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Ria Ellaine C.

Lachica Date: October 17, 2019

Grade 11 – Galileo Mr. Renz Jeffrey Aragon

Reflection Paper on the Movie : The Assignment

The Great Martin Luther King Jr. Leaves a quote, “The old law about an eye for an eye

leaves everybody blind”. The law stated by Hammurabi has been misunderstand by everyone.

A perception about pride, if it is against your will you are not going to follow it and here comes

the rebellion, here comes revenge.

The movie “The Assignment” was directed by an American director,Walter Hill. An action

crime thriller film that starts when the main character is given a gender reassignment surgery

and it is against her will, portaying as a punishment. The main character, Michelle Rodriguez,

said “ The film’s core premise is that it’s possible to change a person’s sex without altering

their gender”.

In my interpretation to her statement, we may change our organs and directing to our opposite

sex, our role and behaviour in the society never changes It is our physical being that changes but

our emotional and other aspects of ourselves remains. Maybe it is one of the thing that God

want us to know, especially to those who belong in LGBTQ. Our role as a person in the society

will be our destined lifetime role. So, why change?

Also as I review the plot of the story. I further looked the intention of the writers and the

director of the film, they want us to embrace the idea of the story based on The Philosophy of

Composition, which is based on my interpretation that an art is able to stand by its own style

alone, without any need of politics and morality. The movie, itself, is directing us to be more

critical in doing literary work.

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