular plaсе for toufists in Еnglаnd. Тhen put the photos in the
.Jеr thаt you hеar about thеm. \\/hat abоut you?

25+ - :
_, -- l

. j . j -- ..].
.cut.ists in yоur соuntry?
Listеn again and сomp|ete the notes.
, оnIy ап а frоm [ondol b),trail. Аb:-
mеtrеs frоm thе train stаtion al.е somе O\'.
. Тhе nеxt p|асе yоu nееd to VrSit i5 thе Rоi';
\\iоrk in 9ro!ps. Makе notеs to heIp visitors to your
]rl thе оutsidе thе Рavi iоn appеаrs to bе likе аn
to,/, n orсity.
buiding, blt iпsidе it has а
' . ..:sе аrеаs: sightsееiпg, shоpping, things
sty1е' Аftеr that, go to thе milkshakе shоp
.' Thе l
hаvе lfl diffеrеnt miIkshаkеs :..:: .] Сit аnd drink.
-...асh Тhе оn|y рrob еm ls thаt thе wаtеr is sоmеtimеs h . .. . : - . i. thе group сhoosеs оnе ofthе аrеаs

-:r..s bad you саП gо to а сafё оr iil Г.. . ..

.] .Оo'
) .; :.. p' dесdе how to рrеsеnt yоur informаtоl
..i оfthе с ass. Рrеparе it апd prеsеnt it'
Unit 6 Bэ
Past simple affirmative - regular and
irregular vеrbs
1a Look at the sentеnсes and put the verbs in thе
сorrесt pIaсe in the tаblе.
a | ;..:::'.::: it
b Wе::-:.:1]:. rеа ly niсе hоtе|
с Thеy ..: :.

d Wе.....: а Frеnсh |i m
е ]i:.i::...:.i: сarеfu ]y'

f Wе went tо Pагis'
g Wе took а boat to Са а s,

h spokе-oо l_..L
i bought sОГlс :. ^]s l.:r.'
j rеadL - ,

k ate cls :' r':-: ',-:

I ^

СoIumn A: СoIumn B:

Infinitivе Past form Infinitivе Past form

Work with a pаrtnеr. Look at the photo аnd mаkе а Iist

of things you think you сan do on hoIidаy in Pаris.

t -,

'.: :.:.:: :.::::li ;-* i.i:iListеn to a gir| talking about a trip to Wаtсn
Paris. Tiсk (/) anу of thе things in your list thаt she sаys.

1b Now deсidе whiсh сo|umn is Rеgulаr and whiсh

|П thе ПеXt ехеrсisе' yоu iistеn and say ifthе statегnеnts is lrregulаr.
аrе truе orfa sе' Whеn shоu d уоu rеаd thе StatеrПеnts
bеlorе |istеning оr а|tеr istеning? Why? I GRAMMAR RЕFЕRENсЕ ) ра9s 11
il:iis= l]l':{".].'!!; з ::;.::-.+l.:

1с Ivlаtсh thе spelling rules for reguIar simpIe past forms

ф Listеn again. Are these sеntenсеstrue (T) orfalsе (1_4) with the examp|еs below (a-d).
(F), or is the information not mentioned (NM)?
,l Kаtiе Wеnt to Paris with hеr |ami y. ] Моst vеrbs: Аdd сd to mоst vеrbs. Ь
2 Vеrbs thаt еnd in -е: Аос -с'
2 Katiе didnt ikе trаvе|ling by bоat.
З Vеrbs that еПd in а сonsоnant +y: takе away thе y аnd
З Kаtiе соu|dn,t spеаk a wоrd оf Гrепсh thе |irst add tеd.
tjmе shе wеnt.
4 Vеrbs thаt еnd in onе vowе + onе сoПsonant: dоlb е thе
4 Kаtiе bought somе,4srсrlx сomiсs' СoПsonaПt аnd аdd еd'
5 Kаtiе,s friеnds wеrеn,t hapрy еatiПg fаst food.

6 Katiе saw an advеnturе fi гп оn hеr trip.

a stL]dy _ stUdiеd, сry _ сrеd, iry triеd

7 Wаs impоssib е fоr Kаtiе tо

b wa k _ wа kеd, wаnt v'iantеd, nееd nееdеd
|t lndеrstand thе
fi m shе sаw. с stop. stoppеd, сhаt- сlattеd' jоg ;оggеd
d dесidе - dесidеd, clэrlе эrоilео, likе ]kеd
sPЕAк!NG What about you?
Whiсh сity dо yоu want tо visit? Why?

!wаnt to visit |tlаdrid' Whаt сan yol dо sэе iing of nеw words?
sтUDY SKlLLS ) pagе

Bесаusе l lovе Spоnish food.

2 a -;*} .;. :..:. Listеn to thе words in thе tablе.
Сomplеtе the sеntеnсes with the сorreсt past form of thе
What is the differеnсe between the pronunсiаtion of thе vеrbs givеn. Usе the word list on page 166 to help you with
-ed endings? irregular past forms, Whаt are thе underIinеd words?
,l Yеstеrda (havе) a оt оf
hoП-]е\,. С'. ,

Lаs.I n]gn. -., l (makе) thе

Thе dаy bе.:'.
(сatсh) а taх .-
Тwо dаys agс :.-l] e hlstоry prоjесt аt
sсПoo .

last wееk m)r f

b ;i

2 .:.i.:..] Listеn to thеse past simplе verbs and write them

in the сorrесt сolumn аbovе.

dесidеd lovеd nееdеd p|ayеd started 7

5Iayеo wаntеd wаshed wаtсhеd worked 8 Тhrее yеaцs 99р. гп1

pеt fоr my blrthdау

2с j ] i..::]] Listen, сhесk and rеpeat. 5a sPЕAкlNG Writetrue sentеnсes аbout 1'о; э.l 'ol. fаmily
з сomplete thе sеntenсеs with thе pаst form of thеsе verbs. Bе9in thе sеntenсes with thе undеrIinеc ,', э,эs . j. Jsе
any ofthе verbs on this pagе.
buy еat go rеad sее spеak takе Yes|еrdау / b.lчht а mа1аziис.
Yrstrrdау фerиooи / p/ауеl 6,1ц1у;,-1; i" .;.;,1, : .. . . ..'. .,.

rst yеаr, (a) .. ... to ]ta|y Wlth my fаmi]y. frteиl.

b) guidе bоok with mе апd
5b yourpartnerthethingsthat you did' b-: :.t : j:-'
с . ' . .'.....'..'''. .it tо find out usеfu lnformation.
when you did them. Сan your partnеr guеss .., .:. .. э - э
. ]оmе,
wе (d) thе Сo оssеum аПO Wе d
the diffеrent things?
е |ots of rеa y gооd pastа'

j . .. somе рrе5еПts fоr my friеnds in a big I went to London.

]ppiПg Сеntrе in Romе. Мy mum (s) ...

: аn a|| thе timе bесausе hеr tа ian is vеry gооd. Shе

lthink it tцоs
h еVеrything that pеop е sаid tо hеr
No, it wаs thrее уеаrs аgo'
1 Look at Jenny,s holidаy photos. Mаtсh еaсh photo (а-e) with one of the topiсs ('l-8).



$PЕдl{t}lG Work with a partnеr. Thеse are photos of your

lаst holiday. Тake it in turns to talk about a photo and say
what you did.
a ....1... b
Whеr." you wеnt 5 Whаt yоu did
2 Whо you WеПt With 6 Whаt yoU saW
3 Нow you wеnt 7 Whаt you аtе
4 Whеrе yоl stаyеd 8 \,Vhаt t,оl bо.,

2 sPЕAк|liG Work with a partner. Takе it in turns to talk

about Jеnny,s hoIiday using thе photos.

I think shе Wеnt to Rio dе .]оnеiro, in Brоzi|'

3а ;
Listеn to Jеnny tа|king about hеr ho|iday.
What dоеs shе sаy аbout thе toрiсs in .l? Make notеs.
!!!!.lti.! !l !t!l!!
2 И си| oui|h иt,tиl l,/ |ш., brо{hсrs

3b sPЕAкlNG Сompаrе your answers in 3a with your pаrtner'

Hе|p eaсh other to сompIеte а|| the аnswers.
I wеnt to Саiro,

4 Complete thе useful expressions in thе Speaking Bаnk with l visitеd thе pуrаmids
аt, to, with or by. Cheсk thаt you undеrstand alI the words
Praсtiсe makes perfeсt
in the speaking Bаnk. Use your diсtionary if nесessary.
6a Work with a pаrtner. Тake it in turns to do the task. You сan
hе|p your pаrtnеr by saying:

Useful expressiоns to ta|k abоut a ho|iday Tеll mе аbout whаt vou did/sаw/аtе.

. lwеnt (а)'.. (Rio/Тokyо/Сairo)/(b) . (сar/p|anе/

сoaсh/train)/(с) .... .. (my family/my brоthеr/mу lriеnds/ Тa|k about a holiday that you real|y
my sСnoo],. Include this information:
took (2O minutеs/twо hours/а dаy) to gеt thеrе.
lt . when, where and how you went, and
Wе stаyеd (d) (thе Ritz Hоtе|/а саmpsitе/a youth you went with
hоstе|/a bеd and brеakfast). . Where you stayеd and
Wе wеnt (e) . , thе bеaсh.
. wnat you ate and bouohtwhat you did and saw
Wе оiо sоmе sigггsееiгlg'/Wе wегl sigгtsееi"g'
Wе sаw (d noПUnеn./оridgе/lоwеr).
6b TеlI the сlаss аbout your partnеr,5 holiday.
Wr bо-9hL 1souvеnirs/а s1 .t/а СD).
Wе atе (troрiсaI fruit/typiсal foоd).
Lш аs grеа./о.iIl art/spес taсu'aг/dеliс'o-s.
-]. e 5pеаK ng еХan.l whеrе yоu nееd to
l had a grеat timе'/] |ovеd ]t.
l EХAMsuссЕss ) page 159
sРЕAкl'{G Work with a partner. Whiсh of these
things аre Rеаd thе postсard again and undеr|ine аny information
important for you to have a greаt holiday? Deсide
together about thе things in 1.
and put thеm in order of importanсe.
. thе fОod you еat Look at thе postсard аgain аnd сomplete thе usеful
. snopprng
in thе Writing Bаnk.
. sightsееing
. rеlаxing
. аСtrVitrеs
. thе hotе] and аrеа whеrе you аrе staying
. thе wеathеr a'--- :

т. a-
с аrе and what wе аrе dоing
Thе importаnt thing for me is sightsееing. Сo1l'tlUoUь to do this,
I Iikе visiting intеrеsting plaсеs.
nОql.;. -
l agrее. But Ithink rеlахing is importаnt Wе us.,:
too, bесausе holidоys аrе for rеlахinq.
nОW О|

ОK, So numbеr 1 on our list is sightsееing

аnd пumbеr two is rеIaхing.

TeIl thе сlass thе top and bottom things on your Iist.
,'. Look at thе task. Сhoosе а (it).' Plаn v,,hat you
Do pеople generaIly agrеe? arе going to Writе. Тhink about тhе ordеr of thе
Rеad this postсard. Whiсh of the things in 1 does
writе about? Тiсk (/1 11.1"'.
You are on holidаy ',,,..'Э Э
postсard to an ЕnglisП f.
Нi А/eх, Sаy what yoU аге dоing l:,..
and what you did yestеrса.
ae rlre in fЬe В(q АppЬ :^:
|ery сlnd aeve this morning. You сaг
sightseeing, shopping. ',.
- i' t,l
ing' а 6 r i /|iа nr ri
Ь а tl
o, i й' i fсэ:=.:. :
". "

ld|ing а 6urgеr
ond r/linkiф o6ouiцou!",d;;:;l;;:i.i;."
drink, your hotеl

Yesrerdаg ae did sZme

sighrseеinq ond
rhe fop of the Ёmpire lndividually, write your postсard anс :....l
2" 9:nr |o
|,tуi/ding(t)e-а/so iй" :.
it to your pаrtner.
sа.а rhe Srаrue of
rlnd Times Sguаre.
l,n,ls mоrning
.. | . :

ae did some shopping. 1,..1;.,;,t,t ..;1;,,'r.,

t boцghf вnme
сool Tsntrrs, ond а lirrlc
)0resenfhr gou.
k)isЬ gou aere here!

Long uoge гefeГenсe ond гevision

Past simplс of tо bе Past simple affi rmative

Form torm
Affirmаtive l/Hе/Shе/ t wаs in Sсot апd lаst yеаr. Affirmative ] i/YoU/Не/shе/ t/Wе/Thеy visited ndiа
' !е \hе , \Aе
You/Wе/Тhеy were in Sсоt|аnd |аst yеаr Vо Тl е/ Went o 1О d

Negative /Hе/Shе/ t wasn,t (was not) in Brаzi lаst yеar'

You/Wе/Тhеy Weren,t (were not) in Brаzi аst Spelling
yеa r'
. SpеlIing of rеgu ar pаst forms
Question Was l/hе/shе/]t in tа y аst yеаr? - Мost vеrbs: add еd'
Were you/we/thеy in ltа|y lаst yеar? wа|k - wаlkеd, wаnt wоntеd, nееd nееdеd'
Short answers Yеs, /hе/shе/it wаs. No, /hе/shе/it wasn,t. - Vеrbs that еnd in .е: aсld d'
Yеs, you/wе/thеy were' Nо, you/wе/thеy werеn,t. dесidе - dесidеd, phanе _ рhonеd, аrrivе _ оrrtvеd.

- Vеrbsthatеnd inа сonsonаnt+y:tаkеaway yandаdd lсd

studу - stud|еС1, сrу - сriеd, trу - triеd
Past simple Оf Can - Vегbs thаt еnd in оnе vоwе| + oПе сoПsoГlаnt: dоub е thе
СoПsoПаnt and аdсl еd,
Form stОр StОрреd, Сhаt сhаttеd,1оg 1оggеd
Affirmаtive l/Yоu/Не/5hе/ t/tlVе/Тhеv сould +
. Маnyсom[ПoП vеrbsаrе irrеgu аr'Sееthе istоf irrеgulаrvеrbs
on pagе 1бб.
Не сoц/d sшlуи tuheи hе uuаs

Negative l/You/lе/Shеi t/\'ц/е/Thе! сou n,t (сou |d not)
+ VеrD' Wе usr thе pаst simplе to dеsсribе finlshеd aсtiоns оr situaiiоns
Shе сои/с|и,t strt wheи she wаs serrи' in thе pаst.

(ouId /yоu/hе/shе/it/wе/thеy' vеrb'

/ sаш Rсl Srаre ш /14osсоw tи 2oo5,
Сo'/d thеу spеа/< Fre^с/l?
. With thе pаst simplе wе о|tеn usе timе еXpl.еssions
ikе yestеrdаy, yestеrday morn ing/aftеrnoon/еvening,
Short answers Yеs, /yоu/hе/shе/it/wе/thеy сou Id' last night, thе day beforе yesterdаy, two/three/fo ur daуs/
No, i/yоu/hе/shе/it/wе/thеy сou Id n,t
weеks/months/yea rs ago, last week/month/yеa r. 1

Yеs, t/ley сoи/d/

No, hе сo"/dи,t.

. .ftеr сou|d/сou|dn,t wе usе thе infinitivе fоrm

оf thе vеrb
. tnout to.
She сoиld и,se а сotиpиtеr
Wе сoиldи,t wrltе.

1 Countries аnd nationаlities 2 Words сonneсted with tourism 3 Trаnsport

boаt guidе boоk hоtе bоаt bls Сa[ сOаСП
- .: ',BгаZi iаП Uggа9е pасkаgе holiday hеliСoptеr ]ОtrV mоtorbikе
...:" ?еpub iсlСzесh pa5sрort p|аnе sightsееing p|anе sСoOtег ship taхi
: ; ::. !q;rptian Franсе/Frеnсh tiсkеts trаin trip/ехсursion train tra.Г u ndеrgrоund
:= -...r,iGеrmаn rе аnd/ rish VаП

-. al. -]аpan/]apanеsе
- .' : r]
sh Rlssia/Rlssiаn 4 Other Words and рhrases ) pаgе 151

. ...::.'аkаn
-..., Sоlth Аfriсап :i;

. ....
:' Si,vltzеrаnd/Swiss
: .
.. :.-
.ilе U5o,o'.,.un
Эast simplе
of ta be and can Past simp|е affirmativr _ regular verbs
1 Сompletе the sentеnсеs with
сould or сouldn't'
иuas, wеre, wаsn,t, wеrеn,t,
2 СompIеtе thе sеntеnсеs with the past simple form
of thе
verbs givеn.
'l .' -
(dаnсе) аt thе
р ay thе piаnо at thе agе оffivе рarty
2 Shakеspеаrе Аmеriсаn.
2 (study) Gеrmаn lаst yеar.
3 istоp) smoking two yеa15 agO.
|]е Еng lish
VVе - ,.,,...',.-',.

DесаUsе Wе
.. Votе |П tnе gеnеrаJ еlесtiоn lаst yеar {^. - -
(шrant) to go to Sсot]аnd
only 15 yеars оlо'
Nеfеrtiti and Гlрnn:t.' '1d;а to go to bеd еагly'

film on ТV lаst night

WoRKвooK ) page56
/7 points
эast simplе affirmative *
irregular verbs

3 Сhаnge the sentenсеs from thе presеnt simple

to the pаst
1 Shе sееs hеr qrandрarеnts аt thе wееkеnd'
5 Мrs ]опеs tеас:.. .

Яhe sаи, hrrgrаиdpаrеиts аt the шee/<eиd.

6 Мy |riеnd СoГnеs i-
2 l 1е buys СDs апd bоoks
7 Мy dad сatсhеs ihс

3 |tаkе a реП to thе сlass.

8 Тhеy gеt bасk homс

4 Wе dо a ot of spоrt on Еridаy.
WORKBOOK ) page 59 7 points

Эountries and nationatities

Words CОnnrcted with tourism
1 Сomplete thе tab|e.
2 Comp|ete thе sеntenсеs with thesе words.

guidеbook Iuggаgе
Frа nсе tiсkеt trip




WORKBOOK ) page 54 /7
WoRKBooK ) pа9е 54
V points

3 СompIete the words for transport with vowels

аnd mark Land, Sea or Air aftеr еaсh onе
1 | rrу Lsnd.15.?.g/Аi.r 3 v n Lqр'|1-$9g1|.iц (.-
2 sh р Lqri.1-$.qq/Аi|. 4 sС'., ...t'., r Lоnd/Sео/Аir oa
WORKBOOK ) page 57
/6 points

Unir 6
) Gotewoy to exoms LJnits 5-6
) Listen ing

П аСtjVitiеs whеrе yоu ГnUst pUt 5еntеnСеs

..гlегl0еr iп а diаiоquе,
]n Truе/FсlIsе/|\|Оt mеГ)iiОnеd асtil,,itiеs,
' ' '
rепlеmbеr ,. .

Еirst, rеad thе соmplеtе diаloguе' Rеad thе stаtеГnеnis bеltxеyоu iistеl
Тhis hеlps yоu tо Гhеy givеyou аn ldеа
UПdеrstaПd thе gеnеral situatloП' otwhаtyoU arе Jistеning

ЕХAM 5UсСЕs5 } раge.I59

Work with a partner. Look at the |ist.
Whiсh things are
typica| of good restaurants? Whiсh
aгe typiсa| of bad
1 Тhe waiters give fast serviсe.
2 Theу don't givе you muсh food.
3 Тhe food is сo|d when it сomes to your table.
4 Тhey have а lot of things on the menU.
5 Тhe kitсhen isn't сlеan.
6 Тhey don't give you what you ordered'
ф. l.. Listen to Philip asking Karen about а
restauгant. Are the sentenсes true (T)
or false (F) or
aгe they not mentioned (NM)?

'l 1 Karen,s fami|y ate out beсause it wаs her

What does Helen say to Daniel?
Complete the birthday.
dia|ogue by putting sentenсes (A_G)
in the gaps. Theу went to а Chinese restaurant.
Тhere rs one extгa sentenсe' T/F./NM
3 The seгviсe in the restaurant was veгv fl
Dдшlдi: Whеrе did you gо |or your slow.
holidаys lаst yеar?
HгLгш: 0 му
fаиtfu виl / wgиt tq 5qulh qf Sра,п
Тhere Was no сheese on Karen,s pizza.

5 T/F-INI\t

Kaгen,s brother didn,t havе аny сhips

Dдшrгr: Did yоu gо by pIаnе?
with his burgeг.
Hсlгш: т./F'1NM
6 Kаren,s mum never eals meat.
DдшrгL: Whаt did yоu dо wпеn you qot thеrе?
7 Тhe tomato sa|ad was good.
Hгlвш: 2
8 Karen,s paгents didn,t speak to the
Dдшlгl: Grапаdа must lэе grеаt. l,d
lоvе to gо thеrе! waiter about their bad expeгienсe
Hсrсш: З in the restaurant.
Dдшlгi: j аlsо want to go Io ]tа y oПе yеar'

HвLгш; 4

DдшlгL: Тhat,s a goоd idеa' Мy brоthеr wеnt lаst yеаr

and hе
hаd а gr."at timе'


DдпtгL: Yеs, hotеls аrе vеry ехpеnsivе'

But first wе hаvе tо spеаk
Io oUr pаrеПtsl

o yn, don't we go theгe next year with

B No, my dad hаtes flying.
C We сan stay at youth hostels.
D No. we didn,t go to the beaсh.
Е Мost|y-sightseeing beсause there
are some
beаutiful сittes there like Sevi||e,
сor.Jйu ano
G rа nаda.
F ...,,
family аnd l went to the south
of Spаrn.
G ,
: - shоuld' Тhere are a |ot of things to see аnd
'. :. э эаrtner. Praсttse the сomp|eted dia|ogue
) Speoking Writing

lП aсtiVitiе5 whеrе you hаvе tо tаlk abоlt p.s. е!е].lts,

i?}* j -: .:
ln writing еХ;..
rеmеmbеr '..
Whеn yоu Vir... .- ] j -
Prеparе by lеarniпg аs many rеgulаr.:nd
irrеql аr pаst fоrms аs shоrt, dirесt 5€ . .:, .:]
pоssiblе Lеаrn and usе ехрrеsslоns oiiin.е
tihеn, oftеrthаt .1
tо ехplаin whеn thiпgs happеnеd.

EХAМ sUссEsS ) page 159

Reаd this invitаtion a.f, aгS'..irг the questions.

Work with a paгtner. What aгe the past forms
verbs? Some are regu|ar, some are iгregular.
of these 1 Who makes thе " " ..e',..^)
2 Whу do they rnaкr :.э - , .Э-' эn?
ouy еаt get 90 hаtе |ikе lovе
3 What is the invitat .. ,э.)
mаkе order reаd sеe spеаk stay tаkе
4 Where is thе еvеr:э
undеrstand Wаnt 5 What day/timе is rt?
6 What should theу о. -3;
Work with a partner. Look at the situation below
гo|e-play the dia|ogue. When you finish, сhange
Dеaг Мl Fгank]ln.
Тa|k about a гestaurаnt that you went to
and rea||y on.Satur<lay morning
a tгiеtlJ . t .:'
liked oг гea||y hated, Inс|ude this information: Unitеd Sratеs оГ дnlе,.i.'.. .
. Where the restaurant wаs Т. t t -
and aге har,in.е a barbе.....

. what type of restaurаnt it wаs

are invitingуu'-' t.,.oй.
., -.
. wnen you went
likе to сomе? Тhе bагbссuе
it.1i':. -. .
ll is
. who you went with :':,linч
rеl..r ilnp.'1.1.,111 ^. -
- ,

But it is not nеCеtt.ll\

. what you ate hаv9 got buгgеrs.
сhiсkсl ... . . '-
. - .
'wе -
. vе8еtа

гiа n s.
what was good or bao
. sho_uld people go to this restaurant?
Рlеasе inform ше if
1оu LaЛ .'' ]' .- ': . -'
not? Jonlrthаlr Snlith

Is the invitation in 7 informаl?

Use the information in thе ln.',:e: :. .- ::

INFoRMАL invitation to а fг э.:


) Past simp|е - negative > Past simp|е - quеstions and short answеt
) Рlaсes of wоrk > Jobs and work ) сuItUrе аnd еntеrtainment
kiпg > An anесdote abоut а speсiа| wеekend
> A biography

Places of work
1a Work with a partner. Matсh thе piсtures with some of thеsе words. ril*
сIiniс faсtory garage hospital offiсе
outdoors rеstаurant shop studio

1b "*};r"l: Listen and rеpeat.

Jobs аnd work

2 Look again at the words in ,|.
Whеre do you find these peoplе?

businеssman/Woman doсtor еngineеr sPЕAK|NG Work with a partnеr. Say where thе peoplе in
mесhaniс nursе sесretаry shop аssistаnt
2 and 3 usually work.
singеr waitеr/waitress
А dеntist usuаIly works in а сIiniс.

3 Matсh the dеfinitions (1_8) with thеsе words. Whiсh two

words do not have definitions? 6 l'i1]ifli.;it\ii! .#} ]"t} Listen to the pеoplе talk about their
jobs. What are their jobs?
artist buiIder bus/tаxi/lorry drivеr
асtor/асtress 't 3
сIеаner сook dеntist footbаIIer hairdrеssеr 24
jou rnа |ist
7 SРЕAкING Сhooseajobfrom2or3.Don,ttеllanybody
] Sоmеonе Who rерorts thе nеws for a nеwspapеr, a mаgazinе, whаt thе job is' Work in groups and take it in turns to
a TV show or a radiо show. ask quеstions to disсovеr thе jobs. You сan on|y answer
2 Sоmеоnе whosе-1ob is tо bui d or rераlг housеs. уеs or na. Pеopie саn ask a maximum of 20 questions.
З Sоmеоnе whosе job is tо ]ооk аftеr yоur tееth
Do vou work in аn offiсе?
4 Somеоnе whоsе jоb is to с еan thе rоoms in a buiIding.
5 Sоmеоnе whо works in fiIms or in а thеatrе.
Yеs, l do.
6 Sоmеоnе whо pаints piсturеs.
7 Sоmеоnе whоsе 1оb i5 to сUt pеоp|е,s hаir. Do you havе to makе tеlеphonе саIls?
8 Sоmеоnе whоsе job is to prеpаrе |ооd in а rеstaUrаnt'
No,l dan't
4a Еасh of thеse words hаs threе syllabIеs. Put
eaсh word in the сorrесt сolurnn. Do уou mоkе а lot of monеу?

bus drivеr businessman еnginеer footbal|еr

No,l don't.
hairdressеr journaIist mесhаniс seсrеtаry
Do you sit аII daу?

No, I don't.

Аrе you а с|еаnеr?

Yеs, lаm.
,1 b i Listеn, сhесk and repeat.
Work with a partnеr. What jobs
do you think асtors аnd singers
do bеforе they beсomе famous?

Mаke a list.

Reаd this mаgаzine artiсlе. Do

any of the jobs in your list appeаr
in the text?

Jennifer Hudson - a life of ups and downs'.*i

Jеnnifеr Hudson,s Iifе is Iikе а fiIm. Hег fathеr wаs а
bus drivеr. Не
diеd whеn shе was a tееПа9еГ. Аt l6, Jеnnifеr hаd Brad Pitt - his many jobs
tо Work аs a сOOk
at a fаst_food rеstаUrаnt. Shе nееdеd Гnonеy to pаy
for hеr studiеs.
St,ссеssOiO'-- - - . ::]'..
ln thе еnd, shе didn,t study at univеrsity. Shе
bесаmе а singеr оn а
с1uJs.е ship.
Nехt, shе Wеnt on thе ТV
рrogГammе Аmеriсоnlсiol Shе wаs а
filqllit but didnt win. Тhеn shе madе a f t!m, Drеаmgir|s' and won
аn osсаr At thе shе tа]kеd аbout
-сеrе-m.ony, hеr firsi;ob. То thаnk
hе1 thе fаst.fооd rеstaUrаnt sаid shе сould
еat fоr frее аt thе
rеstаUrаПt fог thе rеst of hеr Iifеl
Sаdiy, in 2008, thrее mеmbеrs of jеnnifег,s
fаmily diеd. |t wаs thе
sаГnе yеаГ that shе Wеnt into thе studio
and mаdе hеr first rесоrd ]LцqцiLle dгivеr. Hе аlsо i.ас ; .. ..- ,.
. ....'
Thе nеxt yrаr, hеr rесord was Numbеr from thе fасtory tO Dеoр'е S . o^. . j
l аnd shе sаng for thе US
prеsidеПt. Тhеn hе hаd аn unusualjоb, сJгl:s .: :- ..
а сhiсkеn tо gеt pеоplе to еаtil . ...:. .:
геstаuгant! Noщ Brаd is nоt оn .. :. :... . . . :
businеssmаn With his оwn !о ' . . '- .'- . .
-' -
П thе nеXt aСtivity, you matсh thе pеrson and thе in|оrmаtiоn'
First, yоu shou d rеad thе trxt to gеt а gеnеral undеrstandinq.
Whаt shоu|d yоu dо nеxt?
ЕxAM sUссЕsS > page 159

3a Rеad the text again. ls this informаtion about Brad Pitt

4 Mаtсh the-un.dеrlined words in thе tехt..,. t.
(BP), Jennifеr Hudson (JH) or both(B)?
'l without paying
1 Thеy spеПt soП-lе timе studying аt UniVеl,sity' ВР/]l/B
2 а publiс еVеnt' c...- .' ' : . .l -

2 Thеy usеd a typе of transpоrt fоr jоb bеfor""

thеy bесamе famous.
а BP/]Н/B
З tvеa.irg so.
4 (О.ГОa. -'
3 t WasП,t fast оr еasy for thеm to bесomе ВР/ll/B

suссеss|u. 5 abg " e-

4 Thеy pгеpаrеd |ооd аt a rеStaUrаnt. ВP/]|1/B
6 а оrg L-:с :

5 Тhеy hаd to do physiсa work bеforе BР/lН/B

7 аре.о
bесоming fаmous.
6 Sоmеthing vеry sad happеnеd to thеm aftеr BР/lt|/B
thеy bесаmе famоus.
Thеy wоrkеd bесаusе thеy nееdеd П]oПеy to BР/]|1/B
dо sоmе typе оf соursе.
Thеy rесеivеd an important przе. BP/JI1/B

З b Writе dеtails for еасh answer.

}i',ll Рltt stиdcd to Ьe аfo"rиаl'.st bеfrrе he Ьrса'ие Jеnnifеr АnistaГ ,\'5 сj ,,,с.tl.сss эеforе snе ууаs fаmous,
-.;. )',i1Lr Иs '

Unir 7
4 (omplеte thе teХt with thе сorrесt form of the vеrbs givеn.

Past simple - negative

1 Look at the sentеnсes and аnswer thе questions.
а Не didn,t finish his сoursе.
b wantеd tо bе аrl aсtor'

с didn,t have muсh mоnеy'
d Shе didn,t win thе Сol.ПpеtitroП'
е S'е won i|^е Оtгаt
,l Whrсh sеПtеПСеS arе nеgativе?
2 Whаt соmеs bе|orе thе main vеrb in pаst simp е
ПеgatiVе sеntеnсеs7


Make thе sentеnсеs negаtivе.

Shе wantеd tо bе а wаitrеss.
2 Thеy had a оt оf mоnс,.
З ] l d'.,е'. ' oO
A ,-


3 Write аbout whаt these pеople did or didn,t do before thеy

wеre famous.
,l Gwеn Stеlani/not с]еаn оffiсеs' Shе/work in a fаst-fооd
l.еstа U [a nt,

Litе (a) ... (bе) hard for Nоеi GaJiаghеr bеfоrе his
Jоhnny Dеpр/not aСt iП fi
П.ls. Hе/p аythе guitаr in а roсk
suССеss with thе gгоup Oasis. Hе (b) (not llkе)
sсhоо|. Whеn hе (с) (lеavе) sсhоо, hе
3 JuIia Rоbеrts/not makе iсе-сrеаm Shе/bе а shoр assistаnt.
(d) (wоrk) аs a buiIdеr |ог his dаd. But hе аnd
4 Klrstеn Dunst/nоt dо any othеrjоbs' Shе/stаrt aсtilg at thе his dad (e) (not havе) а gооd rе aiiоnship.
аgе оf еig ht'
thе еПd, hе (f)
5 (go) to Wol,K аs a bul dеr
J K Row|ing, thе сrеаtor оf Hаrry Pottеr/not tеасh Frеnсh.
iП аnothе[ сolllpаПy but hе (g) lПaVе] аil
Shе/tеaсh Еngllsh
ассidеnt. Аftеr thе aссidеnt hе (h) (writе) his
|irst sоngs. А lVаnсhеstеr bаnd (i) (nееd) a
(glvеt Nое а;оb hе p nq
to Са|,ry thеir guitаrs and iпstrlmеnts. Thrее yеars |аtеr, his yоung
broLl е., агl, tkl (ask) Nоеl tо join his grоup
аs gUitarist. In 20О9, аftеr mаny argUГnеПts with h]s brothеr hе
(l) .. .. (|еаvе) Oasis'

Are thеse sentenсes truе for you? lf not, сhange them to

make them truе.
,l I ikеd соffее whеn Wаs е еVеt-l.

2 | p аyеd with toy сars whеn tluas f.',е,

З l wеnt to аnоthеr сoUПtry а5t s|]П Пеr'
4 won а prizе bеfоrе thе аqе Оi ..'..'е t.е.

5 did sport ]ast wееkеnd'

б |wеnt out ast Пight'
7 ] had а party аt my hоusе fо.пt. аst birthdаy.

sPЕAl{l'tIG Work in groups of thrеe. Сompаrе sentеnсes.

How mаny sеntenсe5 do you havе thе sаmе? Те|| thе с|ass
whiсh sеntenсes they are.

Wе didn,t likе сoffее whеn wе wеrе еIеvеn.

Unit 7
7a Guess if thе sentenсes аre affirmаtivе or nеgative and Culture and entertainment
write thе сompIetе sentenсes.
1a Mаtсh the piсtures with somе of these words. (heсk
that you understand the meаning of the other words.
Use your diсtionary if neсessary.
1 Neil Armstrong/walk on the moon in 1970
art bаIIеt fi|m Iitеrаturе opеra

poеtry thеatrе
vaI'I LJOgIl/]]alnт Inе
!v!v!!а L]Dа,

Brazillwin thе Wor]d

Cup in 2006.

Mlсhae] Jaсkson/
siлg ThriLlеr'
Ltranam uell/
invent the
1b Ч*}:t"]S Listen аnd rеpeat.
2 sРЕдlt|l{G Work with a partner. Find out whiсh of the
things in 1 your partner is interеstеd in.

Marie Curiе/win two Аrе уou intеrеstеd in bаl|еt?

Nobel prizes.
The Wright Brothеrs/ No, not rеal!у' What оbaur;.oli?
build the world's first
qrreпдccflll n,|яnд
Matсh thе words in

Ada Lovеlaсe/writе thе

Wor]d's filst сomputer А.t^r ..6^^.:.

рrogram' я,'ri.i.^
r iu:itiol _,: :-

10 Louis Pastеur/disсovеr s ]. с.:


sPЕAКi|*G \.'/ork l...ith a pаrtnеr. Try to think of а

fаmous pеrson f rom your (ountry for eасh word in 3.
Thеy сan bе living or dеаd.
7b ;3.:.:.:l Listеn and сhесk. How many of your аnswеrs are
сorrесt? Аnna ?aliava ,,',os o fаmous dаnсеr,

UniI T
FatтlсlL|si lтlL|siсal rrvcDnks

2 Can you matсh eaсh piесe of musiс in 1 with its сomposer

аnd piсture?
l1 Wоlfgаng Amаdеus Мozar| |/2/.З (piсturе )
' .FrёdёriсСhopin |/]/J (piсturе )

3 Jоhann Sabast.ian gu41 t7)13 (рiсturе - . .)

the text and mаtсh the сomposers in 2 with thе

1''г, СlдsstсAl PЕRtoD
фh. ts*'оque Periоd 1B1О-19ОО
175О-1B2О popularitу
16ОО-175О intегеst Thе nаrrrе сomеs from thе
Thе nаmе сolnеs Гrоm аn of old, mеdiеval fomanсе. Composеrs
Thе namе сomеs from a stуlе in thе art of сlassiсal Grеесе. At and
of u'.hlt".t.,rе. This stylе
Baroquе pеrloo' ;.;;l;;."'tеd in lovе' bеautу want to
musiс thе еnd of thе mуstеfy. Composеrs didn't
lots of dесoration. Thе nеw
сomposеfs startеd doing foito* rulеs. Thеу wantеd
to еxpfеss
of this pеriod was similar. thinss. Most сomposеrs
workеd *".'1"j:-..',.
pеrsonal еmotions .ano
opеrа Ь.gnn in this pеriod. for roуal familiеs. Thеу
ёiаuаio йontеvегdi wгotе
sуmphoniеs in;;;;"*posеrs also wrotе ч.lorks
сonсеrtos, sonatas, put
Thе idеa at,out th.i' сountry. Tlrеy
first big opеra in 1607'
аnd quartеts. Еaсh tуpе
ot poеtry and
оf opеrа was to bring [hеаtrе.
its spесial rulеs. ..,лn'""д folk musiс,
.o-pЪ'iti"" had danсе into thеir сompositions'
poеtry and musiс togеthеr' this
this Irnpoгtаnt сolnposеrs fгom Important сontposеrs from
Important сomposеfs from p.,ioа v,,еrе Josеph Haуdn' pеriod wеrе (с)
pеriod wеrе (a) (b)
Gitrsеppе Vегdi. Pеtег
Antonio Vivaldi and Ludwig van Bееthovеn. Tсhаikovskу. Riсlraгd Wаgnеr
Gеorgе Friеdеriсh Handеl.
and Franz Liszt'

]-'.."}Т;."S Wеrе intеrе'tеd ir using rhеir с Matсh the types of сomposition With their
Wr|tе mUs]с' definitions. Use a diсtionary if neсessary.
] сonсеrto ] . .: . f ir*> с Ъr folr rtus сiа.ls
2 Сompоsеrs WdГ[еd гo еlp'еss things аbоut thеir natiоn b .
' ,

o.l-siС .or
а piагrо оr а
so n аtа
: .' . o^d oГothеr:15LrLте.lt
Ru]еs wеrе imрortаnt whеn writing musiс : i:е ol-т.ls.с Гоl аn ilstrL,mеlt
,. C d.r OrСleSL[Э
It toоk its namе frоm a sty|е оf building' q uа rtеi а lопg piесе оf musiс for аn orс]hёstra

Тhе1,сrеaLеd а nеw {оrm оГ musiсa| е1Lе"ТаinnеrL, miхiгg
What aboutyou?

Dо yо- ii\; сlаss;саl ^l-siС/ Wh) /Wl.y nоr?

Out on Your own .
Cold and alonе agatn Р*рж$;xr eej$te{rs
ь. ййut you reatty wanted, baby?
Can this La с ryn os a by Еva nеsсеnсe

Blame it on me
Set vour guilt freе
you baсК now
Nothing сan trotd
Now that you're
lfeel like mYself agatn
iййg'iсan't rеpair and wil|ing .''
Grieving tr..
on mе
To lеt you blame it
And Ьet your guilt freе . l^.'^
you baсk now love
шotrrinЬ сan troid . .; Listen to this poр song
bаsed on a pieсe of musiс ьy мoiart.
the |yriсs аnd answеr the questions.
.l \,Vhat do yоu think t j..е sо:; s аэ:..:
. . :. T:l.l*}l+Ёi,i,:llЦ"чhчж:Тn1i'.nn
And in iЪj; ;й't
iif .'
2 Ноw dо you think thе singеl iе
; Listen again.
. ,l Whiсh pаrt оf thе sоng is thе сhоr-s:

'l:l 2 Нow manytimrs dоyоu hеaltге
you ьu.к tou. ..,t
l don,t want to hold r.:.,' g
sPЕAltl}IG Whаtаboutyou?
1 Dо you likе this sоng7
2 Ноw doеs thjs sоng makе i ]' ...
З Wnаl аrе your .а\o-t.l. . ,: -.

on your own аlоnе, with nоbоdу .- .

blаmе (v) sоу thоt sоnеbaау dtd A

:.гlеthing bоd
guilt rhе fее|ing thаt
li} rкolгст
уau 11id sonеthing
9 Work in groups. (hoosе а fаmous
;riеving fее|ing vеrу sаd аbrэuг somеthing s|nger/ or group from your сountry.
''''i||ing wаnting a presentation about them. lnсludе
.,. аstе U5с l' о bаd tntaу
informаtion about their Iife аnd iтork'
r ving up StОррlng
lNslDЕ lNFoRMAтi0N
О iillеsrа'..'::;r:::.- : :

qoin]. Гo.|,

: O ihi: sогс . ;:. .

:' hеп:'s.:... . ]

o Аi]..i.... .-j :
pе..] .. .


Look аt the photo of HoIlywood superstar Mari|yn Monroe. ir Listen again and сomplete thе timеline for Mаrilyn
Work with а partner. Make notеs of any information that Monroе.
you know аbout hеr.

She wаs born,

.'.] l"];i : i] r j]j!; .#i *..l:i Listen to a TV quiz and сheсk your idеas.

П this aСtivity, yoU Сomр еtе Пotеs by WrltiПg a rnlоrd оr а fеw 'r953:
words in thе spасеs' Hоw impоrtant dо yоu think it is tо spе||
thе wоrds сorrесt|у? 1954:

$'} Listen again and (omp|ete thе notes.
Morilyn Мonroe trivio
Shе diеd
. Мori|yn Мonroe onсe song
г. for the Аmeгiсon
presidentJohn F Kennedy.
о Befoгe she Ьeсome fomous, she worked in i. sPЕAlt!N6 Whаt about you?
.li Who is yоur fаvоuritе fi m stа.l ''.,hа. dо yоu knоw abоut thе
. She rnoo",i" *'ou, |i|m Geэntlemen Prefer Blondes Iifе?
Мy fаvouritе асtor is |'лqtt Dаmon. Не was born in thе
. One of heг populoг songs wos Diornoлds ore USА, I think hе stоrtеd univеrsitу but hе didn,t finish .,.

о She studied ::. ot the l;* l:". c

Univeгsiiy of CoIifoгnio, Los Ange|es.

|fyоu waпttc ....]
о -'-',. ng,whatсan you Jlstеn
Shе wos yeors old when
tо in Еng lsh о.,.. ]: -:.
sЬе died "ssrооm?
3 Write сomplete questions аnd writе true short аnswers.
1 you/gо to sсhoо yеstеrdаy?
Past simplе - questions and short answers
Ddуoи jo to sсhoo/уesterdац? Yes, / /lс,l.
1 Look at the sеntеnсes and сhoose the сorrесt 2 yоu/pаss yоur |ast Еng ish еxаm?
а|ternative in thе ruIes. З a friеnd/gо to your hоusе ast wееkеnd?
a Whеn did Мarr|yn make that fi m?
4 уatl aпd уour |аmi y/wаtсh ТV |аst night?
b Whаt did shе study аt uпivеrsitу?
5 you/havе а big brеаkfast this morning?
с Did Mari yn win aп 0sсаr?
d Yеs, shе did /Nо, shе didn,t.
6 yоu/wa k tо sсhоо tоday?
7 уaur с|аss/gо on an ехсurslоn ast yеar?
] Ъ rаL е q-есТ oГs wе - 'е did , ,

Ln[Lni ri'u.е/р.q st I arm оf thе vеrll' 4a sPЕAкlNG Look аt the phrases. Add timе еxpressions and
2 ln short an5Wе15 wе t-ер.е-8t/.'.|,| writе thеm as questions,
vеrb (е'g. go, ftnish, wоrk). II .--
a .. . -

D :,.1/',.: tt ll, : l,l,l'.,- ll: э с t: t:'- l :


2a Сomp|ete the quеstions with the сorrесt form of thе vеrbs ;i
,l Whаt fi m

-]R.] Tо ll."r.

МLatt Grоепing
4b Now find one pеrson who did eaсh асtivity аnd writе their
name neхt to eaсh question' You сan on|y writе a pеrson,s
4 What dаnсе ]\4iсhaе Jaсkson
name onсe.
(mаk..) |аmous?

Whiсh spоrt i\4аrг.. а H.nо.: 5a SPЕAKiNG Write еight quеstions to find out about what
(plаy)? your partnеr did lаst wееkend. Use thеsе words and
Whiсh statuе thе |--rеnсh еxprеssions to heIp you.
(9 vе) to thе UsА in l88б?
сhаt online dаnсe do sport go out
2b Work with a partner. Ask and answer thе quеstions. go to the park/thесinema Iistеn to musiс
pIay сomputer games/footbaII/a musiса| instrument
ridе your bikе skatе surfthе Net tаkе photos
wаtсh a fi|m

5b Work with а partner. Ask your questions.

Did уou surf the Nеt?

Yеs' l did'

5с Work in groups. TеIl the group about уour рartn€r s

wеekend. Saywhatthеy did and what thеу, didl t ээ

Сlаrа didn,t go out.5hе wаtсhе:

- - :: :r1 =



UniI T
sPЕдx|itlG Work with а partner. Look аt the photos аnd talk
i-:ll-;.ii'iii].li: t]#;...... Listеn to MаrktеlIing Sаndrа about his
аbout what you сan see.
perfeсt wеekеnd аnd thеn answer thе questions,
,l Whiсh photо in l is simi ar tо thе еVеПt in thе сonvеrsаtlon?
ln piсturе a
thеrе,s а bаnd.
2 l]оw did Мark find out аbout thе еvеnt?
3 What timе did thе еvеnt happеn?

Yеs, with а singеr аnd

two muSiсians'
ф tisten to thе сonversation again and tiсk (/) the Words
and expressions in the Speaking Bаnk that you hеar.

Гhеу,rе plауing at a сonСеrt.

tJseful exрressions to show intеrеst in whаt

somеone sаys
Did you?/ s hе?/Havе thеy?
Rеа ||y?

I sее.
Тhat,s intеrеsting.
Тhat,s inсrеdib|еl
Тhеn what happеnеd?

4a sРЕAкlNG .;Ё.: Listen to the useful expressions in the

Speaking Bank.

4b Work with a pаrtnеr. Praсtisе saying the еxpressions with

the сorreсt intonation.

5 Put thе questions in thе ordеr that Sаndrа asks them.

Listen again if nесessary.
3 5

2 4 o

a Whеrе did yоu mееt hеr?

D Whаt timе dld you go?
Whаt did yоu do?
o What timе did shе аrrivе?
E Did yоu havе а gооd wееkеnd?
f Did уоu takе a phоto of hеr?

у Hоw did yоu find out аbоut thаt?

Praсtiсe makes perfeсt

6a SPЕAк|NG Lookаtthetaskand prеpаrenotesabouta
pеrfесt weekend. lt сan bе rеaI or invented. Мaybe you
Went to a сonсert, mеt а fаmous per5on' saw а sports

Tеll a friеnd abouta регfесt rvееkеnd Givе dеtai]s _

say what you did, whеге it r'vas. whеn it was, еtс. ...

6b Work with a pаrtner. Tаkе it in turns to ask your partner

about their weekend. Ask questions beginning with
Whаt, Who' Whу, Whеn and Wherе Iikе the onеs in 5. Use
expressions from the Spеaking Bank to show your interеst.

Did you hаvе а good wееkеnd?

Yеs, it wаs brilliоnt, It wаs

thе pеrfесt wееkеnd!
Whу? What did уou do?
L ==-=-=t r;,rr..';;-.'-r=,,,'=-- t
-r:-*=;=,;-=:=rr:.==.-,,.,; *-r=r-=-=--a,r-:::-.==.r;:;r-=::---:==::=-_==.
Work with a pаrtnеr. Do you know аnything аbout thе Words аnd еxprеssions of time аre useful in biographies.
aсtor Heath Lеdgеr? Тiсk (/1 thе words аnd expressions in thе Writing Bank
whiсh appeаr in thе biography of Hеath Ledgеr.

. Аftеr thаt
. Аt thе аgе оl 16
. ln 199/
. \eXt
. Тhе lоllowing yеar
. Thеn
. Тwo yеars lаtеr
. Whеn hе wаs j]

Сomplеte thе teхt with these words.

аftеr аt fo||owing in in Iаtеr Wnеn

Аa iyah was а lаmоus

Агnеriсаn singеr аnd аСtl.еss'
Shе wаs bоrn
Read the tеxt and put the paragraphs in ordеr. V./dS tViС Vе, s!е 5.l.l..l ;..r
? first rе.or. .c.i .'

2 4

Аt the age of 16, Неath lеft sсhool to lэесomе an

асtor. ln 1997 hе madе his iirst film, but hе diсln,t ' Пеr
havе an inl1эortant part in it. Тhе folIorr,illg r,еаг hс ,.-. - . -- -l -: l-,t. t SO Ll
went to Аmеriсa. Тl'r,o vеаrs l.ltеr hе nlасIс оtlе оf , ,, O
his iirst Ьig films, Т|-tе Patriot. 200О

Hеath wаs on|y 28 r'r,hen hе сJiеd. Не \\аs a grеat ;l.с ll.аdе а ii m саliеd toлео
r!liLisi Di€'
aсtor lvhо сould mal<е any t,Vlrе of iilnl. Bесaltsс
l.аt, sl]е startеd making аПothеr |ilm'
of his inсrеdiЬlе rn.,ork, hе is alrеaсl1, thought of lэt,
some peoplс аs a Hollywood lеgеnс|. уеаr, shе diеd in
a piаПе сrаsh' Оnе wееk аltег lrег dеath, hеr third СD VVеПt iО
Аftеr that, Неath Ьесamе famous. Тhey nominated
him for an osсаr for thе ii|m Brokеbaсk nLtmbеr оnе' Shе СoПtlПUе5 tо lпf lеlсе sol аnd hlp поp mus с
but hе didn,t win. Тhеn, in 2ОО7, hе startеd
^4ountatn todаy.
worl< as
Тhе Jol<еr in a Batman fiIпr. Не diеd on 22 januarу
2008, bеforе thе fi|m сame out. In 2008 hе got an
Оsсar for his rvor|<.
Э Hеath Lеdgеr was born on 4 Аpril 1979 in Аustralia. Look at the tаsk and сhoosе a pеrson to Writе about. Find
His mothеr rvas a Frеnсh tеасhеr and his fаthеr r,vas information аnd mаke notеs.
an enginееr. Hеath асtеd for thе first timе at thе аge
of tеnlWhеn hе was 11, his parents got divorcс'd." Writе a shoгt biograрlry abоilt an
aсtог. singеI.. wгiiег. i-il.ti)t Ul.tllLtti',.
who is dеad. Writе а[]otlt:
эok at the biography again. Whiсh paragraph tаlks . l]l;': ' .l
Whеn thеy r,r.еге bогIl аtlс]
as a сhild's dеath аnd why hе is fаmоls lоw? о thеir сaгееГ
OL . o'СA. о tlrеiг dеаth ltll.l :.' . .

: .:г hе wаs bоrn аnd his ifе as a сhi d? irrlpогtant ll,..'.


. .: 'l.l-]ol.tаnt pаtt o|hls сarееr?

organise thе nfo rп. э l

parаgrаphs and tЦе" , =,=,\t)

. l-.агаgгaphs, аnd how dо thеy hеlp yоu to wrltе goоd anс \^'/ords a.. : ' :'.: -'r a: a L,n I

: ish?
Longuoge гefeГenсe gnd revisicn
Past simplе nеgativе
Form Use

Negаtive Wе 'sе Liе оo 'l inо е - еqа| Vе o

" abоuL
] /You/Hе/5hе/t/Wе/Thеydidn,t(didnot)+Vеrb things thаt didn,t happеn in thе past.
Не dldи,t /аисe.
We ddи,t sеe а
. Аftеr did/didn,tvvе usе thе infinitivе form оf thе vего

Past simple - questions and short answers

Form Use
Did /you/hе/shе/it/tше/thеy + vеrb?
Wе,,еpoэ,>1 OеО-е(-o.5тodcL аbo;l IL

that hаppеnеd n thе pаst'

Dil theу dаисе?
Ddур" seе а floи?
Short аnswers Yеs' /r,оui hе/shеl,itiwе/thеll did,
Nэ /i'оu,'.е,-rrе'' t''.'i'е,th..r' did n,t
Уеs, ldd'
Nо, /ldи,t,
Аftеr did/didn,t а nd thе sub1есt t',.,,е usе thе l Пfln iitе iJгm э; .::' :l о
n short аnstдlегs wе do Пot rеpеаt thе mаin vеrb'

1 Places of work 2 Jobs and work 3 Cu]ture аnd eпtertаinment

с|iniс faсtоry garаgе hоspitа| aСtor/аСtrеss a[t st |]Ui dеr аrt Da еt Сomрosеr dаПСеr
оffiсе оutdoоrs rеstaUrаnt bUs/taХl/ оrry drivеr dirесtоr fi m ]itеrаturе
shоp studlо buslnеssmаn/wоman Сеanеr musiсiаn novе ist opеra
сoоk dеПtist dосtоr еnginееr раlntеГ poеt рoеtry singеr
farmеr foоtbа ]еr hairdrеssеr thеаtrе wrltеr
jourпa ist mесhаniс ПUrSе
sеСrеtary shоp аssistant singеr 4 0ther words and phrаses ) pаgе 15З






.L Unii 7
Past simple _ nеgativе Past simplе _ question forms and short answrrs
l Look at the affirmаtive sеntenсеs and write negаtive 3 Make questions аnd write true short answers.
.1 t]o
'l yоu/9о to sсhoo Jаst IИоnday?
д".L b, -.аir' |-o by p anе.
2 Тhеy finishеd at / pm Thеy at 5 pП,].

З Wе hаd unсh at homе, vvе lnсh at


sсh oo| ' \4оzart/р1ay thе piаno?

4 'еod а bоoL ' a mаgazinе. a)'
5 Shе swam in thе sеа, Srlе in a swimming A:
6 tрд'O-оа o,.'гд a poеПl
7 l\4y mum bоught а nеw bag' Shе
s П oе5.

WoRKBooK ) pаge66 /7 points

Past simple - qurstion forms

Piсassо/d rаw саrtоons?
2 Put the words in ordеr to mаke questions. n.
.l timе gеt you did What lр yеstеrdаy? А:
2 Why tеасhеr С а5s stop did yоuг thе?
3 you gо night Whо did ast out with? '- , Могr, o r lр.i|гr,]

4 fаmi y Whаt do yoUl, sUn-]П-]еr lаst did?


5 Whеn Bееthovеn Сomposе symphоny fifth his did? A:

6 thеy еat HoW did hamburgеrs many?

7 Еgyptians did bui|d Hоw pyrаmids аПСiеПt thе thе?
WORKBOOK ) page 69 /6 points

WORKBOOK ) page 69 /7

Эiaces of work
Cu|ture and entеrtainment
1 Wherе do these peop|e work? 3 (ompIete the sentenсеs with thеse words.
] о ГрСA3.
2 о \d,С,: aсtor art bаIIеts dаnсеrs dirесtor Iitеrаturе
novеlists opеras pаintеrs poet poеtry
З o SС(l.IoГ):
4 d ot.Ге.: '''

о | -'SС, 1 Swon Lаkе and Slеерing Bе]Utу arе faгnоus

WoRKBooK ) pаge 64 points 2 аrе,,

/5 Rtgalеtto aэd LаTrаviаtа ..'''.''',, ,,,,,, ', -
3 Pоеms and nоvе]s аrе diffеrеnt typеs of
_:s and work 4 ,Rоsеs
arе rеd, Viо еts arе b|uе, Slgаr is . ' ... -
] Put the |etters in ordеr to make jobs.
" .:r-tistd 5 grееnli.lе
5 Vаn Gogh аnd Da V]nсi Wеrе t\,!c .]-.. . .

] ...а]nес
6 rantоjusi
6 Stеvеn SpLе|bеrg is a famous fi ..

: ,'Cbl 7 is to mаkе thе fi m аnd tе]l г.':. . ].

l r."drеshrlsа
7 .-' ..
- ]iеWl 8 submеi.lsl,t,alпоs
Shаkеspеa[е Wrotе wогk:

'эRKBooK ) pаge64 /8
WoRKBooK I pagе 6l , Tpoints't


Unir 7
Grammar ) Cоmparativе adjeсtivеs ) Superlativе adjeсtives
VoсabuIary > Feelings > Personаlity ) SoсiaI problems
Sрeaking Desсribing a photo
Writing A forma| |еttеr of opinion

1a Work with a partnеr. Matсh thе piсturеs with somе of thesе words.

angrУ borеd exсitеd happy intеrested rеIaxеd sad

surprisеd tirеd worriеd

1b *}.j";:l Listen аnd repеat.

1с Drawfaсes forthe other five words. Саn your partner

guess the words?

1i:rr'r1:1;;r,, d*Ф j1.ri Listen to four Personality

сonversations' How do thе peopIe
fеeI? Write one adjeсtive from 'l for
4 (ompletе the sеntenсеs with these adjесtives.

eaсh person.
сheеrfuI hard-working intе||igent kind |azу quiеt rеsponsib|е sеrious

.l А pеrsoП hе]ps othеr реop е and is gооd tо thеm
2Аэ pегsоn undеrstаnds аnd еarns things quiсkIy
4 3A ' . pеrson dоеsn,t ikе working or mаking аn еffоrt.
3a SРЕAк|NG Think about when you have 4^ .''. pеrsoП is usLlа у hаppy and fr1еnd y.

the fеelings in 'l and Write sentenсes. 5А .. pеrsoГl is rе|iаb е аnd саn bе trustеd to dо а thе things thаt
thдr, сhn d dn
hаppу ouheи ,иу
footЬа// teа,и
6A ''..
pеrson dоеsn,t ta k muсh'
7^ .'. pеrsoП thinks сarеfu yabоutthin-сs aпd dоеs nоt Iaugh mlс"
3b Rеаd your sentеnсеs to your partner
in a different order, but don't say the
8А ..'' pеrsoП pUts а |ot of еffort ln thеir wоrk

adjесtive. Can your partner guess it? 5a Write thrеe sentenсes about yourseIf using adjесtivеs in 4.
/ tkи/< /,tи а сheеrf'lpсrsoи beса'se /,,и иs"аl| hаppу,
Ifееl l swim,
/ саи be lаzу so,^et,*,, Ь,,o,,e / l|kе shеpiиy i,/ ,iЬn',1.
/,tи иot qиiсt bcса"sc / tа/k а lot.
-whеn tVo.
5b Give your pieсе of paper to your teaсhеr. Your teaсhеr will reаd out sentеnсes.
Can you guess whiсh person Wrote the sеntenсes?
.l Work with a pаrtnеr. Look at the tit|e
Iife is еasiеr for teenagers today?
of thе text. Do you think
3 Read thе tеХt again. Who says that...
Think about these arеas.
] ....j.: '.] ]'.].:еnаqеrs?
fаshion jobs аround thе house monеy 2 :--.-.-'-: ].. ].. ].-:- :.l,ciffеrеnt?
З t.--.:.-. . : :': . ]'jj.;rеrеallvthе
JO -.

2 Read thе text. Whiсh of the four pеop|e 4 lifе ls: ::.: ': - .- ::
think that lifе is easiеr '-,- j.-.]eV/
for tеenagеrs todаy? 5 ,h..;l -

6 tLег o t. ..
!, l r {.1

i. Еdt liёil ralorIе, f.!]

thеy lоо<?
!с! Liлi; *
7 '.l оo ,Aс ,.:. :
8 ihеydon,tо: -. -]. .: -

Do you think life is easier for teenagers say?

today than for teenagers in the pasi?

Whеn I was a ternagеr' l was morе respоnsibiе

тooaУ,s teеnagеrs' Аfter sсhоol,
I haсl tо сlo a Iot of joDs
at homе' iVу parеnts Wrrr rеally aпgrу
when l diс]n't оo
ly 9|9t"c Тoday s tеenagers are |aziеr' Тheу сomе
noп]e Trom sсhоol and thеn play сolтputer
gamrs for thе
rest оf the daу'
Lookаtthe-undqrlined words in thе tе,rl' Guеss
the meаning oitЪ. йol.o' аnd Writе a sl*Е
Young people nowaс1ays aren't bеttеr е
young pеoplе iП the past' Тeenagers
or worse than definition or similаr word.
Sarah45 samе prol]]rms todaу havе thе
that we с1iсl' Тhеy'rе worrjЬс] about сhоrсs _ fоЬsуo, hп,,
1,..,....r,, finding ]lhqц..o\,Yl identity and thеlr
wo.|d' I onсe rеасl 1h's.o;9t-а-191: .Cг'|oiеr
rowаdavs Write onе or two sentеnсе5 to 5umIтаl.isе nаt
JUst |oVе thе rаsУ tе Т"еу .е bag ,..
г-q::q:c-q ^аve eaсh person in the text thinks аbout tЕirэ!е"s
for authority or for o|сier pёoЁтe;;.lа
::sрrсt thеу makе todаy.
thejr tеасhеrs mad'' Do you know
who said tnaii tt was
JoC.d1rs' Hе t еd аоout 2'1OO Jеа.Ь ago'
/Qh,e82 t/t|иtrs thаt /,f :.l-
to/ау bесаusс thеу di'll'i :. '.,
ln thе mо-dia, theу a|waуs saу that teеnagеrs
PattyS2 easy
havе an
Тheу saу thеу'rе lazу and irrеspЪnsib
/аzу аиdphу аlld,lу
е' But l
Worк W|th young people anсl lots оf thеm
аrе r-^sponsib е
aПo nard-Working' I a]sо meеt tееnagеrs sPЕAltlNG Whаtaboutyou?
who are
o.pp.9g]t-q Isn't it thе sаГnr With adl]ts?]
tеenagrrs havе more ГnoПey no!^/. Аrd thеу
Pеrhaps ] Dо'oL dg.ее

havе iots of
МPЗ piayеrs' Blt tl.оsе tn ngs Jon t
.е,?WL lo е .
alwaУs q9-е.js
]ifе easier or makе
уоl heро еr' 2 -oш Со, do, .

Who SaУs tеenagers hаvе an еas\ ]iэ? I аgrее with Sаrаh45' l :"
Ехams are haroеr
\еd23 now than in the past' lt's morе d]fJ
сL' i :о gеt a ьb s; todау аrе simi|аr to tее15...
уour marks neеd to be highеr' Тhе тэо aiтакe us
worrу about our
-qPР-q9l-ql]9-q nоr.;ad31l5 too: so а ]ot oi
teеnagеrs aren,tЪAtrjpу' йey тnrПK ii.е.l'shоuld ldon,t аgrее.
lii I or thinnrr, likе thе peopiе thеy sее оn
proоlems arе differеnt from thе
рasl, BUt
bе tal|еr
ТV lv'1aуbe thе
Tеenаgеrs todo;, .э
makе life еasiеr. |t's рrobablу thе opоcs

Unit 8
Comparative adjeсtivеs,
1a Look at the sentenсes аnd сomplеtе
the table with the words in bold. Adjесtive Сomparаtive Rule
,l TоdayЪ tееnаgе15 аrе Iazier than
tееПаgеrs |П thе past' hаrd (a) 0nе sy ab е adjесtivеs _ аdd 'еr
2 Yolng pеop|е nоlvаdays аrеП,t
thin (b) Оnе.syliаlэ|е аdjеСtivеs еnding in опе
better оr worsе thаn young pеop е
in thе past' VoWе aПo oПе СoПsoПaПt с]oUt]lе tnе
3 Еxarns аrе hаrdеr now than in thе СonsonаПt and аdd еr

ра5I. Iazу (с) Two-sy ab е adjесtivеs еnding in y

4 Тhеy think thеy shоuld bе thinner. onlit y аПd add -iеr
5 l was more rеsponsib|e than
todаy's tееПаgеl.5'
responsiblе (d) Аd;есtivеs with twо syllalэlеs or Гlotе
p J- ^Оrе bе о.е Ll^е dO A -;
, е
1b Look at sеntenсеs 3 and 5' 1, 2,
Whiсh word do we use aftеr the good (e) IrrеquIaг
сomparаtive adjесtive when we
bad (f)
сompare two things?
fаr fаrther, furthеr


2 Look at thе adjесtivеs. Think about the ruIes tn thе 5а Мakе thе two sentenсеs into one using the сomparаtive form
tаble in 1 and write thе сomparative form. of thе adjесtive. *
1 еesу eаsrcr 5 l; гl ' ' ..i i].]

2 bеаuti|u 6 рrеttt,

З hlgh 7 friеnd y f,

4 kind 8 fаt

3a .$ il .l': Look at thе sentеnсes and

1 l/iikе is о t-J..l thаn -]оhгl.
2 Stсlrе аnd Pа; аrе ]аzl."i thаn Сhrls'
3 .sist..r
YоL..l is iэеitеt at Гnaths thаn H..]еrl.
4 lеаrtlirlg Jаp.]Пе5C is hаrdсrthаn еаrning Еn-q lsh'
5 Jеi.ny is friеnd lеr thаn Sагаil

3b ,# Listеn agаin аnd repеat eасh sentenсe. Put morе

strеss on thе words in rеd.

4a Do you know these faсts? Сhoose the сorreсt adjесtivе

аnd write the сomparаtive form to сomp|ete thе
,l Сhina is (big/smа 1) thаn Russia,
2 lstanbul is (nеar/|ar) from london
thа n Аthеns

3 K2Ls /l iq' од'LГа. A o^саg-a,

4 thе sUГnП-]еr, lt is ...''.
П (hоt/сoо|)lп
,I Сhar cttе is aПgry. Sоphiе is Vеry аПgry
Мadrid than ln Pаris'
5 Тhе Eiffе] Tоwеr is (tа /sholt) thаn thе Sopke в аиjr|сr thаи Chаr/otte.
Grеat Pyrаmid оf Giza 2 )a|'е ls wоrriеd. Iukе is vеry worriеd.
6 Еlеphаnts wa k (fаst/s ow) than З AП]y is hаppy. |iоi|y is vеry happy
|jеПg U ins 4 it/ах is bоrеd' Bеn is vеry borеd.
7 ) аtinum ls (сhеap/еxpеnsivе) than 5 Emmа is intе|ligеnt. sаbе||е is vеry ntе |igеnt'
la, d 6 Аdаm is bad аt Frеnсh. Сhar|iе is vеry bad at Еrеnсh.

Listen and сheсk. How many did you get right? 5b Now prасtise saying the sentenсes with the сorrесt strеss.

Unit 8
6a SPЕAKIIiIG Put thе adjeсtives givеn in thе сomparative form. Тhen Soсiаl рг0bIems
writе sеntenсes that arе true for you.
,l think ..'..' lсе hoсkеу s 1а Work with a partner. Matсh the photos with
.' ''..hеttеr !]co0) Inаn somе of thesе words.
'' ''''''''7 lootbаll
(d]f.iс r ir irаП сrimе homе|еssnеss hungеr pollution
povеrty unеmp|оymеnt vioIеnсe
З In my оpinion, (bad) than

4 ls (big)thаn

6 is (flгny) than

6b Work in small groups. Comparе your sentеnсes. Do you agrеe or

disagree with othеr pеopleЪ idеas?
r iБlr
7a sPЕAкl''lA Work with a partner. Writе sеntenсes сomparing Iifе
now to one hundred years ago. Look at these topiсs for ideas. Usе
аdjесtives that you hаve lеаrnt.

fashion аnd hаir |ifе in gеnеra| sсhool tесhno|ogy

trаnsport ТV

.*э :
:: j some of your sеntenсes to the сlаss. Do you havе simiIar
PClaсC! ^,
, t/,',,'.','
:;' i:: ...
. L-s- ./','.:,,:,,
' ...1't::::::l
- -=--1-1 :,,1'::

-l -,'l:' "- :. '

&r*s*-*tirr!*ш]*r * it''z*ns*rзр :: - --<"
Pеaсе One Day


. -
1a Work with a partnеr. Disсuss thе quеstions. Еn-о апd аnd Wа еs 2002'
Ф ге .еа
1 Whо arе thе pеop е ln thе ohotо? \'.',i,.. .'= .^. Dе.cП ."
to lllо р \'ouПq р..op е tc
rеsccП)ib]е сlt;7еls са.
2 Dо yоu knоw whеn intеrletiоr.а :=.'. ]. llаkе а роs t]!t.cП.liL5Ut oп to

З What hаppеns оn illеr'.аl -.-. ].. .- -.

Ф l-.:ll ;.еа of studr'l п i tilеПsIiр s i].";r.E

4 Dоеs,vоur sсlо: : .-. a: :: ti::..,,L,.

-. 1

intеrtlаt.г: r.]]. ]. te*

Listеn to a rаdio programme аbout an &ff*"tо;'lт
orgаnisation сal|еd Pеaсе 0nе Dаy and Jеrеmy Gillеy, thе man
who stаrtеd it, Anslvеr thе quеstions. 3 Work in groups. Prepare something for an
intеrnаtionaI Peасе Day exhibition. Here аrе
l .: :. . ].":е Dаyi .

2 -.. ... : - ]:аоfintеrlаtiоnа PеасеDay?

somе idеas:
. tеХts аbоut |amous pеасеmakеrs |ikе Ghаndi
З - .:. . . _]. .,ii'']o ls spеakiПg thiПk that intеrnаtionа| Pеасе Day
oг Маrtln Luthеr Kinq
: :: -] -:] ]еа оr not?
. tеХts abоut оrgапlsations thаt wоrk |or pеaсе
. .. Listеn again. Are these sentеnсes true (T) or false (F)? . piСtUrеs оr phоtogrаphs
,] Тhе fi[5t iПtеrПаtionаl Pеaсе Dаy was in l999 . soПgs in Еng1ish aboUt pеасе
2 'Jеlепly Gll|еy l5 аn Еng ish fi m асtоr. . rеvlеws of fi ms or boоks аbоut pеасе
З Gi1|еymadе а film оf thе p[oсе5S о| stаrting . qUOtat оns апd роеms about pеaсе
intеrnаtioПа Pеaсе Day' ,l Еасh pеrsоп in thе grоup сhооsеs onе оf thе idеаs
4 Тhе Unitеd Natioпs didn,t hеlр G]l|еy Wlth his
and |inds lnformation and/оr illustratiопs. Мakе
ПotеS aboUt thе informаtion.
5 Тhе асtor JL'rdе Lаw workеd оn a fi m аlэout
2 n yоur gгоup, dесidе hоw tо pгеsепt yоur mаtегral
Pеaсе 0nе Day with Giilеy
to thе rе5t of thе с|ass. Prеparе it and рrеsеnt it.
6 |ntеrnationа| Pеасе Day gavе a |оt оf mеdlса|
iе|p .о..l О1еГ .l )ОО/ a. d l00B

*rdx *&Y




Е-iterжtaxrg j
Тhе Frееdom Writers
Look аt thе photo. lt shows some peopIe who wеrе in i
а group саl|еd the Freedom Writers. Who do you think
these peoplе were? How and why do you think they j
beсame fаmous?
Reаd this text аbout the Freеdom Writers and seе if yolur.'. .i
t ideas in 4 were сorreсt. . ]...ll.'l:j
.. l:1.] ]].'}

a, ur
-*фы-- :

n 1994, Erin Gruwellbegan tеaсhin$ in a hi$h t,
sсhool in Long Bеaсh, Ca]ifornia. She was a
r new teaсher and teaсhlng in Long Beach was
not easy for Еrin. That's bесause life was not easy
foг her l4-year-o}d students. These studеnts lived

in a very poor area of Long Beaсh. The students all

hated sсhool; they all hated thе teaсher; and thеy i-

all hated eaсh otheг.

But Erin iniroduсed her students to books

written by teenagers - books like ?fie Diarу of Matсh the words and definitions.
Алne Frank. The students lеarnt to havе moге 1 anonymоus а sоmеthing thаt hаppеnеd tо yоu
respeсt for eaсh other. They сalled thеmsеlves b to trеat somеОnе llkе tnеy аrе
Writеrs' and startеd to wгite an 2 pооr гn pоrta nt
anonymous diary. In the diary they talked about tо provldе somеoПе with a nеw
theiг difficult experienсes in life. Writlng about
3 rmit
all the bad things ln thеir lives helped them. Thеy 4 ох nрricnср d tо сontrо] or rеduсе
learned to aссept thе past and $o forward. They Е having itt|е mоnеy and not oWПillg
learnt to not let other people limit theiг dreams, 5 rеspесt o|things
a 1оt
Writtеn by solТеoПе whosе ner.:
The students' drrams сamе true when the ]I not knоwn
became a real book, The Freedom Writers Diarу l ,/ Оrеаm sоmеthing yоu hopе iо a:
and the book beсamе famous. Erin and her thе futurе

students appeared on TV, in newspapers and. I

,, ::-
magazines. In 2006, thеy made a Hollywood film Read this summary of the text аbout Тhe Frеedom Writers.
оf their story with young actoгs playing thе parts
Find five mistаkes аnd сorreсt them.
ofthe students. In rеal life, many ofthe students

Went to univeгsity' Somе of them arе now tеaсhеrs . Еrin Gruwеl| was a tеaсher with а iol э,
and they want t0 help new students to follow their i еxpеriеnсе. Her fiftееn-yеаr-оld -i: - ] :. : r
own dreams. sсhooI. Еrin hеIoеd them.5hе s:..::] ::
. a diarv аbout thеm. A lot of э.:: : :
book, саIIеd Thе Frееdotт,,,, .=-, -
"-+*-a .. ..:'
thе studеnts аppearеd :- -- .: -
Today, somе оfthе si-.:^:j :..:
.. .,- .
good workthеу'е...=: : ^. =

SPЕAKING What about i oL]

1 l'


Uпir 8 l09
Work with а partner. Did you read, see or hеar
thе news yesterday? Tаlk about any news stories
you remember. Su pеrlative adjеctivеs
. : l. ..:.
*J ' . :
Listen to three nеws storiеs. "la Look at the sеntenсеs and сompletе the tab|e with thе
What is thе topiс of еaсh story? (hoosе from words in bold.
thesе topiсs. .] t is oПе оf the most irnportant prоb|еms сoU ПIrV

homеIеssnеss hunger poVеrty

unemploymеnt vioIеnсe 2 Тhis is thе сoldest month'
Thls is thе worst п-lопth |or many реop е.
4 Thеy аrе the best pеоp е in thе world tо sо vе thе
1 prоb егп.
This ls thе biggеst group а|fесtеd bу thе есonоrniс
rесеsslоn '

**j Listen аgain and сhoosе thе сorreсt answers. Adjесtivе Supеriаtivе RuIе
1 Тhе situаtiоn fоr hоmе еss pеop ." th;s mоnth is adjесtive
a morе difflсu t than usua
сoId (а) Оnе sy аblе
b tnе 5aП-]е аs U5Ual'
с bеltег thап lsua .
_ add
2 -. ] ] ...l Оf е',,еri, реoр е аrе

big rЬr Оnе sy аb|е

a аdjесtivеs еnding
D in оnе vоwе аnd
с . onr СoПsonаПt
-: --
0ol.-]D е IПе
n l'.1 : ;--
соnsоnаnt аnd
b r;, аr]d еsr
с lndеr 277'
Iazу L]-^ Twо sy аblе
Thе рub iс thinks thе sitL-lаtioгl t,Vith kl]i|." .riГnе Е ldllг)L

t0t]аy Is adjесtlvеs еnding

а sеriоus' iny
b not vеry sеriоus. _omt-yаnd
с bеttеr than bеfоrе. аdd lest
|Иаnу arе os Пg thеir 1оbs. important Аd;есtivеs with
a mеП bеtwееn 25 аnd 5О
twо sy|iablеs or
b гnеn bеtwееП 35 aпd 5О
с \^/oПlе|.l lэеtwееn 25 аnd 5О mo[е
_ pUt ,!]o5г
Thе finаnсlаi сrisls ls fоr pеоp е whо wоrk
l o.l ,т| ( L o] or .o' .ог-o'iе bеfоrе thе

a oПly DaO аdjесtivе

b еspесiаlly bаd good (d) rrеgU al
с not Оа0
bаd (е)

{ar thе |arthеst' ]:гlе

fl rth еst

1b Сomp|ete the sentеnсе with thе сorrесt words.

Hе,s.. ... .. '. '. . bеst s t :=i tnе
wоr d'

GRAMMAR RЕFERЕNсЕ > pаgе 114 ,

2 Сom pIete thе sentеnсes with thе superlativе form of the adjесtives g ivеn. Write sеntenсes giving your opinion about
l Vаtiсаn Сitу is (smа]l) соuпtry in thе иrоr d these things. Use thе superlative form ofthe
2 Thе сhееtah (fаst) аnd anlmaI in thе поr d adjесtives.

З п 2009, Сristiаlо Rona dо wаs ' (еt pr:ls ,

" loо[bа qооd/bаnd in thе wоr d
playеr in thе rцrоr d' lthшtr Аrсttс kloиl<eуs ts tЙe bеst bаиd ш
4 \4onkеys ог dо phins аrе prоbab y оеnt) anlпlа s
t/te wor/i.
Г tnе Wo|,O' 2 faгnous/slngеr n this сoUПtry
5 \A/i iаm МlсGonаqa ls somеtimеs са еd poеi П
З funny/aсtоr in thе worlс]
IПе Wot С]' 4 dlffiсu t/slbjесt at sсhoо
6 Thе Burntnq оfthе Rеd LоtusТеггlр|еis . l-l lt 5 bod p|og dг |,lр
h stоry it аsts 27 hoursi 6 goоd/p асе ln thе rдrоrld
7 Тhе Нurt Laсkеr wоn thе Оsсаr |оr :l
sPЕAкltчG Work with а pаrtner. lntеrvieW them
Look аt this table with information on thrеe f ilms about tееnаger5 and to find out thеir answers in 4.
sсhool. СompIete thе sentеnсes with the сomparatiVе or superIative
form of thе аdjeсtives. Who do уou thtnk is thе bеst bаnd in thе world?

Dеаd Poets Dаngеrous '' Нigh Sсhool

Soсietу ginds gusiсol З

yеar I 989

lеngth l28 mil.ltеs

prIzеs olе Оsса. аl.

оthег p'1zс

сritiсs, opinion
EXAM sUссЕsS ) page 1 59
1 Dеаd Роеts Sосiеryl i5 (|оng) tlаn Нign 5сhaо| i,ittisirа! З
2 Dоо a" 5a ) опg) m
( ].i
Сomp|ete the tехt. Write one word in eaсh gap.
З Тhе сгitiсs thilk thаt Dслqеrоus /linds is (good) tnаП
Нigh Sсhoo| itiiusiса| З
4 Thе сritlсs thiПk that Dеаd Рaеts Soсlеty is . ' ..... |gOOО].
5 Dеаd Рaеts Sосlсгy is (оld) I6aа Dаngеrоus !/iinds'
6 Нigh Sсhaa| i\lusiса| З is (nеw)'
7 Dоngеrous /llлds is (short).
8 Dеаd Pоеts Sосiеty is (suссеssful) аПo Wol t|.l.o lTOs1

р rizеs.
s::д\ \j t.',orkr.,ith a рartnеr.
-оok at thе photos. Arе thеrе any
slпriIaritiеs bеtwееn the two photos?
Givе rеasons for your answеr.

*j Listеn to а studеnt
dеsсribing onе of thе photos, Whiсh
ohoto is it? .:*.т-::ll_

СompIete the desсription with Гl.l;

thе missing Words. Listеn again if
I ilrll
l, .ii

neсе55ary. Don,t worry аbout thе

t.,:,. ,..:::
different сolours. i::rl
b' tr
-; sаpiсturе ь

.: - sее (а)

. it's a (b)
].C nеt tс)
l-]еу,Гr i]-ci]аl )/ lгl thе boy,s
d I th]Пk thе boy
s еlеvеn or twеlvе' []еl-lа1эs hе .

e ' bесаU,е ".. r

а dеsk аnd hе,s gоt bоoks, pеns аnd

Эaрег Оi. thе dеsk г irоii оi him' Оrl
i.е -
qllt, Саn sее shе vеs аnd thеrе
аrе Lоts оf (f) oi] tnе
shе vеs' Оt l ihе еtt Wе СaП sее thе
boy' Hе down but his mоthеr
s rg) lirir,li that
|о 161Цо1 s h
thе bоy tо dо h]s homеwоrk. thlnk
. ' ll thС boy а quеstiоn
sh.. . оr
.. ] - .. soпrеthing.Тhеrе,sа
li) 0П tnе tаDlr DUt
t| Еy

Look at the desсription agаin аnd answer the quеstions. 6 sPЕAкlruG Work with а partner. Look at photo a. Say where
,l \l/hat еxprеssiоns аrе usеd to bеgin thе dеsсriptiоn? thеsе things are. Use thе еxpressions from the Speaking
2 Whаt typе of wоrds arе thе tдlоrds in bIuе? Why аrе thеy
imроrtаnt in a dеsсriptiоn о|a phоtо? 1 thе pеop е

3 tооk аt thе vеrbs in grееn' What tеnsе arе thеy?

z тnе Do\

4 toоk at thе words аnd ехOrеssiоns ln rеd' Do wе usе thеm

3 tr|е tatl^ еr

ulhеn wе arе lО0% surе o|somеthinq оrwhеn wе аrе

4 tl.е с.,оbcаrс

making a glеss? 5 tl.е: .k

Read the information in thе Spеaking Bаnk and сhесk your Praсtiсe makеs рerfeсt
answers to the questions in 4.
7a Work with a partner. Look at photo a. Тhink of things to say
about the photo. Use the expressions in the Speаking Bank
to hеlp you.
Useful expressiOns to desсribe phоtos
7b Тakе it in turns to dеsсribе the photo.
. Wе оftеn bеgin with еxprеssiоns |ikе.'Тhis is а piсturе
af .../ l саn sее ... This is a piсturе of а kitсhеn, mоуbе аn Еnglish
. Wе usе Оn thе right/lеft, |n thеmiddlе and preроsitiоns (ол, kitсhеn,l саn sее two pеoplе in the kitсhеn'
оt, in front of, bеhind .. ') tо sаy whеге pеор|е and thiпgs аrе.
. Wе usuа||y usе thе pГеsеПt СoПtinuous tо sаy whаt pеоp|е
arе dоing (Не,s sitting down, Shе,s оsking thе boу о quеst|Оn)
. Тo mаkе gUrssеs, wе usе words and ехprеssiоns iikе
'Vhеn you dеsсribе a photo, whаtt shol О yol
5|lOU d yoL] dо
Оo whеn
WПеП уoU
Ithink, nоуbе, реrhаps, shе 1ооks rеlохеd.
don,i knоw thе word fоr somеthing
ng in thе phоtо?
ЕХAMsUссЕsS r page159
Look at this short аrtiс|e and editorial from а nеWspаpеr.
What problem do they tа|k about? Whаt is the possible
сausе of it?

ofrесеrrt IQ tеsts
rtееt l-yt'а r-оl<
of British
i d t'е ч., i,,g ..l.,.',
uг n..,
l.]'..-.'n thini,
rlaгir,l r is
рrоЬal l/r. r l rаr

;:Hff lt;;:lt:;lr;l, ;'";


Тhе rditor sа'

I atrr ч.orriеd aЬoпt tееnagеrs today. Wlrеn I п.as a сhild, I plavеd оrrtsidе
rl.itlr rnv {i'iеnсls aftеr sсirool.
rvеrе r}o СOшРLltеrs and rro gamеs
сonsоlеs" \\rе Ьad tеlеvisiоn Ьut wе соuld оn11. rvatсlr at tlrе.,l,ееkеrrсl. But
wе \vеrе happv. lrеa1thv and wе had a lоt of iпraginatiorr. Nou'rеsults оГIQ
tеsts sliоrv that tееnagеIs irr tlrе past \vеrе morе intеlligеnt tlran rtоlv. -ftiday's
tееlagеrs nееd tо сhangе fast, oт tЬе Гutuте looks vеrv dark.

Work with а partner. Do you agree with the еditoria|?

Why/Why not?


Longuoge гeferenсe ond Гevision
C a m pi a r atiiе a аi e i;;ii'vеil
Form Use

Adjёс1ive Comparative
. Wе usе сomраrativе аdjесtivеs to Сompаrе twо pеop|е, plасеs
or tn ngs.
onе sv|Iable kind kindеr Loиdoи ь bgjеr thаи k|аисhеstrr
с0|сl сo]d..r
. Wе usе than in sеntеПсеs thаt соmparе twо pеopiе, р aСеs or
one sy|labIе еnding in one hО DIggеr
th i ngs.
vowel and one сonsonаnt sаd ".АА^" t I , t ll
,/асK Б tа|Ier tИаkl
'l I It14.
Тwo s.yilaЬies end ing. in .w aZУ Iaziеr
haрpy nаpp|еr

Two or morе sy|lаbles 5еrIous morе sеrlous

bor ng morе boring

lrregulat bаd Wol.sе

nnnd bettеr
fаr fа пhеr/furthеr

S u pe r l ative ad j eсtivе s
Form Use

Adjeсtive 5uperlative
. Wе usе supеr|аtivе аdjесtivеs to сolTpаrе morе thаn twо
pеоp|е, p асеS or things.
one sy||ablе kind thе krndеst sister is thе tа/lest jr/ ш hrr с/аss'
соd tnе с0|dеst ф
one syllаЬlе ending in one
. Wе L,lsе thе bеfоrе thе supеr|ativе |оrm of thе adjесtivе аnd wе
vowel аnd onе сonsohant оftеn usе in.
sаO Ll r )dUUс)L
/tЭ thе rиost eхаtш1 сl| tи the wor/d.
Тwo syllab|еs еnding in .y Iazу thе |аZ|еst
naррy thе hаppiеst

Two or more syllables sеr|oUs thе гnost sеrioU5

boring tnе most l]oring

lrregular bаd thе WOrst

п ооd thе bеst
far thе fагthеst/furthеst

1 teelings 2 Personality 3 Soсial рrobIems

angry borеd еxсitеd hаppy сhееrfuI hаrd working сrimе homе еssnеss
lntеrеstеd rе аxеd sad intе igеnt kind aZУ quiеt ПUngеr pО Ut|on рovе|.ty
surрrisеd tirеd worriеd rеspоnsib|е sеriоus unеmp|оymеnt violеnсе

4 Other words and рhrases ) pagе 15:

1' ,4 Uпit 8
Эom parative adjеctives S u perlative adjeсtives Com parative and superlativr
1 adjrсtivеs
Write the сompаrative form of thе 2 Look at the information about
adjeсtives. thrеe people and writе sentеnсеs 3 (hoosе the сorreсt alternаtivе.
l hоt '-
using the superlativе forms of thе 1 m w.prse1.,црrsi at biо оqУ than
2 srly adjесtives. i\4а rk.

З bеa uti|u Nаme Тom Riсhard Harry

l think shе,s a/.thе mostfаmоus
4 qоod s ngеr in thе Wor d'
5 o-g Age t3 l5 t8 Whс c -Ае
nО]е|ra>! g' pег:;t е
6 angry Height | сL с | сL с
fооd in thе wоr d?

7 mоdеrn
B bаd..
BO l;J"" 7n
ln my оpinion, tеnnis is morе
/i гl ,lяt/я:r/::/
L \ L r L rr q .. A U d l. LIJ

9 lazу
..1.! |.,. !.1..t.1j.!. I I

rQ 100 12О 14О 5 is si..е lhе ll.оst lntе//igеnt pеrsоn

WORKBOOK ) pagе 74 1 Tam/ta|I 4 Тom/уoung

2 Rtсhard/short 5 Нarry/intе||igеnt
З Р,arrу/ald 6 Тоm/intеlligеnt
WoRKBooк | page77
WoRкBooK } pagе77
/6 points
/6 points

1 What аre thesе feеlings?
] thе oppositе of hapрy:
б whеп you аrе thinking abоut sоmеthing bаd thаt соuto
2 whеn yoU Want tо knоw about somеthing ог lеarn abоut it Па рi]еn:
7 whеn yo! arе vеry happy bесausе you think sоmеthing good
whеп sоmеthing happеns, but you didn,t th jnk it was gorng сould hаppеn;
-o ПoOpcг1'
8 whеn you havе no intеrеst in sоmеthing:
whеn you аrе сalm bесalsе you havе no
WORKBOOK ) page72 points
5 аftеr yоl fin1sh wо1k nо hard or doing a |оt оf spоrt


- эia| problems
3 Matсh these words with the piсtures.

Use these words to say what prob|еms thе сhееrfuI hard-working intеlligеnt kin d jс!

oеopIe havе.

сrimе homelеssness hunger po||ution

poVеrty UnempIoyment

Jаrbara hаsП,t got еnough monеy to bly things'

]аniеl hasn,t got а pIaсе tо livе.
еssiсa hasn,t got a job.

-'оmеbоdy attасkеd Сhаrliе аnd took his moПеy.

,,ary аnd hеr famiiy havеn,t gоt аnythiПg to rаt' ,. {
]:сausе оf smоkе frоm thе саr fасtory, IИartha has Ёi -:J:
..эlbiе brеathing

ЭRKBooK ) page 75 /6 points I :.!

5 points

Unit 8
In matсhing aсtiVitiеs, rеmеmbег ...
Fiгst, rеad aIl parts оfthе tеxt. Тhеn rеad thе piесеs оf
infоrmation you nееd to |ind. Тry to find thе p|aсеs in thе tеXt
whеrе thе infоrmatiоn is. Rеаd thеm аgain s|ow y
ЕХAflЛ sl]ссЕsS r рage 159

Woгk with a partner. Look at the two peop|e in the

photos. Do you know who they are? What do you think
they have in сommon? Make a list of ideas.

Read the text. Does it taIk about any of youг ideas in 1?

Thеy'rе riсh and famous' oprah Winfrеy and Angеlinа .

Joliе аlso givе monеу to hеlp othеrs.

oprah Winfrеу is onе oГ thс most famous TV

plеsеntеIs in thе world. Now, shе,s also an impоrtant 1' ":.' -
and suссеssful businеsswoman. Shе bесamе thе first
еvеr Afriсan-Amеriсan brllionairе. But hег liГе as a aсtivitiеswhеrt' - .j .rmеГПDеt
In - - - '..
сhild was diffiсult and shе knеr'", al1 abоut povеrtу. Bе .аtе[- '
: . '
-]1l-.s, f nоt, уоu сou|0
Pеrhapsthat'swhуshеhеlpspеoplеwithhеrmonеy. I05е maIKs
Fоr еxamplе, shе gavе monеу to hеlp thе viсtims оf
Hurriсanе Katrina in Nеw orlеans. Anсl shе wеnt thеге
and hеlpеd thеm in pеrson. In 2О01, shе also Ьеgan а
sсhool in Sоuth Afriсa to hеlp pooт gills to gеt a good Read the notеs аbОtI Gаndhi Do you know any of
еduсation. Shе еvеn has hеr own сharitу organisаtion, the missino infо.таi c"?
oprah's Angеl Nеtwoгk.

Angеlina Joliе is onе ol thе most famous aсilеssеs in

thе world. And shе usеs hеr money and famе to hе1p
othеr pеoplе. For ехаmрlе, shе doеs а lot of work Ibr an
organisation сaIlеd UNHСR. This orgаnisation hеlps
rеfugееs _ pеoplе who havе tо lеаvе thеir hоmеs аnd
livе in сamps. Shе оftеn visits thеsе plaсеs to hеtp thе
pеoplе. But shе usеs hеr own monеy to рay fоr hеr trrps
аnd shе dоеsn't slееp in fivе-stаr hotе]s. Shе woгks аnd
livеs in thе samе сonditions aS thе Dеoplе rvho r.vоrk tbr
UNI]CR. Angеlina hе|рs othеr сheritlеt t(lО. \uсh aq
thе сharitу Yеlе Haiti. This startеd br hеr lriсnd.
hip-hop musiсian Wyсlеf Jеan. lt hеlрs pоог pеtlрlс. in
Gаndhi was (a] in India on 2lq oсtobeг.
Hаiti' Thanks to all hсr сharitу wогk. Jоliе riа.' thе iiгtt
1869. He went to (or to study law..дtiЬi
pеrson to win thе Citizеn oГ thе Woгld Ац ard,
thаt he Went to Soutl A.. :э, rэ ,..i eПt baоk to lndia in.:lg15.
At thаt time India was рaг: э. :.e iс)
Еmpire. Gandhi Waпtес .э э:J Эе free. Гi4any peop|e were
Read the text again. Are the sentenсes about oprah
poor. Life was diffiсult fоr. оэээ е tc .......... in
Winfrey (OW), Angelina Jolie (AJ)or both (B)?
faсtories. Gandhi didn.i '..e.: :. -se (е)
1 She reсeived an award for her сharitv beсаuse he thоugit i: '.'аs : :э::n гg
Woгk. )WAJ/B ,:
ln 1930 Gаndhi wa|ked
2 She started heг own oгganisation to the seа A Iot of реople г,еni ,., ln him. He wanted to
kiIometres to

help others. OWAJ/B (s).... bui i. e эеaоеfu| way.

3 She does two or three different jobs. Q.W.IАJ-\B.
Peop|e staгted to гespeсt Ganch] beсause he was
4 She visits people who need help. Q.W|AJ_IB kind, intelligent, and (h) He won
5 She had prob|ems When she Was young. Q.WIАJ-IB- independenсefor |ndiа in.i .... ..''
6 She doesn't Want speсia| сonditions
when she goes to help other people. O.WIAJ-/B
7 She went from having no money to .. .:..:
# Now isten to a history pгogramme
having a |ot of money. .)WАJIB аbout Gаndhi and сorp|ete the text.

Use of Еnglish

In с|oZе асtiVitiеs, rеmеmbеr .'

асtivitiеs whеrе
1.6L.,1 dеsсribе a photo, rеmеmbеr ...
' In
Тhе wоrds thаt you nееd аrе usually prеpositioП5, аrtlсiе5,
lf you dоn,t knоп а i'.,crd fоr somеthing in thе phоto, еxptаtn
аuxiJiаry vеrbs, pronouns оr Iinking wогds'
it with оthеr, s mp е.',..оrсs' Yоu don,t hаvе to Ig5q1lIe оricrrl
ЕХAM sUссEsS ) pаge .l59 dеtai| ]n thе photс ЕХAM sUссEsS > page 159

Read this text and answer the questions. Don,t worry Work with a paгtneг. Look at the two |ists of Woros.
about the gaps at the moment. Нow do We Use these woгds to desсribe a photo?
1 Where did Sue go last Saturday? List A: List B:
2 Why did she Iike itэ pеrhорs, I think, hе/sгэ,'' - ".
- ..' - ' .,, эn thе riqh[, on thе
3 What didn't she Iike? h е/sh е/jt d оеs n,t I oо t, -. . .. -^ :с|е, оt, оn, in,
mоvbе ,, '

Hi Joe, 9 Work with a paгtner' Тakе tuгns to desсribе thе photo

Lаst Saturday, I went to (1)
сonсert. |t was gгeat! A lot (2)
my fаvourite grouрs and singeгs were there, (3)
'.. . .. conсert Was to gеt гnoney to hеlp
poor peopIe in Afriсa' l think it.s important thаt thе
riсhest сoUntries (4) the worId hе|p
some of (5) . рooгest сountries.

Anyway, the сonсeгt was гeally exсiting' l alwaуs think

that Iistening to live musiс is betteг
(6) listening to a CD. However, I

hated one new singer. l сan't remembeг

(7) . . ... .. .. nаme but she was reaI|y bad!
Тhe other ргobIem was that | сouldn't always see veгy
well beсause there were a group of tall boys just in
(B) .... '' '''..''
of me. Apart from that. I had а
great time

What about you? What (9) .. .. .. .. you do

last Satuгday? Write back and telI me.

All the best


Read the teхt again. Write one word in eaсh gap

How welI сan you do these things in English now?

lсan соmparе pеoplе аnd thiг:: -,.
Givе yourseIf a mаrk from 1 to 4.
СomparatiVе аnd slpеrlatit,э ;:
l= саn do it vеry wе] '
|сdt та't аbо;L Ъе| rg =.

2- саn dо it quitе wеli

| pеrsoПa lIt|еs.
3= havе sоmе prоblеms. | СаП Undеrstаnd s]Г.э
4 = | саn,t dо it. tеXtS aboUt sоса prс:
|саn dеsсribе pnо.:.
сan writе а bаs :
.. .-

сaп undеrstаnd simp е writtеn аnd spоkеn

tеХts aboUt сu]turе аnd еntеrtainmеnt.
.aП tе aП anесdоtе аbout a spесiai
.'.,ееkеn d '

:an writе а shоrt biography оf a famous


117 ;]
mar > Be going tо > Wi|llWоn,t

bulаry > Wild animals and inseсts > The naturaI world > The weаther
> [Vlaking plans
>Таking phоne messages

Wild аnimals аnd inseсts

1a Work with а partner. Mаtсh the photos with somе of these words. (heсk
thаt you understand the other words. Use your diсtionary if neсessary.

bеar bee еag|е

a||igator je|lyfish |izard sсorpion
shark snakе spidеr tiger woIf

1b ф} Ё"}* Listеn and repeаt.

2 Put the words from

in thе сorreсt сolumn(s).

SPЕAкING Some wild animаls or insесts bite (sharks).
othеrs stlлg (bеes). Work with a pаrtner. Whiсh animals
.l *-;
and insесts in bitе? Whiсh stino?
The naturaI woгld
4a Matсh thе featurеs in thе piсturе (a-|) with
thesе words.

fiеId fIowеrs forеst grа55 d

hi|| isla nd kе mou nta in

rivеr sky va||еy wаtеrfall

4b €*;-.зЗ

Listen and repеat.

5 #$ }.r* Listen. Whаt сan you hеar? Write a

word from 1 or 4for еaсh sound.

a 6

SPЕAк|NG Work with a partnеr. Take it in

turns to ask аnd answer thе questions.
,l Аrе thеrе аny moUntаiПs оr hilIs nеar yоur
hоmе? What arе thеy сa еd?
2 Do you |ivе nеar a fоrеst?
3 s thеrе а |аkе nеar whеrе yоu ivе? .*-<.+**,Е]
4 \t\thаt is thе namе оf thе nеаrеst rivеr?
ia "d у
l.'е llеrе any big watеrfa '. ..i::
. J ...................
s in yоur соuntry? 1s{€tr*;t*тFstr.]. il]i il t!.]]l ;:l:1]i1l] "'::..:].ir."ф*
''.:.: .rе thеy and What arе thеy са iеd?
e h
I ... l.;,r:ill.,lt :;.,1.,,

; ,l
lL l

Unit 9
Work.with a partner.
What саn you seе in
thе photo? Do you know
anything аbout this ll
mаn, Bear Grylls? lf so, o.,. Gryl[s ivаs Ьt
Rеаd three tеxts about jiЪl*: :lil ;i."? i': -"'
Bеar Grylls. Matсh thе
tеxts and the text typеs.
;: *' l{i1 j Ё
' нL1Ъ*1t*Т;.:,ffii:Тlii:'#,
Теxt l aП lПtеrПеt rеviеt'ri
а Bеar Grylls DVD
2 Техt 2 pаrt оf thе biоcraоЬ),
оt tsеаr Grvlls a Т\- sеriеs
:]:j:::.:.1making aЬ.;i';;;; ..|,

an аdvеrt fоr а lоi,еi
by Bеаг Gr1,]i5

li: idt !еl ::.:.::.

E Тгlrs .nusс bе Bес- s

ргоgгammr уе:i Нс .:Eiil э.
аlligatог iп Lоulslапа з-э -s
Aпd hе Comrs fасе :с
'=*= .'. :^ =
in thе fогеsts оf Тiа.s.
5 luul
- BUt his biggеst , u^
fгоm а simрlе bее in ";==
МехiсО -.:
bее stiпgs him оn nis tасе
hе сan't sее aпуthing -=^-
Ле сan't opеn hrs еуеs]
r-аrз. . =
10 jumps dоwn wаtегfаIls'
l hо:: З==.
tsп't gоing to stop makiпg
pГogгаmmеs likе this
b. - .

in this inсrеdib]е
Pеtеr, join Unс.:

uiEdnlSa.lOn:.d t ...-
_,rv r._. -
|А^ J
LlCS€ l1' lт isn'r -^ .
,' tt I,ind .
rhе;. .:.",

survjvаl dе'ai]s
t' -. -
oo? Rеad tt o:
.l. . .

] .lеad the texts again.

Are the sentеnсes
(''l or fa|se (F)? Write Matсh the.und-q4in-еd words
:,u., nu'Б., tь" oitь. in the tеxt with thеsе
dеf . : с.s
llnе(s) wherе you find the answer. 1 hits аnd kiсks
. ]еar Grylls had a bа o 2
ассidеnt in an Г/Г
an еxсiting, unusuа] аnd
soпlеtjmеs ].. -,: . - '
З r е.v 'nUcUd j dld
d'. flсurL
:зar Grylls wаs 20 whеn
hе l/Г
4 СoПtjnUе living in djffiсutt
^е highеst
wоrld. 5
moUПta jП in

iargе рiесе оf сloth
thаt is usео l' :i...- .. :
- jеСf
оf his ТV progrdmmеs,
аП L.[
fаjl tо takе advantаgе
ofа сhа.:. ]

Сrеatеs morе prоblеms

. -l fоr
thаn а bеar. sPЕAl(lt{G Whataboutyoи?
: . -:к Grangеr and
his friеnd go |,Г
Wоuld vоu like tо d.
uu ,.l..^'
uo.. J.. .
. d Оot ousе tr еy / dnг dl
l wouldn,t tike to do
: -. .311919.
dаngеroUs !. .
i: .. . -
: ..е novеl, thеrе arе jdеas
for how i/Г
, э through diffjсult situations
in Whу not?
l,m аfraid!
Be going to
'! Look at the sentenсes and answеr thе question. . Wе lsе be going tо to iа k abolt futurе р аns and
a HеЪ going tо сlimb a mountain in thе Аntаrсtlс lntеntlons' Whаt fоrm оf thе vеrb согnеs аftеr be going to?
b Hе isn,t going to stор mаking ТV sеriеs. -'- : -'' ,l2s-
с What arе you Eoing to do? l

2a ,;$
; -.:: Listen to the 5a sPЕA|tlNG Write quеstions with bе going to.
diaIoguе. How is going to pronounсed? ] Rosе and Ty еrl ivе оn аn ts and?
A: Whаt аrе you gоing tо do tomоrrоw? Аre Rosе аnd туЬr3olи3 tо l|rе oи аи вlаиd?
B: l,m gоing to lllееt my friеnds. 2 \АlhaI/]aсob/da?
A: Аrе yоu gоing tо gо оlt? З Brandоn and Sаm/jump down а watеrfaii7
B: No, wе,rе gоing tо wаtсh TV. 4 lakl\uу а pеt spidеr?
5 Whаt/Liyldо?
2b .# Listen again and repeаt the diаlogue. 6 Kat]е/makе a ТV sеriеs аlэоut wi d ifе?
Praсtisе saуing going to' 7 Whо/buiId а hоusе in thе соuntry?
3 Write about the future pIаns of thesе
5b Work with a partner. Тakе it in turns to ask and аnswer the questions.
adventurеrs. Use bе qoing to'
,l .' [sи,t qсlиq tо f/у -]..
. Аrе Rosе аnd Tуlеr going
- ,/ ' 'J t'/'
No, thеу аrеn,t' Thеу,rе going to
to Iivе on аn islаnd? mоkе a ТV sеriеs about wildlifе'

.. ',.,,,-,,.,,..' s;


(tгаvе|) in

(гпekе) a fi|m

(iivе) alоnе оn а

Matсh thе peoplе with their plans for the

futurе. Write sentenсes with bе going to'
KаtiсЬ уtи9 tо bиу а prt sptder


Unlt у
6 sРЕяl{|lrlG Work with a partner.
Find out about your
partner,s plаns for the weekеnd. Тhe weаther
Ask quеstions
аbout thеsе aсtivities. 'la Work with a partnеr' Matсh
the piсtures to somе of thеse
] dо hоmеwоrk adjeсtivеs.
2 sur|thе ]ntегnеt
З stаy аt hоmе оn Sundаy сloudy сo|d drу faqgу hot iсy
4 go oUt оn Sаturday niqnt
stormy sunny l.,,'arП. wеt/rаiny windy
5 mееt fгjепds
6 go to bеd lаtе
7 gеt lp еагly оп Sundаy moгninq
8 dо spоrt

Аrе уou going to do homеwork?

Yеs, l оm. Оn Saturdсtу


Тhink of two big plans you havе

for the future and
write them down. Givс r your sentenсes
to your
* .:::,:.ll

,,: g,',Ч to tе ,l,fаrиoиs аlvеи{иrrr u== ш
/Yу 0r0rИеr аиd / аrе
1oiи7 fо stаrl а Ьаиd, I

Listen to your tеасhеr rеаd out

somе of your
sentеnсe5. Who do you think
wrote eасЁ sеntеnсe?

Е ш

1b Now matсh thе adjесtives to thеsе


сloud fog iсе l,Эi^ :. :

2 Сomplеtе the sеntеnсеs With th е.]

1 Аt thе ГПoПlеr]t it':
2 Jt,s vеry
З Yеstеrdаy it ,'il;.
4 Thеrе js ls.iаi .

5 Неrе .е.':.. .

6 \\ео
7 tr's
8 !{/еil:. ...
3 sРЕAкlNG Worki,,iihа ::.:^:. j.,::^е:i.:э.::j .2tгUеor
falsе for whеrе i,оLl ] .,:] lэ,-i:: :.. .. s. ..j.--.:,'
Wild Ganada
8rвss-сtlrriсш!ar * GeCIgraphy
Cаnadа.s вeоgrаphy а1d с|imatе .To
its sor"rth is tlrе
q)) Саrlаda is paгt of Nоrtlr
Work with a partner. Саn you answеr thе quеstions?
J'o its rroтttr еast is Gt.eс:trlalrс1.
Atlarrtiс Oсеall itr thе еast

lfyou don,t knoщ guеss. Саr,raсlа goс.s f t.olrl tlrс.
,] Whеrе ]s Сanаdа?
tlrе Paсifiс oс:еatr itr 1hg

2 ls Сanаdа biggеr than Сh1nа? Сanaсiаtrrasrlotlеlakеst]rсrtralrуotl.lс:гсotttttrt,ttt

З F.]оw many pеoр е |ivе in Саnada? t]rе rмorlo1.

4 Whаt is thе саpita оf Сanаdа? Сar.ladaistlrеr,rrсlтlс]'ssесolrс11aгgestсor.ttrtr"y.Ilr.tssia

5 Whаt lаnglаgе(s) dо pеoplе spеаk in Саnаdа? is 1iгst,
6 What is thе wеathеr Iikе ]n thе wintеr? . Сanadahas got a pсlрпlаtio11
Of 33'4B'l'20B,
is otrс of
peop[е pсг Sqttarе kilorrrс'tyе'.Гhis
orr[5l 3.5
z Read the text and сheсk your answеrs in 1. 111' 1gц,еst rlLlllrbегs irr tlrс. r'tюгld.
3a Look аt the map. Label as many of the сities Ё \4ost pесlplе 1irrс. in tl'rе big сitiеs of Тorotrtо
аs you сan.
Va]1с oLlYе г,
п'цolri rе аl. т.h с' с a p it a[ is o tt ar'tlа.
Сity irге ilrrportant
."i*.'o аr-rd Qr-rеl,leс
of Qr.rеbс'с. Еrеtrсlr is thе
)с Irl thе pгorlilrсе
}-rrglish anсi
Bt,rt' itr tlre rс:st of Саtraсla'
Егerrсlr ar.e lloth оГfiсitrl
a lot ilr Сatraсla. ltr llа
)К Теrrrpегattlrеs сi111 сhatrgс. in
it сall йе -40.'С аt-tсi rlегy rvil.lс1y
1,^,.l' сlf Сatlirс1a, lots ot
tlrе rtrit,ttеl.' tr-r tlrе rrortl.r,
itis r,ег), сold' r'vith
tеlr,lpеratlirеs arс. gеnеrаl1y
stror,rl alrd iсe. Stшrltlrег
hot (40.,С) ltr solrre аreas'
сANADA r'r,агtт (20.'С) but сalr lэс.

т ,rx -

a a. е
Е .ОпЕ f
,,, ,
Оlil s
.:ilr r. 'r',


3b This map is a 3с :.'..::.l.:.;]i]i:

ф} "]' 'Ё Listen to a gеography teасhеr
dеmographiс map of talkin9 аbout wherе people live in Саnаdа аnd
(anada - it shows thе
answer the questions.
distribution of the ,l What a[е two tеа5ons why mоrе pеор е ivе in
population, or wherе
tnе south than in thе north?
pеopIе live. Whаt do
you think еxp|ains 2 What аrе two [еasoПs why mоrе pеор|е ivе
in thе еast thаn in thе wеst?
this distribution?
Think аbout thе tеxt 3 Why is Tоrontо in a gооd
and thеse topiсs: the рositioП?
wеather, transport, 4 What aboutуou?

history, thе есonomy.
Whеrе is thе populatiоn biggеst in
yo!r СoUПtt.y and why?

tt- r
White Fang byJасk Londоn


(Ч,l l

INslDЕ lNFoR|vlAтloN ,

. ]аск LondoЛ (1816

-l9]6) lvаs аn Аmеrlсаn writеr' Bеlоrе h..
things to lеaгn. Тhе worlсlwаs
5tаrtеd Writing hе wеnt tо Jook
lог 9o1d in tn. уuion-iH". yuion ]}^"'.:-l]o.n"o3a'ny lull
is а wi d аrеа \,\i iih lots for him.. But hе lоr.еd to fееl
olmoUПtа]Пs, lorе5t5 аnсi rluе,s
in tг'е'" :]':-1l|..':.' thе titе in,id"
noгth wеst ofСапаdа. 11llt15C11. кtlnn1ng аtLеr mеat mаdе him
fееl ехсitесl аnd hе
. tаЛq tаkеs p]aсе most iП
еnjоyеd-fighting. Аnd aftеr
а hunt, h" i;;;;; liе in
гаn9 5 thе nаmе
V thе Yukon Vrrhitе
sun, full of food. Hе l'v vеry thе
о|аи/O]f thаL lvds l]o|П i|iеrе,
muсh аlivе, vеry happy, and
iп thе r,vi d'
. n tгrе tеХtWhitе FаГrg ls stji
а tUD. а,vouпq v'rolfl
vеry prouсl of himsеlf.
Onе day, hotl,еt,еr, iifе suddеnly
сhаngеd. Тhе сub ran
down to thе rivеr to drink
5 Rеad the lnside lnformаtion still slееpy' so at first hе did",.t;.";;;;i.-,й n. -u,
аbout White Fаng. not . _../
llrlLl Тhеn.
Do you know thе story? cLrddеnl). hе saц аnd s..
'' "o.i..
6 Rеad the tеxt. lt desсribes
s t I a n8 е а nim
nr\rеI sееn mеn Ьеforе. and
a ] s *..", r.;;; t"' ffi Tf ! .lТi, o
an importаnt moment in
suddеnly hе fеit
'';l йy smаll'
FаngЪ |ifе. Whаt is this import.ii'"'"".z nothing aЬout mеn. But his parеnts
l1:::l |":ч knеw аЬоut аnd
7 Rеad thе text again and
аnswer thе questions.
mеn. Тhеy кn.*',т'.r, \\-eГe П1trI3
powеrfu1'tlran аny othеr living
l thing. ;'.,a'*,*no* .i.
How dоеs Whitе Гang еnjоy passing сub сould f,ееl that, too.
thе timеZ
2 What аrе thе ,fivе straПgе
аn jmаls, jП thе tеХt? Тhе mеn wеrе,Indians. onе of
thеrn ц,аlkесl еi
З What doеs Whitе tаngЪ family
think about humansZ
Thеnslowly thе man rеасhеd d"*;.;;i.l;:. o\ lLr I1::]
+ w|a1 js Whitе taп9,s rеасtion whеn
thе maП qoеs to
сuЬ s hair stood up on his Ьaсk,
,"a ь.Тo'.lJ . . . . .
piсk him uо? tееth.
j Whеrе dоеs thе nаmе Whitе Fапg at his whitе fаngsl'.thе man
laughеd. Тi: ::.;г.-. :'inj
соmе frоm? саn.е сlоsеr аnd сlosеi. Тhеn thе
Wl^аг dоеs ;t mеаn] ."b;;;].;-.']... ,h.
hand. Аt onсе. thе man hit hi.-'
5 lVhat doеs thе mаn do to Whitе
fе1] onto his siсiе- Suddеnlr.thе ";
il;l::: ;'.'j .'. =,...-'
сuЬ..l....'....... . :..;;.*
Hе 5аt up аnd сriеd.

1 past tеnsе оfbire; tО usе

your.tееth 8 What do you think happеns пехt
to сut sоmеthing
to ,,,*
hl:е Fаlr j !,.,ork ,,vith
a partner аnd writе a pаragrарh.
2 strоng, ablе tо соntrоl оthеrs .=
З l'ее'iо9 hаpрy w.t^ thе .lings
lе сliо

.)Wn4 mоvеd а hаnd dоwn towa|ds

5 nоtiсеd somеthing WItn hjs nosе
s--]'s.. --S > эаэе 157
Unit 9 r# &
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the quеstions.
1 Dо yоu Jikе visiting zoоs, sа|ari pаrks оr w]ld ifе сеntrеs?
Ц l' rА l7 .оLi l1/i///lr1/on't
2 Whеn wаs thе lаst tiГnе thаt you WеПt to оnе оf thеsе p aсеs?
tr Wе usе r,yil/ and won,tto taIk аbout thе
3 What Сan you usua y dо in a p асе ]ikе this? future аnd futurе prеdiсtions. Look at the
4 Dо yoLl think thе animа s in thе phоtos arе iп dаngеr? sеntenсеs and answer the quеstions.
а Тhеsе аnlmа]s wiI| nееd оlr hе p in thе
futu rе'

b Yоu,|| hаvе a grеаt timеl

с Соmе for а wi d dаy оut thаt yоu won,t
d Wi|ltigеrs disаppеаг оnе day? Yеs, thеy
wiIl /Nо, thеy won,t.
e What wiIl happеn to thеsе anima s iп thе
|utu rе?

1 Whаt arе thе сontгасtlоns for wilI аnd wiII

2 What |оrm of thе vегb сomеs аftеr wiI| аnd

ц п n мщщ i гщ п Ё*!Цl;ф? q-,

Сomplete thе sentenсes with rryll/ or won't and

the vеrb given.
,l Don,t worry' Тhе |ions w-oи,t аttасk
(not аttасk)'
2 Wе (nоt havе) timе to go tО
thе Wi dIr|е СеПtrе ПеХt wееkепd'
З ]аСK an0 l (sее) thе сroсodi еs
4 It (nоt гain) tоmоrrow'
5 think shе (еаt) iП tnаt
rе5ta U [a Г]t.

6Wе (nоt bly) aПything iП thе

sП 0ps'
7 Тhе dооr,s оpеn Thе mоnkеys
(еsсa p е).

8 Dо yоu thlnk it \sГlOW] IП 5


ji. i.:]:,t.|.ii]..r]] .#;1.'i:i Listеn to а radio advert for a wiIdlifе сеntre.

Tiсk (/)the animals that they name in the аdvert.
-o.l.., riо.' eo9. .. е|ео o^t
(а Ге еbrа о oГ.e ОOdl Ооа'
Oе o дoг c.lа е gа1 pdlOо
b'о д b^а ,, o.-l

: "**
Listеn agаin. Are thesе sentenсеs truе (Т) or fa|sе (F)?
.1 Тhеrе is а sаfari arеa whеrе yoU саП drivе, аnd сnothеr
\ l.е.. ) oU o. .А oIl ,

2 Тhеrе аrе |ivе rеstaurants аnd fоur shорs аt thе

\Vi dIi|е Сеntrе.
З Yоu сan travе] оn a spесia bus'
4 \,о:l сaП 5ее pо ar bеаrs аt thе Wi d ifе Сеntrе.

5 -з fе.tге ls oреП еVеry dаy

of thе wееk.
6 .
'' ?,.=
. J, thе pliсе is f 17.
3a sРЕAK|ilG Whаt's your opinion? Сomp|ete the prediсtions sPЕAкlNG Work with а pаrtner. Таke it in turns to аsk
with ш7l or won't and thе verb givеn. аnd answer thе questions. Use short answеrs to rеp|y.
,l ,l
Pо|aг bеаrs , . (disappеаф sооn. Wi l: bе sLll.^t lс.l.о.rоw?
2 Тhе wеathеr (сhangе) a ]оt in thе futurе
2 \iVl А.оэ.. ^: . ..е .ехt fооtba World Сlp?
3 Nеxt sUmП.lLД|. (bе) vеry hоt.
3 Wi fаs. с.s :.:. j; -^.lсl. in thе nеxt fivе yеars?
4 Pеoplе (drivе) еlесtr]с сars n j'..'..
2О yеаrs'
4 Will aП асio. ]']. .cJntry wln an Osсar this yеar?
Тhеrе (bе) fоod fоr еvеrybody in thе
futu rе. 5 Wi|l реop е \: .,- ..: -.::. оnе dаy?

(d sаppеаrt in 6 Wi|а..: -

7 w I).' hool bе i.
rПеat iП thе futurе 8 Wi|| sсiеntists find а с..е..l,....еr?
9 Wi humаns go tо N/аlsl.

Will it bе sunnу tomorrow?

Yеs, jt wi||!

5а Look at thesе questions аbout your future. Writе Уes or

No for еасh question.


' .'rll|
.,: t;tn

go io university?
live in onother

gеt morгied?

hove сhildren?

oppeor on TV?
Ьe riсh ond fomous?

drive o sports сor?

oo someihing to
sove the plonet?

3Ь Workwith a partner. (omparе your 5еntеnсеs. 5b SPЕAK|NG Work in groups of thrее, Usе taе c;з5tlОг.}s to
interviеw thе other students in your 9rolD,
Polаr beаrs won,t
Will you go to univеrsit., ?
disаppeоr soon.

l disаgrее' l think thеу

wiIIdisаppеаr! 6 Write fivе morе quеstions аbout thе futurе. Usе уour
questions to intеrviеtv trvo othеr studеnts,

Unir 9
ta sPЕAкlNG Work with а partnеr. Namе the plaсes
you сan see in the photos. Whаt othеr plaсes саn
you go to at the wеekend or in thе holidays?

4 Look at the useful exprеssions in thе Speaking Bank. Whiсh

two expressions do not аppeаr in the dialogue in 3?

UsеfuI expressions to mаke pIаns

Asking about somebody's plans

. Do you Wаnt To \vеtb in thе lnГinirivе)?
. Аrе you frее (on + dоу/оt + tinе)?

Making suggestions
. Why dоnt wе (vеrb in thе infinitivе)?
. Lеt,s (иerb in thе inftnitivе).
. Whаt about (nоun/vеrb + ing)?

Aссepting suggestions Rеjeсting suggestions

. Yеs, surе. . Sоrry, ]саn|t:.
. .

Yеs, that,s finе. Sоrry, i,m busy.

. oK.
. ъrеat.
1b What сan you do at eасh different p|асe?

Аt thе сinеma уou сan sее filmя 5 SPЕAкING Work with a partner. Praсtise thе dialogue in з
but use differеnt words and еxpressions from thе Speаking
Bаnk to fill in the gaps.
You саn mееt уour friеnds thеrе'

And уou саn еоt popсorn!

Whеn yоu dо a spеаking еxam in pаiгs, is it to Itstеn
i:$;fllti.1.Ё* ф з.з* Listen to two people tа|king аbout next io Wnat yo[rr ра[tПеr says? Why/Why not?
wеek. Answеr thе questions.
EXAM sUссEsS ) page .l 60
] Whеrе dо thеy dесidе to gо?
2 Whеn dо thеy dесidе tо gо?
З Whеге do thеy dесidе to mееt? Practiсe makes perfeсt
4 What timе dо thеy dесidе to mееt?
6 Work with a pаrtnеr. Do this ro|e-play using thе diа|ogue in
.s tistеn аgain аnd сomplеte the dialogue. 3 and thе Speaking bаnk to hеlp you.
Student A: Bеgin thе aсtivity Lооk аt pagе 1бl.
Еммд: Nеxt wееk wе,rе оn hoIidаy. Do yоl want to go oUt onе
Student B: Loоk at pagе lбO.

Pдul: Yеs, surе'

Next week you and your paгtneг aгe on
Еммя: Why don,t wе gо аnd (a) holiday. You want to go out together one
Рдui: 0K. LеtЪ gо оn (b) Deсide Where to go and on *йiсh day. Agгee
Еммn: Sorry,
busy оn (с) 'm t;ll'inп mtz where and when to meet.
' '''- 'J '/
itt|е sistеr to thе (d) With hеr friеnds'
Pдur: Whаt аbout (e) .. .. ? Аrе yоu frее thеn?

Еl'l lид: Yеs' thаt,s |inе.

What do yоu nееd tо dо lо ? 'r,Vork on spеaking fаstеr, оr
D' r-]ееi (f) at (9) i: work оn mistаkеs? sтUDY sKlLLs } pagе 1 57
ф з.зz Listen to a te|ephone сonversation. Reаd the message. Put a Iine through аny words you
What does Robert want? Ieаve out.

ф tisten а9ain and read 5аmantha,s messаge to

one pieсe of informаtion in thе message is in'сorreсt.
g{ t d d{ 4 i {e {] r gl n -l i
is it?

М,l с

RоЬсrt pЬoи<d' H< wдиts

''45€ уaur Ьiоloqy tсхtЬock
{ix it. tle wi|| at Jум.tlis r'аy,n" iэРete.
ьссдиsс hс,s qot
AИ €ХAИ4 |О Миru. саl|ed iyr the мornin g,Ёhe needэ to эpea|.to
to qсf it Hш
\t,э urgеnt.5h"Ь goi^' to be in t6e offtcе a|| afIеrnoon,
tсlсpЬoис n,,t'иЬ<r ls s+q aOzз эo ca|| 6er there.
чa tЬ< sЬops now. (д]] ,и€ ОИ i-\
tn.aЬil< if УAd'
n<<< циуthinq. 'иу уo,,

Praсtiсe mаkes perfeсt
6а Rеаd this phonе dialoguе аnd undеr|inе thе most
importаnt informаtion.
3а Reаd this phone messagе and answer thе questions.
Z::: *: :'З :.;:..
Llz: Hi. Is thai PаtriСk DaWsoП?
Zдс: Nо, sоrry, hе isn,t hеrе at thе momеnt' Сan t
taке a
Цea,d,мaэter phor.ed. Wаntg toLnow whу уou
didnit go on эchoo| eхcur'ion to wi|d|ite cen*re Ltz: Yеs, p|еasе. Сan you tеlj him thаt wе d likе to
todаy. }.'lot very ha7уу! Wаrltя to эeeуou f aм him fоr a summеr jоb аt BartoП Sаfаri Pаrk? Hе
tornoffow. r|ng mе to аrrаngе а timе fоr thе intеrviеw.

Goin|to poo| now.5.. уou tonigh*. Zдс: oK. Whаt,s yоur tе|еphonе numbеr?

С|aire Llz: |ts зЗ2 5487. Мy namе is Liz. Hе саn сal| mе

OеtWееП l0
.-..,.- аnd 5 o'сloсk.
'l Whо is thе mеssаgе fоr? Ztcсi Fi nе'
2 Who is thе pеrson whо mаdе thе phоnе са|l? L!4, Оh, and hе should also bring а lеttеr sаying why
hе thlnкs
З Whаt doеs this pеrsоn wаnt? hе shou|d gеt thеjob.
4 Whо wrotе thе mеssagе?
Zдс: Right. Shou|d hе bring phoiоs or аnything?
5 js thе
mеssagе forma] or informаl?
Llz: Nо, that won,t bе nеСеssary'
3b Put these words in the phone mеssage. What Zдс:
types of Whеn doеs thе job start?
words are they?
Ltz: on З.d July. And it flnishеs оn 29th Аugust.
thе hе thе thе hе is hе аT Zдс: ОK Anything еlsе?
I,m thе |,||
|-tz: Nо, I think that,s еvеrything. Тhаnksl Byе.

4 Read the information in the Writing Bаnk. Whаt

typеs of 6b Look at the task аnd writе your messаge using thе phonе
words сan we leаve out of informaI messagеs? сonversation in 6а.

Writе a phonе mеssagе. Inсludе

this intЪгmaтrоп:
l-eаving сзut wоrds in informal mеssages
о who ttiе mеssagе is for
. who wants to sеnd thе mеssagе
Wе саn somеtimеs lеavе out:
. . whеrе that person is
artiс|еs (о, ,зn, thе)
. subjесt рrоnоuns (| hе)
о what thе pеrson rr'ants
. prеpositions (сL И)
. auxiliаry vеrbs (оm, is, doеs, wi||)
Wе саnnot |еаvе оut:
. main vеrbs
. adjесtivеs
BUТ if yоu arе not surе if you саn lеavе а wоrd out it is bеttеr
to inс|udе it. EХA\1 sUссЕsS l page 160

Unit 9
LongUoge гefeгenсe ono1..гevlslon
Be going ta
Form Use
Affirmative |/You/Hе/Shе/Wе/Thеy + am/are/is + going to + Vеrb
. Wе usе be going to to tаlk abоut p ans аnd
lntеntiоns fоr thе futurе.
/,rи to suuttи.
7otиj We,rе jotиg to jo oиt аt the *eekeиl,
Negative |/Yоu/Hе/Shе/Wе/Thеy + am not/aren,t/isn,t + going /,tи
9otи9 to bиу а иeou colиpиtеr
to + Vеrb
She ви,t jolиg to dаисe,
. Аftеr be going to Wе USе thе vеrlэ in thе infinitivе

Question Am/Are/|s + |/you/hе/shе/wе/thеy + going to + vеrb?

уlиj to hаre а holidау.
Тheу,rr golи9 to see thr f/и,
Аrе шe go|иj to eаt?
Short answers Yеs, /yоulhе/shе/wе/thеy + аm/аre/is.
Nо, |/you/hе/shе/wе/th еy + a m not/аrеn,t/isn,t
Yеs, / аtи'
No, lte ьи,t,

Form Use
Affirmative . will('ll)-
. ': ... wiII ...: won,t tо ta k abоut thе futurе аnd
'- j'::l -l:- l-:.
/ t,.,t// аo.
Wе,l/ pаss oL|r ех/1l,И5,
Negаtive /Yоu/Hе/Shе/!\lе1'Jnе)'+ wilI not (won,t) ,':r.O
- /t,l/ be sиииу toиоrrow,
тl /'
l Иrу w0И t wIИ'
. Тhе СoПtrаСtioП of will ]s,I|' Thе сontraсtion of wi||
Question WiIl + /yоu/hе/shе/wе/thеy + vеrb? not is won't,
Wl// hе pаss? Нy'//pаss h,s eха^s,
Short аnswers Yеs, /yоu/hе/shе/wе/thеy + will' / woи,t pаss beса'sе / dldи,f 57ц/,,
Nо, |/yоu/hе/shе/wе/thеy + Won,t'
. Аftеr will and won,t wе usе thе vеrb in thе
Yеs, shе wl//. ln|in itivе.
No, shr шoи,t,
Тheу woи,t шlи the coиpеtit|oи.
/,/lшntе а Ьoo/< oиe dау,

1 Wild animals and insects 2 The naturаI Wor|d

аl|igatоr bеar bее еag е fiе|d I owеrs fоrеst grаss со d dry
jеl|уfish izard sсorpion shark hi|| lа^d а,е ..loulLа . '.ot iсе/iсy
snakе spidеr tigеr wo f гivеr sky va|lеy Wаtеrfа sIoГГП/sIorГny

bitе \,./а ГПl wеt/ra iny/ra iг

0ther words аnd рhrаses ) pаgе 1-!

128 unit e
,','rld animals and insects The weather
1 Сomp|еte the words with vowе|s. 2 Сhoosе the сorreсt altеrnative.
I w lf 6 |1..9. t. 1 Аt thе tоp оf Мount Еvеrеst it,s vеrу lс-еlсу
2 j .l yf

sh 7 | z. rd 2 |twassun/sЦПП!tadaу but with sоmе whitес/о

З sp d r 8 sh rk З ln thе Sahаra, it,s vеrу drv/wе.t

4г) 9 sс rр..''...'П 4
s sn
У\'. :- ..
5 Lаst night thеrе was a tеrribiеstpr.n/,';ar.nу
6 |t rаins/rplnv а |ot in Britаin in thе wintеr'
WORKBOOK ) page 82 /9 7 4О.С is rеa||у wаrm/hat '

WORKBOOK ) page 85 /I points

- -: natural world
] .аbel the piсturеs.

WoRKBooK ) pagе 82 /8 points

Unir e 129
).Present pеrfeсt - affirmаtive ) Present perfeсt with 7usl
) PreseПt pеrfесt _ nеgativе, quеstions аnd short answеrS
) Presеnt perfeсt with a|readу and уеt
> C|othеs > Aссessories ) Shons
> Shopping
> A job app!iсation form

1а Work with a partnеr. Mаtсh thе photos with some of these words.
Cheсk that you understаnd the other words. Use your diсtionаry if neсеssary.

b|ouse boots сoat drеss jасkеt jеans jumper shirt shoеs

shorts skirt soсks suit tiе tights top trainеrs trousеrs T.shirt

1b €* A'3tr Listеn аnd repeat.

2 l-:$Тflrulrui} ф э"зs Listеn to Joe ta|king аbout сlothes and answеr these questions.
'l What doеs hе UsUa V Wеar at thе wееkеnd?

2 What is hе wеaring nоw?
З Whаt is his favourltе itеm оf сiothing and why?


--' '"

3a Wherе on thе body do you wеаr thesе items? Put the words 3b -ff }.4* Listen, сheсk and repeat.
in the сorreсt part of thе tablе. You сan usе the same word
more thаn onсe. 4a How often do you Wear the ассessories in 3? Write
be|t сap g|аssеs hat jеwe||еry / soшrt|уиеs wrаr а be/t,
sсarf sunqIаsses wаtсh / иеrer weаr а hаt,

Head 4b sPЕAкlNG Work with a partnеr. Ask аnd аnswer the

Еyes ,l What is yоur favоuriiе llе'.^ о с othiпg? Whу?
2 Hоw оftеn do \rol i,' еа. t?
Body bеlt
SPЕAк|NG Work with a partner. Ask аnd answer the quеstions.
4а sРЕAкlNG Whiсh person is most similаr to you and
.l How oftеn do yol gо shоpping fоr с othеs? your opinion of сlothes аnd fashion? Writе threе or
2 Dо yоu shоp fоr с]оthеs аlonе, with friеnds' or with а mеmbеr of four sеntenсes explaining why.
yоur fаmi|y?
/,tи st,lиt/аr to Сhkс Ьсса'se / lore сlothrs, Nсш
З Whiсh of thеsе things arе Гnost importаПt tvhеn you arе dесidinq .l rl I / I
с|оthеs t.иаkе tис ее/7о.lс|,r ^ r r I
Bиt / а|шауs /oоk а{ {hе
whаt с othеs to buy? f
pr',сe аиd / а/wауs L|rllr t/1e с/othes / bиу,
. Thеy,rе соmfortаbtе'
. Тhеy,ге mаdе by а fаmols fashiоn dеsiqnеr. 4b Now te|| your pаrtner whiсh person you arе most
. Thеy ооk goоd. simiIаr to and why.
. Yоur friеnds wеаr simllаr с оthеs. 5 Whаt do the un.d-еr|in.ed words in the text mеаn?
Read the onIinе magazine artiсlе. Whiсh of the teenagers do you Look at the words in сontеxt and then use your
think аrе,fashion-mad,? diсtionary to сheсk your idеas.

Reаd the text аgain. Whiсh pеrson ... 6 sPЕAкlNG What аbout you?
] has sоmеbоdy whо buys thеir с|оthеs? 1 Гlэc - l': : :.- . ..:

2 оvеs buying сlоthеs?

Сh Iqе11оr:/i'"!ох
(fr|69/ls;:/i'''il.t t 2 l=::':-. --.:. .
3 thinks wеаring thе right С othе5 is importaПt to Сilitlе/,|..-.с
l \уеnt tО o с|othеs
kеер yоur friеnds?
4 aз|у buys с|оthеs if it,s nесеssary?
shop in а shopping
Who did уou
5 thinks с]оthеs mаkе you hаppy?
сеntrе nеаr mу housе.
go with?
б thinks that dеsignеr сlоthеs arе еssеntiaI nоv'',?

With my sistеr аnd her friends,

i File ldit V еw Гavоr tеs Ioоl5 HriD L]nks

Are British teenagers fashion-mad?

Rесеntly a сOmpаny аskеd уоung pеoрle in thе UK somе questiоns аbout
monеy and shopping. Thеy,
thеу jоn,tЪavе
disсоvеrеd that British tееnagеrs саn,t Iivе without buying nеw сlоthеs, еuеn wЁеn
muсh monеy. Wе,vе intеrviеwеd sоmе British tеenаgеrs to sеe if thеy rеа||y аrе mad
abоut fashion.

|Ое Bradеriс k,

Nlе? llad аbоut fаsh оn? Nо.-wаy! tor а

start, I hаtе shоpping fог сlоthеs' l\4y mum
usuaIly buys
-s]!rJj She knоws whаt
П]y I

likе. Thе things wеаr aren.t usually vеry


ехpеnsivе' PеrsonaIly, I think that рeop е

spеnd tоо mu-c mOПеy On с|othеs' Thеy
buy things that thеу don,t wеаr |аtеr' Тhе
mоst exрensivе thing |,vе evеr bоught is
mу ]еаthеr 1aсkеt. l bought it tWO yеars аgO
and |,vе woгn it hundreds оf timеs' It Iooks
gооd, sо why should I buy а nеw оnе?

Unir lO
Present perfесt - affirmafivе
1 Look at the sеntenсеs аnd сompletе the ru|es with thе Wе саn usе thе prеsеnt pеrfесt tо ta k аbout thе past, but
сorreсt word. оn y whеn wе don,t saу whеn thе aсtiоn hарpеnеd.
a Wе.l.,.: interviewеd somе British tееnagеrs. Wе makе thе prеsеnt реrfесt with thе рrеsеnt simp|е of
b ..'+:
writtеn artiС еS aboUt fashion in our sсhоо| il.е pаtt pа | ip р o.t'е nаi'l
magazinе. Vеl'0.

с ]
bought things thаt I dоn,t rеаllу nееd. 3 RеguIar рast pаrtiСip]еs еnd in (b)
d |.;i.. stаrted buying dеsignеr с|othеs' but thеrе аrе n-]аny irrеgu|аr past pаrtiсip еs' Sее thе third
сo]umn оf thе vеrb Iist оn paqе ]6б and ехеrсisе 2 bеlоw.

(gtлм мдп nвгв!.Е.Ц9Ц щ99цq-)

2 Matсh thе irregular verbs with their past partiсiple forms. 4 Сompletе.n" ,"n..n.."s with thе prеsent o",,".. form of li

thesе verbs. Usе eасh verb onсe only.


break buy go makе reаd sеe Wеаr


win write i

1 a сnoСo]atе СаKе' ]

2 thе bоok Тhе Lord ofthе Rtngs'

4 З thе fi m Рirаtеs ofthе Саribbеаn.
5 е . ..: 5
а Сotl.lpеI]I|on'
mоi.е thаn fifty еmai s.
6 {| -.-.--
_._ - 6 .g аss'
7 on hoIiday togеthеr.
I а prе5еПt lоr my раrеnts with my olvn
8 gVе g Vеn
а sUit'
9 go Writtеn

10 nаVе /L^^^+
^^^^ UсЕ
't'r *-t,^
| оNг Пao

12 sее O l'аWП

'13 r.l
toNс^ drunk

14 Wеаr WoП

win еatеП

16 Writе WorП

" been tо thе shops. = | wеnt and сamе baсk
lе,s gone tо thе shops. = Hе wеnt аnd is аt thе shops nоw.

Complete the sеnten(es about thе model Ellе Maсpherson.

Usе thе present pеrfeсt аnd the verbs given.
(mаkе)fi ms.
2 Shе (appеa[) in mаgаzinеs
3 Sh." (work) оn ТV
4 Shе (сrеаtе) a сompaПy that mаkеs
С othе5 aПd bеauty produсts.
5 Тhеy (makе) a stаtuе of hеr in Маdamе
Tussаud,s ln London.
6 (dо) a ]ot of work fоr сharity
7 (havе) twо сhiIdrеn.
8 (bе) marriеd onсе'

5 sPЕAкlNG Work in small groups. Say
whiсh sеntenсes in 4
are true for you. Shops

|,vе worn а suit,

|,ve worn а suit too. lt WаS аt a wеdding,

6a sPЕAкING Write three sentеnсes аbout
еxpеrienсеs you havе hаd. Writе two true
sеntenсes and
one fаlse sentеnсe.

6b Te|I peoplе your sentenсеs. Do

they know whiсh arе true
and whiсh is fаlse?

l,ve bеen on TV, |,ve won thrеe swimming

сompetitions, l,vе ridden а horsе.

l don,t think
уou,vе been on TV. l think thаt,s fa|sе.

No, itЗ true!

Present pеrfect with just

--...:. -
7 We use thе prеsent pеrfeсt Withlust
to talk аbout
very rесеnt еvеnts. Look at the sentenсes. 1 Mаtсh these shops with thе eхamp!еs of things
сan find in them (1-16).
lust usuаlly go before or aftеr thе past partiсiple?
a Lоokl l,vеjust bоught thеsеjеаns,
bakеry bank bookshop
b l,Vе just spеnt а hundrеd pounds
on this shirt сhemist,s сlothеs shop dеpartmеnt storе

jеwеllеr,s newsagеnt,s
post offiсе
shoе shop sports shop stаtionеry shoр
8 Writе replies to the questions using thе present
perfeсt supеrmarket
form ofthe verbs given andjust.
,l tеnnis raсkеts and 9
A: is yolr dаd at hoГПе? ^. -..'
B: No, Hе Ьциаtgpпo- . . . (gо) оut.
|,m sorry.
0 . :

2 A: Whаt аrе you loоking fоr?

2 boo'. ll
B: Мy kеys. l (losе) thепl.
3 mеdiсinе D -- .: : - :: .
4 oаоеr а.О Dе.

З A: Аm llаtе? 1З

B: .е., tЦе
С|oSr ''
5 fоod, driпk ar: . . .,: .
. ' '. ' rS a'ГJ'
4 A: Why is еvеrybоdy lеaving thе сjnеma?
OLngr --.

B: Thе fi]m (finish).

5 A: Аrе yоu hungry?
B:l\о,wе .'.' (еаlJ'
5 A: Why is Маtt at thе hоspitаl?
Plаy this mеmory gamе. oпе stЦdеnt begins
by saying
whаt shop thеy vе bееп tо аnd yrhat thеy,ve bought
B: Не (brеаk) his еg
- A: ]s thе сomputеr оn?
thеrе. Тhе nехt studепt hаs io rеpеat what the
pеrson sаid аnd add аnоttrеr,ехamplе'
Сontinuе. How
B: \o.' .- many саn you rеmеmbеl?
9а SPЕAК|NG Workwith a partner.Afriеnd
Iooks rеaIly I Vе aеес :С :.2 : :-:
iappy.Think of rеаsons why' Usе the '..-",
рresеnt pеrfесt with |,vе bougn: c С'-i..
. ust, ':

Shе,s just pаssеd аn ехаm. l Vе a??. :Э :.2 э3/2r'| с.i |

'tе baught а
doucn. ... !'"э ,: э?еntОthеbutсhеr,s
5Гс , е .С-9.t somе сhiсkеn,
Shе,s just won а сompеtition'

l,vе bееn !О:..е О5<е-,),cnd |'vе bought

9b Сompаre аnswers with othеr studеnts. а
Who has thе doughnut, l,'tе bееn ia thе butсhе(s аnd !,vе
-1 o5t sеntenсеs?
Dought somе сhiсkеn' And l,vе bееn

Unit l0
A falтloL|si shсlp
Work with a pаrtnеr. Look at the produсts in the
lrltcrrтatignal gшltшral !tlтоw!edge photos. Саn you usually buy thesе things in a
dеpartmеnt store?

i'i:i lijil:]'r$ #$ i.'.{: Listеn to Сath and Jim taIking

about a famous department store сallеd Harrods.
Thеy mention al| the things in the photos. What e|se
do they mention thаt сan bе bought at Harrods?
a dоgs
D sПow
с сakе

3 .# Listen again. Are these sеntenсes true (Т) or

falsе (F)?
,l Тhе pоt of hоnеy wаsn,t ехpеnslvе. т/F
2 -|едo. СoIIo,О' ,,
З Thеy hаd с othеs, 1еwе lегy аnd bеds fоr уF
4 :.J О l].'\. i.еa sПО.!./ аt Нагrоds. т/F
5 t. , ] С Го. ,o,.о .to [ёtС Г/Г

б - ^. ээеsll t ''.lid]i i сi.осо аiе bаr Г/''

4 sPЕAкlNG What about you?
Whаt do yоu think оf Hаrrоds bаsеd on thе
infоrmatlon in thе istеning?
What arе thе gооd аnd bаd things abоut shоppiпg
il а lэig dеpа'LГ е.1 sLorе?
lthink Hаrrods is unusuаl. It sеlls
strаngе things tikе сtothеs for саts.

-^ фt-
Ч>,^ ::@

lNslDE lNF0RMAтl0N

о Hаrюds is оnе o|thе lагgеst dеpапmепt storеs lП
ih.. til.ог d I hа5 зЗ0 diffeГеnt dераrtmепts,

O Е]ti-|ods opегlеd l8з4' blrtаtii|n itOЛ ysod


focd апd tеа,
ll ]r]i']i Harrods hаd а сolэlа to рlOtесt а pа [ of
- '€|..
ji:.l.. s thаt сOn i62'cc[j]

: j unir ro
*r*жs-ж*grrЁ*жtar * LЁt*rategre
Тhe dеpаrimеnt store

L ( Ileге \^.аSa littre irl tltеpаst whenyou

сoulсt bLt1- alr1.tlring itr Harrods. For eхamplе,
1hgrg u-аs a сlе1laгtrrtеnt whiсh еvеn sold
wild anirrrals. ]n l969. tlr-o Attstralians. Jоhrr
Rеndаil and Anthor.rу Boltгkе, w-еnt to visit this
departmerrt to seе tirе anir-rrals' not planning to
buy anything. Brrt thеу sarr- tt stllall lion сub thеrе
that lookеd saсl atrсi alotrе. Rеrrсiall anсl Borrгke
dесidеd to brr}. lrlгtr. T}rе5-tоok t1-rе ]ion to thеir
hоmе in Сhе1sеa atrсl tratl.tесl it Сlrгi.-ctlarr.
Сhristian lir.есl likе a t.iоr'tl.t:L1 реt 1rl tli.е hоrtsе'
Не wеnt for lгalks rтith Rеr.rсlal] аtlсl Bоrtгke аtlсl
loved рlaying galiiеS. Hе rl-as trеl-ei'r.iolеrlt. B..rt l.iе
wеnt frorrr ш.еighing 16 kilos to ri.еigilitlg S-1 kilos
in just onе yеar! Bесausе lrе rгas so big. Jоl.rrr zlr-Lсl
Anthony knew that Сhristian сorrlсln.t sta1- itl zt
housе in London for еvеr.
onе day, thеy hеard abоut a man in Afгiсa lт
hеlpеd domеstiсatеd lions to livе in thе lr.ilсl.
Thеy сontaсted him and dесidеd to takе
Сhristian to Kеnya. At first, Christian fоund
Afiiсa hot and unсomfortablе. But he slow{у
adaрted to his nеw lifе in the wild. Rеndall and
Bourkе wеnt baсk to Britain.
onе year latец the two Australians wantеd tо
sее Сhristian again. Nobody knew еxaсtly wherе
hе was. But Rеndall аnd Bourkе rvеnt baсk to
thе рlaсe in Kenya whеrе thеy lеft him. As if by
magiс, Christian apрeared tlrе day bеforе thеir
arrival. Thе nехt day, whеn thе lion saw- tlrеnl.
hе walked up slowly, thеn jumpеd up and p1a1-ес1
witlr them' ехaсtly the samе as ш'hеn hе rl-аts zt
littlе сub.
Somеbody filmеd thе еmotional rеttttiоtr ir,г l.. Т\'
doсttmentary. N{orе than 30 yеars 1а1tеГ. i:'.: --.
has bесomе famous on thе Intегtlеt' rr l :.. l.: -.
than 44 million hits. Rеnсlаl1 atlсl B.;. l:.'- :..
saw Christian onе nrorе til.Lrе' Тl.Lt,.' :....-'- -' - -:.
a book about thеiг inсгесirlllе ]:i. -'. .. . - .. -

fiom Harrods.

iИаtсh the words

аnd dеfinitions.
; Оnе а lvhеl pеоpiе rnееt agаin аftеr а loПg timе aрart
:lогnеstiсаtеd b thе ntmbеr of timеs pеopiе
1ооk at а pаgе on th€
;:lаptеd ]Пtе[Пеt

- '' .-lаglС
с а ТV рrogrаГ.mе оr film аbоut somеthiПg

с mаdr сhangеs to aссерt
а nеW situat]on

е Пo onе еlsе is with yоu

-:.'..lеПtаry f trainеd to ljvе wjth huпlans
g iп a surprising way that
Сan,t 5е еxplainеэ
.w , ','.1rj'i.,fui,l€*'**. 'а
*&. &. *, & Present prrfrct * negative, questians and
short answers
1 Look at the sentenсes аnd сhoosе the сorrесt
a ] hаvеn,t been tо thе с othеs shop'
b Wе hаvеn't bоught аnything fоr dinnеr.
с What hаvе yоu bought?
d Нavеуou bееntо thе spоrts shоp?
е Yеs, hаvе./No, havеn,t.
,l Wе mаkе thе nеgativе |orm оf thе prеsеnt
pеrfесt by аdding not oг n,tto hq1'tg/thе рs5.t.
2 n quеstions h"q,Vе1Ih.е*pa5t pопkip.|е-goеs bеfarе
thе subjесt.
3 ]n shоrt аПsWеrs, wе u5е149-n:t..a.sсthе past
Work with а pаrtnеr. Tаlk about whаt you саn see in the pa rtiсiо|е.
] :i. i': l.i];.::.
;# j"li'j Listen
to a phonе сonvеrsаtion Рj-99]щ--,1
betwееn Lukе and his mum. What does Luke,s mum
need to buy? What has she bought? 2a sРIt{lil* Writе true senten(еs about your life
. ]."l.....:.+u]щ еxpеrienсes. Usе the affirmative or nеgative prеsent
pеrfесt form of thе verb.
,] ...l. ..1;.-. a.о аipеаr оn TV,
\oL'] аl-е go|Пg to dо а mu tip е-сhоiсе stепing aсti' '.
. this t\i !е оf асt i,ty vоl hаt,е thгее оr fо-. ;.. ',.:-s :..: h4у
fr[еи/s аи'f / hаrеи,t аppеаrr/ oи ТV
l-. :"aasa .''::las- a':. :' ',"-,. s ,: :t:-- t:. .: .=
z ' ',: . с :-

.---:_: .',-:-.:... З е;l sL,s,.

4 !1y pаrеnts аnd /gо to |геlаnd.

; Listеn agаin and сhoosе thе сorrесt answer. 5 /writе а sоng'

-,-a l
6 ] sее nr Гаvo-r .е o.o*р ^ Сolсеl r'

a I . ::1. ., .-. ;:l'-: )-lp. 7 |/bly jеwе еrу fоr my pеt.

b . :: '. ] .. .. .о ti.е spо:ts snоp,

2b Work with a partner. Теll them your negative sentеnсеs.
с Пes а rеа0! Dееn to tnе sports 5hop How many arе the sаmе?
2 Lukе Wants ПеW tеnnis bа||s bесаusе ' '.
fiеnds оnd I hаvеn,t
a nе na5n't got aПy'

аppeаrеd on TV,
b hе dоеsn,t knоw whеrе his о|d оnеs arе.
с hе сan,t p аy wеiI with thе onеs hе has gоt'
Ме nеither'/l hаvе.
3 Тhе spоrts shоp at Park Rоad hаs got .,
3a Writе questions in thе presеnt perfeсt.

a gооd tеnnis bа||s'

b gооd sеrviсе' 1 you/dо/sрort this rдlееk?

с .hеаpLe SОd э' 2 How many bооks/yоlirеad thls wееk?

З yоl/hаvе/аny еXams l'riееk?
4 Lukе,s mum wi| spеnd alэоut . '. 4 уau/buу/any с1othеs thls rr'ееl?
a !8 oг -ргt is bа ]s 5 yоu/writе/а tеXt iП g'.o 5. .^.; r',''gg[?
b l]6 on tеnnis balIs'
6 yоu/еat/оut this tlrlее'<?
с f2B on tеППis ba s.
7 Vхl6atlуaulwatсhl,оr -'L .^ s i'''ееk?
5 Lukе is worriеd about dinnеr lэесаusе hе '. .
8 you/sеnd/аrly еп.а s ...s',.,'ееk?
a hasn,t еatеn аnything a day. 3b Тhink of somе more, similar questions to ask.
b саn,t find anything to еаt.
с hаsn,t finishеd his hоmеwоrk yеt.
3( sPЕAкl'Ч8 Use the quеstions to аsk your partnеr about
what thеy havе or haven,t done this wеek.
6 Тоdаy thе spоrts shop с|оsеs at ...
a ha f рast fivе, Наvе уou donе sport this wееk?

b slx о,с oсk.

с hа f pаst siх.
Yеs, l havе, I,vе plaуеd bаskеtbаIl
аnd l,vе donе judo.
Сompletе thе diaIogue with the prеsent pеrfeсt form of Look at the list of jobs that ЕmiIy has to do today. Writе
the vеrbs givеn.
sentеnсes with olreadу and yet to say what shе has or
Llt-y: Whеrе (a) ...'......... } JJ hasn't done.
......."'.,. (bе)? ShеЬ аlrеаlу to'1ht thс Ьreаd.
ollvсп: (b) . . (bе) s^oprэiго

Llly: (с)
(buy) anything?
........''......'''\l- buу t\ebrеad /
]..,i94 /
oltvгп: Yеs, | (d) ...-
w(i+e a^ ery\аil to
Lцv: (e) ...... ............ . you
(spеnd) a |ot of mоnеy?
5end А birthdаy ca(d +o 9arah Х

tu^5K /
p6one)ack- A
oltvгп: Bесаusе а|l thе shops (j)
tale the dog lor 4 w4lk Х

hаVe n.\y Pi^^o |еээon

ryrаke a ca|е {or partу Х

sРЕAк|t.lG Test your partner,s memory. Ask them to сlosе

thеir book. Then ask them questions.

Нas ЕmiIу bought

thе brеаd yеt?

Yеs, shе hаs.


8a Write down the name of а . '.

. nеw film

Present perfect with a|readУ and УeI . ПеW boоk/mаgаzinе

. ПeW Сomputеr Оаг.
5 Look at the sentenсes аnd deсide ifthe . .lр\^s|ГOе' :: : ..
stаtements below arе truе (T) or fatsе (F).
. lе^

Shе,s а|reаdy bееП to thе supеrmаrkеt.
b Yоu,vе а|ready dоnе yоlr homеwоrk' 8b Prepare questions using the present perfeсt andуet'
с HaVе you lэоught аny fооd yet? Наt еs-с,t t.еаl B,.еаki'g Dаtuи,уеt?
d hаvеn,t bееп thеrе yet.
8с Work in smalI groups. Ask аnd answer the questions.
] Wе usе аlrеady to taIk аbоlt somеthiПq
thаt has hарpеnеd,
Wе Usе yеt to tаik аbоlt 5cгnеli]lс
L.d[-о .lotгoOQ..еO(,- _ .
,. .,' ^аt yoU hаvе studiеd this yеar. What аrеаs оj
go]П9 Io nаppеП 5ОoП' :.. тa r, Voса l]U |a ry, spеa kin g, writin g, rеad i n о'

Alreаdy usual|y gоеs aftеr thе pаs.

' havе yоu mаdе mоst prоgrеss in?

pa rtiсiplе' SтUDYsкllls ) page 157

Yеt usuаlly goеs аt thе еnd оf thе |,/Г


pаqе ]40 l

Unir lO
1 sРEAк|NG Work with a partnеr. Desсribe thе piсture. sPЕAкlNG Work with а partner. Praсtise thе diaIogue in 3
using the сorreсt intonation.

Look at the useful expressions in the Speaking Bаnk. Who

says thеm - the Сustomer (С) or the Shop Assistаnt (SA)?

Usefui eхpressions in a shop

. Сan I hе p you? 5,4
. |,||takе itlthегn.
. Ехсusе mе. HoW muсh ls this?
. Аnything е sе?
. ТhatЪ (t5).
. Hеге,s yоur сhangе.
. |,d Iikе this.
. Wouid yоu likе a bag?
. Dо yоu sе]| (pеnсiIs)?
. Yоu,rе wе|соmе.
. Sоrry. Wе don,t havе any at thе momеnt

Listen to two diaIoques and answеr the

о' rеаd flvе shоrt dia оguеs

I --'
ЕХAM sUссEsS > page.l60

3 Put thе еxprеssions (,] _5) in thе gaps (а-е) in thе dialogue.
Сomp|еte the fivе dialoguеs, (hoose the сorrесt responses.
,l Саn hе p you?
а Yоu,rе Wе Сomе.
b Тhаt s
4 .э. s zе arе thеy? с Yеs, |,d']0'
Iikе twо оf thоsе сakеs, р еasе,
5 Yоl rе wе]сomе'
Тhat,s fб'20, p еasе'

(usтoмгв: Еxсusе mе. (а) a Hе[е you arе.

b |,m sоrry. Wе dоn,t hаvе аny
5нoр дsslslдшт: Yеs, wе,vе gоt thеsе whitе ЕngLand shirts аnd
с YoU,rе wеlсomе.
wе,vе а]so got thеsе rеd оnеs.
Тhаnks for yоur hе р'
Сusтoмвв: (b)
а Do yоu sе brеаd hеге?
5нор дsstsrдшт: Thе whitе oПеs аrе t45 and thе rеd orlеs arе
b Yоu,rе wеlсоmе.
с Саn i hе|p yоu?
Cusтoмгв: (с) .. .. ..
Ноw muсh is this?

5ноt, дsslsrдшт: Тhеy,rе both mеdium.

а I s a[gе.
Сusтoмгп: Оh, 1 nееd Iargе. b Тhаt,s аJl right.
5нор дsstsтдl';т:
sorry' (d) .
с |t,s l]0'
Сusтoмгв: ОK, Thаnks аnyway' 5 Wоu]d yol Iikе а bag?

5ноt, дs;lsтдшl; (е) а Yеs, nеrе you arе.

b Yеs, p|еasе' l nееd оnе,

4a .$.....:.. Listen to four еxpressions from

с Yеs, hеrе,s your сhan-се.

the сonvеrsations. Do you think thеy sound polite?

Prасtice makes perfeсt
4ь } Listen agаin and rеpeat with the сorrесt intonation.
8a Work with a pаrtnеr. Сhoose а shop and а produсt that you
Want to buy there. Prеpare а dia|oguе. You must use at
Ieаst five еxpressions from the Speaking Bank.
s П-]рortaПt to think aboUt WНАТ wе say n a СonVеrsation'
wе say it impоrtant? sтUDY sK|LLs ) pаge157 8b Aсt out your diа|ogue for the сlass. Thеy must write down
thе сorrесt shop and thе produсt.
SPЕAк|NG Work with a partner. Ask and аnswer the
,] Wоuld yоu 1ikе to wоrk in а supеrmаrkеt?
Why/Whv nоt? €uprпsдvr
2 Whаt is yоur idеaljоb?

Look аt the аpp|iсаtion form for a part-time

job in а supermarket. Say wherе eaсh pieсe of JoB APPLlсAт|oN
information should go on thе appIiсаtion form. Plеаsе fill in this аppliсatlоn
fоrm сarеfully Whеn wе havе
rеaо your
П ] Homе _ О45З /бЗ2lМоbiiе 65з 92з9з6
аppliсatioП form, if yоu hаvе
thе skills and еxpеrtеnсе wе
nееd, wе wtll
СoПtaсt you fоr an intеrvjеw'
П 2 \,1

0nе wееk аftеr thе intеrviеw

П З ]ohnson you а
wе Wlll СontаСt you to tеli you
if wе саn offеr
П 4 Broоksidе Sсhoо], York faoё luсk!

П 5 ]allС:
П 6 2О/12/199З

П 7 ] hаvе a qJoоd wоrking knоwlеdgе of most

Еirst nаmе(5]:
СoГnpUtеt-рrogrаms' lсan spеаk Frеnсh' |аm
Datе оf birth:
lеаrning to drivе аt thе mоmеnt' l,m vеry
hard working аnd rеsрoпsib е'

(Jamеs .Jоhnson,s signaturе)

9 25 Оrсhid Аvеnuе, Blaсkpoо

10 l navе WorKеd as а monitor oП a sL]ГnП-]е|

саrПр аПd a5 а Wаitеr in a fа
Bеst t]mе to Сontaсi to

rеstа U [a nt.
arran9е an lntеrviеw:

12 Garу,sGrееngrосеr

Look at the Writing Bаnk. Find a word, Еduсаtion:

ехpression or lеtters that say or аsk ...
СUrrеnt еmplоymеnt:
1 if yol аrе a boy or girl:
Prеviоus еmрloymеnt:

2 lt, hрn iinl tдlдrо Ьn'^.


J .оr i,n r (innrt r^'

J ч| iqtU L'


- \. аL тhings yоu са. Oo:

- r \/^ r т]m \r nf
u, )i I urm^'

::з ;: ii t: *,,з * |,i * |:3'3 {, |';,' : ;..
/o J hd'o лo.Lеd oе.orр:
;}а СompIete thе appliсаtion form with information аbout
you. Makе up information if you nеed to.

4'l; Prеpare quеstions to interview your partnеr for thе

supermarkеt job.
:r:fi.l w*l"сis *r cxрrеssi*l.lg i* аr: аFр|iсаtiоn fоrm
i..,.,,1:; /_':.t 1,/a' | :,r ), t.t | | |,.
., .ееd to tэе alэlе to undеrstand thеsе tдlоrds оr |,,:/i:'1:
i,,1; у. ;1|;1..,',.
',..ssiоns to bе abIе tо in a job appliсat1оn fоrm
!.'с lnterviеw your partner. Тhey must usе the information on
]aLе оf birth their аppIiсаtion form.
]:ldеr: М/F
Should they get thе job?
-','r,еnt еmpiоymеnt
].: ]ous еmplоymеnt
НelIo' Whаt\ уour nаmе?
Не|еn Саrson.

Whаt is уour dotе of birth?

Longuoge гeferenсe o nd гevlsIon
Present perfeсt
Form Use
Affirmative i/Yоu/Не/Shе/Wе/Тhеy + have/hаs + раst раrtiсiр|е
. Wе саn usе thе prеsеnt pегfесt to ta k аbоut an

She hаs tиet а еxpеriеnсе in sоmеоnе,s Iifеtimе, withоut sаying thе

fашoиs PernoИ' еХaСt timе whеn thе еVеnt oССUrrеd. Whеn it happеnеd
Negаtive /You/Е]е/5hе/Wе/Тhеy + haven,t/hаsn,t + pa5t pаrtiсip е is Пot lmportаПt.
We hаrrи,t sreи thаt иew filи, /,re bееи to Аиstrа/lа.
Question Havе/Has + /You/Hе/Shе/Wе/Thеy + раst раl.tiсip е She hаsи,t reаd аиl Peаcс,'
Наreуoи boи1ht афhш7? Наrе thсу еаtrи а/l the саkr?
Short answers Yеs, l/You/Hе/Shе/Wе/Thеy + has/have'
Yes, theу hаre!
No, |/Yоu/Hе/Shе/Wе/Тhеy + hаsn,t/haven,t.
Yes, / hа're. No, theу hаrеи,t.

. Wе usе just with thе prеsеnt pеrfесt tо еmphasisе thе fасt thаt sоmеthing ПаppеПеO Vеry rесеПI y.
. Just gоеs bеlоrе thе pаst partiС p]е'
/hаrе jиst uuаshe/ иу hаlr (- 1иlаshеd my hair on y a fеw ГПO[nеПts ago)
Наrеуoиiиst tаIeи the rиЬbьh oиt?

Аlreadу, уet
. Wе usе аIready to ta k abоut sоmеthing that hаs haрреnеd еаrliеr than wе еxpесtеd.
. A|reаdy uslа Jy gоеs bеfоrе thе pаst partiсip|е
Doи,t bиу аиу breаd. /,re а/rrаlу Ьo"1ht so^r.
. Wе usе yet tо аsk if sоmеthing Wе еXpеСt hаs happеnеd, or to say that it hasn,t' it is usеd in quеstiоns or nеgaiivе sеПtеnСеs. I
. Yet usuа||y gоеs at thе еnd of a sеntеnсе оr сlаusе.
Наreуoи spo/<eи to thr teасhеrуet?
/ hаrrи,t rrаd the boo/<уet.

1 Clothes 2 Acсessories 3 Shops

b ousе boots Сoat drеss bе t Сaр g|assеs hat bakеry bаnk bookshоp
jаСKеt ;еaПs JUlTpеr shirt jеwе||еry sсаrf sungiаssеs butсhеr,s сhеmist,s сlоthеs shо:-
shоеs shorts skirt soсks watсh dеpartmеПt storе
suit tiе tignts top tгainеrs еiесtriса сооds shоp grееПgroсеГ:
tl,oUsеrs T shirt jеwе еr,s ПеWsagеnt,s
pоst оffiсе shое shоp
sports snop stationе[y shop

4 0ther words and phrases ) pagе --:

j_ t,Jnir I0
Present perfeсt affirmative
Present perfect nrgative and question
1 Сomp|etе thе text with the vеrbs
given in thе сorreсt form
ofthe present pеrfесt. зa Put the words in order to mаkе questions.
Мy sistеr is а famоus fаshion
.l film thе Havе sееП yoU Аvо|-оr?
)h.(9) ..' . (do) lоts of intеrеsting 2 сllies in mаnr, !]^.n
1оu l^а ' е l'r ео.'
hеrlifе Shе(b) things in
(mаkе)drеssеsfоrthе З pеoplе wееk havе Whiсh fаmous
mеt you thi5?
Shе (с)
9u.:: (mееt) lоts of fаmous 3Ь Answer question 1 With a short
tаl (winj'o'. ,йp",i*iЬ'i^,,"o
асtors. аnswer and write сomplete
Som.еtimеs (e)
sentenсes for questions 2 and 3.
] Your answers must be
(hеlp) |р1 Fоr ехаmpiе, true.
wе (f) . (writе) artiсjеs .g..t.l.r. й, ъ,t-.,on ,l

WORKBOOK ) page 92

Present perfrct with just WoRKBooк ) page 95

Сomplete the sentenсes with thе present Рrеsent pеrfeсt with alrеadУ and
perfесt form of
the verb given andTust vet
1 Hеr hair js wеt bесаusе snе Сomplete the sеntenсe s with аlreаdу
(hаvе) a shоwеr. ,] l havеn,t
or уеt,
spоkеn to Гny [nUГП
2 ('-.lе
> soс bесаusе l^еj га\ oU.;rA Геnnis O'аt еr 2 i,m bоrеd. |,vе

\eрn lh]q
,'J nrn^r]hй^
l.,I ll lс'

з тr...|;,.".ol; ;".;;;; ;;;; 4

Yоu,rе fast] You,vе
fjnishеd this еxеrсisеl
(Dе) outsidе in thе snоw.
|as thе tеaсhеr аrrtvео -''..''',..'' .',.' .. ?

4 l,m happy bесаusе i

5 Ьаr e ПAi vЕL|')|'UрU'Гg
\ |('|L) Ьдоn сnn^" '
'.'. ?

цy fаvouritе
6 Shе hаsП,t Visitеd thе пlusеum

tБ" iu,aio.,
WORKBOOK ) page92
/4 WORKBOOK ) page95

.] Writе
the nаmes of thе с|othes.


WoRKBooK ) pаge 90
/6 points
- tessories
What are these aссessoriеs?
. 3 Writе an examp|e of something you
You wеar it to tеil thе tjmе. ,l сan buy in thеsе shops.
i Yol Wеar lt to kеер yоur n..к.'ur' *,.i.,
statiоnеry shоp
in ii.l. 2 dеpartГnеnt storе
. З

ou weаr it tn L доn
lv \! сhеmist,s
сU )',^LUr L.o.sе.5 ,p'
4 butсhеr,s
: U Wеdl it or your hеао'|l (an sгоо L|
lhе ttnl nni'
L )u
5 bat е.v
' JL]r еyеs.

6 пеwsаgеnt,s
j ''Ll wеar thеm tо
sее bеttеr. 7 pоst оffiсе

' ] RKBooK ) page эo

WoRKBooK ) pagе 9З
) Speoking

П mUItip е Сhoiсе асtiVitiеs,

rе[nеmbеr '.. n pair асtivitiеs, rеmеmbеr ...
Dоn,t аnswеr thе quеstions tоо quiсk y. Sоmеtimеs thе iГnрortaПtto istеn toWhatyoUr pаrtПеrsаys. П a
|t is
spеаkеr says oПе thing аnd thеn сhаngеs what thеy say оr соnvеrsation, Wе istеn tо thе othеr pеrson and thеn rеspond i
adds nеw informatiоn to Wnаt thеy sаy to Us. ЕxAfvl sUссEsS ) page 160

Woгk with a partner. Тa|k about the с|othes you Work with а partneг. Matсh the expressions (1_7) to
usua||y wear at sсhoo|. |f you weaг a schoo| uniform, the situations (a-j)
desсribe it.
1 Нe||o. Can I he|p уou? а
.фp;r"4s Listen to Josh and Sarah talking about a 2 Here's three pounds оhange. Would you |ike a
friend who goes to sсhoo| in the USA' Choose the bag?
сorreсt answer A, B oг c for eaсh question 3 You're we|сome.
1 When did Еmma staгt sсhool in the USA? 4 How muсh is it?
A Last year. 5 Yes, please. What size is this shirt?
B Last week. 6 We've got small, medlum, large and extra large.
G Very reсent|y. 7 l'll take it. Here's ten oounds.

2 At her sсhoo|, Еmmа Shop assistаnt

A has to wear school uniform. a Ask the сustomer if
B isn't total|y free to deсide what to wear. they need help. Aсcеpt the offeг of
C сan wear what shе likes he|p' You сan,t see
the size on a shiгt
3 At Emma's sсhoo|, you сan с Say the size. that you like.
A never weaг Т-shiгts' Say you need a
B only wear Т-shiгts for one subjeоt. diffeгеnt size. Ask if
C always wear T-shirts. e ЕxpIain a|| the they have that size.
4 Еmma
different sizes you
A has a|гeady bought some new с|othes for
nave. f Ask the
g Say the priсe.
Sa5i you wаnt it. Give
B wil| buy new с|othes on Saturday oг Sunday.
Give the сhange, Ask the monеy.
C is going to buy new jeans and Т-shirts.
if they need a bag. Say you want a bаg'
5 Why does Josh think sсhoo| uniforms are oK? Aссept the thаnks Say thank you.
A You don,t spend time deсiding what to wear. and say goodbye.
B lt's easy to weaг.
G He doesn't |ike his weekend сlothes. Work with a partner. Look at the situation below and
act out the сonversation. When you finish, сhange
What about yoи? rotes.
Do you think sсhool unifoгm is a good idea? You want to buy a friend a Т-shirt. Go to the shop
Why/Why not? аnd ask the shop assistant about the T-shiгt and
then buy it.

Use of English ) Writing

П асtivitirs whеrе yоu havе to сhоosе thе right answеr to

П WritiПg еxаms, rеmеmbеr
сomplеtе short diа oguеs, rеmеmbеr .. '
Gооd hаndwriting and prеsеntatioП arе Vеry importаnt. YoU
Тhink abоut thе situаtion, p|aсе and pеop|е bеfоrе wi|| prоbably Iosе гnarks iI thе еxaminеr finds it
уoU try to diffiсl t to rеаd
сhоosе thе сorrесt аnswеr' ЕxAM sUссЕsS > pagе 160 yoUr Worк

Look аt the staгt of five short dia|ogues, For eaсh Look at these different types of words. Write YЕS
dialogue, try to deсide what the situatlon is, wnere if we сan sometimes |eave them out when we write
the peop|e aгe, and/or who the peop|e are. informa| messages. Write No if we сan't.
1 Еxсuse me, what size is this shirt? 1 aгtiс|es (a, the)
2 Why don't we go to the shopping сentre 2 nouns (shops, trainers)
tomoггow? 3 auxiliary verbs (be, do)
3 Could I have a оheeseburger, p|eаse? 4 main verbs (go, buy)
4 Can you te|l me where the сhemist's is? 5 adjeсtives (new, freе)
5 Hello? Mrs Johnson? ls that vou? 6 subjесt pronouns (/, he)
7 prepositions (af, и)
Complete the five dialogues in 6 by сhoosing A, B or
с, Use this information to wгite a phone message foг
1A l'm soггy' We don't have any. Steve.
B I think it's small. Who phoned? Robbiе
с It's ten pounds. Who did he want to speak fo? Steve
2A You're we|сome. What did he saу?.Can you te|I Steve that |'m going
B Sorry, l сan't. |'m busy. to the сity сentre tomorrow? If he's free, he сan meet
с Beоause l like shopping. me there. I'm going to go to buy some new trainers.
3A Wou|d you |ike оhips with it? Then |'lI have lunсh in one of the fast-food plaсes
B That's all right. theгe. Тe|| him to сa|l me tonight and te|l me his p|ans.
с Here,s your сhange. I won't be at home. l'|I be at Mark's house. Тe|| him

4А Yes, thanks. to сaIl me there or on my mobile. Тhe number is 876

в That's all right. 321986. Тhanks!'
c Go past the bank and it's on youг |eft.

5A No, she isn't.

B Yes, speaking.
G Sorry. Can | |eave а message?

How well саn you do these things in Еnglish now?

Give yourself a mаrk from ] to 4.
g l саn tа|k aboL'lt rеСеПt aСtiVitiеs using thе
prеsеnt pеrfесt with 7u st and а|rеаdу,
i сan do it vеry wеll. h сan undеrstаnd writtеn and spokеl .-. ..
)- l сan do it qlitе wе . аbоut с othеs, fаshiоn and shоps
?- hаvе somе prоb|еms' i сan havе simp|е Сonvеrsat]ons . . ). :'
А- | сaП,t do it j | саn writе а basiс jоb аpо] i.. .. ..

Сan ta k about thе futurе using bе gaing ta

Now deсide whаt you nееd to do to improvе
Оr W|||
l Lоok agаiП at my bcс< . ' .-.
| Саn UПdеrstаПd writtеn and spоkеn tехts
аboUt aПirnа s аnd thе Пatu|аI Wol-О'
2 Dо morе praсtiсе е]'i:.: :: j =: ' : : .

| саn talk аbоut thе wеathе

З Ask for hеlp

саn mаkе and ассеpt sUggrstioПs, l

4 Оthеr:
| саn takе basiс phоnе [Пеssagеs. ii


oП Lа l
аboUl асL.o.( o' е/pеr'a.l(е) . l
lnе pаst using thе рrеsеnt pеrfесt.

14З I
(adj) = аdjесtivе
(аdv) - 36u..-5
(соn;; = соnjunсtion Thе mоst Сommon аnd lsеful wоrds in Еnglish arе mаrkеd
aссоrding tо thе Масmillan
(dеt) = 6.1.'''n.' Diсtiоnаry,stаr ratiПg,' Тhis is so that yоu сan еаsily rесognisе thе
voсаbulary yoLr Пееd
(n) = noun to knoW еspесiaIly wеll.
(phr) = phrasе *** = yg[y сommоn wоrds ** = с9ц'on *o'o' 1 = fаirly сommоn words
(prер) = prеpositiоn
(pron) = p[onouП |f thеrе is Пo ПеХt tо thе word, this mеans thаt it i5 ПoI Vеry СommoП.
(v) - vеrb

Stqrter unit rish (аdj) l'aтrц|'I

Sсоt]and (n) /'skotlэnd/

С|ossroom oЬleсts sсottish (adj) /'skotr/
board (n)*** lbэ''d,l
Unitеd statеs of Amеriса (n) /.jul,naltld stеIts эv э'mеrtkэ/
bоаrd rublэеr (n) /'bэld
Аmеriсаn (аdj) /э'mеrikэn/
СD p|аyеr (n) /sil 'di
с. а ' (.r, ***
Мondаy (n) ***
сoП-,lputеr (n) *** /kэm'pjultэ/

dеsk (n) ***

Тuеsday (n) *** /'tjurzder/
diсtiоnary (n)
Wеdnеsdаy (n) *** /,wеnzdеl/
/ drkJЪn(а)ril
lоtеbооk (n)
Thursday (n) *** l'9з'^zdell
Fridаy (n) ***
оеn (n) ** lpenl
/'f гardеl/
Sаtlrdаy (n) ***
оеlсi| (n) ** /'pens(э)1/
Sundаy (n) *** /,sдndеr/
оеnсiI sharpеnеr (n) /'pеns(э)i,Jоl(r)p(o)nэ/
bbеr (n) l'ьbel
(n) * /'rullэ/
.]аПUary (ПJ*** /'d3еniuari/
.еХtbook (П) /'tеks(t)'bok/
Fеbruary (n) *** /.fеbгuэri/
Сolours Мarсh (n) *** lmo'^I.l
Аpril (n) *** I'eryrell
: асk (аdj) *** /blаеk/
Мay (n) *** lmtоl
: lе (ad,1) *** /blur/
Junе (n) *** /d3ur(n)/
:.оwn (adj) *** /bгaun/
July (n) *** lс\tllall
:.rk b]uе (аdj ) /,dolk'blu/
Аugust (n) *** /,эlgэst/
:.:еП (аdj) *** lgri'^nl
Sеptеmbеr (n) *** /sеp.tеmbэ/
.:.:v (аdj) * lgretl
Осtоbеr (n) *** /оk'tэtlbэ/
.,..gе (adj) /'orrnd3/
..l ]\оvеmbеr (n) *** /nосl'vсmbэ/
'. iаd;) /pr4k/
Dесеmbеr (n) ***
: : е (аdj) /'pзlp(э)1/
/dl sеmbэ/

.,- -!i\
)J) ***
a lredl Ordino| nUmЬёrs
- .: ad]) *** lwartl firsl' (ls0 (numbеr) *** /fзlst/
: - .'' aс]]) *** /' je|эal
sесond (2nd) (numlэеr) *** /'sеkэnd/
third (Зrd) (пumbеr) /0зld/
:: 51n;1'h-speoking сountries ond notionoIities
"-.е fоurth (4th) (numbеф /fэl0/
frfth (5th) (nlmIэеr) /fif0i
.ii /o'st rеrliэn/ siхth (бth) (numbеr) /srks0/
/'kеnэdэ/ sеVеnth (/th) (numbеr)

/kэ'nеrdiаn/ еighth (Bth) (numbеr) lett9l J
/'tцglэnd/ ninth (9th) (numbеr) /narn0/
/'lngirl tеnih (lOth) (numbеr) f,
еlеvеnth (] 1 th) (ПU П,]bеr) /r'lеv(э)n0/
tWеifth (12th) (numbеr) /twеlf0/ аПswеr (n & v) *** /'оlnsэ/
thirtееnth (]3th) (nUmbеr) {0зl'ti:n0/ саn (v) lkюnl
fourtееnth (l 4th) (ПUmbеr) {tэl'tiln0/ сhangе (v) *** It!end3l
fiftееnth (]5th) (ПUmbеr) /,fif'tiln0/ СnеСK (V) *** Itlekl
sixtееnth (lбth) (ПUmbеr) /,srks'tiln0/ сhoosе (v) *** ItJll:zl
sеVеПtееПth (l 7th) (nu m bеr)
{sеv(э)n'tiln0/ сomparе *** (v) /kem'pеэ/
еightееnth (,lBth) (nUmbеr) /'еt'tiln0/ Сomрiеtе (v) *** /kэm'p1ilt/
ninеtееnth (]9th) (nUmbеr) /,narn'tiln0/ СoПVе15аtIoП (n) *** {kоnvэ'sel|(э)n/
tWеПtiеth (2Оth) (nUП,]bеr) /,twеntiоe/ СorrеСt (аd-i) *** /kэ'rеkt/
twеnty-fi rst (2] st) (numbеr) /,twenti 'fзlst/ dеsсriptiоn (n) *** /dt'skrrpJ(э)n/
thirty-fi rst (З,l st) (пumbе0 /'0зlti 'fзlst/ dialoguе (n) ** /'daIа'1оg/
diffеrеnt (adJ) *** /.dtf гэnt/
Тhe fomily
disсovеr (v) *** /dr,sk,tvэ/
aunt (n) ** lo'^ntl
draw (v) *** ldrtl
l]rothеГ (п) *** /'brдdэ/ fа|sе (adj) ** /fэlls/
.ous n (n) ** l'kм(d1nl fill in (v) I,f
dalghtеr ***
(n) l'с7cltel gаp (n) ** "nl
iathеr (n) *** /'f.oldо/ guеss (v) ** lgesl
3randсhiidrеn (n) /'grаend,фldгэn/ hоw (аdv & сon;) *** lhaal
qrаnddaughtеr (n) /'grtеn(d)'dэltэ/ iI nесеssary (adj) /'rf 'nеsоsеri/
3rаndfаthеr (n) * /'gran(d)'fсldэ/ ]aПgUagе ***
(n) /.l;ецgwId3/
]rаПdrПothеr (П) * /'grюn(d)'m,tdэ/ lеttеr (оf aIphabеt) (n) *** l'leIel
lrаndparеnts (n) /grtеnd, pеэгэnt s/ list (n) *** lLтstl
(n) /,grzеn(d)'s,tn/
"rаndsоn iist (v) ** l\tstl
lusbаnd (n) *** l'hl,zЬendl listеn (v) *** /'lts(о)n/
l]otnеr (П) *** /'mдdэ/ look (v) *** llakl
(n) /'nеflul, .nevjul/ matсh (v) **
.есе /mefl
(n) /n i rs/ mеaП (V) *** lmitnl
.]arеnt ***
(П) /'pеэrэnt/ оbjесt (:1|11g) (n) *** /'оbd3rkt/
. stеr (n) *** /'srstЭ/ partПеr (n) *** /'pоltnэ/
.эn (n) *** /sдn/ photо (n) ** l'fэatыl
.]с (n)
r * /!k(э)1/ piсturе (n) *** /'piktJэ/
fе (n) *** lwatf I
рrаСtisе (V) ** /'prrektrs/
q!е5t|oП (n) *** /'kwеstJ(фn/
Зosiс desсriptions
rеаd (v) *** lri'^dl
(n) /brэd/
=ard rеpеаt (V) *** lrt'p.:tl
зсk hаir (n) .heэ/
{blаеk say (v) *** lsetl
.lе еyеs (n) I'blttt ,arzl
sоrry (аd-j) *** /'sori/
еyеs (n) l'lэraan ,azl spе I (v) * lspell
..l hаir (n) /'dolk
'hеа/ tаblе (:6|319 (n) *** /'tеIb(э)l/
hаir (n) /'feэ ,hеэ/ takе it in turns (phф /,tеrk rt тn'tз:nz|
..sеs (п) I'glotstzl trаnslаtе (V) * /trсеns'lеrt/
.-Гl еyеs (n) l'grtл
'atzl truе (adj) *** Itrull
; laiг (n) /'lnц
'heэ/ undеrstаnd (v) *** {лndо'standr
]IаСnе (n) /mэ'stсr{7 Wnаt (dеt, pron) *** lwotl
.эlr (n) /'rеd who (pron) ***
'hеэ/ lhl:l
. аdj) *** l[э.,tl word (n) *** /u.з;d
-arr (n) /Jэlt
'hеэ/ work (n & v) *** tц зlk
r -l_ *** Itctll writе (v) *** rart
,,:j_ I *** l0tnl
Grommor words
-"ds in с|ossroom expressions ond instruсtions tn аdjесtivе (n) * .r-i:tkrir
, cook
affirmаtivе (adj) э f з:пl..t tr
I,аэkt'aatl apоstrophе (ni э pn:trэli
lr,dl СontrаСtioП i. kэn tгеk.]rэrn
/эll'tзlnэtrv/ nеgаtiVе (аdj1 ** 'nеgэitr.

noun (n) * lrauг,l Spаnish (n) /'spаеnr/
phrasе (n) *** lf.retzl
plural (adj) * /'ploэrel/ SсhooI oсtivities
possеssivе (adj) lpe'zeыvl аck/,аnctдier,а nt tрctinn /'olsk/'оnsэ э'kwеsфn/
pronoun (nl /'prэunaun/ dо hоmеwork (v) /'dul'hэumwзlk/
sеntеnСr (n) *** /.sentэns/ finish Gсhоо|/с|аssеs) (v) *** l'fnт.!
shоrt answеr (n) {Jclt 'olnsо/ hаvе a brеak (v) {hev э

singular (adj) /'sщgjuiэ/ havе |unсh (v) {hev 'l,lnt/

suDjесt (n) *** /'s.r,bd5rkt/ sit (v) *** lыtl
subjесt (аd;) /'s,rbdSrkt/ stand (v) *** /strnd/
vеrb (n) * lуз',|эl start (sсhoо|/с аssеs) (v) *** /stolt/

other woгds ond Pnroses Еverydoy oсtivities

аgain (аdv) *** le'geпl gеt (un)drеssеd (v) /gеt (',tn)'drest/
birthday (n) ** /'bзl0dеI/ gеt up (v) I,get','pl
dаtе (n) *** ldeтIl go to bеd (V) (gэo tэ 'bed/
еn0 (nJ *** lendl go to 5с[ooI bу b (е/b-:/саrlt"аin lvl
/gэu to baт 'baIk/'bдs/'kol/'trеtn
fami|y trее (n) 'skull
favouritе (adj) ** /'ferv(э)ret/
havе a shоwеr (v)
{hаev э 'Jauэ/

friеnd *** hаvе b rеа kfast/| u n сh/d n n еr (v) /hаev'brеkfэst/.l,lnt/,drne/

(n) /frend/

ha fpаst (ph0 *** lhq'^fl

m a kе b rеa kfast/ u n сh/d i n nе r (v) /mеlk,brеkfэst/'l,tnt/'drnэ/
hоw оld (phr)
p|аy foоrbа i/tе.Г islсomОULег gaтеs lvl
{hau'эold/ /plеI'futbэl1/.tеnIs/'kэmpjultэ gеrmZ
*** lmiltl
mееt (V)
wа|k to sсhoо| (v) {wэlk tэ 'skull/
midd|е (n) *** /.mтd(э)l/
nаmе (n) *** /nеtm/ \Jтner
^,1 Woros ono pnroses

nеw (аdj) *** ln}u:'l

advanсеd (аd;) * /эd'vоlnst/
niсе (аdj) *** /nars/
a ***
(dеt, prоn) lcl'U
аnd (Сcn]l ***
o,с|осk (аdv) /э'klok/
/эn, эnd, end/
оthеr (dеt, prоn) *** /ldэ/ э"C s] .С.'' /,end'sэu/
qUаrtе], (n) ,ik\\-эltэ/
..^.-:.]. /эt'houm/
aat al- ***
(ad;) sImtlэ
singеr sI!э эe] .].
ЭесаJ5: :].- ***
start (n & v) Sтоlt
studеnt (n) ***
оеfоrе ::. ' э.еОl ***
tоday (adv) ***
but (соl1i ***
/bэt, bдt/
toГnorrow (adv) ***
сafеtеriа (r]
win (v) ***
СаП't stаnd (\,]
{kolnt 'stеnd/
сеrtifiсatе (n) ** isэ'trfIkэt/
с|ty (n) *** 'sIti/
Unit I сlеaП (V) *** kli:n/
с оthеs (n) *** klэuOz/
SсhooI suЬieсts со|d (adj) *** kэuld.'
art (n) *** lottl соmpulsory (аdj) * kэm'р,rlsэri/
biо|оgy (n) /bar'o1ad3i/ dеsign (n) *** dt.zaIn
сhеmistry (n) /.kеmIstri/ diffеrеnt (adj) *** 'dIfrэnt
ЕngIish (n) /'Iцglt/ diffiсu|t (ad]) *** 'drfrklэtlt/
Frеnсh (n) lfrent! еaсh (dеt) *** 'i:tl'
gеоgrаphy (n) /фil'оgrэfi/ еduсаtion (n) *** еdju'kеrflэ)n/
Gеrman (n) /'d3зl(г)mэn/ е]еСtroniс (ad;) ** .еlеk tгonrk/
hlstоry (n) *** /'hrst(а)ril еmаi| (n) *** ,'ilmеr1/
information and соmmuniсаtiоn tесhnо|оsy (сТ) (n) {aI sil 'ti/ еnсyс opаеdiа (n) lin'saIk1э'pildiэ/
Гnаtns (n) /mr0s/ еХСеpt (foф (prеp) *** /Ik'sеpt/
musiс (n) *** I'mju,^ztkl еХреnsivе (аdj) *** /Ik'spеnstv/
оhysiсa| еdUсаtioП (PЕ.) (n) {fizIkэl еdju'kerJ(э)n/ l'pll'i,,l fооd (n) *** /fuld/
]ilysiСs (n) * l'flzтksl gеnius (n) /'d3ilniэs/

good (аdj) *** lgudl stаdium (n) /,stеIdiэm/
grеat (аdj) *** lgrettl swimming poo| (n) /'sw,m,ц
hаtе (v) *** lhettl thеatrе (n) ** l'Оrctal
еaVе (V, *** l|i'^уl
]еssoГ] (n) *** /'lеs(э)n/ other Words ond рhroses
|еvеi (n) *** /'1ev(э)l/ aсtivе (аdj) *** l'аktтуl
ikе (v) *** llakl аnПoUnСеmеnt (n) * /э.naunsmаnt/
lovе (V' *** l|'tуl aрpеаr *** (V) le'prcl
ГnaOе (V) lmetdl (n)
At|antiс oсеan /эt,lеntтk 'эuJэn/
mаtеria] (n) *** /mэ'trогiэl/ autograph (n) /'cltэ,grolf/
mеan (v) *** lmi'^nl DесotПе *** /bl'kдm/
ПеХt (dеt, adj) *** /nеkst/ bungее jumping (n) /'bлnd3il
0K/оkаy (phr) /'эu'ker/ Саmеra (n) *** / kam(э)rэ/
оpеn (adj) *** /'эupэn/ Сеrtainiy (аdv) *** /'sзlt(а)nli/
pay (v) *** lpetl (=yеs, of СoUrsе)

praСtiса] (аd])*** /'prаеktlk(э)l/ с imlэеr (n) /.klaImэ/

privatе (аdj) *** /'praIvэt/ с|оud (n) *** /klaud/
crodUСt (n) *** /'pгоdл'kt/ соl|есtiоп (n) *** /kэ.lеkJ()n/
.еady (adj) *** сollесtor (n) /kэ'lеktэ/
.е]аХ сolony (nl /'ktllэni/
[V) ** /rl'lюks/
5amе (аdj) *** /sеlm/ Сomеdy (n) * /.kоmedi/
jiаtе (adj) lstettl Сom1с (П) /'knmrk/
-1L!Д 191с'1hi.]g o-t oГrph't сol.l,]pаtib|е (adj) /kэm'p:еtэb(э)l/
/'tеrk s,tmоi1 aut Эv/
.зсhno|оgy (n) *** /tеk'nolэd3i/
СonСеrt (n) ** /'kоnsоt/
dеfеnd (v) ** /dI'fеnd/
.:Xti|е (n) /'tekstall/
. mеtab]е (n) /,tarm
еa5y (adj) *** I'i',zil
'tеib(э)l/ (n) ***
*** еVеПt /т'уentl
',piсa| (аdj) /'tIplk(э)l/
еxpIorеr (n) Дk'sp1эlrо/
-'rivеrsity (n) *** /'julnl,vзlsэti/
,rusuа (adj) ** еXtrеmе sport (n) /rk.strilm'spэl(r)t/
fi|m dirесtоr (n) /.fт1m dэ'rеktэ(r)/
first еd]tion (n)
{tЭ(r)st r'drJ(фn/
UNII I,n flоwеr (n) ***
funny (adj)***
:r.eeJime oсtivities high (аd1) *** /har'

.,t l.оtr'о:! С^. .lоr1

оnlinе (v) (tJrt оn,laIn/ -.
|.lО\,' -.. :.. hau m.rt.l'
. :сt things (v) /kэ,lеkt
'orцzl !)- a ., t rlа strеr.Jrэtn
j..е (V) *** /dоlns/ :','l I -:: *** dju:s
)cort (v) /'du: .spэlt/ 'Intrа
li .аllэndl
, ,'(v) *** ldrэ',l --:: - ***
'lrnd/ with friеnds (v) /gэu aut wrd frendz/ ^ ***
:-l-- /lец0/
.-:. to mUsiс (V) (ltsэn tэ 'mjulzIk/ ;:.-a- - ** /lau'kеrJ(э)n/
j mUsiСaI instrumеnt (v) /plеr э mjulzlkэl tnstтэmэnt
a,a I li l,mrgdztlnl
': ., *** lrildl _.::^ l=:ootbаli) (n) *** lmrttl
. -е Intеrnеt /sзlf 6i lntэnеt/
(v) .]ееt (V) *** lmi;tl
' : a^OIOS (V) /tеrk fоutэоz/ ГnouПtain (n) *** /'maontтn/
'-ims(v) lwot.l'ftlmzl musiс grоup (n) /'mjutzrk ,grulp/
natiоnal аnthеm (n) .аеnoэm/
] ^.дс 1nre.ftэ)nэl
- -=) ta
|L, nn ltl лu lаrr,
9u in luWП
nativе (adj) * /'nertrv/
: ; '.il ** /'srnэmэ/ Nеthеr|аnds (n) /nе0эlэndz/
/'fоlst'fuld rеst(э)rоnt/ оffiсiaJJy (adv) * /э ft.[эli/
'-*** /'lalbrоri/ оriginа| (аdJ) *** /э'гld3(э)nэli
-- -r ***
" /mjul'zilоm/ painting (n) ** / perntrn/
lpo'^kl population (n) *** {popju'1е{iэtni
] :..trе (П) /'Jоpr1 priсе (n) *** /pгais/
/'spcl(r)ts sеntэ(r)/ pubIiсatiоn (n) * /,p,lblt'kе{(э)n/

/,геldiаu |аmp (n) ** lЬ.mpl
j - -)З!''е somеbody)
: (V) *** /sеrv/ light (n) *** llattl
:- - - *** fзltl miСrowavе (n) /'markгэ'werv/
: -.j'"rе (П) * /'slgnэtJo/ phonе (n) *** ltaoлl
. ... 3 (аdj) *** /'stmp(э)l/ postеr (n) /'pэUstэ/
_: ^\Irtt. ,
lsaпl radiаtor (n) /'rеtdi,еrtа/
:.'n ***
(П) Itlml shеlf (n) ** Ielfl
:(еt (П) *** /'ttkrt/ showеr (n) * I'taaal
.'е(n) *** /'tart(э)l/ sink (n) /srцk/
.: bе mad alэolt (phr) /tэ bi 'mаed э'baut/ sоfa (n) /'sэоfэ/
..:е (n) *** Itri'^l tab|е (n) *** /'tетb(э)l/
.- lcеr (adv & рrеp) *** /дndэ/ tо]|еt (n) * /'tэtlаt/
c сano (П) /voi'kетnэu/ TV (n) *** I,ti','vi'.1
'.,еbsitе (n) /'wеb'sart/ wаshing maсhinе (n) * /'wгfrц mэ'.[iln/
'.tеdding (n) ** /'wеdrц/ windоw (n) *** /'wtndэti/
'/оu,rе wе сomе (phr) (jоl'wеlkэm/
Jobs oround the house
сooк *** /kuk/
Gotewoy to exoms/

Unirs r-2 dо thе irоning (v) (dul di 'atэnr1/

dо thе shоpрing (v) /'dul dэ J'nprn/
aСaОеmy (ПJ /о'krdэmi/
dо thе wаshing (v) {dul ёa 'wоJr1/
еПеrgy Dar (n) /'еnэ(r)d3i
'bоl(r)/ ay thе tablе (V) /,1еr бэ 'tеrb(э)l/
еVеry (OеtJ *** l'eу rtl
mаkе thе bеd (v) /'mеrk i1э 'bес1/
sеss oП (ГlJ ** /'sеJ(э)n/
takе thе rubbish оut (v) {tеrk ёэ
spесiа1 (adj) *** /'spe!э)l/
tidy up (v) /,ta,di ''p/
spесiа|(n) /'spеJ(э)1/
wash thе dishеs (v) (wо.i dа 'dr!z/
sUt.ГlГПеl.(n) /.s^mэ/
training (n) *** /'trеIn ln/
Other words ond phroses
асСеss **(П) /'rekses/
aliеn (n)
Unit З bаskеtbа (n)
bеst (аdj) *** /best/
b осk of flаts (n) /blnk эv 'flеts/
bungаlоw (n)
bаthroоm (n) ** /'bol0,rurm/
соffее сlp (n)
эеdrооm (n) /.bеdrulm/
соо (adj) ***
ining rооm (n) /'dainrц
'rulm/ /kull/
Сottаgе (n) *
;аrаgе (n) * /,giеrоl5, '9еrld3/
Jаrс]еП (П) *** /'gоld(э)n/ Сourt (П) *** lkc,,tl
.а (n) *** lhc'^l1 (=bаskеtbа|lсоurt)
.l tсhеn (n) *** /,krtJ'эn/ dеtасhеd (аdJ) /dr'trtjt/
.'irg room (n) ** /|lrvrц еПеrgy (n) *** / еnэd3i/
еПormous (аdj) ** /I'nэlmэs/
Нouseho|d oЬieсts ond furn itu re
flat (n) ** ltlа,tl
.'--;lair (n) /'olm'tJ.еэ/ flооr (:5161.^y; (n) *** /flэl/
-..- il) *** l|эo'.0l ***
.-. -. .) ***
! аss (n) /glо:s/
/bed/ goVеrПГnеnt (n) *** /'g,l.v(э)nmэnt/
.] : эvеr (n) /sil 'di grаss (n) *** /grо:si
-r *** Itjeel hа | of rеsidеnсе (n) /hэll эv геzrd(э)ns/
- *** /klok/ Паng on (V) (hreц'on/
_-;. i1l *** /kэm'pjultэ/ hot (аdj) ***
/'kokэ/ housеbоаt (n) /.haus.bэut/
/,kдbad/ idеai (аdj) * /aI'drэ1/
/dеsk/ insidе (adv) *** / rn,sard/
{dil vil 'dil plеlэ/ ПаtUrе (n) *** /'neltJэ/
ifrrdS/ p|аnt (n) *** /plornt/
'gеImZ p ayеr (П) ***
'knnsэul/ / рlеIe/
]О Ut]oП (П) ** /pэ'1ul|Iэ)n/ kiсk (v) *** /krk/
]ОpСorn (n) /'pоp'kэln/ rеst (v) *** /rеst/
.еmi'dеtасhеd (аd]) /'sеmidr'tet.[t/ ridе (a hоrsе/bikе) (v) ** lraldl
sПoе (nl *** /.lu/ run (v)*** h,'nl
skаtе pаrk (n) /'skе,t .pol(г)k/ skatе (V) /skеrt/
skatеboarding (n) /'skеrt r1/ skr (v) /skir/
S ееp (\' *** /slilр/ swim (v) ** /swrm/
spасе (-gцp1' spaсе) (n) *** /spers/
spеa ki ng (v) /'spir,krn/ Sports
(-Мrs. .]оnеs? Yеs, spеakin g.) lэasеba (n) /,bеts,bэl1/
spесtaсu|аr (аdj) /spеk'tekiUlэ/ bаskеtba (n) /'bоlskrt'bэ:1/
;iаtuе (n) /'stаф/ сyсling (n) i 'satkhцi
suпrmrr (n) *** /'sдmэ/ fishing (n) /.fdiц/
jun (n) *** /sдn/ football (n)** /'futbэl1/
s;rprisе (n) *** /sэ'pгaтz/ gо|| (n) * /gnlf/

.ank (=щ31..' tаnk) (n) ** /tаецk/ gymnastiсs (n) /d3lm,nееstIks/

.егraсеd (adj) /'tеrаst/ iсе skаting (n) /'a,s

.оp (adj) *** /tоp/ ludo (n) /'d5uldаu/

.cWе i'n] * /'tauэl/ Пеtba (П) /'nеt.bэl1/

rUgDy (П] /'r.r,gbi/
''еntiIatiоn (n) /'vеntI'lеtJ(а)n/
,'i|аgе (n) *** sаiing (n) /'serlrц/
,.lа *** tаb|е tеnnis (n) /'tе,b(э)l /
(n) /wэll/ 'tеn's
.'/аrm (adj) ***
tеnnis (n) /'tеnts/
rlо |еylэа (n) /'vnli'bэll/
',/ ПI.^[ [n) *** /'WIntэ/
'!roПg (adJ) *** /rоц/
Cther words ond phroses
::::::^- '' *** еksIсl(эtnt.'

Unit 4 эd r.аIs

:-',.:: .,. еэ гэоL'rk

: _ rt*
Ports of the Ьody
.,- l .---: **r э lогt
:l.m ***
(П) /olmi -
a'a-'--, a:
'..aсK 1'П) *** /bсk/ ;._: :r _
..lе5t (П) *** /tJеst/
? a a-:^: - / revэ lоlntJ/
.зr (n) *** lюl
:.аI i\1) *** lЬtltl
:l,е (n) *** laтl
DеаI (П]
..се ***
(n) /fers/ ***
DеIWееn (prеpl /bI'twirn/
.lgеr (n) ***
/.flцgо/ ***
brеаk (v) /bгеIk/
.lоt (n) ***
Itotl brеathе (v) ** /brird/
-:nd (n) *** /hеnd/ by aссidеnt (phф /'bar 'aksrd(э)nt/
.:ас *** lП) /hеd/ саlm (аdj)** /kоlm/
..1 (n) *** llegl с os!О (V] *** /klаuz/
--luth (n) *** /mau0/ Сonсеntrаtе (v) *** / kons(э)n'tгеlt/
...K (ПJ ***
/nеk/ СonС Us]oП (n) *** /1.^-tl.l."-,^i-
/Ndrl Nr ur.t\d/ r r/

.:sе (n) ***

lneazl соo dоrlvn (v) (kurl 'daun /
]J Оеt (ПJ *** /Jэoldэ/ СoVеr {Y) *** /'kдvа/
]maСП (ПJ ** /,stдmэk/ сriсkеt (n) /'kгtkIt/
--. (n) * Iteal diаmеtеr (n) /daI'itmrtэ/
.' ***
]ln |П] Itu'^01 diе (v) *** ldaтl
еsсаpе (v) ** t'skerp/
:csiс physiсoI oсtivities fast (аdv) *** /fоlst/
-о (r,) *** /klaIm/ fit (аdj) * lfitl
: rV/
. l',\
/(laM flеxib е (аdj) * /'f lеksэbtэl1
. ''l *** ltэ',|l gеПt|е (аdj) * /,d5еntlэll
l*** lhttl qradually (adv) ** /'gr;еd5uэ1r
": iv) *** /d3,rmp/ gyrЛ (n) 1d5rm,'

The third person singular Verb + -ing
Wе usua] y add s tо thе vеrb' Wе usua у add'ing to thе vеrb tо fоrгп thе prеsеnt partiсiplе

like - /lkеr _уtиptиj

wа//< _ wа/k2 i"ф - stифшj
sЬеp _ sЬeptиj
Wе add es to Vегbs thаt еnd in -s, -sh, -ch ar .х.

wаtсh - wаtсhеs Whеn vегbs еnd in оnе o[ гГlol-е .cГso.аl-l:.5 + e, Wе оmit thе e and
и,аsh _ wаshеs add -ing.

/<tss _ /<tssц hаne _ hаrlиj

'иаkе - иаllиj
Wе add e5 to thе vеrbs gо аnd do'
lаnсе _ lаисtиq
q0 _ q0е5
-. : -': -::.. .: . :. = -- . ]rlеt,ot,.tе аnd
do _ doеs
].: -:. j].э.. -' --: -W х y . . I - .-- '.'.ScП аnc а0d
With vеrbs that еnd in а сonsonаnt + y/ Wе оmit thе y а.c а:с ies

q0 q0е5 pиt - pиthи7

sw|'|.И _ swt'tиlиtи1
J J-

do - does
si - sittiиj
t/ith vеrbs thаt еld ii-] а VoWе + y,
/t Whеn vеrbs епd ir .iе
pklv - pttlvs
I / I /-
he _ lуи9
stLУ _ 54Уs
ilе _ dуи1

Vowels Consonants
,,oll arm, lаrgе /Ia/ е!j, Пеrе /b/ hа9, rubbish /s/ 5аy, this
,&/ сaр, Dao /o/ Пot, .'liaiСh ldl dеsk, со d /I/ town, сily
al/ rldе, fly /aa/ сqid' l-.оаi 'ti fi, augh lу l yеry, |iyе
aIэ/ diаry, sсiепсе /7',/ сool,, iа i g llr'l-'ig /хцl/ Wаtеr, awаy
aU/ ПoW, l.ГloutП lэt/ poiПt, cc)' h '.3r;, h6цg /zl Zоо, hi5
aUэ/ oUr, snowrt /u/ fоqt' со; с i iеs, yоung /I/ shоp, mасhinе
g/ bеd, hеаd /ll/ anПuа ',k,, gоо!., bасk /з/ tl5uаlIy, tе еv5ion
еt/ day, grеy /u,,/ two, fqaс i|l likе, fi].l /rJ/ thaпk, doiдg
еэ/ hф thеrе /oe/ sutе, tOLl.s. /ml mеаn, с imb /II/ сhееsе, piсlurе
I g1vе, d1d /e:'/ bLrd, hе;.с /n/ ПеW, WaПt l0/ thing, nоrth
i hаppy, hоnqymоon /ь/ fцn, сог.е /pl pаrk, hарру /0/ that, с othеs

i: wе, hеat /e/ l.ПОlПеi, /rl 1ing, borrow /d3/ 1еаns, bridgе




J r6t
С|assroom eхpressions Showing interest in whаt someone says
Нow do уou spе|| thоt? Did уau?/|s hе?/НaVе thеу?
Саn уou rеpеаt thаt, p|еаsе? Rеа||у?
Whоt doеs pеnсil саsе mеаn? l sее.

Нaw do уou sоу thаt in Еnglsh? Thаt\ intеrеsting.

When you don't understand Thаt,s inсrеdiblе!

|,m sarrу, l don,t undеrstаnd. Thеn whоt hаppеnеd?

Sorrу, саn уou saу lhar again Whу?

Sorrу, сauld уou sреаk morе slow|у? Linking ideas

Saying hello Аddition: оnd

WhаI,s уour nаmе? |,m .. Сontrаst: but


Niсе to mееr уau' Niсе tо mееt уОu tОО.

Rеаson: bесаusе

аn./ Соnsеquеnсе: аnd so

Аrе уou Еng|ish? Yеs, | No, |,m nоt.

Нow ald оrе уou? l'm '...

Starting Тenses
This is а рiсturе of Usе thе prеsеnt СОntinUОUs to sау whаt pеop|е аrе doing,
l саn sее е.g. Не\ sitting down, Shе\ аsking thе boу а quеstion

Position Guessing
Оn thе right/|еft
In thе midd|е mауbе
Оn, aГ, in front of, bеhind. pеrhаps
hеЬhе/it looks

Тime expressions Past simple forms

уеstеrdау 5ее pаgе 166 for thе irrеgu|аr раst form of сommon vеrbs
|аst (night/wееwуеаr)
оftеr thаt
two (d ау s/wе е ks/ m О nth S/у еa r, a g О

Common situations
, ,.:.. _:',t -
. -.: .,--_ | :.,

On the phone
ordering food: Тhe сustomer ?

Неllo, 677 4З285б

Сould l hаvе thе fish аnd сhiрs,
Не||o, is thаt Аnn? р|еаsе? ,
l think l,|| hаvе thе ptzzа.
Yеs, sреаking./No, it s lsоbе|' ,
ls Каtу thеrе? I

Ноvе уou got аnу |еmonаdе?

Sorrу, уau,vе got thе wrang
Нow muсh is thаt?/Саn wе havе thе
f1ang Оn а minutе. |,|| gеt him/hеr' btl|?

Саnllеаvеаmеssаgе? In a shop: Тhe shop аssistаnt

DО уОU Want tО lеаvе а Саn l hе|p уau?
Аnуthing е|sе?
Asking for informаtion on the phone
Тhоt\ (fivе) рounds
|,d likе somе lnformаtion, plеаsе'
Неrе's уour сhaгlgе,
Саn уou tе|l nе whаt timе thе filn stаrts?
WОu|d ,o,L1-tе a )С:'
|1ОW |Оng i5 thе fi|m?
Youiе wеtсonе'
Нow muсh аrе thе tiсkеts?
Тhоnks far уour hеlp,
Sorrу' Wе don,t havе э., . '.. - ' _:- .

ln a shop: Тhe сustomеr
Giving information on the phone
Do уau sеl| (p2р61l51l
|1ОW Сan l hе|р
уou? ..
You,rе wеlсamе.
Гхсusе mе. Нo,ц t" - -. . -.

l,||tоkе it/thеm.
Тhоnkуou for са||ing.
l,d Iikе this'
Asking for direсtions
Asking about somebodyЪ plаns
Соn уou tе|l mе haw ta gеt tО (thе
Doуauwаnt tО-'е,с . -..- .:-
Сinеma), рlеasе7
Ехсusе mе, da
-- -

уou know whеrе (thе pоrk) ls?

- . -'.
ls thеrе а (swimming pao|) nеаr
Аrе уou frее (on + doуt э.
Making suggestions
Giving direсtions
Turn right/lеft.
Whу dоn,t wе (lеrb .с ..: .. - ,

(vеrb |n [.е'.:...
Wо|k аlong (Grееn Roаd).
'. -

Ga strаight on.
Go pаst (thе bаnk)' Aссepting suggestions
|t s Оn thе right/|еft. '/р< < ,.

|t,s Оn thе сОrnеr (of Pаrk Strееt аnd '|еs,,,s ,lnе
Brown Roоd)'
lt,S bеtwееn (thе сinеmо) Оkау
аnd (thе рoл offiсе).
|t,s ОpрОsitе (thе sсhooIl Grеаt'

0rdering food: The wаiter/waitress Rejeсting suggestions

Саn l hеlp уоu? Sarrу, l саn,t'

Аrе уou rеаdу ta ordеr? Sorrу, |h busу

Whаt соn I gеt уou? Talking about a holiday
Whаt wou|d уau |ikе?
VVouId уau Iikе (а sаlаd)?

Соn l gеt уou anуthing ta drink?

Еnjaу уour nеоl! b rео kfаst) '

| т'4 5 ;n ,o,o1'
' Wе Wеnt tО thе bеосh.
Неrе,s уaur сhаngе' Wе dld samе sightsееlng'/'lrе |/',?. . : .:.=
Wе sа w (а m n
a nu е n t/b r i с1 g е/tc,,,,э,
Wе bought (souvеnlrs/о shirt/ a С),

Wе аtе ft ro p i со | fru it/tу p i сo I fooо 1

lt wа s g rеаt/b ri | | i a nt/sр еСta СU I a r/a е,, i
сi c - :'
l hоd а grеаt tinе,/l Iavеd lt.
lnformalеmailspаge 23 (Unit .l
An announсеment
page J5 (Untt 2)
stаrt: Hi Stаrt: Bеgin with а shогt qlеstion to gеt pеоp е intеrеstеd,
Stylе: Usесontrасtions. е.g' Do уou ltkе ' . '?, Аrе уou mоd аbout '. .?

Useful expressions: Style: Usе short, с|еar sеntеnсеs. i\4akе thе аnnоunсеmеnt
. Тo bе9in, аsk quеstions |ikе Нaw аrе уou? ar Нow аrе еаsy, fast and intеrеsting to rеаd. Usе impеrativеs tо

things? tе| pеop|е What to do or What nоt tо do (е'g' Сomе!,

Еnd: . Writе bасk soon, А|l thе bеst' Dan,t sit thеrе!)' Usе еxсlaгnаtiоn marks.

Content in emаils giving basiс personaI informаtion: End: Usе Гor morе informаttan, саll/сantасt/visit our wеb

Paragrаph ]: Givе basiс informаtion about yoursеlf sitе'''

and your family Content: Sаy what thе с|ub or еVеnt is that you аrе
. Paragraph 2: Givе a physiсa dеsсriptiоn оf yоursеlf annоunсing' Inс]udе alI thе prасtiсаl informаtion
. Paragraph З:Writе abolt you аnd your Iifе at sсhоо| thаt а rеаdеr nееds to knоw.
. Pаragrаph 4: Givе infоrmation аbout your dаiIy

r page 61 {Unit 4)
Desсriptions of plасes @*О
page 49 (Unit 3)
UsefuI voсаbulary:
Who, Whiсh, Whеn, Whеrе, Whу, Нow, Нow muсn'
Stylе: Adjесtivеs arе irnрortant to mаkе oUr dеsСriptions
Нavt mаnу, Нow оftеn. '
Пtеrеsti ng'

Useful grаmmar:
Usеful voсаbuIary:
In qlеstiоns, auхiliаry vеrbs (do, dоеs, ts, оrе,
Тo dеsсribе p|aсеs. idеа|, еnОrmОUS, sреСtaСUlаr,
ссn. .' ) соmе bеfоrе thе subj..сt.
b r ig ht, s ре сi а l, a l d, bеа utifu l, fоvou ritе, сa mfо rtо b | е,

сontent: Givе yоur qUеstionnаirе a tit е. Маkе aIl yоur
qUеstions rе]еVaПt to thе quеstionnairе. lf
UsеfuI grаmmar:
possib|е, pUt thе quеstiоns in оrdеr. Wе usuaIly
Аdjесtivеs usuаl y соmе bеfоrе thе nоun thеy
stаrt With gеnеrа| qUеstions and thеn wе ask
dеsсribе (еg |t\ а bеautifuI room)orаftеrthе vеrb
morе spесifiс things. Тhе |аst quеstiоn сan аsk lоr
to bе, е.g.Тhе raom is bеаutiful.
a gеnеrai сonс|usiоn'
Сontent: Introduсе thе plaсе you arе goiПg to dеsсribе. Sаy
Whаt it is аnd whеrе it is. Dеsсribе what yоu сan
sее and dо thеrе' Givе yоur оpiniоn оf thе p асе
аnd еxp1ain your opiniоn' lnformal invitation 9ОО
pаge 75 (Unit 5)

start: Dеar or Нi with thе namе (not surnamе) оf thе pеrsoп

yoU arе inViting'
Job аppliсаtion forms page 139 (Unit 10) StyIe: Usе соntrасtiоns аnd ехс аГПаtioП Гnarks,
Style: Fогma . Do not usе сontraсtioП5' Writе с еar|y аnd UsefuI exprеssions:
саrеfu |y. Wau|d уоu |ikе to сomе?, Саn уоu соmе?, Рlеаsе

UsеfuI voсabulary to undеrstand job appIiсation forms: соmе, Lеt mе knaw if уou Сan/Сan,t mаkе it, |-1aре

SUrnamе, dаtе оf birth, gеndеr, mаritaI stаtus, аddrеss, уОU Сan соmе, Р|еаsе bring (drinks/food), Саn уau
СUrrеnt еmр|Оуmеn[, pеrviОUs, еmp|oуmеnt, skills, аnу brtng (foad/drink), |ts stаrting аt (anе a,сloсk), Dоn,t
sресi а| absеrvоtiоn s, sig nеd' bе |atе'

(ontent: Аnswеr а | thе quеstions' Аnswеr with just оnе Еnd: Sее уou thеrе! Сhееrs.
or twо wоrds оr, whеn ПrСеssаry, givе mоrе Content: Say whаt thе еvеnt is and why yoU a[е
infоrmаtiоn by WritiП9 Сomp еtе sеntеnсеs. сеlеbrаting it' Say whеrе аnd whеn it tаkеs p асе.
Inс udе infоrmаtion tо shоw thаt yоu arе а gооd Sаy if pеoplе nееd to bring sоmеthing оr to
сandidаtе for thе jоb сoГсrГг f thеv а.е сот'^g'


aО* eоО
Postсards Biographies, stories page 101 (Unit 7)
pаge 87 (Unit 6)

Start: Writе thе nаmе and addrеss оf thе pеrsоn you arе Usefu| еxpressions:
To еxplаtn thе sеquеnсе оf еvеnts, usе Аftеr thаt,
Writing to оn thе right. 0n thе lеft, wr\Iе Dеаr or Нi
Thеn, Nехt.То sаy whеn things happеnеd, usе, for
and thе namе (nоt surnamе) of thе pеrsоn yoU arе
еxampIе: Whеn, |n | 999 Тhе fa||owtng уеаr, Аt thе
writing tо' Yоu сan а|so writе thе dаtе if уоu wапt.
аgе оf | 6, Twa уеаrs |atеr, Whеn hе wаs 1 2

lnformal. Usе Сontraсtlons and еxсlamаtion marks'

Useful grammar:
UsеfuI eхprеssions:
Usе thе past slnrр1е lо tаlk abоut сomplеtеd
Bеgin Неrе wе аrе tn . ., Wе,rе hоvtng а (grеоt/
асtiоns г il-.lе 0аsi.
gaad/tеrrib|е) |ime' U sе Bу thе wау Оr АnуWaу IО

сhangе thе subjесt. Сontent of a biography:

. Pаrаgrа0h i:Whеrе аlс .''' Ьеl inе pеrsoП wаs bоrn
Useful grаmmar:
and thеrr ll|е аs a сhilо
Usе thе рrеsеnt соntinuоus to Sаy Wnаt уoU arе
. Paragrарh 2:Thе stаrt оfthе г саrееr
dоiпg. Usе thе past simplе to talk аbоut thlngs
. Paragrаph 3:Thе importаnt pаrt Оf thеir Саrееr
you did bеforе Writin9 thе postсard.
. Paragraph 4: Тhе]r dеаth аnd whу thеу arе famоus
End: Sее уоu saon, Wsh уоu wеrе hеrе, Bуе
far nav't'
Сontеnt: Sау whеrе yoU arе. Sаy what yol.-] arе doing and if

you arе having a goоd timе, Writе abоut things

you dld/sаw/bought/atе sinсе thе Stаrt o|thе
Phone messages
. _ .,,,.;.......*
page 127 (Unit 9)

Start: .jUst Writе thе namе оf thе pеrsоn you arе Writing to.

Sty|e: еar sеПtеПСеs. \4аkе thе

вОО Usе соntraсtiопs' Usе short, С

Formаl letters page 113 (Unit 8) notе еasy аnd fаst to rеаd'

Useful grammar:
Start: Whеn wе dо not know thе namе of thе pеrson wе
Wе сan soГnеtimеs |еavе оut artiС]еs (d, аn,thе),
arе wrlting to, wе writе Dеаr Sir or |tlаdаm'
subjесt pronounS (/, he), prероsit]оns (сr, in),
Style: Do nоt usе СontraсtioП5'
doеs, wtID Wе саnnot lеavе
auxiIiаry vеrbs (сm, is,

Usefu| еxpressions in formal lettеrs expressing opinions: out noUns, main vеrbs, adjесtivеs. lf yоu arе nоt
Bеgin: /am Writing аbОUt' '
surе thаt yoU сan lеavе а word out, lt is bеttеr to

Еxprеss уоur оpinlons wiIh.. I agrее, I dtsаgrее, I

inс|udе it'
think, Реrsоnа||у, |n mу оpinton, |n mу vtеw'

Fin!sh with: Ifее| vеrу strang|у аbaut thts quеstion'

Еnd: Writе yоur namе
Ask fоr оthеr pеоplе,s opnions wtIh. | оm vеrу сontent: lnс!udе all thе prасtiсaI infогmattоn nеСеssarу
whо сal|еd, what thеy wantеd, what thе pеrsоn
IntеrеStеd In hеаring othеr rеаdеrs, оpintons'
nееds to dо'
Еnd: Whеn wе dоn,t know thе namе оf thе pеrsоn wе аrе
WritiПg to, usе Уours fаithfu||у

сontent in formal letters ехpressing opinions:

. Paragrаph Ехplanatiоn оf why уоu a[е WritlПg, 6ОО
Сheсking yoЦrwriting .
., AIl units
аnd quiсk statеmеnt of оpiniоn
. Parа9raph 2: tirst op nion and ехplanatiоn (heсk for mistаkes with:
. Paragraph З: Sесоnd opinron and еxplanаtion о pUnсtUniIon . agrееГПеnt bеtwееn thе
. Parаgraph 4: Ask for othеr реоplе,s оplnions . Сapita] |еttеrs sulэjесt and vеrb (е g. Hе

. word ordеr wоrks' NOT Hе work')

. spе]l|Гrg с ЧTVР

. tеПsеs . сonIеnI

Infinitive Past simplе Past partiсip|е Infinitivе Past 5implе Pаst partiсiple

Dе Wаs/Wеrе Dееn |еt еt lеt

bеat bеat bеаtеn Iiе lay la tn

Deсomе Dесa Гnе bеСomе Iosе ost |оst

bеgin Dе9а n DеgUП maKe madе mа0е

brеak ОroKе DroKеП mеan mеа nI Гn еа nI

bring Drougnr brоught mееI [n еI mеt

build bui t DUl|т pаy paid
рa |О

DUrn DU rПt burnt pur put PUI

ouy bou g ht boug ht rеаd rеаd rеaО

сatсh СаU9nt Са Ug nt ridе rodе [|ddеn

сnoosе сhоsе СПosеn ring rang rU П9

сomе Саmе Сol^П е run tan l'U П

сost Сost С0st say sа id 5ao

сut СUt aut 5ее saw sееn
00 did 0 onе sell sоd sоld
0raw Ol'еW O l,аWП sen0 5еПI sеnt
drink 0rаnK drunk sеt up 5еt Up 5еI Up

drivе Сll.oVе d гivе n shi nе 5noПе shonе

eаt aIе еaIеn shoot sПoI snot
fа fе] fai еn Snow
showеd 5ПoWn
fеeI fеlt fе|t sing ng
sa su ng
find fou nd fоund sit )o L )о L

fly f]еw flоwn s|ееp s еpt s|еpt

forgеt fоrgоt fоrgоttеn spеaK spoKе sрokеn
forgivе fо rg avе fоrgivеn spееd pе0
5 spеd
gеt gor got spе|| spе|t 5ре t
gIVе g aVе g ivеn 5pеno spеПI spеПI
go WеnI goП"д split up split up spl t up
grow grеW g[own stаnd up stooo up srooO up

nang our ПUng oUI nung out stea I stо|е sto|еn

hаvе hаd Пa0 swim sWаm SWUM

nеar hеаrd hеаrd takе tооk tаkеn

hide П|0 h iddеn teасh ra ug nI ta rg ht
hit nit hit tеlI toid to0
hurt hurt nurt think thoug nt thоug ht
Kееp Кеpt Kеpt understand ndе rstood
u u ndеrstооd
know knеw known WaKе up WoKе Up WoKеП Up
lаy la id аid Wеar Worе Wol.П

еavе е|t |еft win WoП won


|еarn еa Inеd/|еa rnt еа rПеo/ еа rПt write Wrotе WrittеП


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