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Name: Amelia
NPM: 193403151
Class: C

Hotang, aka potato hotdog is a sausage in a skewer wrapped in a flour dough

and sliced with frech fries, then fried. Its texture is crispy on the outside and soft on
the inside. The taste is also very good, especially when dipped into mayonnaise and
chili sauce.
The ingredients contained in hotang namely: sausage, frech fries, cooking oil,
skewers, versatile seasoning flour, wheat flour, cornstrach, boiled water, chili sauce,
tomato sauce, and mayonnaise.

Benefit: Because it is made from sausages and potatoes, the benefits contained
are vitamin B12 and protein. Protein works to enhance the body’s immunity,
transporting good nutrients to all body cells. Vitamin B12 functions to activate the
folate system and is needed in repairing cells. Digestive aid system, bone marrow and
nerve tissue.

Advantages: Hotang’s business capital which is arguably affordable does not

make the profits obtained will also be as small as its capital. Only with a small, you
can get a sizeble profit.

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