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chemical engineering research and design 9 1 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2021–2028

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Chemical Engineering Research and Design

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Chemical engineering in a sustainable economy

Michael Narodoslawsky ∗
Institute for Process and Particle Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 13/3, 8010 Graz, Austria

a b s t r a c t

Sustainability constitutes a new development paradigm that builds on the recognition of limitations of resources,
the necessity for inter and transgenerational equity within human society and the need for preservation of life
supporting natural systems. Growing from its roots in the late 20th century it has evolved into a serious guiding
principle for human development for the 21st century.
This development paradigm has strong implications for the professional practice of chemical engineers, in partic-
ular the way they design industrial processes. One aspect of sustainable development will be a much stronger focus
on renewable resources for energy provision as well as bio-resources for fuel, storable energy and chemicals. This
will change the structure of industrial processes, requiring adaptation to spatial context as well as a broader process
concept including logistic considerations into the process development. Responsibility for the whole life cycle of
industrial production, process intensification and thinking in technology networks rather than optimising isolated
steps within life cycles and technology networks will define the framework in which chemical engineers will have
to carry out their design.
The strong interdisciplinary base of chemical engineering as well as the significance of many methods like mass
and energy balances and the systemic development of processes for the general transformation of society towards
sustainability put chemical engineers in a central role in sustainable development. Sharpening their capabilities and
developing their instruments and skills further to meet the challenges posed by sustainable development will be
necessary in order to realise the considerable potential for the profession of chemical engineers in future.
© 2013 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sustainable development; Renewable resources; Bio-resources

1. Introduction combatting grave diseases that would have been unthinkable

without highly complex but still mass-produced drugs, chem-
Ever since chemical engineering met the challenge of system- ical engineering has been the base of progress in the 20th
atising chemical technologies at the beginning of the 20th century.
century this engineering discipline soared in economic suc- The development after the adoption of the unifying princi-
cess as well as in importance to society. With the concept ple of unit operations was characterised by permeation of an
of unit operations first formulated by Arthur D. Little in 1915 ever increasing number of industrial sectors by chemical engi-
(Bowden, 1997) and with its strongly systemic approach to pro- neering. Starting from the classical field of chemical industry
cesses (Walker et al., 1923), chemical engineering commanded (including fields like pulp & paper industry) chemical engi-
the methodological instruments to translate the advances neering became an important part of petroleum industry, the
in chemistry into products and services that would revolu- energy sector, food industry and, more recently, the pharma-
tionise society in the last century. Regardless if we talk about ceutical industry.
the explosion of mobility that would have been unthinkable In the second half of the 20th century, coinciding with the
without cheap fuel, the Green Revolution vastly increasing agri- unprecedented success of chemical engineering as key indus-
cultural yields that would have been unthinkable without trial process technology, society especially in highly developed
readily available fertilizers and pesticides or the successes in industrial nations became acutely aware of the implications

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Received 21 March 2013; Received in revised form 13 June 2013; Accepted 19 June 2013
0263-8762/$ – see front matter © 2013 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2022 chemical engineering research and design 9 1 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2021–2028

of unfettered economic development on nature. Following the 2. Flows to ecosphere have to be kept within the qualitative
seminal book Silent Spring (Carson, 1962) various nature preser- and quantitative range of natural variations in environ-
vation movements took hold in many nations either in the mental compartments. If such flows exceed the amount a
form of NGOs or even as political parties like the various Green compartment can integrate the accumulating substances
Parties in Europe. As a direct result this opened new fields to will alter the compartment. This alteration can lead to a
chemical engineering as the abatement of harmful emissions local environment that is no longer able to sustain flora
to the environment required innovative processes that more and fauna.
often than not were based on chemical engineering concepts.
This development however initiated a change in the frame- Following these two principles means in more practical
work in which chemical engineering operated: the impact of terms that emissions from society have to be scaled to natural
industrial processes on the environment became a major con- flows. This will be particularly poignant for the use of fossil
cern for all sectors that relied on chemical engineering. resources. Here we clearly overshoot the capacity of nature
During the 1970s and 1980s the restructuring of society’s to take back our CO2 emissions in long term storage, leading
relation with the environment gathered momentum. Prob- to accumulation in the atmosphere with the known conse-
lems like acid rain and ozone depletion came into focus of quence of global climate change. A large body of literature
public awareness, leading to massive investments in emission points to this fact (e.g. Reay et al., 2008) stating that the current
control technologies and even international treaties to phase level of fossil resource utilisation of about 6.4 Gt/a of carbon is
out or curb emissions of harmful substances, such as the Mon- by a factor of more than 30 higher than the rate of long term
treal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1987 storage of carbon via sedimentation to the ocean bed. These
based on the findings of Molina and Rowland (1974), about numbers alone already require a profound re-thinking of the
stratospheric ozone depletion by chlorofluoromethanes. By resource base of society with strong implications for chemical
the turn of the century the global challenge of climate change engineering.
took centre stage in public debate about humanities impact on Change the resource base of society away from fossil
our planet, leading on the one hand to international efforts to resources is however not only caused by the limitation in car-
curb CO2 emissions in the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 and in indus- rying capacity of our planet. It becomes increasingly evident
try to a particular drive to improve energy efficiency and turn that fossil resources are limited and that, in the case of crude
towards renewable energy sources. oil and natural gas, they may reach their production maxima
At the same time another global political debate gathered within the 21st century (Favennec, 2011). This adds to the pres-
force and finally merged with the discourse about preser- sure on society to look for other sources to cover its energy and
vation of nature: the sustainability discourse. Initiated by the material demand.
United Nations General Assembly as a follow-up on the 1972 In the energy sector these facts have already given rise to
Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment and the 1980 intensive efforts to change the underlying technology base
World Conservation Strategy of the International Union for the Con- towards renewable resources based systems. Political strate-
servation of Nature, Gro Harlem Brundtland was tasked with gies such as the European Union Strategic Energy Technologies
heading the World Commission on Environment and Development Plan (EC, 2007) aim at a turnaround in the energy system by
(WCED). The work of this commission linked nature conserva- 2050, with a major share of the energy supply being covered
tion with global economic development as well as intra and by direct solar energy (thermal as well as photovoltaic), wind
inter-generational equity in a new development paradigm. and hydro power. All these energy sources however are only
Their final report (WCED, 1987) became the fundament of the intermittently available, calling for either material energy car-
global debate about the sustainable development, paving the riers or energy storage materials to align energy demand and
way to the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The doc- supply.
uments signed at this event still define the framework of Here we encounter particular challenges for chemical engi-
sustainable development and hence for the further develop- neering: providing energy storage in a sustainable way. This
ment of chemical engineering in the 21st century. calls on the one hand for the production of high tech materials
for batteries (as well as materials for other energy technolo-
gies like photovoltaic and concentrated solar heat) without
2. The challenge of sustainable
harmful emissions. On the other hand this requires the devel-
development: living within limited infinity
opment and optimisation of processes that utilise biogenic
material as a way to provide storable and transportable energy
The WCED report clearly frames the challenge of sustaina- carriers and fuels in a sustainable way. The following argu-
bility: it requires human society to live within the limitations ments will concentrate on the latter challenge as the changes
of our planet in a way that allows infinite development in tem- in the design framework of chemical engineering caused by
poral terms. For chemical engineering as the key engineering meeting this challenge will be particularly dramatic.
science for utilising material resources this translates into a If bio-resources will form the future base for material
new framework for designing industrial processes. In its most and energy carriers chemical engineering faces new realities
stringent form this framework is defined by the following sus- in terms of availability and markets. In terms of utilisation
tainability principles (SUSTAIN, 1994): efficiency of solar energy bio-resources trail other conver-
sion pathways by far: maximum theoretical conversion rates
are between 4.6 (for C-plants) and 6% (for C-4 plants) of
1. Human activities must not alter long term storage com- incoming solar radiation (Zhu et al., 2008), with practical con-
partments of global material cycles in quality as well as version rates around 50% of this theoretical values. This puts
in quantity. If this principle is not adhered to resources bio-resources at a disadvantage to other solar based energy
will be depleted and substances accumulated in ecosphere, technologies in terms of competition for the limited resource
overstraining the natural cycles. area (see Fig. 1).
chemical engineering research and design 9 1 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2021–2028 2023

Fig. 1 – Solar energy conversion efficiency ranges of various technologies (note that the efficiencies for photovoltaic and
concentrated solar power are given as solar-to-electricity).

The low efficiency of solar energy conversion via bio- position among many other engineering sectors to meet the
resources as well as competition from other sectors will challenges of sustainable development. It is however a key
re-shape the both resource and product markets in which engineering discipline for adapting human society towards
chemical engineers operate. Bio-resources will never be able sustainability, too.
to just replace fossil materials as a general source for materials
and energy. They are already extensively utilised. On the one 3.1. Life cycle design scope
hand they provide the food base for a still increasing human
society, tying up much of fertile farm land today. On the other One particular aspect of sustainability is the recognition of
hand established sectors like pulp & paper industry and con- inherent systemic linkage of human activities. For industry
struction take in a large share of forest resources. This means this boils down to the fact that any industrial process is always
that bio-resources will have to be reserved for special energy part of a larger system that converts resources into raw mate-
applications that may not be covered by other sources as well rials, into products and into services for society and finally
as for the provision of materials. This will concentrate the reintegrate all emissions and wastes generated along this life
conversion of bio-resources to the provision of bio-fuels (in cycle into the ecosphere. Rather than producing products from
competition with electricity as a source for mobility), applica- raw materials the function of industry is to provide services
tions to guarantee the stability of energy distribution grids (in from resources. This means that all actors along the life cycle
particular the electricity and heat system) and bio-materials. share responsibility for the whole service and that no actor
In all these markets bio-resource based technologies will face can design (or optimise) his part of the whole system inde-
stiff competition from fossil based technologies at least within pendently from the overall performance of the life cycle.
the 21st century. Thinking in life cycles has important implications on
Increased utilisation of bio-resources for energy provision design practice as well as on information flow between the
as well as production of chemicals will inevitably put the focus actors of a life cycle: designing a conventional industrial pro-
on the limitation of another key resource, namely water. Agri- cess requires providing a functional product with least costs
culture is by far the largest user of water, followed by industry and environmental damage. Designing a life cycle means co-
(Postel et al., 1996). Utilising bio-resources links these two operation with all partner up-stream and down-stream the
major water consuming sectors even more closely. This will production process, taking product use and disposal into con-
add to the challenges for process engineering by optimising sideration while providing a particular service at least costs
water use along the whole value chain, from resource provi- and minimal ecological impact. This can only be achieved
sion to industrial production. when the information flow along the life cycle is sufficient,
providing partner down-stream with knowledge about eco-
logical and social impacts accrued so far and all partner
3. Design framework derived from up-stream with information about strategies to maximise
sustainability service quality and minimise social and ecological pressures.
For chemical engineers this design challenge calls for an
The following arguments will be based on (Gwehenberger and extension to the already established systemic concept of
Narodoslawsky, 2008) however extending and systematising process, now comprising the whole life cycle, with the sub-
the line of thought presented there. The framework will define processes in the life cycle becoming a form of new unit
additional aspects that have to be taken into account in the operations. Many basic concepts such as mass- and energy
chemical engineering design practice that may be deduced balances are assets that chemical engineers bring to the task of
from the concept of sustainable development. It has to be life cycle wide design. What is however new is the integration
stated at this point that chemical engineering with its strong of aspects other than pure costs, environmental compliance
systemic orientation and its function to link natural science, and safety issues in the design strategy. Ecological sustaina-
engineering and industrial practice is in a privileged starting bility of raw material provision, sustainable re-integration of
2024 chemical engineering research and design 9 1 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2021–2028

The argument just brought forward does however not

Table 1 – Resources gaining importance for industry
under sustainable development conditions. restrain industry from using other raw materials. Chemical
engineering will still deal with processes based on mineral,
Raw material category Material
fossil as well as high quality bio-resources in addition to
Underutilised Gras those described above. The challenge here is to find the right
agricultural products Algae resource for the provision of a certain service, taking the whole
Sugar beets life cycle into account. Upgrading low quality input at any cost
Residues from Low quality forest residues (following the Alchemist dream of turning straw into gold) is
agriculture/forestry Straw from corn, cereals, oil seeds, . . . as unsustainable as using a contested high quality raw mate-
Leafs from beets, potatoes, . . . rial such as corn to produce a low end product such as bio-fuel
Cuttings from wine yards, orchards, . . .
(Wenzel, 2009; Stoeglehner and Narodoslawky, 2013).

Residues from Tallow 3.3. Utilise the synthesis power of nature

industries Slaughterhouse residues
Oil seed cake
Following the line of thought of the life cycle as scope for
Dried distillers grain
Pomace design as well as the argument above of selecting the right
Tanning residues resource as a base for providing a certain service, it becomes
clear that chemical engineering design has to utilise the syn-
Residues from Waste paper
society Waste plastic thesis power of nature. Although bio-resource conversion of
Organic municipal waste solar radiation is low, biogenic raw materials offer highly com-
Garden cuttings plex constituents on the macroscopic level (e.g. fibres) as well
Used vegetable oil as on the molecular level (e.g. proteins, bio-catalysts, etc.).
Residues from CO2 This offers the chance to use the synthesis power of nature to
energy provision Ashes provide complex goods using a short production chain from
Waste heat raw material to final product. Without taking the detour of
breaking a raw material down to the molecular level and then
life cycle wide emissions and wastes into the ecosphere, social to synthesise a complex molecule the ecological pressures
and economic equity within the life cycle and questions of (and often the economic costs, too) of providing a product may
global justice are no longer boundary conditions but integral be lower.
aspects of design, requiring chemical engineers to widen their In order to take advantage of natural synthesis power
interdisciplinary capabilities considerably. chemical engineering must optimise existing and develop
innovative technologies to separate complex organic mixtures
3.2. Conscious utilisation of resources and extract high value products from complex matrices under
mild conditions that do not deteriorate their quality. This may
As fossil resources become limited in their production capac- require a strong focus on membrane separation processes as
ities and bio-resources are increasingly contested by other well as on chromatographic technologies, both in research and
sectors, it will be a sign of chemical engineering ingenuity in education.
to avoid resource competition by harnessing technological From a design point of view an additional level of decision
flexibility and conscious utilisation of resources. It is a fact will become more important in sustainable development: is
that many sectors competing for resources and in particu- it more advantageous to use specific biogenic raw materials
lar bio-resources have very stringent requirements for their and employ complex separation and extraction methods or
raw materials. Food industry relies on high quality crops; con- unspecific, low quality resources employing complex synthe-
struction business requires wooden beams and boards that sis technologies? This question again can only be answered
may only be provided by grown trees, leaving considerable looking at the whole life cycle.
forest by-products for other uses. A necessary design strat-
egy for chemical engineering within sustainable development 3.4. Generalising the refinery concept
is to concentrate on underutilised raw materials, materials
that are by-products from the provision of other products Oil refineries have always been a topic of considerable inter-
or even downright waste flows as their prime raw materi- est to chemical engineers. Their basic concept is to utilise
als. This strategy serves two purposes: on the one hand it a complex raw material fully by generating a broad product
reduces resource competition, thus relieving the pressure on portfolio that serves a variety of business sectors and social
ecosystems for raw material generation as well as reducing needs, from mobility (fuels) to energy provision (heavy oils) to
raw material costs. On the other hand it reduces the overall civil engineering (asphalt) to mechanical engineering (lubri-
environmental pressure of society as the same effort to gen- cants) to packaging (polymers) and finally also providing heat
erate primary resources actually results in more services for and electricity. This concept will become central for chemical
society if by-products and wastes are utilised. engineering for sustainable development. It will be transferred
Table 1 (adapted from Gwehenberger and Narodoslawsky, to utilisations of raw materials other than crude oil, notably
2008) provides examples for resources that may become bio-resources.
important for chemical engineering from the point of view of The concept of bio-refineries was coined by Carlsson (1983),
sustainable development. The table shows that the resource in connection to full utilisation of green biomass, a line of
base for industry will be become more varied and of minor development that had been carried further by other authors
quality, requiring chemical engineers to develop efficient pro- (e.g. Kromus et al., 2002; Kamm et al., 2006). Since the mid
cesses to utilise them with low economic and environmental 1990ies a considerable body of research and technical devel-
impact. opment was dedicated to the development of various forms
chemical engineering research and design 9 1 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2021–2028 2025

Fig. 3 – Transport distance with characteristic means of

transportation using 1% of the energy content of various
Fig. 2 – Green Bio-refinery concept flow sheet (adapted from raw materials.
Mandl et al., 2006): full lines: realised processes, broken
lines: realised products, dotted lines: potential processes
and products, light grey: separation processes. humidity and transport density into account the fraction of
the energy content used to transport fossil or biogenic mate-
of bio-refinery concepts based on different bio-resources. A rials varies widely (see Fig. 3). By and large, this means that
broad overview of different bio-refinery approaches may be the lower the quality of the raw material, the closer and more
taken from the homepage of the BIOPOL project. regional the resource logistic must become.
The general idea of bio-refineries requires to design pro- Following this reasoning leads to another conclusion:
cesses that utilise abundant surplus raw materials (e.g. grass, industrial processes using bio-resources have to adapt to the
low grade forest products, algae, etc.) or waste streams (from raw material base of provided in their spatial context. This
food industry, bio-waste from households, etc.), first extract- has additional implications for design of industrial processes.
ing high value constituents (e.g. proteins, fibres, etc.) then As biogenic raw material supply varies with geographical con-
using building blocks of lower molecular complexity (e.g. sug- text design of industrial processes providing similar products
ars) to synthesise bulk chemicals (bio-fuels, bio-polymers), use must become more varied, too. It has to accommodate raw
the residues from these process steps to provide energy and materials with widely differing properties and content.
finally bring the waste flows (bio-gas manure, ashes) into a Another implication of this regional context of industrial
form that allows re-integration into agriculture and land man- processes is the need for a wide margin of flexibility for the
agement. Fig. 2 exemplifies such a bio-refinery based on green raw materials utilised in a particular industrial site. Natural
biomass (Green Bio-refinery). variations in bio-resources as well as requirements of sus-
A side effect of applying the refinery concept to bio- tainable land management that limit mono-cultures in order
resources in particular is an increase in economic flexibility. to retain fertility will call for flexible processes that can han-
The broader the product portfolio generated by such a bio- dle wide variations of raw material qualities, at least as far
refinery, the larger is the leeway for cross-financing between as processes are concerned that utilise primary biogenic raw
different products, with high price products supporting prod- materials coming directly from the fields, grass lands, forests
ucts with lower profit margins. This will help to stabilise the or that utilise waste flows from society or other industries.
economic stability of such bio-refineries. This flexibility regarding raw material quality will also help
industry to cope with temporal variations of raw material sup-
3.5. Adapting process design to spatial and temporal ply, as resources may be available in seasonal variations.
context Including logistic considerations into the design of sus-
tainable industrial processes on the base of bio-resources
The more industry must rely on renewable resources the more has also implications regarding the optimal size of indus-
it will have to adapt to their characteristic properties. Almost trial plants. Using classical fossil or mineral resources with
all renewable resources (with the notable exception of geother- high transport densities provided by point sources is a basic
mal energy) are time dependent in their availability, either in assumption for the universal application of the principle of
seasonal manner (as most bio-resources) or as consequence of economy of scale. Using de-centrally supplied raw materials
weather dependency (like wind power and photovoltaic). All with unfavourable transport properties requires balancing the
resources based on solar income are moreover de-centrally economic as well as ecological impact of the much increased
available, a critical break with the current reliance of industry transport demand with the gain in efficiency by increased size
on point sources like mines, oil and gas fields. This requires of plants. Gwehenberger et al. (2007) argue that this may lead
chemical engineering to integrate spatial and temporal con- to considerably smaller plant sizes, especially when low grade
text into the design of sustainable industrial processes. resources are used either as raw material or energy source.
Taking life cycle wide designing seriously this means to All this factors will bring about a considerable change in the
integrate transport and storage into process design. Transport structure of process industry. It will include more de-central
becomes important when raw materials show low transport sites of significantly smaller size. These de-central industrial
densities and/or high water content and are de-centrally pro- sites will have to be fully adapted to regional context, in terms
vided. This is true for many biogenic materials, especially for of the resources they use, the management of by-products
those that are less contested because of their lower quality they generate and the energy services they may offer in addi-
and are therefore of particular interest to industry. Taking tion to their products.
2026 chemical engineering research and design 9 1 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2021–2028

For the profession of chemical engineers this means a Meeting societal demand on the base of intermittent supply
much larger workload as more plants have to be planned (as will require significant management effort that may on the
the size of plants may decrease), more processes have to be one hand provide good economic opportunities and on the
developed (adapting them to different regional contexts) and other hand must reduce ecological impact of energy provi-
these processes have to be designed to utilise a large raw mate- sion. Realising the potential of grid-overarching technologies
rial portfolio. In general process design and operation has to (e.g. combined heat and power plants, biogas and biomass
become highly flexible regarding raw material qualities, time gasification plants, Organic Rankine Cycles, etc.) within indus-
dependent availability of resources as well as varying demand trial complexes to help stabilise energy distribution grids will
for products and energy services. become a particularly interesting and possibly also rewarding
aspect of chemical engineering design.
3.6. Design for integrated technology networks
4. Equipping chemical engineers for
The broader scope of designing life cycles is already one aspect sustainable development
of the fact that stand-alone processes are no longer the con-
cept of industrial development. The paradigm of sustainable
As already mentioned chemical engineers with their strong
development requires looking at all industrial processes as
systemic orientation and their longstanding experience in
inherently linked to each other as well as to the environ-
multidisciplinary co-operation are uniquely positioned to gain
ment and society. Rather than designing and optimising single
as a profession both in terms of increased societal stand-
chemical processes, chemical engineers will in future design
ing and improved job opportunities. The design framework
nodes in technology networks serving society, utilising natu-
discussed above however calls for an overhaul of the skills
ral resources and partaking in the preservation of natural life
and toolkit of chemical engineers in order to realise the
supporting systems.
tremendous opportunities offered by sustainable develop-
This part of the design framework has manifold impli-
ment. The following ideas shall inspire researchers, educators
cations on the development of industrial processes. On a
and practitioners to contribute to this reformation of chemical
purely technical level it means that steps within industrial
engineering to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
processes may be spatially distributed according to their logis-
tical requirements. First steps that derive intermediates with
4.1. Becoming societal change agents
good logistic parameters from primary raw materials may be
realised de-centrally, bringing residues back to the land sup-
It is always more advantageous to ride bulls than being
plying them, taking advantage of low quality bio-resources.
trampled by them. Translated to requirements for chemi-
Plants utilising these intermediates may be located close to
cal engineers in times of change towards sustainability this
consumers, taking advantage of efficiency gains of larger
means that the more they promote the (inevitable) change,
the more they stand to gain from it. The change towards sus-
Another aspect of designing technology networks is a
tainability will be a societal process, promoting it will therefore
denser linkage between industrial processes and society.
require a sharpening of societal intelligence, communication
Besides the conventional link constituted by the flow of prod-
skills and commitment from the part of chemical engineers.
ucts from industry to consumers, sustainable development
This is of course a task for educators to pair excellent engineer-
will provide additional points of contact by providing waste
ing qualification with equally profound development of social
flows as input from society (including other business sec-
capabilities, offering students pathways to show and deepen
tors) to industry as well as requiring industry to integrate
their commitment to societal progress.
much more into societal energy management. As the former
Chemical engineering however has something to offer to
point has been elaborated already above, we will concentrate
society besides designing sustainable industrial processes.
here on the design implications of energy integration between
Many methodological approaches developed by chemical
society and industry. One obvious exchange route is heat man-
engineers are of crucial importance in the transition to
agement as many industrial processes generate waste heat at
sustainable development. Material and energy balances are
temperature levels that may still be used either in residen-
indispensable for tracing the pathway of substances through
tial heating or other commercial heating purposes (e.g. green
society (Brunner and Rechberger, 2004), process synthesis
house heating, low temperature drying processes, etc.). While
methods may be used to design optimal technology networks
this adds to the responsibility of industry towards society and
to utilise renewable resources in regions (Kettl et al., 2011,
to the complexity of process design, it may realise huge poten-
Nemet et al., 2012), to name just two of these approaches.
tials for resource saving and reduction of overall ecological
Actively offering the unique skills and proven methods of
pressure of society.
chemical engineers to support sustainable development will
One particularly interesting aspect of the role of industrial
certainly improve the position of the profession within society.
processes in societal technology networks is its contribution to
the stability of energy distribution grids. Industrial processes
are usually linked to different energy grids like the electrical 4.2. Exploring new technological frontiers
grid, the gas grid and possibly a local heat distribution grid.
This role as a common node for different grid puts industry Resources determine the technologies used for their utili-
in a unique position to actively participate in managing those sation. As sustainable development will push the resource
grids. It was already argued that a higher share of renewable base for industry more towards renewable resources and bio-
energy sources in the overall energy system will add con- resources will gain particular importance for many chemical
siderable divergence between energy supply (determined by engineering processes the technology portfolio will have to be
time of the day as well as weather) and demand (determined broadened accordingly. The technology development task for
by behaviour of end-users), especially for the electrical grid. chemical engineering will have four dimensions:
chemical engineering research and design 9 1 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2021–2028 2027

• Focussing on appropriate unit operations: The 20th century professional careers and improving their qualifications to
saw tremendous advances in scientific understanding and meet the challenges of sustainable development. The lat-
technological development of thermo-physical separation ter will help to advance crucial innovation as the progress
processes and reaction engineering, appropriate for the from lab-scale to pilot plant very often is a limiting step
mainly fossil resource base of industry. Utilising biogenic in the development of new industrial processes. As sustain-
raw materials will require further scientific insight into able development calls for massive technological innovation
and technical development of separation processes based (with an equally taunting capital requirement) flexible pilot
on membranes, chromatography (especially for high price plant centres that serve interested actors from business and
products) and surface phenomena as well as bio-reaction academia will help to reduce costs of innovation and will thus
engineering. The goal here is to achieve comparable pre- speed up the necessary technological development.
dictive power to what we experienced in unit operations
like distillation, extraction and chemical reaction systems 4.4. Developing innovative process design instruments
in order to reduce the experimental effort associated with for chemical engineers
the development of complex industrial processes.
• Taking a broader process scope into consideration: Chemical Sustainable development challenges chemical engineers to
engineers will become responsible for a broader share of develop innovative processes that adapt to spatial context
the value chain of renewable resources, including logistic and integrate into complex technology networks. Meeting
elements of the life cycle. This will require chemical engi- this challenge will require further innovation of methods
neering approaches to storage of bio-resources as well as and instruments that support chemical engineers in their
to cheap and quick transfer of raw materials with perish- design tasks. Building on existing methods for process integra-
able content (complex proteins, essential oils, etc.) from tion (e.g. Klemeš et al., 2010), process synthesis (e.g. Friedler
de-central provision sites to chemical plants. Even more et al., 1995), flowsheet optimisation (e.g. Novak-Pintaric
important will be the development of cheap and efficient and Kravanja, 2006) and ecological process evaluation (e.g.
technologies handling low grade raw materials (waste flows Krotscheck and Narodoslawsky, 1996) the toolbox of chem-
like bio-waste, municipal waste water, used vegetable oil, ical engineers will have to enable them to design systemic
etc.) and residues from conversion steps (ashes, biogas solutions that utilise renewable resources while reducing envi-
manure, etc.). ronmental pressures of industry.
• Preparing for the change in size: More de-central resources with
disadvantageous transport properties will require smaller 5. Conclusions
but more conversion sites. This calls for new approaches
regarding serial production of de-central chemical plants Sustainable development will generate formidable challenges
as well as for increasing the efficiency with other means but also huge chances for chemical engineers in the 21st cen-
than increasing the size (such as process intensification, see tury. Finite fossil resources combined with the necessity to
below). reduce environmental pressure of human society, in particular
• Integrating and Intensifying processes: The change in the raw with regard to global climate change, will lead to a profound
material base towards more bio-resources (but possibly also change in the resource base of industry. Renewable sources
more gas-processing processes based on natural gas, CO2 , for energy and material will become more important and will
etc.) will generally lead to larger equipment, as volume flows require a massive re-structuring of industrial processes.
rise (due to lower resource densities and/or increased water Renewable resources show distinctly different characteris-
content). A further factor increasing equipment is that pro- tics compared to the current prevalent fossil and mineral raw
cess parameters will tend towards more mild conditions, materials. They are de-centrally provided, often in an intermit-
which translates usually in larger apparatuses; finally rates tent manner. New market structures will evolve in particular
for bio-reactions in general tend to be lower than those seen for bio-resources as competition for them will intensify at the
in high concentration, elevated temperature hydrocarbon same time as requirements for retaining the function of life
reactions. All these aspects call for new approaches to reign supporting ecosystems will require particular care in their
in the size of chemical plants by intensifying processes. In production.
particular this will require chemical engineering to further All these factors will shape the structure of future indus-
develop heat and material integration, innovative inten- trial processes. Smaller, more flexible and more varied
sification of processes via (bio-)catalysis and approaches processes will allow to adapt industry to spatial context that
like micro-contacting devices and the exploitation of Nano- becomes inevitably important with de-central resources. Sys-
technology. temic technology networks will increase resource efficiency.
Industrial processes will have to integrate complex logistic
4.3. Creating innovation networks systems to provide them with renewable resources. Innova-
tive technologies will enable industry to draw on the synthetic
The transformation as well as the opportunities for chemi- power of nature to generate high value products.
cal engineering caused by sustainable development will be The necessity to reduce environmental impacts as well
dramatic and will require a quantum leap in the efficiency as the requirements to participate in the management of
of the work of chemical engineers, in particular with regard limited resources, even if they are renewable, will lead to
to their design practice. One possibility to cope with this a much enlarged scope for industrial processes. Thinking
necessity is to intensify the co-operation between professional in life cycles, technology networks and interaction with the
actors in the field. There are two fields where this intensifi- environment and society will become the future frame-
cation is particularly important: linking education to practice work for chemical engineering practice. Ecological assessment
and co-operation on pilot plant experiments. The former is will have to become an integral part of chemical engineer-
a key area for preparing future chemical engineers for their ing design right from the beginning, on par with economic
2028 chemical engineering research and design 9 1 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2021–2028

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